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16200261 No.16200261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

45 year old eastern european woman wants me to stop wagecucking and move with her where i can live for free and can fuck her however i want when she comes from work. is this good deal?

>> No.16200267

Nice larp incel

>> No.16200274

im srs

anyone been in this situation before? i bet theres plenty of negatives but i cant think of any right now

>> No.16200276

she'll get old (as in think-of-your-grandma old) surprisingly fast.

>> No.16200309
File: 571 KB, 494x632, postcoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant think of any right now
have COOM

>> No.16200317

You're going to get your organs harvested

>> No.16200332

I would do that in a heartbeat. I'd smell her asshole all day.

>> No.16200539

do you have any idea how miserable a woman must be to still be alone at 45? its impossible that a such a woman is possible to cohabit with, because some other guy would already be shacked up with her.

>> No.16200565

good point, but not planning to stay with her forever

>> No.16200568

you'll essentially be her slave, subject to her every whim or risk being thrown out onto the streets. only a good deal if you have a femdom fetish

>> No.16200580

but we already talked and shes loves the idea of collaring her and walking like a doggy, she offered to suck my toes, didnt even ask. smells too good to be true

>> No.16200602

She's going to be a psycho. I fucked like 8 millfs over 40 and they all had mental issues. Seriously, just stay away.

>> No.16200603

>not planning to stay forever
nope, you def. wont because she'll toss your STD ridden corpse into the trash when its trade-in time for a new, younger, hungrier anon

>> No.16200621

I'm a western european shithole inhabitant and sitting right now in the deepest Silesia.
I'm awake since 3am b/c I'm frightened
to turn back to that shithole nightmare that my homeland has become.
Dude, take this opportunity.
Eastern europe is a sane refuge and
in case that woman starts moldering
there are plenty of beautiful girls who
didn't fall for the degeneracy meme.

>> No.16200636

If she never had kids she will be a psycho. Childless women are usually impossible to satiate
emotionally because they never had to put anyone else before themselves. I say take it slow and enjoy the ride. And keep your own pad.

>> No.16200656

Polish or Czech part of Silesia?

>> No.16200661

This. There's a reason she's that age and single+sugar mommy

>> No.16200666

how did u meet her?

>> No.16200692

she liked my art and texted me on facebook.

>> No.16201970


dude, nope not worth it.maybe go for a fuck, but don't fucking quit your job and move in with her. I repeat, don't do that.

unless you are from a shitty country and that move would count as an upgrade kek

>> No.16201995

Sounds like you're being scammed

>> No.16202009

Yeah def have a return ticket and gtfo.

>> No.16202153

You're probably being scammed by human traffickers.
>You decide to go there
>Meet "her" at a house
>Subhuman slavs jump you
>sell you as sex slave if you're a twink or sell your organs

>> No.16202180

do it for a few years and peace out, put all your money in LINK/BTC or whatever stock you like and enjoy the time off.

>> No.16202259

Have you actually met her IRL? Because I get the feeling that's a dude.

>> No.16202301

Damn bro’s how do I find a milf that will femdom me daily god I wish that was me it’s not fair

>> No.16202389

Like some anon said
> mental issues from coping with aging
> infertile, therefore you're wasting time that could be spent setting up a family of your own
> wasting time again. The older you are, the more you'll be priced out of young cutie dating market
I'd tap a few times and move on

>> No.16202418

if real do it

>> No.16202447

gdzie? PL?

>> No.16202458

she sent me nudes

>> No.16202472

my current job is minimum wage garbage, if i move there i will have more time to do what i actually like

>> No.16202484

Post them already, surely she doesnt have a 4chan account

>> No.16202487

with timestamp? did you request "her" to do anything specific such as holding up 4 fingers in left hand, 2 in right?

>> No.16202490
File: 359 KB, 544x575, Screen Shot 2019-11-10 at 8.12.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em

>> No.16202491

So you have never met this woman in person?
So am I to understand that this woman supposedly invited you to live with her, rent free, without ever even meeting you?
At the very least schedule a meeting with her in a public place so that you don't walk into a motherfucking buzz saw.

>> No.16202500

>So am I to understand that this woman supposedly invited you to live with her, rent free, without ever even meeting you?


>> No.16202507

How many chromosomes do you have? Couple more than usual?

>> No.16202511


>> No.16202513

I invite FaceBook girls I've never met to quit their job and come live with me all the time. My cellar is now full of pedo hunters, trannys and I'm not quite sure wtf that last one is/was tho
Godspeed OP
Post ONE Pic at least, so we got something to show the agency

>> No.16202532

Move with her.
Learn the language (fucking younger ladies in the process).
Find a job.
Dump her when you want/can.

>> No.16202545
File: 229 KB, 289x439, thaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16202548

Yep it's fucking confirmed.

>> No.16202579

fucking kek

>> No.16202582


sounds like a typical horror movie plot. when you rock up to her house, it won't be "her" that opens the door.

it also won't be you that's coming back alive. put your dick away and think, you stupid fucking coomer.

>> No.16203614
File: 25 KB, 596x596, 675853763456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this exactly is happening to me also, wow

>> No.16203691

do it and get as much dough as you can outta here in a short period of time. Make sure you exit before it turns into a mother-child relationship though

>> No.16203704

milfs are rising to save incels from hell

>> No.16203712

You forgot the sell your organs bit OP

>> No.16203726
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, 1568326967452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this good deal?
for a couple of years, maybe

>> No.16203835
File: 9 KB, 324x155, D5E39BA4-E48B-4DC3-9510-02353853373C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips and you have to post them.

>> No.16203987

negative would be that women get evil when they have total power over you (like you're homeless without them) so make sure you secretly still have enough money to leave whenever you want

>> No.16203998

why? it smells almost the exact same as yours

>> No.16204019

weird, seems like scam though. I met a long term gf on myspace before but she was around my age and I messaged first

>> No.16204025
File: 100 KB, 640x427, 1401572884831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never saw the girl IRL, considering living with her in a shitty country. Some people are just low IQ morons.

>> No.16204055

She has some rich russian husband who fuck young slut atm but still will kill you if he knows.

>> No.16204056

for a woman to ask you to live with her without knowing you she's either:
- completely psycho
- trying to scam and rob you
for a man seriously considering the offer he must be
- mentally ill and desperate
- low IQ and gullible enough to get scammed

>> No.16204078

she works as a bio engineer and lives alone with a cat

>> No.16204100

>she works as a bio engineer
you gon get used for spare parts OP
right enough - Post Nudes
you can cover the eyes or whatever

>> No.16204119

post those nudes faggot

>> No.16204121


>> No.16204152

If you do it, keep your finances completely separate. Have an exit plan that you can put into action at a moment's notice. Enjoy it while it lasts but have no illusion about it being a good idea.

T. Was once, VERY briefly, in a similar situation

>> No.16204168

Bro this is most likely a scam or a prank

>> No.16204182

i dont know seems pretty legit

just a horny lonely lady who want some dirty sex before she completely expires

>> No.16204207

just do it fagglord

>> No.16204228

Post the art

>> No.16204247

I don't believe it's a scam. People get pretty straightforward about sex after 40. I wouldn't do it because of distance, but it depends on what place she wants you to go to.

>> No.16204248

Samefag here, I just read the rest of the thread. You really think a hot, employed milf would be sitting there, browsing through DeviantArt, looking for borderline NEETs to offer free accommodation and no strings attached kinky sex to? And you're considering accepting this outrageous proposition based on some unsolicited DMs and nudes from some possibly unrelated woman?

Best case scenario, you turn up and it's a hambeast in a wheelchair and adult diaper who has just catfished you. More likely? Kidnappers, organ snatches, or perhaps just a good old fashioned gay rapist looking to Fritzl you up.

You're a fucking idiot if you take this at face value.

>> No.16204259


its not deviantart kek

>> No.16204273

this is a control power play thing. Dont do it

>> No.16204627

how long were you talking to her before she offered you to stay there?

>> No.16205410

So your dream is to be a full time male prostitute to a middle-aged woman who might have 5-10 years to go before the decay makes the whole thing much less appealing. However, after a few years of "how was your day - spent it all shitposting on a tibetan basket weaving forum, like yesterday and tomorrow" style conversations she might kick you out for some other prostitute, and then you'll spent the rest of your pitiful existence in the streets of an Eastern European shithole taking heroin or krokodil.

>> No.16205545

My current situation with my mom is the same but no sex so this seems like a win-win to me

>> No.16205573


>> No.16205726

You are going to get your organs harvested.

>> No.16206010

OP I had a similar situation. PLEASE DON'T DO IT

Long story short, They harvested both of my kidneys (now I have to be on hemodialysis) and they took 3/4ths of my liver. I've got the most fucked up scars you can imagine on my back and stomach. my life is fucked up and i have to bounce around in hospitals for the rest of my life currently paying for this stupid ass idea to go to ukraine and meet a "gf".

>> No.16206219

Come on give us the full story

>> No.16206388

>I've got the most fucked up scars you can imagine on my back and stomach.
Pics with timestamp or it didn't happen

>> No.16206856


>> No.16207805

1) If she hasn't told you where she works, then ghost her now, or (3)
2) If she has told you, then hire a PI to see if she's lying.
3) (Not recommended) Alternatively to (1), if she hasn't told you where she works, then ask, and then hire the PI. I wouldn't do this, because asking would put her on alert and you could wind up dead.

>> No.16207854

Test her for a few months while not quiting your job or abandoning your place where you live.

>> No.16207868

Agree with all of this except for getting priced out of the young cutie market. I wouldn't start seriously looking for a wife till I am 30. Young woman love being hit on by older guys. It is intuitive for them to look to older established men for support and for courtship. Just make sure you are in shape, and don't wait too long. Men hit their peak sexual market value around thirty, and stay there almost till the end of that decade.

>> No.16207920

How tall are you? How old are you? What race are you? How big is your dick? Are you jacked? I want to know if you are a chad and she's a couger. Why is she into you?

>> No.16207981

You lose your freedom. Say goodbye to doing things you want to do. I’ve dated a milf, and it’s fucking awkward when you hang out with her friends. I went to a wedding, I was 23 and she was 44. The table was just her coworkers. Her coworker brought her husband and hot daughter who was like 18-20 in uni. It was fucking awkward man. The daughter liked me too. But I had to get cucked by talking to her dad who sat in between us. Dude it’s not worth it. You’ll probably do it, and it will be fine for like 2 months. Then you realize these people never change. They are set in their ways. It’s awkward going out too, like I would get IDed by female waitresses all the time, because they wanted to see how old I was.

>> No.16208001

>45 year old eastern european woman wants me to stop wagecucking and move with her where i can live for free and can fuck her however i want when she comes from work. is this good deal?

depends, how old are you?

>> No.16208005

In addition she expected me to help her with her house and integrate my life style as like her partner. I worked throughout the week, last thing I want to do is go shopping with you on Costco during Sunday, or go to bed bath and beyond.

>> No.16208269

get real dude. women don't need to bribe cock if they want to get laid..it's not a horny thing. this "woman" is sure to be a psycho. you should totally do it.

>> No.16208286

stay safe
stay strong
say no to sex
say no to women
that's how you'll retain your souvereignity and humanity and become a higher being, women are just there to drive the man insane
don't be a weak subhuman

>> No.16208291

people over 40 who live alone can't live successfully with other people. they have their system down....the way they clean....the things they eat....the shows they watch.....how they spend their time. and they don't want anyone to interrupt it. you can stay at someones house like this, but they'll never let you live there. it's their fucking house.

>> No.16208294

45 year old women apparently do. Post-wall women aren't as big man magnets as you think

>> No.16208339

I'm familiar with the demographic. this ones crazy. I'll be honest and admit to being in a somewhat similar situation for a few month in my early 20's. Our arrangement started out a bit differently though. I was supposed to be doing some renovations on this womans home in exchange for living there rent free. she literally had a daughter who one one grade behind me in school. that woman was a fucking psycho. pretty face, but very emotionally unstable behind closed doors.

>> No.16208348

That used to be called mad money and only women would do that.

>> No.16208369

>I want to know
Are you a woman?

>> No.16208680

hope she steal ur cash

>> No.16208708

If not a larp, It's probably a dangerous scam.
Been in similar situations like you before but deep down I always knew that something is not right. My desire to have a girlfriend was strong and my thoughts were unreasonable. But all I did was having some weird fantasies about pure love or some similar bullshit that does not exist outside of fiction. Still, my rational self always ruled over my mind. So I never ended up in such a situation where they would harm me for their own good. I suppose it were groups of men and some women. Organized crime maybe.
The world is just not designed that way. Novadays I don't even care anymore because I don't have the desire to have a girlfriend anymore and see the scam from a mile away. If therewill be a nice woman for me somewhere some day, good, and if not, not that tragic.