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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16198770 No.16198770 [Reply] [Original]

>its over the economy is going to crash
>all women are whores
>jews run the world
>waging is slavery

how do I short this boring ass topics that have been done over to death and beyond?

>> No.16198785

What amazes me is that there are people on a board that discusses how to make money that shill for communism. What the fuck?

>> No.16198799

those are the discord trannies OP forgot to mention

>> No.16198803

Once automation arrives, the future is going be communism for the rich, and capitalism for the poor.

>> No.16198810
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how do i short even more boring ass meta posts like this complaining about how boring the board is, instead of making interesting posts?

>> No.16198825


>> No.16198830

Turn off your PC.

>> No.16198833

what are your credentials to make this statement bud? I mean honestly. Do you have ANY sort of explanation for this besides larp? I've got a two year degree in electronics and my full time job is repairing industrial automation, and I've done it for 7 years now.

From my perspective, you're a fucking imbecile, but go ahead I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let you enlighten me.

>> No.16198838

communism done right is good for business

>> No.16198868

Working for the state? No thanks. The point of capitalism is working for yourself. I'd rather kill myself that have a boss no mater what I do.

>> No.16198903

Probably because actual blue chip companies such as Tesla are investing big in automation and patenting technology to make production processes more suitable for robots.


This is why you're poor you low IQ wagecuck.

>> No.16198917

Not really. It's just going to lower the prices of some products, get rid of some jobs and open new positions in a new industry.

There are a lot of industries that have been thrown into oblivion due to automation. Most known example is farming. People used to farm manually. Most people who had jobs had them in farming, now there's a lot of other jobs that were created due to that. Food production being the biggest one. Something like cheese puffs would've been very expensive to make back then due to lack of raw products and manual labor. All automation has done is increase yield and cheapen the production.

>> No.16198925
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It's a shame that I'm well paid and I work for a large automotive manufacturer, you fucking imbecile. I also enjoy going to work.

>> No.16198932

You're both retards

>> No.16198949

That's far from a fucking explanation, you dense, dense motherfucker. What you think automation is belongs in sci fi books, dumbass

>> No.16198960

by doing drugs, are you retarded or something?

>> No.16198961
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>no points
Yep, spoken like a true goy. I'll be sure to take your low IQ opinion into account instead of actually intelligent people who have billions invested into automation.

>> No.16198973
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>> No.16198981

>why doesn't automation instantly happen :^(

>> No.16198985

>still no points
Easy there with that self portrait.

>> No.16198999
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>if you find flaws in my shitty jewish fiat debt scam economy you are a commie
imagine not being an american and being capable of thinking outside of us vs them

>> No.16199032

I'm not going to write you a report on where I see the industry heading or how complicated automated processes actually is.

We will improve, but I highly doubt we will ever have full automation, vision systems are extremely unreliable, sensors fail, etc

It's easier just to throw a human at a problem and be done with it, AND be more cost effective. Even if it's a highly repetitive process, it still may be difficult to automate.

I love how you linked Tesla, when elon even said he was a fucking retard trying to fully automate and too many robots can be a bad thing.

Imagine thinking you'd be able to have a real conversation with someone who does this for a living. There's your spoonfeeding champ, maybe major in engineering or something when you finish high school, or if you're a pizza delivery driver go back and study EE.

>> No.16199043

If you're getting a debt that's your fault, not the system's.

I'm from a 3rd world country that was communist until 30 years ago and there are opportunities that didn't exist before.

Very easy to become a millionaire here due to free movement as well.

I have a couple good business ideas that worked well in the west and plan to implement them here. I prospect 1m euro per year profits starting the 4th year.

Meanwhile, in communism, the richest people were doctors, engineers and directors who have been working for 30 years. And their priviledges over the common folk was being able to own a cheap car and eat meat more than once a month.

>> No.16199071

>how do I short this boring ass topics
Long psychiatric drug manufacturers

>> No.16199072

The point of capitalism is that capital is privately allocated, that's it.

>> No.16199084

>what do you mean smoking gives cancer i smoked 2 cigarettes and was completely fine
i honestly wish you luck with your business ideas because you seem extremely low IQ

>> No.16199089
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Meta posts like OP's are objectively more interesting than muh jews muh women are whores over and over again ad nauseum.

I wish /biz/ actually discussed cryptocurrency projects in detail and didn't just shill them like a bunch of filthy pajeets.

>> No.16199090

Aka the state doesn't own you.

>> No.16199097

I'm pretty new on /biz/ but this is the 10th time in the last hour that I've seen "low IQ" used as an insult.

This board is no longer what it used to be.

>> No.16199112


>> No.16199121

40k is okay, not "great".

>> No.16199131
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28/hr + overtime sweetie

>> No.16199135
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>If you're getting a debt that's your fault, not the system's.
yet this very same system forces you to go into debt for college or suffer shit wages and financial strain.

>> No.16199143

okay, 58k (and more of you sacrifice your time to please goldberg). What city and state are you in?

>> No.16199152

Ever heard of a draft? Conscription? Taxes?

>> No.16199170

and when it comes to overtime, most salaried people are going to work 50 hours a week anyway so it's not like it makes a huge difference, busy year 70-80k, slow year 60k

>> No.16199182

Can't afford college? Don't go to college. Simple.

>> No.16199243

Draft and Conscription are the same thing. And it hasn't been a thing since the last century.

As for taxes. Are you really serious here? Of course you don't pay taxes in communism, since you don't own anything.

Why would I want a 1000$ tax-free donation when I can earn 10.000$ and pay 20% of it to tax?

>> No.16199368

Nope, look at autonomous cars for example; most companies think they'll need dozens of lidar and MMW sensors when Tesla is just using cameras and neural networks. And that's for a task orders of magnitude more complex than assembly line work. Sensor requirements are overblown.

And I love how you linked to what he said about the past versus the actual patent publishing and capital investment happening now. It's almost like you have great difficulty comprehending that a technology S curve lets you do things cost effectively that you couldn't do even a few years before.

But hey, that's enough spoonfeeding a wagie who has to get paid by people who actually own the machines and capital. I'm sure you'll own your own auto company someday.

>> No.16199392
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yep those autonomous cars are well on there way in 2020 just like the automakers said they would be a decade ago

It's almost as if though waymo doesn't even talk about self driving cars anymore because who could've guessed the problem was far more complex than what they said

You seem very upset I'm employed btw, I'm sorry your pizza job sucks and can actually be replaced by a drone. Maybe one day you won't be poor :(

>> No.16199428

yet this very same system forces you to go into debt for college or suffer shit wages and financial strain.

>> No.16199435

I repeated that comment because that was a shit counter-argument

>> No.16199443
File: 51 KB, 1200x701, -1x-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I'm sure the tech is dead now because it's not happening to your arbitrary schedule. It's not like there's more investment in the sector than ever before. You DO have money to invest right?

>> No.16199447

Tuition reimbursement is a thing.
GI bill.

God forbid you work at Walmart to pay for community college (Which is effectively free after tax deductions) if you're so hellbent on going to college for muh job.

>> No.16199458

Ignore him dude. Hurrr capitalism is perfect and people are never coerced into taking on debt. Medical bills? What's that? Insurance is perfect and never renegs on paying for treatment

>> No.16199516

The point went over your head retard just because there is investment doesn't mean it will happen anytime soon. I guess ballpark maybe 2030-2040, you act like just because they throw money at it that it will magically appear or bureaucracy won't interfere.

Either way my original point was that full automation will NEVER EVER exist. Surprise surprise, rich people will work too.

I get it, you're a brain dead communist because you can't figure out how to get employed beyond dominoes. I asked you originally for your background which you never mentioned, continue to call me a wage cuck, etc. It appears to me you're mad your unemployed or hate your shit job? I get it bro been there but you gotta figure out what makes you happy.

I do tespect that you didn't larp as something you weren't though. You're a commie because your position and I get it. I'm going to disregard whatever background you go on to larp as after this post though, so don't waste your time at I've given you props.

There are jobs you can survive on, raise a family on a single income. You just have to stop being a statuscuck

There's no shame in going to community college and living in a low cost of living area, in fact you'll probably have a higher quality of life because there is simply less to be stressed about. If you gotta live on the ocean you could prob find somewhere cheap but it won't be the "hot spot"

>> No.16199715

There isnt a single country in the world has capitalism.

>> No.16200154

um lol? Idiot. Retard. Scholarships arent really a thing. For instance, my sister graduated top 3 with a 4.3 gpa and got 0 scholarships for ucla (will graduate with 40k in debt with applied mathematics degree). GI bill is only if you went to the military. Fuck that. Tuition reimbursement? LMFAO what planet do you fucking live in? Super uncommon.

I also DID do the 1st 2 yrs at a cc to save money, dumbfuck. And yes, I work.

>> No.16200215



>> No.16200240

the only thing discord trannies are good for is riding my dick. as soon as they start talking about communism, my dick goes in their mouth or they go out the door

>> No.16201007

>GI bill is only if you went to the military. Fuck that.
and this is why youre wagecucking in debt and im a neet in asia

>> No.16201745

>trying to justify a shit economy and saying everyone should just go to the army
boomers are retards