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16199409 No.16199409 [Reply] [Original]

what is the /biz/nessman's drink of choice?

>> No.16199427


>> No.16199482
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>> No.16199486
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Scotch whiskey

>> No.16199493

I mix coke with sodium chloride. Then drink it by injecting it into a vein.

>> No.16199496

2d waifu depictions are always way more comfy than reality.
Also, water

>> No.16199506

Water, rye whiskey, or bourbon stouts.

>> No.16199510



>> No.16199513


>> No.16199514

Water filtered with Zero Water filtration

>> No.16199530

gin and tonic

>> No.16199554

Daily reminder that alcohol is an addictive poison that has been culturally normalized and you've been desensitized towards.

>> No.16199565

water and fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Water and beer when I was younger. Love alcohol but it doesn't love me back, had to end it.

>> No.16199595

Everything is poison in high enough concentrations. Alcohol is naturally occurring and actually beneficial is moderation.

>> No.16199612

If you mean alcohol, I like a jack and coke. I drink alcohol to get pissed, not to taste it. All alcohol taste like shit without a chaser and anyone who says otherwise is forcing themselves to enjoy it. For sodas, I like Dr. pepper when I go out to eat and then water when I am at home.

>> No.16199701

While that may be true, to me the fact that it's clearly addictive nulls any supposed benefits of moderation. Are you drinking more or less than you were 1 year ago? How about 5? How about the others you know? It's a slippery slope that you don't realize until it's too late. Alcohol is everywhere in our culture and the only thing you have to justify not partaking in.

>> No.16199709
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Whiskey of any variety. Served neat of course.

>> No.16199741

>Alcohol is naturally occurring
So is the shit from my ass

>> No.16199768
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Bourbon, wild turkey 101, Irish whiskey also acceptable

>> No.16199785

Yes but getting ass wasted with girls then having messy, aggressive sex is well worth it.

>> No.16199786

I am brewing my own apple wine right now

>> No.16199803

I think the evidence of alcohol's benefit in moderation is pure correlation. In the west people tend to drink, if you don't there is usually a reason be it poor health or previous alcohol problems. It's rare for someone well adjusted and healthy to abstain totally.

>> No.16199936

Water you faggot

>> No.16199942

Coffee and beer, I swore off liquor when was 17.

>> No.16199945
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I exclusively drink period blood.

>> No.16199947

rest easy cowboy

>> No.16199957

I'll mostly agree with you, but there are exceptions. Especially a good stout.

>> No.16199965

I have lately grown a taste for tequila

I can drink it straight and room temp like nothing

>> No.16199977

Old fashion

>> No.16199979

coffee or water

>> No.16199991

Mezcal, Gin or Tequila neat. None of that mixto shit, either.

Empress Indigo Peaflower Gin or the Botanist
Gran Mayan or Los Azulejos tequilas
El Viejo Mezcal

>> No.16200472

Craft beer and Scotch and Irish whiskey.

>> No.16200480

I don't care. It's unhealthy but it helps me de-stress. I don't drink enough to get cirrhosis.

>> No.16200566

The fanciest whiskey you can afford, but nurse the drink.

>> No.16200592

Alcoholic: Wine

Otherwise Coca Cola. Legit haven't drank water in years, I follow the ways of Warren Buffet.

>> No.16200593

Yamasaki 25 and Coke

>> No.16200598


>> No.16200963
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berbin neat
Black coffee

>> No.16201003


>> No.16201043

Mummies big yummy milkies

I love mummies Milkies they're big and soft and spray tasty yummo for her favorite big boy.

>> No.16201061

Fucking based.

>> No.16201087

Cucumber water

>> No.16201092

room temperature kroger root beer

>> No.16201099

wild turkey is the patrician's choice

>> No.16201106


>> No.16201149


>> No.16201158
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plz no bully

>> No.16201161

Cream soda and promethazine with codeine. Patrician, truly

>> No.16201165


>> No.16201232
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The Last Word

>34 oz. gin
>34 oz. green Chartreuse
>34 oz. maraschino liqueur
>34 oz. fresh lime juice

Up in a coupe

I like many cocktails but this is probably my favorite.
Twist of lime for garnish

>> No.16201238

Alcohol was invented for niggers.

>> No.16201249

>natural flavors with artificial colors

>> No.16201259
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I'll take another bag of RSR please

>> No.16201265

>Large lipped gentleman detected

>> No.16201267


>> No.16201270

I like lemon, lime, and bitters. Anything lemony.

>> No.16202105

Cute girl's foot sweat

>> No.16202165

literally the only correct answer
everything else is just plebeian drink

>> No.16202172

Old J spiced with coke. Absolutely. Fucking. Heavenly.

>> No.16202184

water you fat alcoholic fuck

>> No.16202206

>drinking haram mouldy water

>> No.16202237

Brandy. The velvety smooth liquid ambrosia distilled of fruit is the ultimate comfy drink. You can't drink it at room temperature. It's not right that way. Warm it up in your hand and it becomes silky smooth delight.

I will try some Armagnac this Christmas and see how it compares.

>> No.16202317

Monster ultra

>> No.16202340

Water, although I admit to drinking alcohol too.

>> No.16202546

because negroni sounds like a nigger

>> No.16202877

vb tinnies

>> No.16202984


>> No.16203077

>Yes but getting ass wasted with girls then having messy, aggressive sex is well worth it.
typical american. If you can still have sex then you are not "ass wasted"

>> No.16203103

>Alcohol is naturally occurring and actually beneficial is moderation.
Wrong. There was a meta-study in 2018 which showed that there is no healthy amount of alcohol consumption.

>> No.16203124
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I don't care how gay people think it is.

>> No.16203406

Hamms Beer.

>> No.16203420


>> No.16203434
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Adelyn's piss.

>> No.16203471
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>> No.16203499
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Hillarys peepee, what else

>> No.16203510

My favorite drink is chocolate milk. Normally ill just drink regular whole milk or water tho. No soda or tea or coffee or energy drinks. Booze wise, I like warm vodka or steel reserve beer

>> No.16203518


>> No.16203985

That might apply to some but i can be 700ml vodka down, completely blacked out speaking nonsensical strings of words and still have sex. I've done so with my girlfriend and freaked out halfway through not recognizing her.

>> No.16203995

water. I used to drink a lot of OJ but I'm keeping costs down anon

>> No.16204006

4 Red bulls a day

>> No.16204043


>> No.16204053

Bath water ;)

>> No.16204061
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>> No.16204509

found the zoomer
its easy to exist without caffeine. if you need to perform mentally it becomes needed
just dont make my mistake. quit caffeine and took up soda in the morning. now im addicted to both

>> No.16204514

4 Golden Bulls a day

i literally shave my mineral flakes into red bull, admittedly it's been silver recently because 40x returns deserve celebration

>> No.16204522

jesus christ this is actual psychological gut warfare, i had to run to the bathroom