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1620149 No.1620149 [Reply] [Original]

Why people hate on soros so much?
Im watching as many interviews i can to try to signal his brain so i can become rich with my cryptoinvestments


>> No.1620158

Nice rental bro

>> No.1620161

George soros is a real life James Bond villain, that's ultimately why people hate him.

>> No.1620164

but why

>> No.1620200


>> No.1620272

Good question. Dunno the answer. I guess some people are just fucked in the head and want to force their vision of the world down everyone's throats. Doesn't help that he's in power.

>> No.1620293

This is what gained him notoriety. But mostly it's because of things like (https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/people/george-soros or his funding of the democrat party/influence in governments) which gives people the idea that he is a shady puppet master.

>> No.1620351

I was just thinking about this, I think it's like he's the left wing equivalent of the Koch Brothers.

I don't understand it myself, I think there's a sinister motive attributed to his think tanks and philanthropy, the same way people assume Bill Gates is just an Illuminati puppet. It's like they completely forget philanthropy is the nexus between ego and guilt.

>> No.1620395

People don't hate him just because he's rich, they hate him because:

1) He makes himself rich by literally destroying nations via finance

2) He is the one of the biggest kingpins behind most of the protesting and uprising (BLM, Trump protesters, Ukraine, everything in the middle east for the past few decades, probably much more)

3) He is behind the huge push towards the left/SJW/marxism taking a stranglehold on the west and implementing mass muslim immigration, for starters

4) He is literally a Jew who sold out his own famiy to the Nazis so that he could confiscate other Jewish peoples wealth for himself.

He is literally evil, not just "oh that guy is rich so he must b bad!"

>> No.1620446

Fucking this, in every way

He's a disgusting human being

>> No.1620453

Basically this

Just go to /pol/ and look for Soros threads if you want more details

>> No.1620495

I think this is the general traits of all peeps in finance. Wanna get rich? You have to beat the shit out of your enemies even friends.

>> No.1620503

Soros has a lot of political influence, which comes naturally with wealth. It isn't difficult to influence laws when you have the ability to basically bribe people to do what you want, or if you can't budge an area, simply fund a local organization that shares your interest, and use it as a way to gain more influence.

>> No.1620516

owning a lambo isnt that hard

>> No.1620663

yeah sure if you are a trust fund kid, otherwise if you have the average age of the /biz/ poster is impossible you own a fucking lambo, maybe when you are an old fuck after wagecucking for years but then who cares

>> No.1620668

he has a very good point about charity

>> No.1620684

>1) He makes himself rich by literally destroying nations via finance
how? he shorted the market, does this mean destorying nations?
>2) He is the one of the biggest kingpins behind most of the protesting and uprising (BLM, Trump protesters, Ukraine, everything in the middle east for the past few decades, probably much more)
i dont doubt he donates to those people, but actually organizing shit? i dont see it. tons of people hate trump, dindus revolt over happenings and triggered people in general will revolt. It's stupid to think everyone on there is under soros contract. Maybe there are a small select group of people that cause havok to try to propagate this cause chaos, but like 99% of people are not under soros, lol at thinking all those people is soros puppets.

>3) He is behind the huge push towards the left/SJW/marxism taking a stranglehold on the west and implementing mass muslim immigration, for starters

again i know he donates to all those organizations, immigration etc, but what i mean is, does he do it in purpose to collapse countries, or does he legitimatelly think it's the right think to do? because there is a big difference

>4) He is literally a Jew who sold out his own famiy to the Nazis so that he could confiscate other Jewish peoples wealth for himself.

how? what he has said is that he was 14 years old and he either played along with the nazis or died. so who would collaborate if the alternative is a painful death in the gas chamber?

>> No.1620769
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>i dont doubt he donates to those people, but actually organizing shit?

George Soros literally made his fortune by creating protest organizations to drive down property values, then swooping in and buying everything up in the aftermath. He started doing it in South Africa with the Anti-apartheid demonstrations (and the pro-apartheid demonstrations for that matter). PETA, FEMEN, BLM, the pro-EU riots in Ukraine, any seemingly out-of-nowhere protest group you can think of, he funds.
He's the driving force behind the current EU refugee crisis, he openly told the EU parliament that they should borrow money from him to pay for refugees (they'd owe him interest of course), that idiot Justin Trudeu sold off literally ALL the gold the Canadian government held the day after meeting with Soros.

He's human slime. He's a sleazy loan shark on a national scale, and he's carved out a fortune by profiting on the collapse of nations.

>> No.1620879

10 year old lambos can be had for under $70K. not every day, but sometimes they are posted for that price, non-salvage etc. insurance is also doable if you live in a rural area. It can be done.

also, very rarely insurance companies will write off an entire car because the tires were slashed, and they have to go through the "proper" channels and dealership to get a price. Extremely rare but there are stories of getting a working lambo under $30K.

>> No.1620882

He's a jew. Naturally when a Jew is rich, he got so through deceit, cunning and nepotism.

>> No.1620897

>getting a working lambo under $30K.

>> No.1620903

>Soros sold out his family to Nazis so he could collect Jewish wealth
>he was 12 at the time

Impressive. Not many boys run Nazi extortion businesses.

>> No.1620943

sites like copart. there won't be one now. you have to wait for the right condition, ie "a complete write off" due to cosmetic parts, but the car still works. My attainable dream car is a lotus exige and copart a couple of years ago let one go for $13K because it was a "write off" except it just had slashed tires and a ruined convertible top.

>> No.1620966

no way, they will be old as fuck and not legit gallardo's like op's pic, you cant never find a good condition gallardo for 30k

>> No.1620982

>Soros made his money driving down property values with protests than buying them up
A simple Google of Soros fund SEC filings shows he owns none of that.

>PETA is now an evil organisation
>he's the driving force for the refugee crisis
No, the civil war in Syria and spreading instability in the ME created the refugee crisis.

>Trudeau sold off gold
No, that's the decision of the finance minister. And it was a right decision. Gold has no financial use. There isn't enough gold to back even a fraction of the currency the world uses without massively inflating it's price.

>he's carved out a profit from destroying nations
No offense intended but you clearly know nothing about investing or what Soros did. When Soros shorted the pound, what he did was borrow sterling from his broker and legally signed a deal to pay back the value of it later. He then sold the shares at the pre crash price, waited, and paid for the sterling borrowed at the post crash price. He pocketed the billion dollar difference. The slight effect is it would have slightly lowered the pound when he sold it. Contrary to the popular saying that he broke the bank of England, he did not use financial jiggery-pokery to steal money from Britian. There were very strong signs the pound would fall and many speculators did the same, he was just the largest. He made his money through incredible financial acumen and the British government's stupidity.

>> No.1620984


>> No.1621284

>Creates coups and topples entire governments/economies for his financial gain
>But why he bad?
Gee I wonder

>> No.1621331

>1) He makes himself rich by literally destroying nations via finance
yeah like he did it alone and not as part of an investment crime syndicate
>2) He is the one of the biggest kingpins behind most of the protesting and uprising (BLM, Trump protesters, Ukraine, everything in the middle east for the past few decades, probably much more)
that really only ought to upset putin it is of zero consequence
>3) He is behind the huge push towards the left/SJW/marxism taking a stranglehold on the west and implementing mass muslim immigration, for starters
yeah i don't like sjws much and he is one for sure, but considering his life experience somewhat understandable
>4) He is literally a Jew who sold out his own famiy to the Nazis so that he could confiscate other Jewish peoples wealth for himself.
wat the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1622017


>> No.1622026



Well said.

>> No.1622031

Can you stop grasping at straws, it's clear to anyone he is a bad person.

>> No.1622039


Watch the 60 minutes interview you uneducated malignant cunts. He admits what he did during the war openly.


>Arguing over shit Soros has said himself in books he has written and in interviews he has given.


>> No.1622041
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Can you people stop pretending he's a good person?

Watch this 60 minutes interview from the 90's.


He LITERALLY sold out his fellow jews to the nazis. He's not only a piece of shit who crashes markets for lulz, he's a jew hating race traitor.

>> No.1622362

Just to add some philosophical flair to this discussion.

Soros survived the holocaust. That meant; people don't give a shit. They just looked when jews got deported and people said; oh well, atleast not me.

This man survived, and thought; WELL FUCK THIS WORLD. and made billions.

The banality of evil; ayn rand, comes to mind. Take a read, but yeah to me personally, soros is a fucking legend. He decided to not take it up the ass anymore. And succeeded quite well.

We all just animals in the end. I also believe that people truly need scapegoats. And saying he literally sold out his jews; is a gross overstatement of facts.

He was a 14 year old boy, he just saw what the world was like, and was told by his parents how to respond, just like you, me or any kid would do.

Stop acting holier than thou, and accept the world we fucking live in, or cry soros is 'evil' while you sit on your fat ass with your ugly fat wife, crying about injustice.

>> No.1622421

im not saying he is a good person
im just saying this "pupper master" shit seems ludicrous

>> No.1622434
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>> No.1622766

put yourself on the shoes of a 14 yo

what would have you done on that situation?

>> No.1622910


Nah cmon man he could've at least tried to save a couple jews.

>> No.1623156

and risk get found out and get his own family killed? I wouldn't try shit. Hell most people don't even dare to shoplift, or steal candy, yet soros should be a god amongst men, by saving strangers at risk of killing his own family.

Get fucking real people.

>> No.1623166

Typical flawed conspiracy theorist reasoning.

He gives a lot of money to charitable causes and some of it ended up with SJWs, he probably didn't understand that SJWs abuse and embarrass causes like feminism, many others have been duped before.

In /pol/'s mind this proves he is in complete control over the entire SJW movement.

It is like you tossed a nickel into a homeless person's pot only to discover they spent it on drugs and you are being blamed for their drug addiction.

>> No.1623275

well, soros seems to be high sentience and intelligent, how can he not realize the problems of what he is supporting?