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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16225942 No.16225942 [Reply] [Original]

Last time I checked Ultra it was at like 2 cents. Now it is x1,8.
I am sure, there are insiders buying up now.
More exchanges coming?
Public beta announcement soon?

>> No.16225949

It was announced to be listed on Coinone and some Singaporian exchange

>> No.16226142

As this guy said, there was an announcement about two exchanges yesterday. Ultra’s mainnet is also set to launch before EOY.

>> No.16226220

I mean even after the Coinone. Most of the time projects which start getting listed are getting listed on many more exchanges in the following weeks.
I bought it in at 2,7 as I fomoed inside. It was a good one.

>> No.16226568


>> No.16226650

>Public beta announcement soon?

Nah, we gotta do the ERC20 to EOS swap before that. But Beta will probably be close anyway.

Mooning soon. Can't fucking wait

>> No.16227070

Well I more think of a realistic x3

>> No.16227136

Vetty good green TOKEN I am buying a bag

>> No.16227300

>Market Cap $3,519,535 USD
>24 Hour Volume $47,491.70 USD

>Bitfinex UOS/BTC $23,473
>Bitfinex UOS/USD $14,069
The white paper explains this right? Why hasn't it mooned yet?

>> No.16227315

Beta hasn't even been released. They said end of year... we will see if they keep their promise.

>> No.16227354

Sir what is point of releasing erc 20 token if you are just doing token swap and don't even have a working "product" yet sir

Almost seems like pump and dump scam and all you guys are just satsgang scammers sir

Please buy Ultra token and UDOO

>> No.16227418

Paranoid faggot. DYOR or stay poor

>> No.16227433

Ultra is a gem I buy a bag

>> No.16227469

Me too I buyed 2 bags

>> No.16227503

I'm going to recoop my 2018 losses with this one

>> No.16227524

Please sir show me one case when a "token swap" wasn't a scam and the price didn't dump 95% afterwards please sir


>> No.16227536
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Good idea sir you will make much moons

>> No.16227567

This was so pathetic

>> No.16227585
File: 38 KB, 687x179, 1573488812332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultra good green token to recover losses

>> No.16227657

Don't you feel bad using so much time of yourself just to fill threads without contributing a single shit of value?

I think I have seen you in like 40 threads pasting the same shit over and over again.
I bet you are that type of a person playing League of Legends and reporting everyone instead of playing well yourself and winning the game :D
A typical lol griever spamming threads on 4chan :)
I love people using their own life just to do nothing :D

>> No.16227682

Why is it that every time one of you streetshitting cowfucking shilling retards gets btfo'd, you always resort to "hurrr don't you have something else better to do than reveal my pajeetry sirs"?

>> No.16227716

I'm providing value by pointing out your scam and ruining your thread. I'm paid in good karma and the fun I have while doing so

BTW, just acquired 5 more satchels of UOS token