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16227350 No.16227350 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, I implore you, throw all you've got at BAT. The partnership that changes everything is right around the corner.

>> No.16227360

>muh partnerships

this isn't 2017 if you haven't noticed you dumb fuck

>> No.16227534

give hint. just read that Brave is up from 8M users to 9M in last month. Pretty crazy growth stat....guess I will have to invest in this....

>> No.16227562

Can someone explain the tokenomics to me? I don’t understand why adoption would push the price up.

>> No.16227577
File: 86 KB, 644x585, bravectr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advertisers must buy bat to place ads. currently bat ads are outperforming ctr rates of market by huge percentage.

>> No.16227590

Advertisers pay with fiat, Brave uses most of that to buy BAT, increasing the price.

>> No.16227593

Do advertisers buy-ins lock the tokens up?

>> No.16227608

Whatever the case. Someone needs to create a live-streaming site where you can superchat using BAT earned by watching ads.

>> No.16227623

I misspoke: "adoption" is more apt than partnership. But the two will be directly related.

>> No.16227626

yes...ad purchases translates to bat purchases.
the other aspect is coin supply. bat has 1.5B coins which sounds like a ton...but with 9M unique users per month thats only 166 per user. pretty crazy. I'm so happy biz has slept on this, made it so cheap to accumulate.

>> No.16227628

You arent allowed to sell BAT i have to donate it to (((content creators)))

Also the token can never go over $1, its got a built in market dump smart contract to keep price below a dollar. Its in the whitepaper

>> No.16227636
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1563288169956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BAT for ads gets distributed to users and then to creaotrs, so even better than locked up, the supply gets thinner and more widespread as it is used. Give it a year or two and there will be more BAT users than BTC.

>> No.16227651

>post complete bullshit about whitepaper.
it has no fucking mechanism to "dump above $1"...let me guess they're using LINK as the fucking oracle? scammers like you should be permabanned

>> No.16227690

Do I buy link or bat. help me please.

>> No.16227703

what's it take for a wage cager to get a BAT brap around here?

>> No.16227717

don't stress yourself anon, just buy both

>> No.16227873

Anyone else having issues with not receiving ads on mobile?

>> No.16227926

got damn
imagine trying to sell something and paying Google to obviously force your company to the top of a completely unrelated search with a big thing that says "ADVERTISEMENT" right below it. I honestly cringe and refuse to click on Google ads because of how creepy and awkward they are

>> No.16227952

Mobile can't even cash out, and the only way to cash out period is to give your identity to a data mining rep company.

>> No.16228523

That's unfortunate. Getting real fucking tired of these 7-layer verification send-us-your-drivers-license, take-a-selfie-of-yourself, send-us-a-stool-sample sites.
These fuckers want your DL and then the very next step is they want you to take a fucking selfie of yourself so they can compare it to your license.

>> No.16228615
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Ive got BAT,
I call it "Basic Attention Deficit Token"

It pretty cool

>> No.16228668


>> No.16228713

Thank You. had to make a run to the hospital for those without. I'm kinda poor and I have at most, 15 dollars. So I will try to acquire a litte of both and hopefully it grows.

>> No.16229386

Use Brave and accumulate, or earn BAT by being a content creator. What you earn now will be worth 100x later.

>> No.16229599

I hate that and how 90% of sites want you to create an account with email and bullshit. fuck you let me get in get shit done and get out without a faggy ass account for your site that wont even be around in a year. fucking obnoxious how everyone thinks this way.
hurr I made a website but you need to make an account cuz that's what everyone else does and im a peasant that follows the norm even if its subpar and ineffeciant. peasants peasants everywhere

>> No.16229842

Decentralized Ethereum exchanges like Kyber/Airswap are what you want. No signing up and you can connect with your Metamask wallet.

>> No.16230062
File: 62 KB, 386x784, e674d263ebf24e5fc416b907e7fbb6b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been using my stealing life spell on other users

>> No.16230194

its a pain in the ass. its not a solution anyone wanted, least of which brave.

If you are interested as to why this developed like this, essentially the crypto nature of "paying users" scared big ad firms...what if McDonalds advertises on Brave, which winds up in bad persons wallet, who then does bad things with funds...effectively then the media spin would be: "Did McD effectively fund this terrible crime?". Yes its stupid, but its the reality of what the concerns were. So the only solution was impose KYC on wallets where you receive ad money.

But there is a solution for this coming though....next stage will be ways you can spend your bat at approved vendors. (ie. buy a VPN, buy webhosting, online shopping, etc). eCommerce sites have no problem passing KYC (they already have commercial banks accounts), so they will be the conduit where most users spend their bat.

>> No.16230215

they're going to get fucked by the SEC soon

>> No.16230233

BAT is the least likely coin/token to get fucked by them.
Ripple is the obvious number 1 candidate.

>> No.16230286

the more and more fudding and with stupid reasons I see the more I know im investing in a good thing. fudderss showing up with their weak it'll never be worth anytthing and other fud posts while desperatelyt accumulating and trying to scare others off. typical greedy jew wanna bes.

>> No.16230299

Does this really count when the users of Brave are being rewarded for clicking ads? I click Brave ads for the reward, then I close them. I don't give any fucks about what's being advertised.

>> No.16230312

no need to click, none of that info is captured or gathered. you get paid for the little popup at top of screen.

>> No.16230363

That's good news. I've had ads popping up for awhile but I stopped clicking them. I bet most users don't know this and are clicking the ads for BAT even though they're not interested, pumping the CTR. I'd like to see how well these ads convert.

>> No.16230375

yeh, i do open ads occasionally....if advertisers never see clicks they will stop advertising. the other day an amazon ad popped up.

>> No.16230489

I click the ads so they know what interests me and what kinda views they get. I want this to grow not stagnate and die. tho you dont have to click the ads a few have been worth it for me to check. also been seeing amazon ads lately

>> No.16230531

It's better to click ads so advertisers will be more motivated to buy BAT.
I occasionally click on ads too. Some are pretty cool, but mostly for Americans.

>> No.16230626

Price prediction of BAT in 2020 and 2021?

>> No.16230681

hard to say. all depends on what percentage of online ad market bat/brave captures. Its reasonable it could capture 3% of market...so thats $2B a year buying BAT...could be fairly big price increase....

>> No.16230834

$2B in market buys would take BAT to like $40 per token.

>> No.16231260

yea...assuming next year we double to 18M monthly users....thats a tiny tiny pool of tokens available...obviously we will move quickly to decimalization so regular earnings will be .001 or whatever, but still those acquiring now in bulk will make out bigly.

>> No.16231449

So is 1k bat enough to make it?

>> No.16231479

Imagine throwing everything at BAT when LINK is just starting to take off. Will the gain be more than LINK? No. Then, stay in LINK.

>> No.16231498

>just starting to take off

I'm gonna make it next week right? Or is tomorrow the day my life begins?

>> No.16231562

Even my boomer ass boss who falls for all sorts of advertising click-bait bullshit said to me the other day after a Google search, “Don’t click the top link because that’s just an Ad” — as in he recognized the worthlessness of the top links instantly.

If he’s not clicking the Ad links, I can’t imagine who is. Their click through rate has to be dropping like a brick.

>> No.16231724

LINK is the biggest for backend crypto adoption, BAT is the biggest for frontend crypto adoption. BAT will be huge like Netscape, but will lose out in the longrun to Chainlink's HTTP.

>> No.16231762

yes, this is brendens big realization. ad blockers / privacy add-ons will destroy web 2.0 market. So must design a way to decouple someones interest with their identity, so you can advertise to interest and the user still uses all ad blockers / privacy tools. Its the only solution out there that is doing this. The fag mafia that runs SV has it in for him however, but they will have to capitulate once he starts to gobble up mozilla and edge numbers.

>> No.16231875

Exactly. Adblock has to be increasing and websites are begging users to turn it off just so they have the displeasure of ignoring visible Ads they will never click. Totally broken and retarded old system and anyone that defends it is an absolute regard. It never did anyone any good except people that were fraudulently exploiting it.

That’s why I don’t get all the brainlet BAT FUD. Brave is using cryptocurrency in a legitimate way to fix decrepit Boomer-made broken internet advertising aka an actual problem. If Brave is successful they’ll not only fix the issue but they’ll make money while doing it.

Literally every single argument against BAT boils down to “b-but MUH SHITCOIN! They could have used muh shitcoin!” and it always makes me laugh

>> No.16232206

Especially considering how insane streaming and other "content creators" have become in the past five years, targeting BAT on that sector is a great move.

>> No.16232561

I think brave/BAT is getting close to a tipping point, and theres not much time to accumulate. I keep having thought of it basically being an ATM where you put in $1 and it spits out $80 a couple years later. Might just try and pick up a second job or find some extra sources of income just to scoop up even more. The 12%+ growth of users in less than a month is pretty bullish.

>> No.16232897

imagine buying erc20 tokens