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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 236 KB, 2000x1333, 20190607142532-jeff-bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16220841 No.16220841 [Reply] [Original]

Should it be legal to become this rich?

Imho, no. 95% of his wealth should be confiscated and distributed accordingly. He would still have more money than anyone could spend in a lifetime.

>> No.16220852

then people wont have a job

>> No.16220853

You should only be allowed to breathe 5% of the air you are currently breathing

>> No.16220860

Shit bait.

>> No.16220869


>> No.16220904

No he's just looking after it for me

>> No.16221040

thats a good thing

I dont care if people are rich. The real issue is real estate being overpriced

>> No.16221047

Are you one of those Normans who actually thinks this guy has $100B+ sitting in his bank account?

>> No.16221057

come to the light of georgism

land should be treated as the common property of mankind, but labor and capital should be wholly owned by those that produce them

>> No.16221060

Should it be legal to confiscate money?

>> No.16221071

He and everyone should be forced to reinvest. Hoarding must be a crime

>> No.16221089

This, ive been a georgist for ten years now. One of the few radical changes i would actually like to see.

>> No.16221114

his wealth literally only exists in stock. you do realize that right? its not like he has all that money in a bank account or something. its all notional

>> No.16221132

I don't recall anyone hating Bezos until he became the world's richest.

If it was really his wealth you were coveting, you'd been after him when he was worth $20 billion or whatever. Instead, you only come after him when he tops the charts at $100 billion.

I think what you really covet is his status as the world's richest. You want to rob his wealth, not for the wealth in its own right, but to raise your status relative to his, or to bring him down to your level.

You guys really are pathetic.

>> No.16221136

OP is obv bait but there are many many people who genuinely believe this is a practical, possible, and good idea.

Of course we could only do it once because then no one would ever bother making money ever again and civilisation would collapse. But at least there'd be no billionaire scum.

>> No.16221139

>it shouldn't be illegal to be as rich as him
>but i would pass laws making it impossible to be that rich without violating the law

What's your fucking problem, OP? It should be clear by now that the problem isn't rich people; it's who gets to be rich. Being rich is perfectly fine as long as you're a member of the National Socialist American Workers Party.

>> No.16221151

I hate him because he's a l*ftoid. I also hate Amazon for ruining brick and mortar stores, but I recognize that it's something we have to accept.

>> No.16221163

>Imho, no. 95% of his wealth should be confiscated and distributed accordingly
How would you confiscate his wealth?

>> No.16221178

>thinking he keeps his money under a matress
all his money are invested in something, therefore creating more jobs, then again, commies aren't interested in jobs, they want free gibs

>> No.16221206

Faggot op cannot possibly believe this

>> No.16221898

where are the peasants going to spend their bezos bucks when the global logistics network grinds to a halt

>> No.16221971

With a face like that he can have all the money he wants, he'll only attract gold diggers hahhaha what a scuffed fucking balding beta.

>> No.16221996

you are why i invest in monero

>> No.16222008

>Take all of Bezos' money
>It funds the US government for approximately 8.6 days

Oh wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.16222244

it is already invested you retards. It's mostly in Amazon stock


>> No.16222263
File: 482 KB, 573x692, Batman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialists with $100 billion horded away

>> No.16222269

yes, and?

>> No.16222304
File: 193 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191111-142629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16222337

We should outlaw cancer

>> No.16222354

>The real issue is real estate being overpriced
In what country? Because land is cheap as fuck in most of America where Beezos lives.

>> No.16222391

We need to get rid of intellectual property rights. What do the Georgist's say about those?

>> No.16222490

Even if it was inside of a bank. Banks constantly invest money, so every dollar inside a bank is still in circulation.

>> No.16222499
File: 73 KB, 538x1024, interracial america 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its comforting to blame the Jews, blame the bankers and globalists and any other label you want to place on the boogeyman that somehow caused the white man to fall. But in reality its the white race itself that is to blame for its utter weakness and degeneracy.

They are the weakest, most easily feminized, most degenerate race on earth. And its not even close.

You can post a million picture of vikings and explorers and great men from the past, but these are all dead. They don't exist among whites anymore in any large number. So stop equating today's whites with the great inventors, conquerors and builders of the past. Today's white people are like the spoiled offspring of the rich entrepreneur who build his empire only to see his weak, spoiled children waste it.

They let outsiders rape the shit out of their countries in exchange for materialism and porn and cheap chink shit. They are like a race of girls. They encourage and enable mass immigration to replace themselves instead of having a family of their own. They import Muslims and give them welfare and raise and school their nigger children all while have none of their own. White people are literally retarded and want to be genocided. This is what you need to understand. The average white male wants to masturbate to a big African pleasuring his unhappy wife. His wife does not want to mate with him but she will with niggers or Muslims. The white male happily pays taxes so others can have families. Today's young white men in their primes would rather play vidya eat carbs and fap to interracial tranny anime

Every hates white males not because they are strong and conquerors or oppressors, but BECAUSE they are so weak and cuckable.

They have to die off like all weak die off in nature. Look no further than the mirror if you want to know what is wrong with white countries.

>> No.16222644

He's not rich. All his wealth is in imaginary stocks with no real worth.

>> No.16222655

What is human psychology for $1000 Alex?

>> No.16222676

he should be forced to come up with evil schemes once a week in order to encourage extraordinary humans to come out of hiding

>> No.16222706

Why would post this copypasta here?

>> No.16222782

t.elder of zion.

>> No.16222797

>should it be legal-
This is slave mentality. It needs to be your goal to take his wealth and his goal to keep his wealth. Who cares about anything else. It's all about self-interest at the end of the day. Don't let the neocons trick you into being a commiephobe cuck.

>> No.16222803

based retard

>> No.16222808

>Communism on /biz/, a pure-blooded Capitalist board.
OP the amount of homosexuality within you has made you confused on where you should be, please go back to plebbit, you fucking tourist.

>> No.16222809

High quality b8, guaranteed 300 replies

>> No.16222816

Kys commie

>> No.16222823

How much LINK do I need to be able to rub my dick all over his bald head whenever I feel the need?

>> No.16222905

I like how China handles the ultra rich. There are no limits on the amount of wealth they can amass but if they try to use it to subvert the nation all their assets are seized and they're thrown in a jail cell. Bezos wouldn't dare pull the kind of shit he's getting away with now with wapo and fake news if it meant risking his empire.

>> No.16223110

For some reason most American Billionaires are pledging to give their fortunes to charity.

>> No.16223136

Real estate is expensive because of the government and the fed's fucked up monetary policy. Blame those niggers.

>> No.16223142

Not really a priority to the movement but george himself was a writer of note on free trade

>> No.16223150

You can't use the word accordingly when no one could possibly have a clue of what you're talking about

>> No.16223154

>op nowhere to be found

>> No.16223179

You’re a fool, should he donate his money to the poor (not bums)? Yes. Should he be required by law to do so? No.

It is not generosity then, it is theft, and who is to say that another is more worthy of the money than he? He made it, he keeps it, if he is greedy he will suffer. Generosity should not be legislated because then greedy people will take advantage of the system and all the business owners will leave

>> No.16223196

Everyone would be better off if his wealth was liquidated to the 99%

>> No.16223204

fuck off commie

>> No.16223328

amzn stock will crash, causing thousands of job cuts and probably a market crash.
Congrats retard you just increased the unemployment rate and caused deaths.

>> No.16223366

All amazon does is put people out of business retard

>> No.16223399

based commie

>> No.16223405


Let's start with distributing 95% of your wealth to third worldworlders

Oh wait

>> No.16223451

If you want that money to go to Israel so bad why don't you offer him your ass for $50 and write them a check yourself?

>> No.16223474

No its not. 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck. 50% of renters are cost burdened. Of those, half spend over 50% of their income on rent. Etc. Those are nationwide stats

>> No.16223724

t. bootlicker

>> No.16223787

That's because Americans are stupid and blow all their money on luxuries.

>> No.16223812

15% of Americans are Black, 30% Hispanic, and 10% methhead trailer trash, of course they're going to look like shit on any metric involving thinking.

>> No.16224296

no. 4 years ago it was 50%. It jumped 28%. It cant just be blamed on "bad money management".

>> No.16224331

he'd have to 'sell his ownership' of his assets in order to get real money, and even then it will just be turned into some other type of ownership (like a house)

technically, there are trillionaires on this planet and yet people blindly think all those kings and families just disappeared

>> No.16225058
File: 1.70 MB, 768x432, man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are mistaking net worth for wealth
most of his "money" is on paper only (haha, very funny)

when is amazon stock going to start going up again anyway, getting tired of sideways

>> No.16225081

So what's the plan? Give everyone his Amazon shares which would then be worthless.

>> No.16225107

Amazon is an arm of the deep state you fool

>> No.16225115

Not true, he can walk into any bank, ask for a loan and the bank manager will ask how many zeroes

>> No.16225809

kill yourself

>> No.16225897

Distributed to who? You're on the wrong board this is for people who actually understand how and why markets work

>> No.16225972

Thats not a "there is no cheap real estate" problem. Thats a problem of people being clustered together and fighting for small plots of land in cities. If they moved out and started fresh in a rural area, then they could get cheap land in a new place, and the prices in the city would go down due to their being less demand. It's a hard pill to swallow, but sometimes dropping all your shit and starting fresh somewhere else is the best move.

>> No.16226013

>Should it be legal to become this rich?
yes but we shouldn't give the corporations tax breaks because they lobby law makers

Buy BTC and Vote Bernie if you want change