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File: 21 KB, 253x450, los-boxes-y-el-living.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16233627 No.16233627 [Reply] [Original]

We are not Japan. Imagine the smell it's over short burgers

No law will ever ban this now YOU STAY IN THAT SHIT COUNTRY OR LEAVE hurry and pick. You make it worse staying


>> No.16233651

You obviously have never been to the US. Each state is totally different and LA is it's own thing inside Cali

>> No.16233653

>dirt cheap pod housing
>women who just want to be in the city to find a boyfriend/husband
>artists who havent made it
>people thinking they are just one break away from making it
those places seem like theyd collect the lowest of the low

>> No.16233678

>dirt cheap pod housing
$750 per month ain't dirt cheap, m8.

>women who just want to be in the city to find a boyfriend/husband
Good luck with that, being a broke-ass pod-dwelling roastie.

>> No.16233693

Its disgusting ........ trend setting is not the way ...... ignoring this allows THEM to do the same in other states. More people will surfer when the problem is right in our faces. And we just get by

> not right

This should be on every headline.

>> No.16233697
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>$750/mo to live in a pod

>> No.16233711

This is now acceptable

Before we would laugh at japs

>> No.16233734

I'm not against the idea of living in a pod. I'm against spending $750/mo on it. It would actually be a really good housing alternative to help poor people and people who just moved to a large city without anything substantial lined up. Something like this should have a high turnover rate and be dirt cheap, but it's a good idea.

>> No.16233808

I bet they lock u into a contract and u can't leave.

>> No.16233880

Everyone should mine Electroneum or pool some sleeper

>> No.16233886

That shit works in Japan because the Japs are functional humans. If they did that shit in Cali you would hear stories of hundreds of people dying in fires in pod skyscrapers.

>> No.16233896

Racist !!! That's racist !!! Everything you do or say is racist. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NPC meltdown


>> No.16233907

Like this ?


>> No.16233947

Everyone who comes to Los Angeles is always so starry eyed. They inevitably get stuck working food and beverage industry jobs and never make it. They become just another casualty

>> No.16233974

Japan is 10x better than this shit plus I pay 500 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment and can buy a house under 100k and build a brand new one for 250k

>> No.16234006

I was thinking more along https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Ship_warehouse_fire#Makeshift_spaces

>> No.16234012

to be honest it seems like it'd be fun to fuck a roastie in a pod

>> No.16234029

That's like crypto before regulation. Most will burn

After regulation is "in" Link will make it all safe to gamble

The capsule clearly has a VC behind it

Uber Bods

You heard it here first

>> No.16234033
File: 61 KB, 747x686, 1564987868606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not annoyed by the fact that this exists; it's a perfectly economical solution to a serious problem.

I am annoyed that the problem exists in the first place.

>> No.16234038


>> No.16234042

$750 a month for a tiny prison cell jesus fucking christ
short burgers

>> No.16234092
File: 65 KB, 865x526, 1559985020804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pig says the dude is going to jail for eating a fuckin sandwhich lmfao

>> No.16234121

Imagine matching with someone on tinder and they bring you back to a pod. You know its going down.
This guy gets it.

>> No.16234134

Do you really think this is a house?
It's a capsule hotel.

If you don't like them, then a cheaper alternative is to go to an internet cafè for the evening and pay like $10 up front for 10 hours or something.

It's like you asshats have never been to japan.

>> No.16234155

do any of them become escorts? if i make it i want to go to a city with the hottest escorts

>> No.16234161

Reeeeeee lol
Reeeeeee lol

>> No.16234170

Venezuela for the price . Miss universe titles 7


>> No.16234182

Holy shit, disregard my retarded ass. I didn't see the video and only the image.

Shit. Why would you ever Hong Kong yourself like that?

>> No.16234183

those capsules at least have privacy. a bit better than the other pods where no curtains are allowed. anyway a shared appartment with roommates is less expensive or same price than those pods.

>> No.16234195

Lol right

>> No.16234197

Where? In like Gifu or something?

You're not getting away with that in Tokyo, and, if you are, share some of that secret sauce.

>> No.16234217

>you're eating
>It's against the law....

I mean it's a stupid law and a stupid reason to arrest someone, but it's common decency not to eat on public transport.

>Am I detained or am I free to go?
If the answer is NO, then SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Cooperate and get a lawyer. Don't say a goddamn word.

>> No.16234246


>> No.16234247

they have those rules to weed out homeless and the rif raf. it's like the red line in LA, squeeky clean because you get a 500$ fine if you shout or eat or do stupid shit or dont have a ticket. it's all done to weed out the homeless which is a good thing. stop being cucks

>> No.16234256

said the cuck

>> No.16234262

enjoy your rats infested trains cuck

>> No.16234285

snitches get stiches and that faggot snitch should get a beating. yes hello police please halp a deranged man is eating food on the train i fear for my safety! yes yes thank you great police man for saving me from the mad eating man! my life is safe now

>> No.16234287

I was watching cartoons then it hit me this stuff is real. The levels of cope from both sides left me speechless

The price people pay is unbelievable the system needs to change. We need blockchain to work

>> No.16234309
File: 1.16 MB, 1904x960, 1555689224437-Screen-Shot-2019-04-19-at-115333-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sir I think you mean new india

>> No.16234321
File: 89 KB, 421x832, lametro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid cuck. they even raised the fines to 1000$ kek.
it's weeding out the ghetto n***, bums and the mentally ills. that's how you do it if you dont want to end up like the NY subway.

>> No.16234333

google and microsoft hired dothead nigger ceos, people shitting in the streets in bay area IS correlated

>> No.16234339
File: 496 KB, 500x662, Screen Shot 2019-11-12 at 6.00.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATTENTION everyone

Its actually pretty fun,

you dont get lonely.

get to flirt with people all day.

hear cool stories all the time


get inspired by others.

very convenient.

in the future these will become cheaper and more and more people will do it

just like how online dating is now, we all do it.

im the one trying to see how much i need to start one up for aspiring electronic musicians coming to LA. we already get alot of people from around the world trying to make it in LA,then having to move back to their shithole country once they run out of money here. people come and leave LA all the time, they are all HOT YOUNG people

in the future even small cities will have this, they will be filled with young people. this is the next big thing.

>> No.16234347

is that auschwitz?

>> No.16234360

That's exactly how slaves and THEY became to accept their fate. Extermination

>> No.16234372

i agree they look bad now, i see it as room for improvement.

anyone in LA wanna start one?
$$$ who wanna help me start one.? i need a co-signer.

>> No.16234393

When you grow old Nd dont have anyone to rely on ALL of this will come back to haunt you

> you dont need to count on anyone but yourself

In your deathbed next to a stranger feeling pity


Change before it's too late to find real love. Those auswitch Camps are not love. Anon

>> No.16234401

aww poor lil bootlicker is upset someone doesnt agree with snitches. you were probably that queer that would remind the teacher they was a test today in class. go bootlick else where pink pussy queer bitch

>> No.16234406

I'm down like Mike Brown

>> No.16234446

ive been stuck in the SF bay area for weeks now for work. Last weekend i decided to visit downtown San Fransisco and attend a concert. I am not joking or larping when I tell you I witnessed a lady piss in public infront of everybody while we were standing around waiting for the BART train. There were even children around. Once i finally get off and im in downtown SF i go up the stairs from the train station and see human shit on the sidewalk.

California is literally like a 3rd world country

>> No.16234453

Don't forget the owner taking advantage of young tenants for sex.

>> No.16234468

cool, i have a bunh of ideas that will blow the compettion out of the water. starting with noise cancelling "chambers" each one having its own climate control and all of them being fed carbon activated filtration system to remove odors of the place.

i have a whole book of ideas. i lived in a pod for 6 months, a few years ago

>> No.16234477

The only people who deserve to live like that are landlords themselves

>> No.16234490

Actually they deserve far worse

>> No.16234504

Switch piss for meth. This is true California is a 3rd world even for the wealthy. What is the point of living next to Greta blasted on skyscrapers

>> No.16234520

butthurt ghetto nig spotted
you absolutely need tough repression to limit the number of bums in the public transport.

>> No.16234527

there are no curtains. there are barely dividers. do you just fall asleep staring at the person across from you? I'd rather live under a bridge than this.

>> No.16234528

>We need block chain.
Nah man. People just need to stop being apathetic when it comes to personal rights.
Blockchain isn't really going to fix anything.

That said, eating on the subway is bad. I completely understand how the cop feels. It's not your home or your property and it DOES impact other people. (so the "swing your arms" principle works here too)

>> No.16234532


>> No.16234539


>> No.16234540


>> No.16234566

bootlicking snitch bitch spotted

>> No.16234570

oh definitely. the local power company shuts down power anytime strong winds come so they can prevent wildfires. there are homeless camps everywhere. there are shootings happening everyday. the middle class has to commute at least 3 hours a day to work unless they are a part of the lucky group that bought their house in the 70s. Chinks, Pajeets, and spics run rampant. A FUCKING MCCHICKEN IS 1.99! Everything about this place fills my heart with rage because their shitty liberal ideology got them to this point and now these retarded Californians are moving to my city spreading their ridiculous political views that fucked them over in the first place.

>> No.16234577

It’s better just to rent a trailer

It seems like a good place for vagrants and sleazy people to hang out. These are disgusting and promoting them is even more disgusting

>> No.16234603

I mean at this point you might aswell throw a tent down somewhere and camp in it. Shower @ your gym.
750$ a month for that garbage you've actually got to be fucking insane to pay that.

>> No.16234604

It's literally a hostel.
>Come on! It's fun
Yeah, for like a week, then you realize that you have to live with these people for months.
Then that Stacy you hit on is either getting clingy on success, or talking shit about you, causing others to distance themselves, on failure. That cool dude bro playing COD with you in the common area is actually really bad at cleaning and leaves his shit everywhere.

Have you guys never had roommates before? Think about that shit, but just random people that you don't really know or trust.

>> No.16234614

mchicken is 3-4 euro here in eurostan. 1.99 sounds cheap af

>> No.16234633

everywhere else in the usa besides New York City the mcchicken is $1.

>> No.16235012
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>> No.16235438
File: 30 KB, 500x376, pod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>750 a month
i can't believe people are willing to pay this price, that is my whole passive income

>> No.16235511
File: 268 KB, 700x526, 126751267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are so fucking stupid... you think you can ignore a stupid law just because you have a camera? the guy (not the police) was acting like a grade A moron as well, who does he think he is? does he think the cop agrees with the law? it's his attitude the cop has a problem with. im sure the cop dont like enforcing that law either but its his job and if you start ignoring the small rules you'll start ignoring the big rules.

>> No.16235518

good goyim

>> No.16235546
File: 1.38 MB, 1433x1767, 01861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to flirt with people all day.
yeah but it never leads anywhere because where are you going to go, back to your place? her place? 100% sex is forbidden in those pod places.

anyone ever noticed btw how in every anime there's always flirting going on but it just NEVER leads anywhere? never a relationship at the end. bothers the crap out of me and not a good thing to teach kids, don't flirt unless you want it to go somewhere and EXPECT it to go somewhere if the other guy/girl flirts back.

>> No.16235558

You dont need to live in LA to be a successful electronic musician.

>> No.16235575

good bootlicker keep licking that boot like a good slave

>> No.16235604
File: 19 KB, 460x359, snd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how it probably went down, the cop approached him saying "hey man, food's not allowed here, please put it away sir"
instead of saying "oh sorry, i didn't know" and following the rules THAT EVERYBODY ELSE FOLLOWS his friend starts filming and the guy acts like he is above the rules and pretends like this is the biggest deal ever.
just put the damn sandwich away dude and stop embarrassing yourself. pick your battles, if he would have acted like a decent human being he wouldn't have gotten himself into trouble.

>> No.16235633
File: 3.00 MB, 4000x2672, p1000087[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's picture reminds me of cemetery niches
And this reminds me of a 5 stars version of Auschwitz.

>> No.16235636
File: 41 KB, 540x533, 12541254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy is changing the world resisting the no-food-allowed rule.
fight the powah, one sammich at a time.