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16218669 No.16218669 [Reply] [Original]

What book do /biz/ read?

>> No.16218812

Right now the Bible and Principles by Dalio.

>> No.16218905

ultra learning, america before.

Both totally recommend

>> No.16218926

>reading books
never gonna make it

>> No.16218958

>The bible
>going anywhere near semetic religion

Never gonna make it.

>> No.16218970
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>> No.16219241

Schopenhauer Essays

>> No.16219265

Bout to finish bronze age mindset. It's a good book if you're an incel and need to change your attitude

>> No.16219289
File: 194 KB, 640x544, 7D09C44E-50F3-4653-A827-20BC4DAD30AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you mean? The jews are the richest race on the planet. Must at least party be because of their religion.

>> No.16219302

Alright, what's it about? I read the blurb and it makes little sense

>> No.16219325

I will never read/indulge in anything Jewish. If it has anything even remotely related to jews I will ignore it. refuse to even talk to jews face to face IRL. The whole point of me investing in crypto is to beat the jewish system of wage slaving. It's why I was homeless for many years and will probably be in the future If I never make it. You have to be a jew or indulge in semetic religion to have any gain from them, Which is something I refuse to do.

>> No.16219386

He compares the lives of modern men to those Roman warriors and people of the bronze age. Explains why we today are unfulfilled fags. It's filled with famous Romans and their tales. And he makes fun of modern men

>> No.16219413

JR - Gaddis
Darconville's Cat - Theroux
The Devil To Pay In The Backlands
Tristram Shandy - Sterne

>> No.16219768

Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition - Kevin MacDonald

>> No.16219796

Imagine being this pathetic.
You will never make it.

>> No.16219909

Seneca - Letters from a stoic

Way better than meditations.

>> No.16220022
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Is that you, google books anon?
Tfw recognizing anons.

>> No.16220039

this. if you can't figure the world out on you're own then you will NOT make it

>> No.16220074
File: 173 KB, 768x1024, e7b370cf8060448b9a552532104fdf12-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having read this book written in 19 fucking 97

>> No.16220104


>> No.16220189
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>not having read this book written in 1955

>> No.16220217

The Sovereign Individual

>> No.16220541

moby dick
its good lads

>> No.16220615
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mandatory /biz/ reading list

>> No.16220943

are you actually this retarded or pretending? 4chan memes are jokes, not meant to be taken seriously

>> No.16220961
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I thought this was a book for traders but ho. Its about fundamentals through and through

>> No.16220988
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also buy link

>> No.16221000

I did a college presentation on Aleister Crowley and i had a lot of fun researching him so I'm now reading his book Diary of a Drug Fiend and a pretty lengthy biography on him called Perdurabo

>> No.16221138

I dont know why i find this post so funny

>> No.16221172

meditations- marcus aurelius
letters from a stoic- seneca
how to die- seneca
gorgias- plato
apology- plato
fooled by randomness- Nassim Nicholas Taleb

>> No.16221219

Jewish sympathizers. You ever forget what their cultures has done. Centuries of subversion and destruction of spiritual knowledge from greece, egypt, Altered texts to fit their agenda. Imagine being a jew lover, I bet your also the type of fags to read the bible and claim it is "aryan" and righteous for the gentile. Pathetic.

>> No.16221231
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higher res

>> No.16221298
File: 730 KB, 1676x2048, IMG_20191112_113440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the Jews psych you out of Christianity. The Jews killed Christ and lost their covenant with God. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 2 that Jews are enemies of all men. Jews have hijacked evangelicals like they have hijacked most countries but true Christianity is very much anti Jews.

>> No.16221315

English grammar books.
You may want to learn.

>> No.16221337

>tiniest fraction
He is describing Monero.

>> No.16221618

so fucking edgy.
the edgiest of edgelords right here. none more edgy.

>> No.16221893

Reminder that true /biz/nessmen will borrow from the local library rather than buy.


>> No.16221899

It's actually a book of some historical importance.

>> No.16222051

A book by closeted homosexual ranting about how the greeks were great and how todays men are basedboys. It's like a cross between Mishima and Nietzsche. Read the first and the last section. The rest of the book is uninteresting.

>> No.16222079

I will never believe in a semetic religion, I don't care how anti jew a jew says he is, He's still jewish at the end of the day. Yea jesus said jews were evil, What is that supposed to make me think he was an aryan gentile?

>> No.16222164

OK, retard. Just remember that Hitler tried to beat Jews without Christianity and he fucked up so badly that we are in the current situation where the Holocaust is the foundation story of our time.