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16226034 No.16226034 [Reply] [Original]

FIVE months after Craig Steven Wright, an Australian computer scientist and businessman, was outed against his will as Satoshi Nakamoto, he says he is indeed the creator of bitcoin. On May 2nd he published a blog post offering cryptographic proof, backed up by other information, to make his case. Along with two other media organisations, The Economist had access to Mr Wright before the publication of his post. Our conclusion is that he could well be Mr Nakamoto, but that nagging questions remain. In fact, it may never be possible to prove beyond reasonable doubt who really created bitcoin. Whether people, particularly bitcoin cognoscenti, actually believe Mr Wright will depend greatly on what he does next, after going public.


>> No.16226059

O’hagan said in his books that all those early proofs were faked

>> No.16226069
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there is no-one believes this fat fraud

>> No.16226071

>O’hagan said in his books that all those early proofs were faked
Nope he did not. If you are going to claim that you need to back it up with sources. Protip: You can't

>> No.16226077

>outed against his will

>> No.16226081

No the fat fraud needs to STFU and prove his bullshit. that, or STFU and fuck off. As he can't prove jack, I suggest the latter, finally.
enjoy jail cunt
that is all

>> No.16226082

The Tulip Trust is fake. Hence the rest is fake.

>> No.16226086
File: 432 KB, 1368x398, tale-of-two-satoshis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only one way we recognize satoshi
and here is step 0:

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


>> No.16226218

Craig the queer BTFO

>> No.16226225

Yeah he said Craig faked them because of the “tulip trust” and that his financial backer was pissed

>> No.16226267

Still no source? I'm starting to think you are just making things up

>> No.16226277

Rajesh pls refute


>> No.16226285

>Rajesh pls refute

>> No.16226386

Years later, according to “The Satoshi Affair,” Wright said of his time in the military:

“‘They locked me in a bunker … and I worked on a bombing system. Smart bombs. We needed fast code, and I did that.’”

I found Wright’s claims about his military service intriguing, mainly because military service creates a lot of public records. So I strolled on over to the National Archives of Australia to see what information it would release to me. It took several months of painful bureaucratic back and forth, but I managed to retrieve 82 out of the 177 pages of documents on file for Wright. They are available here.


What do Wright’s public military records show?

He was in the Australian Air Force Cadets at age 15 in 1986.
He applied to the Australian Defence Force Academy to train as a pilot in 1987 but was rejected. Oddly enough, the psychologist’s report filed with this application is blank. It is possible that the completed one was withheld.
He was a student at the University of Queensland from 1988 to 1989.
He applied to the Royal Australian Air Force in 1989 and was accepted to a nine-year officer program with a sponsorship to the RAAF undergraduate program to study electrical engineering. The sponsorship offer noted that “should you fail to progress academically for whatever reason … you may be required to apply to repeat the year at your own expense.”

>> No.16226396

He started his first semester in 1990 as an Officer Cadet.
He passed one class, “Law of War,” in the first semester.
Oddly enough, there is no mention of any engineering or math classes, but perhaps these records were withheld.
A (hard to read) handwritten letter released by the archives appears to state that “Officer Cadets Bone and Wright were asked to show cause why they should be provided with continued RAAF sponsorship as they had failed semester 1/90.”
Wright did send a letter regarding his undergraduate sponsorship standing later that year, but it was withheld by the archives.
He went on SLWOP (special leave without pay) on March 15, 1990.
He was discharged October 19, 1990, for “Reason 4.” (I’ve not been able to verify what “Reason 4” means.)

It’s interesting, to say the least, that this man who claims to be a lifelong academic with more than a dozen degrees appears to have failed out of his first semester in the RAAF, according to these public records.

Is it likely that he was given the responsibility to write code for bomb guidance systems as a first-semester cadet? Did he leave the military due to a “conflict of interest”?

>> No.16226461
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>> No.16226488


>> No.16226495

if that's all you got then sv cucks are eternally btfo

>> No.16226629

Go ahead read O’hagan’s book retard. You can find it through a simple google search

>> No.16226634

>It took several months of painful bureaucratic back and forth,
Greg sir, it’s time. Your medicine awaits

>> No.16226657

Craig Wright is a fraud and a well known pedophile

>> No.16226664

>Craig Wright is a fraud and a well known pedophile
Unironically reported to csw

>> No.16227371

Imagine spamming all this and thinking anyone will read it. I you want to convince people that Craig is not Satoshi you need to do much much better

>> No.16227386

t. low IQ

>> No.16227397

>Guys look, chainlink pumped hard and it was shilled on /biz/, let's do the same thing
Except we know that CSW is a fraud & BSV along with him - even CZ knows it.