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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 353 KB, 627x500, 20190922_002108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16212152 No.16212152 [Reply] [Original]

Three weeks now and the blockchain is STILL down.
>M-muh need to rest during weekend
It's Monday morning you lazy fucks, time to work!
>M-muh photobombing sessions!
There was nothing last week, Richard, no excuses, open that fucking laptop and work.
>M-muh centralized database is good enough
That's the fucking problem you fucking retard, work on it
>M-muh SAP

>> No.16212172

Fuck off, Jew Greta.

>> No.16212222

>STILL down
Shameful lmao

>> No.16212232


>> No.16212268

Demon from Hell

>> No.16212276
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Staking rewards were up for a week and down for almost 3 weeks. People saw their bag value dumping fast without even getting staking rewards.

>> No.16212297

A Demon who says the truth
Truth hurts, I know

>> No.16212302

kill yourself pedophile

>> No.16212316

based greta fudder
>p-please don't buy this s-scam

>> No.16212337

She's 16, dumbfuck
Go ahead and buy, I've always said I hold LIT

>> No.16212342

Its over faggot, sell your shitcoin now or kwwp holding forever

>> No.16212352

Americans are fucking insane

>> No.16212357

she's like 12 dude stop beleiving the lies the media tells you about her age....

>> No.16212374

she legitimately looks 12, there are 16yo girls that look adult but shes not one

>> No.16212398

Doesn't matter though she's 16
A lot of 12 year olds look 16 too.

>> No.16212428

boy you really really are white knighting for her... it's ok anon you have a crush on a 12yr old girl and you HAVE to beleive those media lies shes' 16 or you might feel dirty. but seroiusly fuck off and stop white knighting for a 12 yr old girl that you'll never fuck even if she was 18 you pathetic loser

>> No.16212438

What are you even talking about? lmao

>> No.16212477
File: 627 KB, 1192x1065, SmartSelect_20191107-220308_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lohwasser derailing the thread to escape from responsibilities

>> No.16212488


>> No.16212495

It's ironic that's coming from you, age of consent in Germany is 14 years old

>> No.16212565

OH look, The autist just woke up again.

>> No.16213192
File: 98 KB, 640x415, FE486EE7-7CB8-4402-A538-5E0DA1CAF93A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much Lit does she own? Is it true shes top 10 wallet?

>> No.16213370

I'm quite sure she owns 0 LIT

>> No.16213446


>> No.16213464


>> No.16213646

Lit is proof why PoS is inferior. complex, smart consensus algos can blow up in immensely complex ways

>> No.16213926
File: 768 KB, 1431x1187, Screenshot_20191101-210003_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complex, smart consensus algos
>M-muh deletable blockchain

>> No.16214569
File: 285 KB, 1379x1678, SmartSelect_20191111-140244_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore the crash for 3 weeks
>token dumps

>> No.16215344
File: 57 KB, 800x600, urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-190920-99-964184-large-4-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lohwasser it's almost 5 pm already, another day without having to work to fix the blockchain. Sehr gut!!!

>> No.16215502

he doesn't know how to fix it. lel

>> No.16216322
File: 656 KB, 1290x1107, SmartSelect_20191111-172207_MX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another work day is gone and the blockchain is still broken let's fucking gooo

>> No.16216749


>> No.16217013

She's 23 for fucks sake

>> No.16217178

>wanting to fuck a 12 year old potato
kill yourself pedophile

>> No.16217368
File: 63 KB, 800x450, GettyImages-1161875910-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh Greta fud.
Meh Luisa copycat fud.

Get a life.
Build your own blockchain and business and do it better.
Have sex.
Move on.

DYOR guys and decide for your own.
Protip, if they want to scam, they would have released a whitepaper, take the money and left.
No need in 10-20 people working in that business.
No need in posting updates.
No need to explain what went wrong.
No need in releasing a mainnet after all.

Decent team with a lot of potential and, as always, a risk of failure, like every other business.

>> No.16217476


>> No.16217565
File: 240 KB, 2048x1399, 2-format43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only posted fucking undeniable data about the downtime. There is no uncertainty, no doubt, the blockchain is down since almost 3 weeks, draw your own conclusions about what this means for the project.

>> No.16217648

Will lit guys be the first blockchain shitcoin project to be lynched in public?

They clearly can't repair their super-fancy consensus algo.

>> No.16218210

Face it.
You guys still have more hate for them, as even a scamproject gets.

No patience at all.
They explained what went wrong.
They told it you it will take time to fix.
They told the mainnet will be back this week in a restricted environment, till the bug is fully fixed.
They never said Monday.

No fucking appreciation for their work at all.
ICO was 03-23-2019 and they have come further than most other blockchain projects out here.

I did my conclusions:
You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.

>> No.16218354
File: 23 KB, 720x405, 4,w=720,q=low,c=0.bild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grüß Gott, Lohnwasser hier.

Wir konnten heute leider nicht die Blockkette reparieren, da wir derzeit versuchen einen neuen skalierbareren Einigungsalgorithmus zu integrieren. Derzeit besteht eine Einigungsalgorithmusintegrationshürde die teilweise durch den Blockkettenführerwechselverfahrensdeterminismus verursacht wird.

I hope for your understanding of ze problem.

>> No.16218377

Kek, wieviele LITs hast du Kackspast ?

>> No.16218948

We will see next week

>> No.16219378
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>> No.16219466
File: 359 KB, 633x469, 1572475796732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lition telegram groups are a joke, it's all memes, people larping as pajeets and the occasional actual pajeet

>> No.16219707

Yeah its fun tho

>> No.16219878
File: 103 KB, 960x540, 960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I beg your pardon.

We now have our best developer team Rüdiger, Sepp and Karl-Heinz working on the problem. They are very skilled engineers and none of them had more than 7 Weizen today.

You can expect a fully functional Blockkette with a "made in Germany" consensus algorithm that has mathematically proven safety and liveness properties by the end of tomorrow.

>> No.16219907
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Wir bitten sie um Verständnis und bedanken uns für ihr Vertrauen

>> No.16219920

>none of them had more than 7 Weizen today.
I doubt it

>> No.16219977

time to sleep lohwasser, you need to be well rested tomorrow, that todo list isn't gonna fix itself

>> No.16220145

nice Brüste

>> No.16220567
File: 194 KB, 378x352, GretaThunberg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gute Nacht motherfuckers, let's hope on good news tomorrow

>> No.16220784

woops lost all my money