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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16201584 No.16201584 [Reply] [Original]

A reminder that no one needs oracles:

Any project that tells you they provide oracle services isn't actually providing them. They're just saying they think the answer is correct based on popular voting.

Let's say you're trying to collect rainfall data for a city. Normally you'd rely on a central, trusted source for rainfall data. A weather station or science lab with a few collection points set up through the city.

It's an easily manipulated scenario, but it's otherwise accurate and auditable.

Then some autists come to town and they say they can collect rainfall data better. They set up twice as many rainfall collection points through the city and decide that they're going to popular vote on the rainfall total. The votes are weighted by seniority to protect against manipulation.

The most senior rainfall collection node has a quirk in its reporting. A tree in a neighbor's yard prevents it from collecting much rainwater. It starts reporting half of what it normally does. Lower ranked nodes start seeing that they're not being rewarded for their "incorrect" voting and decide to modify their collection to better match the senior rainfall node.

Soon, a high majority of all nodes are reporting this universal "fact". Meanwhile, the false data is being reported to anyone buying.

This is a simple demonstration of why popular voting with trustless data collection is worthless.

Multiple trusted independent sources aren't perfect, but it's still a better solution.

>> No.16201611

>still ironically fudding this hard
you had two years

>> No.16201617

>doesnt know the difference between your and you're

>> No.16201618

Cope any harder you fucking moron. No response to actual hard hitting criticism apart from "stop fudding bro". Fuck off. Please go buy more Chainshit at $4 me and the boys are going to fucking laugh our heads off at your stupidity.


>> No.16201628


>> No.16201631
File: 143 KB, 680x547, IMG_20191107_082236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is cryptojuice that ugly china mutt that always talks about himself in the third person? What a creep

>> No.16201644

Imagine fudding this hard after being wrong. Nobody cares.

>> No.16201651

Imagine having to trade link to increase your stack because you are priced out. Top kek. Enjoy your sleepless nights.

>> No.16201653


>> No.16201669

sage goes in all fields faggot

>> No.16201766

Holy fucking kek. Poor quality blog post. Obviously does not understand the fundamentals. Fuck off back to twatter faggot.