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16233774 No.16233774 [Reply] [Original]

Should I take a pay cut to work 10 minutes away instead of one hour?
> current pay $26 per hour
> new pay would be $17 per hour

>> No.16233870

No you idiot. Even adjusted for time it's more than 33% higher wage

>> No.16233920

Hmm... Depends on hours desu. Billionaires would tell you that time is your most precious asset but it honestly depends on your current job.

>> No.16233929

its basically getting paid about $16 an hour vs $20 an hour. You will make more driving out to the new job.

Ask your new employer to pay you $21 or more and it will be worth it to stay nearby. But who really wants to be stuck in that long in a car? You might end up paying for it in tiredness.

>> No.16233930

For $9 less hell no.

>> No.16233936

Nigga are you retarded?

>> No.16233937

at either of those rates, you're better off re-examining your life choices and perhaps learning a new skill or two

>> No.16233940

depends on what you do with that extra time. chances are you are just gonna comm all day so probably not worth it

>> No.16234590
File: 924 KB, 1543x4845, 3DEC1CF9-7E53-4E0A-B4C2-5D20866BD9BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s too much of a cut. I took a shitty job that paid 30% more and is ultra close. I miss my old jobs vibe and culture, but not having to commute 45 minutes each way makes a huge fucking difference.

In my heart I knew I was working 9.5 hours and only getting paid for 8. The proximity is more important than the increased pay.

>> No.16234628

>I don't rape anymore, it's cool
Holy shit lol

>> No.16234716

Move closer to your job dum dum.

>> No.16235223
File: 26 KB, 450x350, 49CC22EE-60BA-4189-86DD-EB8F1D7E853F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After doing the math- 10 hours at work lunch and driving my net rate is $20.48. Now you figure I cross two bridges ($210) and pay $120 per month on gas my actual rate is $18.41. I think I’m taking the new job. Plus my current boss is an asshole

>> No.16235248

I think you’ll find you’ve made the correct decision

>> No.16235328

Thx buddy.

>> No.16235370
File: 355 KB, 1080x675, 67C01DCF-3DF9-4BE7-A76B-2555B68BDE00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commuting fucking sucks and the math doesn’t lie. Also probably best not to burn bridges with your current boss no matter how tempting it is. Look him straight in the eye, give him a firm handshake and tell him you’re quitting.

>> No.16235479

I know I won’t bad mouth him as I exit. But I do have to let HR know he is a bad manager and a poor leader

>> No.16235497
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Yeah buddy, the extra 100 minutes a day you get will be much better. More time to prep food, relax and just enjoy life.

>T. used to commute one hour and get home at 11 pm

>> No.16235503

Fuck no. Get a van and live in the parking lot where you work now.

>> No.16235504

your income tax rate is probably higher at $26/hr vs. $17/hr...fucking take the closer job, living nearby work is great and huge reduction in stress. eventually if you get gud you can strike out on your own and work from home via self-employment.

>> No.16235531

That's fucking hemorrhoids

>> No.16235545

Imagine being so fucking dumb that you don't understand progressive tax rates. The absolute state of biz.

>> No.16235687

Just listen to audiobooks or lectures on your commute, wagie

>> No.16236094
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Job A is 40 hr x $26 = $1040
Job B is 40 hr x $17 = $680

Using some simple math, let's see how much you'd miss out for your yearly average.

50 weeks x $26 hr = $52,000
50 weeks x $17 hr = $34,000

Job A requires 10 hours of travel time weekly, so:
>500 hours will be spent travelling
>Assuming gas is $2.50 (and highway driving) >~You will need to refuel once a week
>$50 per week on gas, $2,500 yearly
>Insurance will shoot up $10 monthly, so $120
>Your car will most likely need repairs being used this frequent so let's add another $1,000
>Your days are now 22 hours instead of 24

Total year profit for Job A is $48,380. I feel like the hours are something subjective since most people are normies and don't value their time.

Job B is 1.66 hours of driving a week
>83 hours a year driving for this job
>gas isn't an issue since you'll probably only do it once a month so $600 for that
>low or no risk of repairs to vehicle
>1 hr 40m a day of bonus time where you're not driving
>Also you can go home for lunch and save $ on food or even take naps

Does the job have a high room for growth or is it just work? Are there other companies nearby with better pay? Perks/benefits with company?

I drive an hour every day to work.

I say take the pay cut and do it. These people for the most part don't understand what it's like having 22 hour days instead of 24.

>> No.16236100


Forgot to say you'd be out $18,000 by working closer. That is a significant amount of money for some people, depending on their situation.

>> No.16236323

Very good. Thank you so much for posting this. The year vs year looks significant BUT it doesn’t include $210 per month bridge toll. For my town this is pretty good starting Pay. Definitely room for growth, it’s a hardware store tho

>> No.16236324

Commuting is a fucking trap. Spend less money on housing so you can spend more money on transportation? Spend your time to gain more stress and traffic? It's an easy mistake to make when you tunnel vision on the price of one thing and not your life as a whole. Very sad. Many such cases. Live close to your life - work, groceries, whatever you're doing. Commuting is a trap.

>> No.16236341
File: 58 KB, 743x544, D94454E9-763C-497D-9586-86A4222C6790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. I’m taking that job. Fuck dude everyday I get road rage due to shitty drivers. And getting around in San Francisco is a nightmare

>> No.16236353

That's a massive pay cut, fucking move.

>> No.16236403

Is it though? BART is actually pretty solid.

I left SF and moved back to Austin. Commuting here is 10x worse than SF

>> No.16236434

If I Bart to work from my house to work it’s
> 20 min drive to Bart station, pay for parking, pay ticket
> 1Hour + on the train
> walk to work 20 mins Repeat.
I tried it. It was awful. Sorry Austin is bad

>> No.16236447
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No problem bro. I've been doing the drive for over a year and I'm finally transitioning to a company for part time work that's very close to home. The hope is that it translates to full time work one day.

Most importantly it gets harder to do it the older you get. It weighs you down.
That's another $2520 out the window.

>> No.16236457

Let's say I make 50k a year, which has me in the 20% tax bracket. I get a raise to 55k, bumping me into the 30% bracket. Does that mean I net less money overall? No, because the 30% only applies to the money I earn past 50k. This is a common misunderstanding about how taxes work

>> No.16236481


That last sentence was in reference to the money you'd be spending on bridge tolls.

So I think that +$18,000 is starting to look like +$12,000 with all the other costs added up.

>> No.16236493

damn man, yeah that's rough

When I lived in SF my house and job were near bart stations