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16212644 No.16212644 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna be hitting 26 in a few months. I've been having existential breakdowns with my soul crushing job I got with my high school diploma, and just let the time pass partying and fucking sluts like an idiot. Now that I consider alternatives, I'm an older no matter what I do
>massive oldfag in military now. Branches like AF wouldn't even consider me (I'd be 30 by the time i have a BA)
>oldfag in school. All the valuable degrees take a lot of time to complete, BAs by themselves are pretty shit and you need a masters or PHD to get anywhere
>trades would be more soulcrushing labor for a kike company I'd make rich, probably wouldn't make more than I do now
>I was considering my original childhood dream of being a physician, but I'd be FUCKING 36 YEARS OLD BY THE TIME IM DONE SCHOOL

What the fuck bros. I always thought your 20s was "young". In reality you have about up to 23 to sort your shit out and not be considered oldfag on your dreams.

I literally just count down the days until the great collapse. That place I was before I was born... yeah... that seems pretty comfy right now.

>> No.16212661
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Oh almost forgot.
>To go to school I'd have to cash out my LINK suicide stack

>> No.16212663

back of the line bud and buy chainlink

>> No.16212674

Just wait till you're 30.

>> No.16212680
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Better start accumulating Chainlink HARD OP. That’s your best option but you won’t do it.

>> No.16212685

27 is 33% done

>> No.16212690

I have a LINK stack and my unionized job pays half decent ($23 hr + OT night shifts) it's not just about the money I want, MEANING

Fucking boomers could just drop into fulfilling jobs with HS diplomas fuck them

>> No.16212693

im exaclty like you OP

im just glad i have 14k links or else i would have killed myself already

>> No.16212748
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Are you cool enough with money bro? Dont you wanna change the world?

>> No.16212763

>Fucking boomers could just drop into fulfilling jobs with HS diplomas fuck them
lmao no. they did whatever jobs came along and were very well compensated. It is literally just about the money.

>> No.16212775


>> No.16212788

Aren't you tired of shilling?

>> No.16212799
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>tfw 25 too
>tfw 5k net worth
its over, i fucked up

>> No.16212803

Make your next 10 years worth it, do everything you haven't done coz after 35 its way fucking harder

>> No.16212805

Theres countless stories of people walking into engineering firms without diplomas and simply being field trained. Med school was almost instant acceptance if you met the minimum GPA and didnt need hundreds of hours of volunteer work as a "hidden prerequisite". My uncle became a USAF pilot without completing high school for fucks sake, now they barely wanna talk to you if you have a BA and look more for masters

>> No.16212811
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Consider yourself fortunate. I'm turning 29 in a week and only have 20k Link to my name.
Make the most of your youth while you still have it, don't waste it alone, connect with people and form meaningful friendships.

>> No.16212816

Fag, I'm near 40 and it doesn't even matter anymore. Just have fun. Buy some FRM and do the coke + hooker thing in 2020 with your gains. Stop being such a bitch.

>> No.16212824

not really concerned about age, im 27 and you could say its like 33% done of my life, but then again how much can you remember of your last 27 years? large part of it was early childhood which you dont have much memory of anyway, and now you have atleast two times that time span ahead of you

>> No.16212834


Be a physician. So what if you're 36 when you're finished. WHat if you didn't choose that education, and you turn 36 while working at a terrible job you hate. You would be in a worse situation. You can also work on your happiness outside of your profession in the mean time.

>> No.16212840

it's true. the reason it doesn't happen anymore is because wrinkles like that have been ironed out and the job market is a well oiled machine now with endless paperwork, endless hoops, more people trying to get the same job, what's considered "normal" procedure changed drastically instead of it just being "this young man wants to work, hey let's give him a shot and see" etc. that never happens now unless you are a family friend of the owner or something

>> No.16212850
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Let's fucking turn this suffering around bros. 2020 is around the corner. Fuck the stigma of failed normie resolutions, let's write down what we wanna do and spend time every fucking day moving towards it.
This is actually well said and gave me an alternate outlook. Thank you

>> No.16212864

Best advice for op:
Don’t waste time on a degree now
Dont slump into the military
Degree causes debt which causes slavery
Military is just slavery already (I would know)
Start working a trade that you can start a business in. Use the pay to buy link. You’ll have your own business before any college Zoomers, and if link takes off your set.

To reiterate; getting a job with the intent to work until retirement is the biggest mistake a biznessman can make:

>> No.16212870

Yep. "All I needed was my firm handshake" is the motto that describes that entire generation. Whatever country we're posting from is literally being flooded with 300 000+ migrants every year, this shit is NOT going to get easier.

>> No.16212876

>muh partying
>muh fucking sluts
25 is old for people who peak in highschool

>> No.16212886

Shut the fuck up you are in your 20s

>> No.16212894

Honestly trades were a solid choice 5-10 years ago, but chinese millionaires have absolutely fucking flooded the trade markets where I am. My dad's friend is an instructor for a trade that doesnt have a single local born in his classes, and his boss commands him to pass all these rich chinese fucks that dont speak a word of english. Maybe if I hop to a different state

>> No.16212897


>> No.16212907

My old boomer dad started an entirely new business when he was 55, from scratch. 10 years later he sold it for 5 million dollars.

You're still a kid.

>> No.16212918

Thanks bro. Guess I'm only now appreciating how valuable of a resource time is and the reality hit like a truck

>> No.16212927

Based. Mind if I ask what category he opened a biz in?

>> No.16213680

That is correct. Most people are sheep and don't have any idea what to do after highschool. What you do during 5 years after highschool determins if you'll have a great life or you will post shitty threads like this on imageboards.

>> No.16213813


The average age of a special operations capable operator is 27 when they hit training, you absolute mongoloid. You're "old" compared to children, you are "young" for being a no-shit man.
Stop being a fucking pussy and demoralizing everyone else. You feel old because it is no longer acceptable to be a fucking child. I know, it hurts, but no one will fucking help you do jack shit once you hit 25-27. It's all on YOU now. The military will certainly take you, and other than ribbing at basic/boot from 18 year old retards who will most likely drop after their first 4 years, no one will give a fuck.
Stop being a pussy, and make your life count

>> No.16213828

stop being a beta onions boy and do whatever the fuck you want to do cunt.

>> No.16213936
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Thx for kicking me back into gear bros.

>> No.16213970

Everyone in this thread keeps saying buy link. Where do I even start with this?

>> No.16214118

when i realized i never kissed anyone, or had sex and now im 27.

>> No.16214198

Ok millenial
Ok boomer

>> No.16214207

>When did you realize 25 is actually old
when i hit 24 this year

>> No.16214217

nigga Im 34 and youre still a retarded child at your age. but yeah just give up and wait for a collapse that will never come. sounds like a plan.

>> No.16214256

dont get a degree unless MD. teach yourself

t. ms in cs

>> No.16214531
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More important than age or soul crushing jobs is how much cash do you stack?

The more you can save, the sooner you can have a better life.
Don’t worry about making a kike employer rich. You are being paid for the job. And that kike employer is only making a 7-14% return after taxes and such to be dealing with entitled babies like you. It ain’t your employer’s job to make you rich. You have to do that yourself. Your employers job is to manage you so you can have a job.

If you are smart enough for a PhD then you can excel at any industry you enter. Apply yourself and the raises & promotions will come. If you really are that smart.

There won’t be some great collapse. Prep for that too. All problems of today are also of yesterday. Your situation ain’t nothing new in 4,000+ years of human history.


>> No.16214593

Best time to start was 8 years ago, second best time is now. Think of it this way, some people spend 8 years in school just to drop out with debt and no degree. Could be worse.

>> No.16214604

This happened to me when I was around 23 and for a few months I was pretty down about it. Got over it and now at 30 things are fine. Sometimes it gets depressing thinking about lost opportunities but what's done is done. This kind of thing probably happens another time around 40-50, hopefully that doesn't suck too bad but have to imagine it does.

>> No.16214700

>the Chinese are now infiltrating trade schools
God help us all.

>> No.16214709

Just wait until you turn 30. After that it's unironically over

>> No.16214904

Same boat as you OP except 28. I've thought a lot about this problem and here's the cold truth: what both of us (and everyone else in our position in general) is experiencing is natural, it has happened to most of our ancestors and happens in every other primate's clan. What is not natural however are the laws suppressing the natural solution to this problem, i.e us couping the alpha males of the tribe and stealing their harem, status and wealth. The reason why the rich get richer isn't because of their transcendental skills in making money, it's because the rest of the population has been subjugated and pacified under the very false morals that they should not just rob them of their wealth, even if literally every single living organism around us does exactly that, be it by eating the lesser ones and stealing their nutritious flesh or simply snatching their eggs. The whole "sheep and wolves" metaphor has ironically become a literal one where we're ruled over by wolves, or living organisms whose strategy is to rob other animals of their possessions while intimidating them to keep them pacified, while everyone else is the sheep whose strategy is to keep eating their grass without harming anyone or transgressing any "moral" boundaries. The moment you realize this and how fucking onions of an outlook is the whole "I'm not a thieving commie I'm not gonna rob the based billionaires in fact I'm gonna become one by peacefully eating my grass and following the moral rules" is the moment you'll finally realize that you can, in fact, get into their position right now not by playing according to the rules but overpowering their ignorance of the rules by doubling down on it, be it by launching the French Revolution and guillotining them, or the Soviet Revolution and gulagging them. This is why you subconsciously want a societal collapse as well, because deep down you've actually already realized all of this, I'm just formalizing it with words.

>> No.16215103
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this pretty much - The average age of a new business owner/CEO is around 45+.

Your 20's are for deciphering what you want to do with your life and positioning yourself for long term growth, shit i only went to college at 24, graduated at 28 and starting as an engineer.

30's are for grinding, saving money and chasing tail

40's are for raising kids [ if you want them ] , paying off large debts [ home / car / business ]

50's your basically semiretired if you were any good at your day job, you should have enough skills and money saved to venture off and do your own personal thing

Its a marathon not a sprint anon. Try and enjoy the little things everyday, were all in this together.

>> No.16215131

this is just cope if you're not wealthy in your 20's life is simply not worth it
that's the cold hard truth of life

>> No.16215298


i get where your coming from, not all of us start at the same place - life is not fair i understand that. Believe me, ive been homeless and displaced by war, I know this feel.

But to remain inactive and angry just because things werent handed to you is going to keep you where you are.

If you are still poor at 35 years old, then you truly deserve it.

>> No.16215454

Iktf OP

I'm 26 in a couple of months, recently unemployed and realizing I have not built up any skills or knowledge. If I want to be a programmer I'm behind 15 year olds already. Go to college and still be behind. Starting a new skill from scratch now seems pointless.

I've worked in sales and made decent money, but really that shit does have a luck factor involved no matter what anyone tells you. Never gonna sell an unqualified lead who doesn't need your shit. Also, I've gotten a ton of anxiety for some reason over the past year and my heart rate goes over 100bpm any time I have to pick up the phone now, so I'm fucked.

>> No.16215771

My birthday is today. I turn 24.

I was so sure I would've made it by now.

The only thing that keeps me going is hope.

And a 33k stack of link.

>> No.16215827

Are you me?

>> No.16215853

>tfw 28
>spent last 10 years getting an engineering degree
>put myself in debt but at least I make 80k
>friend who neeted for years is making six figs just by reconnecting with his rich uncle last year

It doesn’t even matter how old you are or how hard you work. Just be born with the right lineage and network lmao

>> No.16215870

>depressed that he hasn't made it yet
holy fuck, the zoomer meme is real. what the fuck is wrong with you guys?
you're going to wake up at 40 on a monday still having to drag your ass to work. still wondering what went wrong
>it wasn't supposed to be like this
get fucking used to it.

>> No.16215874

link is a scam don’t fall for it

>> No.16215918

When people say buy link just mentally substitute in an actual good investment. A range of investments most likely since you'll want to diversify if you don't have a clue.

>> No.16215957

25 is getting old. by now you should have found a career. doesn't have to be high paying. just enough to get you a house before age 30. if you get into your 30s and your a neet, society discards you. it's hard to get jobs and women want nothing to do with a 30yo that lives at home.

your 20s are a make it or break it time.

>> No.16215960

If you're trying to act like a teenager 25 is old. If you're trying to surround yourself with successful adults and be like them, you're still a baby. You need to kill your inner high schooler. Life isn't about partying and being popular. It's about being the boss

>> No.16215974
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>24 in a month
>Living in 3rd world country
>College dropout

Guys, how do I make it? Is it too late to learn programming? I've been trying to start but fuck I procrastinate everyday and never start.

>> No.16215991
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How do we make it bros?

>> No.16215999
File: 85 KB, 640x640, 9746F185-2833-42AF-ABD2-8E86C897D2D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 22
>tfw 50k net worth in cash and no debts

>> No.16216000

Physician? Why not paramedics? I heard you don't need too much years for that

>> No.16216030

There are a lot of memes in this post
1) Air Force accepts you until age 39 - its not backbreaking labor and pretty chill
2) If you aren't a virgin consider that a huge win compared to 4chan, especially if the sluts aren't bothering you
3) believe it or not Masters degrees only pay an extra $200 a month on average and are a total meme, they aren't a meme IF say you are a Nurse and want to upgrade to a Practitioner and the salary boost is objectively worth it
4) Trades are not even like that say if you were a plumber you would be making your plumbing company rich yeah but you would be able to work solo by 31 years old pulling in 100K possibly, also almost nobody in trades is a 'kike' generally contractors are salt of the earth boomers and other fat white dudes, and everyone else is Hispanic
5) Welp, I know going to college to 36 is embarrassing but at least as a physician you know you have a job lined up after school, you can also get on loan forgiveness programs if you work at a rural area or Indian Rez

So a lot of this stuff is just trying to make your life seem unique and epic in difficultly when its really average to even better than a lot of peoples when you aren't a virgin and have no student loans to worry about.

>> No.16216037

people need to stop thinking of programming as a way out. the market is completely flooded. you will have an easier time on just about any other career path right now and for the next decade. yes, it's too late to learn programming.

>> No.16216066

BA eng wasted. Neet, 51k LINK and 1.4LP. Do you think i ll make it in 5 years? 29 now.

>> No.16216075

Most people enter adulthood at approximately 18. They are in a confused haze as they ween themselves from their families and learn what their grown mind is like. By 25, you've probably had 4 to 5 years with it, unless college "opened your mind" and sheltered you from becoming what you're going to be for a few more years.

Basically, at 25 you are about 5 years old. You've started a life path that now takes effort to redirect, but you are not quite in the throes of managing your own decay. You will notice that in your early 30s. At some point in your early 30s you will know you are old without having to look it up. If you have that feeling in your 20s, adjust your diet and get some exercise.

>> No.16216211


Thing is, programming is the only thing you can start from your room and with no money, everything else requires college.

How much are you making? How old are you?

>> No.16216723

He just don't want more programming competition because he can't compete!

>> No.16216735

old is dead peasant

>> No.16216747

Whenever I feel an existential crisis like this, I use a thought experiment. I imagine that I'm in the same spot that I am now, financially, physically, mentally, socially, etc. but I add on ten years to my life. So, if you're 25, pretend you're 35. I then "look-back" to my youth, when I was 25 and I ask myself what I would have changed or what I should have accomplished over that 10-year period. I plan out what I would have done differently and how I would achieve my goals. After this is done, I "revert" back to my actual age of 25, take this new perspective, and get to work achieving what I want to achieve before I turn 35.

People look at their past and feel regret, because there's nothing they can do to change the past. With this thought experiment, it makes changing the past "possible" because you're changing the present, which for a brief moment, you believed was the past.

>> No.16216966

dude there are people that are 29 that are now just joining the coast guard......quit being a defeatist. Or join merchant marine.

>> No.16216993


>> No.16217042

kek. I being honest with you guys. in the past it was something you could do in your room with no money and find a good paying job. those days are fast ending though. already, it's pretty unlikely you'll be able to find your way into without a degree. it's starting to get more difficult even at finding senior level positions without a degree too. that's with 5-10 years industry experience.
there was a nation wide 'learn to code' movement during the Obama years and a thousand bootcamps sprung up overnight, cranking out "coders". the market is not what it was a few years ago and you need to understand this if you're wanting to get into it. you're competing with a thousand other applicants per job posted and priority hiring is going to women and minorities in tech right now. you better fucking believe it.

>> No.16217064

Don’t buy link bro these idiots all lost money on this retarded token

>> No.16217085

learn to code if you have an entrepreneurial mind and the time / resources to build your own businesses. don't learn to code if you want to find a job though. it's a tough industry to crack. it consumes your whole life. If I could make the same money anywhere else right now I would get out in a heartbeat. I love programming, but I fucking hate the industry.

>> No.16217196


Right, I get that, it's impossible to find normal jobs without a degree, but if you know how to program you at least have a chance to figure something out by yourself.
Do you think about that? Starting your own business someway? What are the obstacles to you?

>> No.16217233

Atleast you wasted your time fucking sluts
I wasted my time playing video games like a fucking idiot and now I'm 25 and stuck in a shit job with my hairline moving northwards & skin aging

I would kill myself but I'm scared of the possibility of there being an afterlife that's even worse than what we have now.

>> No.16217260

Move to Australia

>> No.16217270

George S. Patton a true hero. Never forgot what (((they))) did to him.

Sorry, it’s remembrance day in Canada right now and I want to pay my respects. F

>> No.16217449

Imagine waiting until you lose your youthful vigor before siring heirs

You will have no energy for that and won't live to see your grandparents. Kids will be 10 and you'll be 50 and they'll think a life of sloth and pleasure is all there is.

>> No.16217472


>> No.16217481

Yes. my obstacles are having my day job consume too much of my energy. My life is full, not just with work, but family, and I don't have a lot of downtime. With the free time I do have, last thing I want to do is go back and do the same kind of thing I spent all my working hours doing.
I have a side project right now that I'm chipping away at, but its slow going. I'll get there eventually.
Programming right now is very much like looking back at the golden bull run in a crypto bear market...except it's not cyclical. you can see where all the great opportunities were at not that long ago, but you've missed it. The app store for example was an absolute goldmine the first few years. building a one man SaaS was also wide open a decade ago. these days the market is super saturated. there are no original ideas anymore and all the low hanging fruit has been picked over. you gotta expect serious competition in whatever niche you target. if it's something you like, then go for it. I won't recommend it to anyone whose just looking for money or something to do with their life though.

>> No.16217506

20s are way easier to get laid and better quality too

>> No.16217542

this t b h

>> No.16217575

Hey retard, nobody is going to give you a relavant high paying position in your 20s. Unless you're some super genius trader or a trust fund kid then you're not going to be well off in your 20s

>> No.16217610

If your kids don't watch you struggle then your family becomes poor.

"The father buys, the son builds, the grandchild begs”

>> No.16217675

I know that feel OP. All I can say is keep moving forward. I just turned 28. At 26 is when I felt as you did except I accepted my fate and was on a fast track to either jail or death. Did 2 years of community college and stopped because I didn't know what I wanted to transfer into (luckily no debt). Spent 19-26 traveling, banging roasties, doing drugs and drink, gambling, etc.

When I turned 26 I met my current gf by chance. She doesn't like to club or party and prefers staying home to relax and play vidya. Finding a non-roastie in this shit she of "modern women" woke me up and I realised not everything is lost yet. I'm not bragging because it isn't enough to brag over but it is an improvement for myself considering where I was and where I was going

>make ~40-45kUSD/year before tax
>just started going back to uni to finish a bachelors in a business field
>7k USD in checking
>30k 401k
>70 oz. silver
>0.5 BTC, 12 LTC, 8 ETH, 1100 LINK

Beyond the 401k, I started stacking the rest around May of this year. I'm still fucking lost on what I'm doing but what matters is you make the effort. I don't really have any skills or talents (I've got a poor self image so difficult to identify strengths) but I've been told I'm charismatic and good with people. I hope to leverage this into some type of career as I hate my current job.

Sorry for the novel, I'm looking for advice as well. I just want you to keep pushing forward with me. We may never make it but we will have at least tried rather than rotting in our own filth muttering "what if..."

>> No.16217745

Shit age of "modern women"*

>> No.16218075

It's been proven that men who have children older tend to have offspring with higher IQs.
Also men can breed indefinitely. That's what makes us men.
Additionally I'm 26 and my dad is near 70 and although I suppose it would be nice to be able to do more stuff with him the reality is not only are we both busy, but he is wise and I'm quite glad he isn't a 40 year old retard manchild panicking just as much if not more than me.
PS although I'd give it up in a heartbeat to keep them around longer: inheritance is coming to me a lot sooner.

>> No.16218141

Anon, Ive gone through a career change this year at 25. J went from psych to data science. I don't have much money but every weekend Ive been working on projects that will make me rich. 100% automated projects that only require initial development.

You feel old probably because of money, when it's these negative thoughts about money that actually age you.

You're only as old as you feel. So keep your current job and use the fuel of potentially becoming a wage check to break yourself out of wagecuckdom

>> No.16218197 [DELETED] 

>no mention of a LINK stack
that's not good bro

>> No.16218208

I said I have 1100 LINK

>> No.16218219

How good at maths must I he in order to break into data science? A friend of mine works in it and he tells me I would be interested in it but I've never really been good at maths

>> No.16218260

>turned 25 in August
>make 75k a year as a long haul trucker
>50k net worth all in crypto
>home maybe 30 days out of the year at most
>dream is to buy a house in cash, then get a local job
>will be 30 by the time this is possible
>tfw no gf, social life, or friends for the next 5 years.

I hate the choices I've made. But I'm trying as hard as I can

>> No.16218271

Feels good to be a zoomer with a big LINK stack.

>> No.16218291

You are probably just stressed because you didnt buy enough LINK.

I had similar problems than you. I were 25 year old, living month to month, always stressed from balancing study and work life. Then after accumulating LINK (I accumulated a bit under 50k) for 2 years I finally sold half at 4.15USD and finally my real life has began.

I have never before been able to live the carefree student life. Now, with nice amounts of cash im basically "the rich successfull dude that went back to school".

Yea, you should have bought link, couse if you dont have a few 100ks at age 25, you are definietly not the upper 1% of humanity (like me - a person who bought LINK)

>> No.16218685

I'm horrible at math. You won't use hardcore math until you get a senior role. I barely know algebra

>> No.16218713

u bich. Tradie?

>> No.16218726

honestly that is shit. Imagine living with your parents until you're 36.

>> No.16218985

got any link for that calculator? Curious if I will make it elsewhere

>> No.16219035

Did you have a degree in the field?

>> No.16219042

this is a good post. I needed to read this post

>> No.16219076

Implying the jobs that boomers did were fulfilling. Few felt proud of their work, they were just compensated well enough that it didn't matter. I've talked to dozens of boomers and they've all told me that their career was just a means to live. They found fulfillment through family or personal projects.

>> No.16219130

It's actually depressing to realize, I'm 23 and it hit me the other day that I'll never be in a successful band since 98% of musicians start before they're 20.

So many skills and pursuits and hobbies require starting during your youth and then honing them in your late teens early twenties to then capitalize on as you hit your late 20's. Like I was thinking of becoming a stand-up comedian but then you read about all of them and they were all doing open mics at 14, went to school for acting, and then were in improv groups since they were 17.

Don't get me wrong though I'm not being a total doomer, I have my own things I'm successful at and passions I'm still young enough to pursue(writing, directing, filmmaking in general), but it's still a tough feeling to realize you have to book close certain things

>> No.16219165

It's still worth the attempt, fren. Think of all of the examples of entertainers who were in entirely different careers until their 40s and they still made it. The only thing stopping you is you. It is better to try and fail than never try at all.

>> No.16219195

IMF (lol) is doing a free course in trading in edx. Just learn until the next bullrun the start trading?

>> No.16219213

>In reality you have about up to 23 to sort your shit out and not be considered oldfag on your dreams.

>> No.16219221

>if I didn’t have 14k Linkies I’d kill myself
Stream it when Sir. Gay dumps and they flatline at 1.00 next year

>> No.16219354

I'm 26 right now this is my favorite age so far but I'm in the top 1% for my age in terms of networth.

>> No.16219372

oh ya. and I made it in 2017 and now run my own business. Reminder that 25-29 year olds that made it in 2017 are the kings of this place.

>> No.16219423

Ok boomer

>> No.16219453
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Just depressing that you still act like this at 40

>> No.16219512

Old for what? I consider being 30 is a peak of male attractiveness (mentally and physically), and you can go only downhill from there. But some areas require you to be much younger. Say, if you want to earn an Olympic gold medal in some sport, you are too late for that, but most other feats can be done by 30 years-old and beyound.

>> No.16219694
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our most valuable asset is time on this earth.

i would rather not waste it doing menial tasks for others while enriching them.

my resolve is strong, i will make it before 30.
any other possibility is too depressing to consider.

>> No.16219749

at 24 I feel like I've already wasted my life, even though I have a degree and a job and am almost out of debt. Just waiting to die now

>> No.16219815

Winning on bitcoin is winning the lottery. It's not "making it." You got money on a gamble

>> No.16220172

>You got money on a gamble

I'm fine with that. I literally can't have a bad day because I just have to remember that I have hundreds of thousands in my bank account. The happiness never fades lmao.

>> No.16220219


AHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHHA wait til your dick stops working junior then you can post about being old

>> No.16220325

t. 26 year old

>> No.16220348

I made $900k after tax. Invested 300k in a brick and mortar business in a downtown location. Took a lot of tax deductions. It's now generating about $80k per month. I'm barely even stressed about it because even if it fails completely I'll still have hundreds of thousands in my 20's. I moved into the basement of the location. I just spend my time monitoring the business, shitposting on biz, making music in logic X, wander around downtown aimlessly sometimes, all the normies can just tell I escaped the matrix. I'm just totally free. I don't even need to be a multi-millionaire or anything if I could just maintain my current life I'd die happy.

>> No.16220404
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>Savings rate of 64%

How exactly do you get that savings rate?

In Australia our interest rates are like .15% right now

>> No.16220417

Wow these doomer threads are cringy. Everyone always assumes if they had done something even slightly different then everything would have miraculously worked out and everything would be perfect and they would be so much happier. If only I done this or that im so old bla bla bla. The reality is that you are making yourself miserable envisioning some pipe dream that not only didnt happen, the likelihood of it happening as you think it would have is near 0%. All these 24-25 year olds bemoaning that their lives are over, its just delusional, its divorced from reality. You need perspective. First of all it could be far far worse. Secondly of all social media, the internet, and places like 4chan make you think you are an isolated failure piece of shit when in reality the majority of normies are in your same position, or worse, thirdly of all its NORMAL to be unsure of what you want or where you want to go in life, or going doing the wrong path only to realize that isnt really what you want. you are not "special" for feeling that way. But if you want to make sure your lot doesn't improve, sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and telling yourself "its over" is a great thing to do. There's no fantasy, theres only your life as it is now, your life, not anybody else's. So what are you going to do about it?

>> No.16220429


>> No.16220431

Fucking hell you are so stupid what the fuck is this the people that give advice here?

>> No.16220489

Oh shit, does it mean "save 64% of your income" lol? Its still dumb though.

>> No.16220735

25 was the perfect age for me. not feeling too young not feeling too old.

>> No.16221325

Based positivity anon

>> No.16221555

That was weirdly uplifting for scorn.

>> No.16221667
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checkd also my uncle became a medfag at around your age pretty based, if he could do it with three kids you can OP

>> No.16221732


>> No.16222073

More depressing that ur a stinky weeb

>> No.16222373

What are you complaining about? You're making 80k, that's not bad at all. Focus on the positives

>> No.16222400

I agree with this. My brother and I were born when our parents were young and poor. We are in the 99th percentile of savers and investors and we're basically /biz/ + /sig/ type people. Then there's a >10yr gap to two more kids born when parents were financially secure and relatively wealthy. Part of me thinks it's the zoomer in them but they just have no concept of saving or striving.

>> No.16222434
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>> No.16222509


>> No.16222511


>"Writing for The Guardian, Bhaskar Sunkara criticized the [Ok boomer] meme in November 2019, saying that members of the baby boomer generation instead "need solidarity" as many "older workers and retirees are struggling to survive", as "half of Americans approaching age 65 have less than $25,000 in savings""

Puts things in perspective

>> No.16222694

Congrats on the lottery win dood! Someone has to win the lottery, and you were one of them. It happens. None of us can be concerned with your extreme outlier example of luck. You have nothing to share or discuss in terms of experience and struggle.

>> No.16222768

this x100000, it took me months with a cs degree and 2 internships to find a job. barely making 70k now as a software engineer

>> No.16222918


>> No.16222945

Sounds like you need to go on a philosophical journey. Find religion or a strong belief system now.

Find meaning soon please. 26-28 is a high suicide range for men.

>> No.16223007

Lmao, the thread is about people who haven't made it. Dude is just humble bragging about his luck.

Either you were a stoner who bought bitcoin for a couple dollars and made it out of luck from your drug habits, mommy and daddy gave you money to invest, or you were an early adopter for real. Even then though "early adopters" were buying in at a couple hundred per coin. At that point you had to have 20-30k to invest to make that kind of money. Even if it was ripple or ethereum or other pumps. Most of these guys probably barely had $500 to invest into anything.

So unless you bought bitcoin when it was a dollar, you needed stacks of cash, which most of us were scraping by or in college.

>> No.16223117

>save $20k
>buy btc around $300 which was accumulation zone in 2015/16, well after everyone in the world had heard of it in 2014
>sell at ~$15k
>make a million dollars
This is exactly what any intelligent person could have done. Lottery ticket buyers were the exact type of people not doing this because they only buy the mega pumps like 2014 and 2017. If a lottery ticket buyer had actually done this (which is impossible because they are not capable of saving the initial 20k and because they thought bitcoin was "dead" in 2015) then they would have blown all the money by now instead of turning it into an 80k/month income + saving buffer.

The thread is about mid twenties and this anon gave another perspective which is more useful than another version of
>poor me imma kms lol

Don't resent success if you ever want to be successful.

>> No.16223148

Here is how to live forever:

>> No.16223170

You make 80k a month? From what?

>> No.16223207

It's not success, it's fucking luck don't kid yourself. NOBODY could have guessed bitcoin was even going to break $1000, don't even pretend like you did. And $10k? Yeah, no, pretty much everything after $1000 was insane. Even tripling from $5k was mind blowing.

Any person with semi decent intelligence can make a business or turn 1 million into a liveable income for the rest of their lives. It's easy when you don't have to worry about the loss of a couple hundred thousand dollars you luckily stumbled on.

>Save up 20k
Exactly, most of us would be 4 years into college dipshit. Who the hell is saving $20k and then willing to invest it into some random online currency that had already gone up 300%? You just sound like you wanna suck anon's dick. I'd rather hear from 20-30 year olds who made everything from scratch.

>> No.16223219
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>tfw 22 years old having just exited the military honorably with 500k usd in LINK and moving overseas to study university in an amazing country which i learned the language of because im a varied individual who doesnt spend all his time jerking off or playing video games
>tfw have varied artistic and creative hobbies and many interesting and amazing friends and an amazing bf (yes im gay!) all who love and support me
>tfw going to make it

>> No.16223223

The guy you initially responded to said he put 300k into a brink and mortar business that generates 80k/month now.

>> No.16223233

Please tell me there is hope for an m.s. in EE job. I'm adding two more years for my graduation but if it pays off I don't mind, even though I'm losing my mind currently at uni

>> No.16223243


>mfw 31
> Been in business since I left college
> Commercial real estate in 2010-2014
> Airbnb manager from 2014-2017
> Amazon fba owner from 2017-Today
>No savings because savings dont make good returns
> $300k worth of inventory
>$30k/month revenue
>$15k/month profit

I wear the same clothes pretty much every day, I hardly go out and i stay inside playing video games and shitting on socialists all day.
My business is growing about 200% every 6 months.
I used my credit to give my boomer parents a loan for a new business that started and they can't make a profit to save their lives. I am planning to declare bankruptcy to get rid of the debt I owe and start fresh on my high cashflow business with no debt.

Feel mixed bag but fuck working desu!

>> No.16223254

What kind of business did you invest in?

>> No.16223263

Thanks fren

>> No.16223294

You need to go back.

>> No.16223303

Lots of Amazon fba "gurus" out there shilling courses. Why do you think that is?

It's actually pretty frustrating trying to look up even basic info because then I get 50 websites shilling courses and all my ads switch to course sellers.

>> No.16223304

This is an underrated obstacles for zoomers, on top of all the others. It was a great opportunity at the time and was low risk, unlike trying to make a career out of crypto somehow

>> No.16223306


oh, my gf made like $12m on bitcoin but has it all locked up in some trust that she cant access more than a fraction per year with. She's a smarty and turned luck into a long term retirement. She works "for fun" like I do.

>> No.16223312

testing to see if my id changed

>> No.16223315

You're not going to make it. Could have been saving since 15 years old working at McDonalds or something. Could have worked during college while using student loans for tuition. 20k is a within reach of anyone who's dedicated to saving.

>> No.16223323


Well its pretty easy to shill something like amazon and dropshipping because:

1. It's relatively easy to source the information if you do literally any trial and error on either platform.
2. Lots of retards think it's hard to start
3. You can explain away why you don't show your product or business strategy unless you already got out of it or know it made a profit.
4. It's a hot topic and trends well on search algos so people take advantage of it.

>> No.16223332


I dunno I'm currently recruited all the time but long term ya - ageism duhhhh. I gotta be out by 35 and into management or sales

>> No.16223365

You are me when I was 28. One thing I did was make a 10x20 grid of boxes and check off one each time I reached a $5k higher threshold of net worth. All checked = millionaire. You have 10 or so checked off already. Consider marriage and starting a family soon. Look into insurance, easy corner of finance to break into and still a lot of money in the business.

>> No.16223411


Oh, also because dropshipping is fucking dead, and all they have to do is change "dropship" to "fba" and basically keep the rest of their courses untouched. Saves time and money.

>> No.16223446
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i graduated after 2008 crash and spent my time looking for a job and drinking.
in my mid 20's i moved in with a bunch of hippies of craigslist and started partying and was around really happy people and was happy myself and started getting laid and traveling and doing hippy shit like (pot)farming and fishing. lots and lots of girls on the potfarms

im entering my mid 30's and all my friends are struggling making $17/hr or balling making like $35/hr

i feel like i should be making $35/hr but i dont have much engineering experience and i think i got brain damage working around solvents at a weed oil refinery

>> No.16223484

Obviously there is some degree of luck but you've got to give him some credit. It's not even close to winning the lottery.

>> No.16223503
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im a really successful freegan-hobo, but its work, and im lazy and dont wanna even be doing anywhere near this much work when im older. i would be happy with a very modest frugal lifestyle but i would never want to be stuggling to make ends meet as an old man

>> No.16223529
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>Lmao, the thread is about people who haven't made it. Dude is just humble bragging about his luck.

Oh I'm not humble bragging. I'm bragging. I'm the best.

>So unless you bought bitcoin when it was a dollar, you needed stacks of cash, which most of us were scraping by or in college.

I had stacks of cash because I've been working at restaurants and saving money since I was 17 and didn't go to college. I never spent my money, I was originally going to gamble it on forex and live in a van if I didn't succeed. Then BTC caught my attention during the 2013 bubble and saw how parabolic it can go. In 2016 when it upticked from 300 to 400 I saw it as a huge opportunity and threw a lot of my cash in. I'm actually the one who made this image in some shitty program called pixlr. Half as a joke, half actually expecting it to moon like crazy and then it actually did to my amazement exceeding my image by a lot. I also caught ethereum and ltc. I traded in a way to avoid a lot of short term capital gain and cashed out at the end of the year. I literally did everything right.

>> No.16223536


Winning the lottery doesn't cost that much. Just 1 good ticket and you become 10s to hundreds of millions richer. It's all luck.

Businesses are more on the skill side than luck. They are quantifiable and can potentially make more than bitcoin could ever make..

>> No.16223552

Work at 15? You can start work at 16 first of all, second of all how do I get to work with no car? Uber wasn't really a thing. There's no possible way to walk from suburbia to a job anon. It's all highways and I'm not dying walking home late at night. Yeah, my parents worked, no they could not afford me a car.

I eventually was able to scrape up $1000 for a beater at 18 years old and worked as a bus boy, except had to pay $1600/semester + gas/insurance/home rent. Not everybody has cozy situations they come from. Made $8/hr doing that which scraped by. Eventually quit college and started working full time. At this point I had a couple thousand but bitcoin was already a couple thousand. It was not possible and I wasn't risking my only savings on a bitcoin. Not everyone got a free ride from their parents, hard to believe huh!

>> No.16223566

Im 22 and applied for disability today. I work for free on a shopify store/SaaS program my dad owns under the table, and go to community college.

I have zero dollars, and 120 in debt from a credit card. I dont actually feel bad for some reason. I want to keep bettering my self, but ive accepted my lot in life. Im actually quite happy. I do feel sort of trapped in a way, but everything has always worked out for me up to this point, why should my luck end?

I have this advice to share. Really think hard about what it is that makes you happy, or has made you happy in the past. Money will not buy happiness or contentment. Love, for family, for work, and for learning. Is what keeps me going. Spending time with my friends online. Going to college clubs (even though im the older (kid ;)) ) i just wonder. So youve got millions of dollars, then what? All you need is a place to live and food and shit, i get that its fun. But is it really the root of all happiness? Thats my spheel. Lol

>> No.16223619

Where. I tried christianity, buddhism they're all bullshit. I plan on taking some shrooms
t. 29yo in a month

>> No.16223621

No, you're not the shit, you got lucky guessing right on something without any clue. Hindsight is 20/20. But I know, every bitcoin investor was secretly a super genius with a crystal ball for a brain!

>> No.16223677

Honestly, try to relax man. I recommend literally quitting what you don't love, and try to find god without organized religion. Have fun with the shrooms.

>> No.16223687

Actually based advice. If being a physician is your dream then go for it man. There are much worse things to be at 36

>> No.16223699


Damn.... Deko on the track

>> No.16223734

And then you wake up and get anally reamed by your dad

>> No.16223762
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im 43. Why the fuck am I even here?

>> No.16223794

You're adamant that it was 100% luck but I can't imagine you reacting the same way if it went to $0 and he was penniless
>unlucky bro hindsights 20/20 no one could have possibly seen that coming
At the very least you have to acknowledge he took a risk that you weren't willing to take.

>> No.16223801

That's what makes me the shit though. I have the balls to take risks on stuff even if I'm not 100% sure it'll succeed. I'm also downplaying a lot the immense struggle it took to get this brick and mortar business off the ground and get it to the point where I can just sit in the basement and shitpost. I have some boomer competition but they're really stupid and I'm fucking them up in every way without really even trying.

>> No.16223951

>I have zero dollars
>I have this advice to share

Kill yourself

>> No.16223971

We wouldn't be having these conversations on this board if bitcoin went to $0 first of all. And yeah, I would have said the same thing because I feel that way when good shitcoins like ethereum or monero tanked.

I literally could not take the "risk" because I had bills to pay, college, rent, and medical. Parents needed that rent money. I needed to pay medical bills. Other anon had more time to save up money and #yolo it xD. Clearly had no aspirations but gambling as he said he was gonna gamble it on forex.

You got more money to start than they had. They had cheap startup costs and business loans. You can only take "risk" because you were raised with a safety net or on the flip side had nobody depending on you for money so you can take "risk." My last $3000 going into crypto when it was a couple hundred? Fuck that, that was my life savings. I didn't buy shoes and cool clothes, my computer was the most I spent on anything aside from the beater. Computer I put together for $600 from black friday sales and kept it for 8 years.

Now that I've made some money working my way through jobs, it's too late! Your circumstances were lucky they way they were when they were. I knew about fucking bitcoin when it was $10. It interested me, I researched into it on my old pentium 3 computer and thought it was the coolest thing (and how edgy it would be to use it for the dark web). Never did because no money. Seeing it now makes me want to blow my brains out every day for not having a couple hundred dollars 10 years ago. My memory is fuzzy but I tried setting up a miner for it but parents yelled at the electricity use.

Point is, people who parade around their luck and circumstances without giving any credit to those things are fucking delusional douchebags.

>> No.16223972

He's the one who will never have to work again. You will. Stay wagecucked.

>> No.16223983

"He" is a loser on disability.

>> No.16223995
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you're the loser who has to work.

>> No.16224023

I work a comfy remote job, free to travel and fuck thots all over the world, go back to /r9k/ and have sex.

>> No.16224042

Sure you do.

>> No.16224050

>Now it's too late!
You know people were saying literally this since 2014 and probably even earlier. Take some responsibility for your actions man. Looking forward if you think monero is cheap right now (it is) consider this your opportunity.

>> No.16224087

Monero followed the same curve as most the cryptocurrencies. The fact that you even need $8700 for 1 bitcoin is a ridiculous high barrier of entry to make money.

Monero is not going to bitcoin levels. There's some money to be made, but we're not 20x it on this already charted territory. This isn't a crazy new frontier. I feel bad for kids who are just turning 16-18 now and completely had 0 chance to make it big. There will probably never be another thing to invest in this obscure that will make it that big in our lifetime. It's the reality.

>> No.16224096

It's my birthday in 3 days

>> No.16224144

I also think you assume I didn't invest. As soon as I had money I did, but it was too little/too late. So yes, I did take a risk and invest but the timing just was never going to work out mid 2017

>> No.16224165

Happy cakeday!

>> No.16224191

I'm about to turn 30. Does it get better?

>> No.16224204

kek, 27 you're supposed to be living at the PINNACLE of your life (wife with kid on the way, amazing career advance, etc)

imaging not knowing what to do or even having a job to pay basic rent

>> No.16224220

>Be less proud of your accomplishment cuz MY mom didn't let me do it.

Ok sure lol.

>> No.16224224

I'm a 38 year old boomer and I'll tell you that this idea you have that you reach a particular age and suddenly the way you "act" just transforms is a meme.

Your maturity is a choice, not some innate function of your age. I know guys who are in there mid 40s, one's a CEO of a sizable company that takes in about $80M/year revenue, and he runs it well, but on the weekends at family BBQs an shit the guy will joke around just like he did when he was in his college years, he'll burp and fart and tell dirty jokes and get drunk, and then on Monday he puts on his suit and tie and goes in and acts professional in the office.

This is how life works, you can be 65 and act like you're 18, you can be 79 and act like you're 27, there is no magical age-barrier where you behave a particular way at a particular age and the fact that you seem to believe so just shows your own inexperience.

>> No.16224265

You had $3k while bitcoin was a couple hundred. That's $300k at the peak just for example. You knew about bitcoin at $10 and if you really believed in it you could have found a way to get money. The fact that you bought in 2017 shows exactly the kind of normie you are. Everyone I knew refused my advice in 2015 but they were all desperate to buy in 2017. I took a semester off college in 2016 to pick up extra shifts at a casual job.

I'm not trying to say sacrifice everything you have and invest in my ponzi. This applies to all sorts of financial risks including things like starting a business. There are always options and your attitude is holding you back big time.

>> No.16224505

No, I just had money in 2017 which is why I specifically said that. There was no other reason, not the bandwagon or anything. I had a good paying job and could finally take a risk
When you got people depending on you, again, risk isn't something that's even in your dictionary. I do not think being in the right place at the right time is worthy of praise.

I believed in bitcoin for the technology, thought it was gonna go places and be used. My friend thought the same thing and, again, we both tried mining. Didn't think that meant 500x gains, and I am absolutely 100% positive nobody else did either with certainty. $300 -$500 seemed more than crazy as it stood at the time from where it was before.

You had to have money at the right time. It's as simple as being born a couple years earlier to take advantage of working. Being able to live a risk adverse life is a privilege and not a skill.

>> No.16224628

If you found bitcoin at $10 you were in a pretty good place at a pretty good time. Obviously established gen Xers were in a better place but still. Yes early gains were crazy and bitcoin was definitely a gamble in the very early days. Investing post 2014 like the other guy did is a completely different proposition though. At that point bitcoin had been around 5 years and had shown it was capable of enormous gains. The two schools of thought were 'bitcoin is dead/gains ship has sailed' (most people) or 'it could do that massive gains thing again' (much fewer people). You don't have to blame yourself for missing the last run but don't act like the few people did nothing but get lucky.

>> No.16224635

Lmao seething cope

>> No.16224657

Turning 27 guck. Whym I still a failure

>> No.16224697

>Whenever I feel an existential crisis like this, I use a thought experiment. I imagine that I'm in the same spot that I am now, financially, physically, mentally, socially, etc. but I add on ten years to my life. So, if you're 25, pretend you're 35. I then "look-back" to my youth, when I was 25 and I ask myself what I would have changed or what I should have accomplished over that 10-year period. I plan out what I would have done differently and how I would achieve my goals. After this is done, I "revert" back to my actual age of 25, take this new perspective, and get to work achieving what I want to achieve before I turn 35.
this is what makes 4chan worth it. the diamond in the shit throwing. thanks anon.

>> No.16224700

> I wasted my time playing video games like a fucking idiot and now I'm 25

dude no kidding i've literally done the same thing the last 18 years of my life, more or less the same age. holy fuck what a waste and a bubble that made

>> No.16224717

> some boomer competition but they're really stupid and I'm fucking them up in every way without really even trying.
what are some ways you're gaining an edge in the business world against boomers?

>> No.16224827

Ok boomer

>> No.16224885
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Also daily reminder that the Hit-man joined the Bavarian military at age 25 after being homeless and rejected from uni between 18-24. I'd say his life picked up a bit after that

>> No.16224956
File: 77 KB, 586x521, qDW4Ot6tVADe8gQXSS8VbmBfX2DbGuxWcjRFff5_7sI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I googled "savings rate", you are telling people to save 64% of their income whereas I read the average person right now has a savings rate of about 2%, and the peak was 17% for boomers in the 90s, I guess you are the stupid one if you think anybody is capable of saving 64% of their income

>> No.16225496

Please tell more, I'm coping with the fact that young people like this could actually exist. Please tell me I'm wrong

>> No.16226004

You care too much what other people think. So what if you are the oldest guy in school. Just dont act like a weirdo and youll do fine and have friends.

>> No.16226051

It's not old, you are only a third of way through. This is the time when you have the best physical abilities and you develop the best mental abilities. After 50 it's a slow decline. Make the most of and enjoy 25-50.

>> No.16226091

>25 is actually old
a study showed that men are the happiest at 50yo on average. this means you are just half way to your happiest time of your life by that statistic. so stop panicing and try to do what you love. just go be a physician if thats what you want to be. srsly do it.

>> No.16226601

>I literally can't have a bad day because I just have to remember that I have hundreds of thousands in my bank account. The happiness never fades lmao
this is a lie

>> No.16226637

>It's not success, it's fucking luck don't kid yourself. NOBODY could have guessed bitcoin was even going to break $1000, don't even pretend like you did. And $10k? Yeah, no, pretty much everything after $1000 was insane. Even tripling from $5k was mind blowing.
Yeah, almost nobody thought it was actually going to 10k for real in 2015. It was just a meme that people would dream about for fun, but nobody took it seriously

>> No.16226742

Can you post a pic of your grid?

>> No.16227345

don't we all anon
don't we all

>> No.16227363

best of luck. I do mean that unironically. everyone wants to make it. maybe you are special.

>> No.16227385

We say that 25 is young because we assume that you didn't waste most of a decade and now have to spend many years of your life being cucked by the educational system yo get anywhere, you'd be on top of the world now if you didn't knowingly ruin every chance you were given.

>> No.16227400

it's cringy as fuck to see doomers thinking they should already have made it because at 24, life has just started for them. like just barely fucking started. they have no idea... we're running a long race. you better pace yourselves faggots. if you're tired already, I got some bad news for you....you haven't even started up the hill yet

>> No.16227419

You can sort your life out any time, but your chances are exponentially decreasing. If youre still dirt poor at 25 you have around 10% of eventually leading a decent life. At 30, it's less than 1%.

>> No.16227428

I turned old when I hit 27. One day I just woke up and ducking everything hurt, I felt like shit, and went to bed at 8:30pm. Old age hit my like a fucking ton of bricks. I also subsisted on 90mg of adderall for 2 years before that happened so YMMV.

>> No.16227441

we all get recruiter spam all day long. those aren't job offers though are they? how many of the recruiters that contact you are non-indians, and how many of them even have positions in the same state as you? kek.

>> No.16227544

No, it's only because of retards like you telling everyone that doing normal 'adult stuff' is super hard that all these guys give up and fail. I just kept my head down, passed my classes, and am set to graduate college debt free and with money in my bank account at the age of 21 in about 6 months. It's not that hard if you take care of yourself, put in some effort, and avoid obviously bad decisions.

>> No.16227552

The majority of Americans have less than $400 in savings

>> No.16227573

So you just sat around scratching your ass from 18-24? If you don't value 6 years of opportunities then why do you think you'll get so much out of 60? I honestly don't understand how you guys were okay just sitting around being stupid for so long, I took my rage and used it to get shit done so I could hopefully have some money and freedom before too long instead of living like a cuck to my parents and other authority forever while playing video games all day to cope.

>> No.16227575

Anon, you still have time. Just think "if I were a shy, qt trad girl, where would I hang out?" and go there to meet a shy, qt tradwife.

>> No.16227691


Turned 22 a couple months ago and from the attitudes in here you would think that I've "made it" based on what I've done so far, but I don't really feel like that and desu the one thing I've realised (which I am glad to have realised in an early part of my life) is that happiness does not come from being subservient to another man as a glorified wageslave in golden handcuffs, nor does it come from banging thots picked up from high-end nightclubs.

I was on a six-figure salary in London at the age of 20 (self-taught software engineer), yet despite earning more than 90% of the UK population I was not happy. I wore expensive clothes, lived the meme London high-class lifestyle, hung out at the most exclusive clubs, banged hot chicks etc. but deep down I knew that this is all just me trying to mask my existensial issues using shortcuts like alcohol and instant gratification through glamour. And of course, despite "making it" (at least from the view of normies), it still wasn't enough. There is always a higher salary bracket, another club to try and get into, another meme richfag vacation destination you need to visit for social validation - it never ends.

What I think people don't realise here especially those who feel like they have wasted their life is that there is no finish line in life nor is there any milestone you need to hit that will finally make you happy. Moreover, substituting your internal problems with material goods like money, status, and fame does not actually solve the aforementioned problems - it just hides it. Sometimes for months, sometimes for years, but eventually these unresolved problems will catch up with you and it will lead you down a path of self-destruction like it did to me (alcohol, women, drugs, etc).

I think Nietszche was right in that happiness and making it comes from trying to become the best possible version of yourself and pursuing passions that you truly enjoy while appreciating the little things that enrich your life.

>> No.16227696

wtf are you even talking about? where in this thread have I said anything to give you the impression that I sat around for half a decade in my early 20's? 24 is fresh college grad age, not retirement age. I've lived long enough to be able to look back and tell you young fags that 24 is just starting out. you're live has barely started at that age. you don't get to be tired at 24.

>> No.16227710

>one day i just woke up and fucking everything hurt, i felt like shit
>27 years old
i think thats just your terrible lifestyle bro

>> No.16227745


As for myself, I'm glad I left that city and the weekend warrior ratrace a couple months ago. Currently doing some oddjobs to finance a budget digital nomad lifestyle while travelling the world and experiencing things that I overlooked or even patronised (snobs disgust me now) a year or two ago, and I'm much happier despite having significantly reduced financial means.

>> No.16227753

I think you’re blowing shit out of proportion. I turned 29 a few months ago and it doesn’t seem too bad. And that’s even with my old man about to move into my house since he lost his, ultimately dropping my pussy chances since I’d usually bring girls back without care. But life goes on. I figure I have til 35-40 to really start worrying, as should you. Oh but granted I also have 200k+ Link. That’s the kicker in which I’m struggling as to how long I should wait before selling since I’m not eating any younger. I figure another year or 2 before I start fuck it and sell half that shit

>> No.16227754

25 yo neet virgin.

Why me. Why did i end up this way?

>> No.16227763

Nut up you fucking pussy, do you know how many old geezers made it?
Youth is wasted on the young is a saying for a reason, not everyone is a money making autist at 16 yo.

>> No.16227789

>Whenever I feel an existential crisis like this, I use a thought experiment. I imagine that I'm in the same spot that I am now, financially, physically, mentally, socially, etc. but I add on ten years to my life. So, if you're 25, pretend you're 35. I then "look-back" to my youth, when I was 25 and I ask myself what I would have changed or what I should have accomplished over that 10-year period. I plan out what I would have done differently and how I would achieve my goals. After this is done, I "revert" back to my actual age of 25, take this new perspective, and get to work achieving what I want to achieve before I turn 35.

This is the best advice in this thread desu.

>> No.16227809
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>what are some ways you're gaining an edge in the business world against boomers?

I don't really have to do anything to gain an edge on them. I'm just better than them. All their graphics are horrible, their marketing is really bad, they're too lazy monitor their place all the time and live there like I do, they're too dumb to change anything... they get bad reviews on a certain issue over and over and don't change it. They got a huge streak of 1 stars it's kinda sad. They have 4 boomer business partners and are way slower than me as a halfway intelligent sole owner to move on anything.

nah. I don't lie.

>> No.16227842

>what are some ways you're gaining an edge in the business world against boomers?

This is much easier than you think - consider that boomers grew up in an age where the internet was not as widespread as it today, and consequently their exposure and ability to search for and process considerable amounts of disparate information is reduced significantly.

>> No.16227856

They hired very expensive consultants on everything and every aspect of their business turned out worse than mine because I'm very creative and DIY'd almost everything.

>> No.16227868

>25 and hitting the wall
>dropout with GED
>family has property so I coast
>for 7 years

I don't see many options though. Sell your soul for school to be exploited by whatever company. or sell to a trade. My own passions aren't profitable but I don't want to sell out my work/life balance and the state of the world has me down.

>> No.16227910

i realized the vanity of life when i was ~20 and so decided to focus on inner spirituality and truth and shit

still struggling but ultimately it's better than being in golden cuffs. in the end what's really gonna matter? positive impact. I only see education/work as a way to improve reach.

>> No.16227920

24 is the age you graduate from college if you failed a bunch of classes and goofed off, and OP clearly said he didn't go at all.

>> No.16227949

You still have another 2 years to get your act together. Get a degree that's useful and do whatever it takes to get an internship while getting said degree. People will still teach you and mentor you. That empathy will fade once you hit 28-30. No one likes an old infant, but they live an underdog that knows hes an underdog.

>> No.16227966

What's wrong with being 36 when you finish school? I don't think anyone would look down on you for getting your degree later?

>> No.16227972

That's probably it actually. At any given time I have like 20 different tabs open on my computer on things related to my business. I'm always here 24/7. I'm always trying out different things. Meanwhile they just spend all their money paying incompetent normies to do stuff for them and thought they could just throw money at consultants to get it all set up for them and then walk away with a cash machine. It was so easy to eat their lunch.

>> No.16228276

>nah. I don't lie.
Maybe that applies to someone smug and arrogant like you, but as someone who made the same profit as you (little bit less because taxes in my country are higher) I can say that it is total bullshit that you can't be sad or have a shit day/week/month just because you have money in the bank.

>> No.16228360

>tfw 3 months
>tfw 9.8 sextillion net worth

Being Jeff Bezos’s flesh vessel that his soul will transfer to instantly when he dies is pretty comfy desu

>> No.16228419

Well maybe my smug and arrogant attitude serves me better than your ungrateful dejected attitude serves you. I think of myself very highly, I'm very optimistic, I'm very energetic. I'm almost like trump. I never have a shit day. I'll have challenging or tiring days sure but never a day where I go to bed feeling hopeless about my future. In fact even if I lose everything right now I know I can build myself up because I've gained knowledge of other businesses I can start with low starting capital in the process of building this one.

>> No.16228435

d-did the wizard powers start yet?

>> No.16228492

If you actually just want to change le world its not hard at all. Buy a gun, kill someone important. Kill many people who are important. Its as easy as being a nigger hit man with an iq to change the world. Being a physician wouldn't change shit, you might save some lives but nobody who matters

>> No.16228584

I regret this post I stand by it but it wasn't in line with the social nature of this thread and could've stifled conversation my bad OP glad your thread turned out was some good feels had and wisdoms

>> No.16228648

Fuck off commie. Nobody benefits from revolution unless you are the leader of that revolution. You're more likely to win the lotto or be born wealthy than you are to lead the revolution. You'll be shot in the back by the actual leader because or you'll be forgotten and starve to death like all the other plebians who thought they could get rich beyond their dreams robbing a house with 300 people. Pro tip either everyone's share is going to be garbage or one person is going to fuck over the 299 and it's not going to be you.

>> No.16228665

>implying I'm not going to go postal by 35

>> No.16228797

>35k savings + 15k retirement
>in college on a full scholarship took a break to work and will still graduate ahead of schedule
100% gonna make it

>> No.16228918
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dude i turned 34 last week. 25 is young. you're at a quarter of your life span spent, im at around half (remember not everybody becomes 80 years old)

BUT at 25 you have to start realizing that it's time to stop fucking around and settle things in your life.

also if you're a woman (i know you aren't but if you were) you need to find a man because when you're 30 it will get REALLY hard, at 35 it's difficult to have children for women and no man will want to rush children with you without spending some years getting to know you.

>> No.16229573

This is retarded and might work for normalfags

>> No.16229631

>i need a million dollars to have kids
Fuck off faggot. My parents had me at 45. Its fucking awful.

>> No.16229648

so, 24 is old then? is that what you're trying to tell me? reading is fundamental anon, but you're doing it wrong. it's like you have an argument in your mind already and are mistaking my words for the shadow in your head.

>> No.16229850

Yeah it sucks to know you'll die, but there is no "being dead", there's only life

>> No.16229902

That's literally what you just did lol

>> No.16229976
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it's almost like the person you will become is based on the person you are now

>> No.16230362

when i was 25 and fucking 16 year olds became "creepy".
fucking bitches

>> No.16230518
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25 is young or old depending on who you ask, that’s what kills me about these threads.

I felt old when I turned 19 because mentally I viewed myself as a high schooler, then I realized I was too old for high school. I felt old when I turned 21 because I was finally old enough to buy alcohol.

A 45 year old is looking at a bunch of 20 somethings saying they’re old and laughing their asses off. A 12 year old is looking at a bunch of 20 somethings and thinking they’re grown adults who have it all together. You will never stop feeling old, I promise you that. You’re always going to think you’re old, it’s not something you should really waste more than a few seconds thinking about.

You do realize you need to get your shit together, that’s the built in panic button telling you you need to get up and get off your ass and get some skills so you can make some money. At 30 you will wonder why you didn’t start at 25, at 35 if you still haven’t done anything you’ll ask your 30 year old self what the fuck he was thinking. Get off your ass and go, right now, and you’ll be surprised how quickly you can learn if you dedicate yourself to it. You’re not too old to make your life better, you’re at the perfect age to do it and you also have a sense of urgency and clarity in your goals that some dumbfuck 18 year old who has never seen life outside a classroom doesn’t have.

>> No.16230568

Not OP but 25 is really when I stopped feeling young and started feeling old. It's cuz you're over the hump, getting closer to your 30s than to your teenage years.

> tfw 27 now
I feel like my life is kind of on track but my job is kinda stupid. I mean I like it, it pays well and it requires higher education but I can't really brag about it cuz it sounds so boring.

>> No.16230622

jesus christ i turned 31 so fast. 26 - 31 was crazy fast. i don't even remember what i did that time. Feels so depressing friends.

>> No.16231321

Buy Amarin to make it anon. It will double by Dec 28th because the FDA is going to approve their drug.

>> No.16231556

30 here, can confirm. It feels like people born after 2000 should be 3 or 4 years old

>> No.16231581

Curb your enthusiasm champ. You never know what's around the corner. I believe in you, but you sound like every other zoomer I've crossed paths with.

>> No.16231765

Yeah i sorta realize that my future at this point is basically mine to piss away, gonna try and make sure that won’t happen

>> No.16232080

Reminder if you didn't make it good with the bitcoin bull run there will never be another chance to get rich as easily again. (((They))) won't let it happen

>> No.16232245
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Tfw 26 and 50k€ , still nothing i can do with its not less nor its so much to make it

>> No.16232335

Imagine giving up on your dream job and still have 30 years ahead of you at age 36 on a shit job because you care about this dumb normie shit. ffs giving up on any shot in your life to change things for the better because society doesn't respect you enough for it is absolutely the worst possible advice ever

>> No.16232632

Do you wanna standing ovation for your basket weaving degree faggot? Kek. You look insecure as fuck

>> No.16232642


>> No.16233579
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Listen to this anon. From experience I can say I've felt 'too old to give it a real try' at practically every stage of life. It has entirely more to do with a negative worldview and self-worth than any reality. I was at a job fair a couple of months ago and met this 55 year-old that fucked up his back after being a carpenter all his life, trained for JAVA and was now recruiting for the company he worked for as a programmer. Age is meaningless as long as you stop comparing your future to whatever potential success you might have had if you had started earlier or to other people who did start earlier.

>> No.16233881
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3k views, how do you even find this stuff?

>> No.16234509

>50k in cash
Go buy some assets retard.