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16211770 No.16211770 [Reply] [Original]

How does the average American family get by? A family of 4 has about $50,000-70,000 in expenses. The average household income is $60,000.

>> No.16211776


>> No.16211784

wtf do they eat a cow everyday?

>> No.16211837


>> No.16212095

Average household income includes singles you retard.

>> No.16212124

its called inflation.

>> No.16212128

the fuck is your point, retard?
Do you actually think this economy ia doing well?

44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed (inb4 just do computer science as if everyone is capable of that. Even they have like a 24ish% underemployment rate for 22-27 yr olds: https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/college-labor-market/college-labor-market_compare-majors.html
Think about that. NEARLY 1/4 cs graduates aged 22-27 will be underemployed (don't know how it evens out over time. Still not amazing though. It's around 34% when including all ages and all majors). Also 1/4 college grads make highschool wages.
7/10 graduate with 29k+ in debt.

78% of full time workers live paycheck to paycheck ( *LITERALLY one paycheck away from homelessness and that is basically poverty* ). *42% of americans will retire broke* (so you give up the best years of your life being someone's bitch just to retire with nothing), 57% of americans can't afford an unexpected 500 dollar bill, 50% of renters are cost burdened (spend over 30% of their income on rent. Half of those spend over 50% of their income on rent), 30% of metropolis city jobs (where most jobs are created) pay hardship wages (not enough to move out with) and 32% pay livable wages (basically poverty) which leaves 38% that are decent (I say decent because you also have to take into consideration the toxicity of work culture. Also, some jobs ONLY pay livable or up BECAUSE of the hours put in. For instance, the average american works 47 hours a week. 49% work 50 hours or more a week. Both of which inflate the wage stats into looking better than it actually is), etc.

Welcome to the "land of opportunity" (load of bullshit).

>> No.16212134

Debt homie. Nomies don't think in terms of the total cost of things, if they want PRODUCT, they'll calculate their monthly repayments and look at their after tax income. If their after tax income is more than their payments, they'll buy it.

Modern capitalism is about wearing you down unconsciously to consume product, over and over again.

Start looking at products in terms of their base materials. Coca Cola is 89% water.

>> No.16212147


Anyone with large amounts of property or stocks is doing EXTREMELY well in this economy. It's stupid to think otherwise.

In saying that, most Americans don't own stocks or their home outright.

Usury and sodomy go hand in hand. REBEL.

>> No.16212158

averages are terrible. They are misleading. Median wages are better to look at.

>> No.16212162

>Anyone with large amounts of property or stocks is doing EXTREMELY well in this economy. It's stupid to think otherwise.

>the rich are getting richer so the economy is doing well!

>> No.16212198

My dad makes 160k a year, mom makes 60k, I'm a wagie. Never had money problems

>> No.16212202

Only retards look at anecdotes.

>> No.16212211

>coca cola is 89% water
your house is 89% dirt and clay

>> No.16212217

>coca cola is 89% water
your windows are 100% sand
your car is 89% aluminum
your clothes are 89% plant
your body is 89% water

>> No.16212224

Your mom is 89% my dick

>> No.16212238
File: 112 KB, 726x602, 1572300385487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1925 dollar pegged at $20.75/ounce.
median salary ~$3000 (pic related)
3000/20 = 150 ounces ($186,000 in 2016) ($225,000 today ($1500/ounce))

2016 dollar between $1130 and $1350 / ounce.
median salary $31,099 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_income_in_the_United_States))
31000/1240 = 25 ounces ($518.75 in 1925)

>when the 2016 median wage is the 1st percentile 1925 wage
>dude just wageslave for 50 years lmao

>> No.16212246
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 45463473457457458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they wont. societal collapse then financial reset in the works to usher UBI + cashless society.

>> No.16212248

These stats are so meaningless.
>30% of income on rent

What does this even mean? Gross or net salary? Just rent and not utilities and other rent accessories? Why rent and not mortgage? Rent generally goes more to lower income and youth anyway.

>> No.16212256


In terms of GDP, it's absolutely correct.

In terms of the average bloke getting their share, shit's fucked.

I'm no apologist for these rich kikes.

>> No.16212272


You're not paying for the dirt and clay, you're paying for the title recognized by society that you're the owner of a particular piece of land.


It's about trade off in value. Is your time better more valuable than blowing your own glass?

There is a threshold.

>> No.16212278

first of all LOOL at you cherry picking ONE thing. Anyways..
>What does this even mean?
>Gross or net salary?
net obviously. The stat refers to take home pay.
>Just rent and not utilities and other rent accessories?
no shit just rent. Thats not taking utilities into account.
>Why rent and not mortgage?
because I legit cant find shit on mortgage stats.
>Rent generally goes more to lower income and youth anyway.
prove it. Either way you paint it, its still shit

>> No.16212286

exactly why measuring how the economy is doing by GDP is fucking retarded because it doesnt actually tell you shit how people are really doing (poorly).

>> No.16212308


It's not what matters to us that is worth anything, it's what metrics is matters to the kikes that run wallstreet is worthwhile.

Position yourself to profit from a recession and you may just become wealthy.

Once you become wealthy, understand your position in society and who still controls you.

>> No.16212372

Fuck this shit is blackpilling

>> No.16212409
File: 209 KB, 640x556, 11516702483_0c0465d29b_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but also whitepilling in that reality is actually very hospitable if you know how to measure value objectively.

you can only blame yourself if you believe the lie that fiat is a useful measure of value with respect to time.

>> No.16212412


In terms of dollars, the late 1960s and late 1990s were probably the best time to be a worker.

That 1920s figure is probably influenced a lot by the price of silver at that time.

What you have to understand is that working hard and saving isn't enough to be rich. At least in your youth. If you work hard and save you'll be "rich" in your 50s.

What you need to do is accumulate seed capital (roughly 10 years of savings) and hope to god that you can pick an investment vehicle that pays out x4.

I'm currently in that position. I've put everything I've made in my 20s on a bet that a recession will hit in the USA within the next 12 months. If I win, I win big. If I lose, I lose big.

I'm okay with that.

>> No.16212424


>you can only blame yourself if you believe the lie that fiat is a useful measure of value with respect to time.

As long as the current paradigm continues, it objectively IS the measure of value.

Normies will take 4 Hershey bars over 1 oz of gold in this zeitgeist.

It's when the Zeitgeist changes that Gold is the asset class to have.

>> No.16212439
File: 53 KB, 682x400, Hamster-wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete nonsense.
if you measure value in fiat you will never accumulate wealth other than by blind luck.

you have no idea what you're talking about
Pricing things in fiat:
is like measuring a field with a yardstick that got shorter each year and believing the field was getting longer.
Is like going to a gym where they make the kilogram lighter every month and you believe you're getting stronger.
Is like your employer lengthening the definition of an hour so you stay at work longer each day believing you were there for the same amount of time.

>> No.16212455

Go back to plebbit.

Look nigger, people have raised families in much harsher conditions than this both economically and financially. You have no excuse. If cletus can have 5 children in his 3 bedroom single story trailer home with a salary of a gas station clerk than you can have a family as well.

>> No.16212475

ITT plebbitor pretend they don't have room temperature iqs and try to discuss economics

>> No.16212485

objectively false.

there has never been a society that outsourced its monetary policy to a private bank that then debases its value relative to an arbitrarily changing index of consumable experiences

>> No.16212500

Traditionally people were never meant to be rich when young. Where did you get this idea that an ideal civilization would be filled with retired 30 year olds. That has never happened ever. Its very very rare to be young and retired. Just because you're not a normalfag doesn't mean most people aren't perfectly fine working their entire lives to get wealthy in old age.

>> No.16212511

2 dollars for a artificially flavored sugary beverage is pretty good then. Id never have the time or energy or knowledge to create my own coke let alone carbonated soft drinks

>> No.16212522

it's not about retirement it's about freedom aka the right to own wealth. Capitalism. If no one has a right to my wealth then the only way to get it of me is to exchange value for it, that means profit and value are correlated which means powerful people are those that are best at delivering value to others.

Central banks redistribute wealth from individuals to the collective economic output via debasement. Socialism. It means the most powerful people are those who are the best at making others believe lies as they wield political power

>> No.16212538

Factually incorrect and it doesn't matter as your standard of living far exceeds people 200 years ago.

Inflation goes all the way back to the Romans and although they may not have shipped their industry to chinamen their currency lost value and their work was done by slaves owned by the elite or foreigners joining the empire. They still had children.

You have no real excuse. If my great great grandpa managed to raise 10 children without gas, electricity, running water, heating, refrigeration, public schools or land then why can't you with all of the above?

>> No.16212563

What does that have to do with the fact that working hard and saving your money is still enough to be rich in your 50s though?

I understand. Fuck the feds those greasy jews deserve to hang but you can still save your money and be rich by 50 so long as you merely don't hold cash.

>> No.16212676
File: 72 KB, 2192x762, usd debasement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standard of living meme
no one can afford debt free housing, education, a stay at home partner, debt free children. Every year your possessions are debased 8 cylinder cars turn into 4 cylinder, butter turns into margarine, meat turns into plant based imitation meat and insects. People are constantly leveraged into crime and immorality because they are one paycheck away from death.
we could live in an economy that harvested the energy output of an entire galaxy and have no wealth individually if the unit of value our wages were denominated in was designed to lose value to maximise our employment. Is there anything more beta than believing the decrease in the cost of something is an increase in your wealth.
what happened in rome is honest compared to what has happened in the united states.
>you have no excuse
the percentage of people that can outrun the 7%pa the dollar has lost in the past 100 years is negligible. you are a slave justifying his own enslavement.

>working hard and saving money will make you rich in your 50s
No it won't your projection is incorrect the same way if you tried to land on the moon using a unit of measurement that's length was a function of time you wouldn't even get into orbit

>> No.16212762

>there has never been a society that outsourced its monetary policy to a private bank that then debases its value relative to an arbitrarily changing index of consumable experiences

>> No.16212777

>Anyone with large amounts of property or stocks is doing EXTREMELY well in this economy.
cause of QE, all the inflation goes into real estate.

>> No.16212791

factually retarded. Facts btfo you. Your feelings are irrelevant (fuck ben shepiro, but those words are extremely true).

>> No.16212806

whats your alt plan? go live in the woods or something?

>> No.16212822

>>working hard and saving money will make you rich in your 50s
>No it won't your projection is incorrect the same way if you tried to land on the moon using a unit of measurement that's length was a function of time you wouldn't even get into orbit
he literally just said
>so long as you merely don't hold cash.

>> No.16212830
File: 128 KB, 500x701, we control the supply of money to maintain full employment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rome debased their currency against an index of consumer goods
no they didn't. They never even had paper money
every currency in history has been debased the situation with the federal reserve, keynesian economic theory and the united states is much more tyrannical than what happened in rome.

>> No.16212845
File: 292 KB, 2520x1852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They debased their proper silver currency by using shitty worthless metals instead, similar to the 1964 resolve to not make quarters, nickels etc. out of silver

>> No.16212859

is that what I said here? >>16212485'

>> No.16213060

>45.3 million people in poverty
>the number of people in the United States living in "near-poverty" is at around 100 million, or nearly a third of the U.S. population

A lot of people are just getting by

>> No.16213146

DCA BTC for 4 years. Your stack will require you to work less to find ways of managing it. Do you cold storage all? Make interest from the crypto places offering %? Put a little in shitcoins?

BTC is god to me but I grew up poor and thought I would never quit min wage work