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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 298x169, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16210312 No.16210312 [Reply] [Original]

>9m+ users
>315,000 content creators
>Not buying early google or facebook

>> No.16210331
File: 778 KB, 498x358, RishBish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAT is the true patrician choice.

>> No.16210337

Fuck $5, this shit is gon hit $15

>> No.16210417
File: 38 KB, 650x463, facebook growth rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say maybe even more. The supply is going to dry up. Just wait until people see they have $1k in their browser.

>> No.16210526

BAT is for long-term play and it's still tied to BTC like a bitch, so don't expect anything crazy price-wise for now. Maybe some pump to $0.5 by EOY.

>> No.16210563

Please. Just du not talk about it. Thank you. Let it be. It will bring you a profit, but not if you twirl it up like link. Let it be. Let it just be. One does not talk about BAT.

>> No.16210718
File: 1.21 MB, 1464x1238, 4467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep dreaming

>> No.16211481

I have grants on my phone I have to give away before they expire. Before I give them to wikipedia or something stupid, any biz users on here have a twitter/yt/site i can donate to?

>> No.16211685

I have been using the brave browser for months now and have never received a single offer to watch an ad for BAT

>> No.16211708

Do you have it on a pc or your phone?

>> No.16211713


>> No.16211820

YT is Vega G if you really want to give them away.

How many ads per hour do you have it set to?

>> No.16211831

Priced in.

>> No.16211844
File: 901 KB, 800x843, 1571270378067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16211951

So you cant even withdraw your BAT and sell or exchange them? hahahaha yes Im sure this shit will hit more than a few cents because everyone wants to click on ads all day long just to tip redditors

>> No.16211966

I remember people said that the same thing for Facebook.

>> No.16211980

You can withdraw via Uphold for pc. Android users will be able to withdraw with the next update thats already been announced as next up.

>> No.16212639

Someone please tell me why people keep believing this literal stablecoin will moon

>> No.16212654

Just no.
Be quiet. Behave. Talk about Link or something please.

>> No.16212770

Buying a token is not like buying a stock. You are not a shareholder. Brace has no duty or guarantee for you.

Do not expect BAT to moon. It is already very high in cmc rank, and has many barriers to adoption (as a utility token).

>> No.16212853

Great product though
Max price $5

>> No.16212861

I think it comes down to the actual usage of a token e.g. Link has no real world usage at the moment, there are no people that buy Link in order to use it, everyone that buys, buys Link as an investment.
BAT is used in the real world, there are ad companies that buys BAT (indirectly i presume) and give them to consumers for watching ads.

Just to clarify, i don't think BAT will "moon", because it derives it value from usage rather than speculation, and the usage of the BAT token appear to have limited effect on the price of the token.

>> No.16212888


Yes. It doesn't matter .. I don't really care about money anymore... can't speak for everyone here *ahem*

>> No.16212945

>buying whale bags
i bet you newfags unironically weren't here when a handful of whales swallowed the bat ico in seconds

>> No.16212957


no, us newfags are too new. please teach us

>> No.16212970

Where did the all the bat brap anons go?

>> No.16213030

Based son of BAT-man

>> No.16213045

Just make a YouTube channel and donate to yourself?

>> No.16213284

You either won’t be able to cash it out (it will stay in the browser even if it lets you cash out the rest) or you’ll get blacklisted and get 0 ads afterwards.

>> No.16213325

I can’t believe there are still people stupid enough to think this will ever moon after watching the price do nothing as they get millions more users. A token that is given away to poor losers for watching ads (an activity that creates zero economic value) is never going to be the basis of a viable business model. It’s like something a third grader (or a turbo autist programmer) came up with.

>> No.16213344

Big brain

>> No.16213398
File: 221 KB, 1280x882, 5A18F537-5E70-4FD4-A624-D62741A07AAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into Howdoo, The Real Slim Shady

>> No.16213405


Exactly. So why talk about it? Sage

>> No.16213538
File: 797 KB, 1518x863, lachende_dinosauruse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks buying BAT tokens is the same as buying stocks.

>> No.16214742

looking at bat account growth. looks like we are set to 2x this year in accounts....so may be 16m monthly uniques by next year.

>> No.16214784

>9m+ users
>315,000 content creators
>still dumping
sell signal

>> No.16215185

it's going nowhere. advertisers aren't required to purchase bat to sell ads on brave. the devs are retards that don't understand basic economics. the token thus has no real value outside of tipping or speculation. it's a shame too because it could have succeeded.

>> No.16215396
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Brave BAT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advertisers aren't required to purchase bat to sell ads on brave

Advertisers purchase advertising campaigns in $USD to comply with regulations / not scare away potential ad campaigns. Brave then uses the set USD amount to purchase BAT which funds the campaign. So in a multi-step process, advertisers do purchase BAT to run ad campaigns. Not sure where you're getting your info.

No matter what happens with the price, Brave/BAT have an exciting future. I'd take actual utility and progress over vaporware """""""partnerships"""""" any day of the week. BAT is what cryptocurrency should be all about, instead it's losers clinging to partnership announcements from a year ago while traders pump and dump their shitcoin.

>> No.16215409

/g/ here
Your scam coin sucks and your browser is full of spyware and no one uses it

>> No.16215446

t. nervous google diversity hire

eventually the real win is going to be when advertisers can purchase ads on chain via contract (ie. send 20 bat + ad slug + url) to contract and it gets rolled out to browsers. will blow google trannies away at that point.

>> No.16215528

Please chef, ladle your sauce on my body

>> No.16215711

sure are alot of fudders trying to accumulate and keep others from buying it ITT

>> No.16216175

When does this shit hit 2$? Somebody please give me a real answer, I need to decide if I need to search for another job or not

>> No.16216193

$2 is FUD. kys

>> No.16216209

>I've been doing a lot of thinking lately

>> No.16216230

Crazy prospective team but I'm honestly not sure how well this will take off

>> No.16216482

No bully fren just answers

>> No.16216499

who knows man....would you call mozilla a success? would you call javascript a success?
brenden invented both...so pretty good track record.

>> No.16216507

I think BAT will be 1$ someday, but I do think there will be competition eventually, unless big youtubers and twitch streamers start saying, "send me your BAT tokens" will this thing see anything higher than 1$
I think a mass shilling could happen, but not yet, plenty people use the browser, but many of them are too afraid to shill it just yet, still a long way to go, I'll just collect my free BAT from my desktop and mobile and buy something else to diversify my portfolio, I'll make money in the end, and I am a small youtuber so might be able to get people to send me more BAT in the future if it reaches mass adoption

>> No.16216519

If I were you I’d just get another job. Quit relying on crypto for shit like that, especially asking something like that nobody, including the dev team has the answers too. Always cover your ass first, and when you sell and don’t have to wage slave, quit your job. Never rely on shit that hasn’t happened yet because it’s just uncertainly nobody can answer.

>> No.16216784

yea...but once goog capitulates and admits brenden is right (remember they copied moz for chrome), it will validate the idea. Then all advertisers and investors will be totally comfortable with the concept. It will grow the market hugely. Sure GCoin could be at $500 but BAT maybe at $35.

>> No.16217309
File: 62 KB, 386x784, e674d263ebf24e5fc416b907e7fbb6b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just keep getting free money. The supply will run out eventually even with 9m users if there are hoarders like me. I do monthly market buys too. These are the infancy stages and everyone should be accumulating and getting at least 5 people using the browser proficiently

>> No.16217315

where the fuck is the BAT brap posting anon?

>> No.16217812

Would love to do that anonymously with my furry porn VR game.

>> No.16218253

I'm going to have to, unfortunately I'm an engineer so I keep getting heavily abused by accountants acting as managers and stopped from finding the route causes of issues by bitches in HR. The more effort I put into a job the more bullshit I get from corporate, at this point I'm debating giving up being an engineer and getting an easy union job.

>> No.16218270

>relying on BAT mooning in any way

>> No.16219019

Brendan "one man reich" Eich

>> No.16219525

lol at chrome boys still using chrome. Chrome is now behind brave when it comes to web standards. Heres a tweet about chrome stealing from "no name browser" brave


>> No.16220284

>You either won’t be able to cash it out (it will stay in the browser even if it lets you cash out the rest) or you’ll get blacklisted and get 0 ads afterwards.<
t. SchlomoBATsberg

>> No.16220399

bata entire utility comes from sharing the coin dumbass