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File: 127 KB, 875x1002, 117A1BE0-3C62-4EC2-92CD-8321E77841A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16198489 No.16198489 [Reply] [Original]

> he still hasn’t gone all in on ChainLink

lmao, this next run will be one for the books. Just look at the data, over time. It’s not about patterns or secret cues or specific candles. It’s about data, if you cannot see what I’m talking about here, don’t worry. Just buy, go all in, this is literally your last chance at multiplying your portfolio, exponentially.

>> No.16198502

Isn't that the PnD scam?

>> No.16198505


Months of pressure building, this looks like massive price suppression. When the seal breaks.... moon time fren.

>> No.16198510


>> No.16198517


It always happens on a Sunday, too.

>> No.16198553

>parabolic trends never end

>> No.16198566


Oh but right NOW is the time it will end? lmao get fucked stupid no-linker. Bye bye faggot.

>> No.16198605

it's been on a parabolic trend for nearly two years..

>> No.16198617

complacency is a great place to buy

>> No.16198626

This. Fucking LOL @ OP

>> No.16198636

Before you buy, let me tell you a story.
I was visiting San Francisco to see one of my friends. We went to a strip club, and while I was there, I saw Sergey, surrounded by women. He was throwing tons of money at them, but not just bills. It was stacks upon stacks of $10,000, sealed up with the white paper bands, like he had just come straight from a bank.
I went up to him and congratulated him on the success of Chainlink as of late (this was about a month ago), and he started laughing. He took a hefty swig from a bottle of Dom Perignon, and said, "Yeah? You think I care, stinky?"
Confused, I asked what he meant, and said that he had obviously put a lot of work into LINK and he should be proud.
"Fundamentally, I don't give two fucks about Chainlink, kid."
He was about to say something else but one of the strippers tapped him on the shoulder. Sergey pulled out from his pocket the biggest ziplock bag full of cocaine I've ever seen in my life. It looked like one of those gallon bags, almost bulging at the seams. The stripper ran off into a back room with it.
He then pulled out a Zippo lighter.
"You wanna know what I think about Chainlink?"
He snapped his fingers and a stripper handed him a bottle of Hennessy. He then pulled about 20 stacks of bills from a duffel bag, threw them on the floor, poured cognac all over them, flicked his Zippo, and dropped it onto the pile. Almost instantly the whole stack caught.
I stared at him, speechless.
"It's called a 'PUMP and DUMP,' kid."
He laughed as he watched the pile burn before losing interest and going into a back room with his entourage of strippers following carrying duffel bags full of what I assume was money and coke.
This is the man you are supporting by buying LINK.

>> No.16198649


How are you this fucking stupid? lmao, you understand anyone with half a brain (that doesn’t already know) can check the charts and see that you’re an idiot with no idea what he is talking about.

In fact, why don’t you screen shot the entire chart and show us the parabolic trend that has been going on since the day LINK went live... I’ll wait

>> No.16198652
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is it just me or is LINK forming a massive head and shoulders on the daily?

>> No.16198693


Forget about the daily, fren, look at the 6m & 1yr

>> No.16198784

The memes have been on a parabolic uptrend for years. That's what he meant.

>> No.16198847

buy high sell low, shmuck

>> No.16198982

at least 10x from here

look at the log charts

>> No.16199011

Price suppression with something you can't use yet? Actual delusion.

Go look at literally any biotech stonk if you wanna see what real price suppression looks like.

>> No.16199022

Can we pull a 10x within two years? I just want to buy stocks and be comfy.

>> No.16199031

crypto is far more manipulated than stocks, especially alts

>> No.16199046

Lol hardly. Maybe back in the day. But now, nobody wants to buy most of this shit.

The stuff I've seen speculating in biotech would make the average shit coin trader cry

>> No.16199345


lmao omg we’ve never heard of stock market before. gtfo retard. Show me 10,000% gains in 6 months on any other traceable asset.

>> No.16199353

I am 100% confident we will pull a 10x within one year

>> No.16199433
File: 28 KB, 569x398, 9e18cae4d5b7ca30c15f71a21f7f2df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're at return to normal

>> No.16199522

It can pull a 10x TONIGHT.

>> No.16199532

stinker stinker

>> No.16199549

>charts, patterns, other faggot bs
It’s all about data anon. Nothing else matters

>> No.16199601

leave him alone he must be retarded

>> No.16199693

agrees the weekly link/btc chart looks like could do a serious break - so many faggots on here though

>> No.16199706

A true faggot infestation

>> No.16199719
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, b7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you daytrading them or doing more medium-long term stuff?

>> No.16199720

takes one to know one

>> No.16199815


>> No.16200030
File: 60 KB, 575x546, 495_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, why don't you show me you making those gains you personally made? Oh wait you can't because you missed it as well and think we will have another bullrun like 2017
>crypto is better because instead of not doing anything and then going up, it crabs between 1-2 percent

>> No.16200203

These days I'm out of stonks almost entirely because of what I just outlined -- we are in a clown market of the worst kind. I got burned hard on what I thought was a surefire bet but I got gamed by the SEC and market makers.

I think mid to long term investments is always smarter... Think a quarter out at the earliest. Playing earnings can be a gamble but if you play your cards right, you can really come out ahead

>> No.16200368

Hey there guys,

Let me just say this: it won't be a "stable" coin by this time tomorrow.

Be prepared for something gargantuan.

The team knows all about you and your dedicated belief in what we're doing so we've put a little easter egg into tomorrow's announcement.

Keep your eyes on Instagram boys. Yes, you heard that right: Instagram. It'll all make sense the second you see it.

God christ you kids are in for one hell of a damn ride and I wish I could be sitting next to you when engine kicks in.

>> No.16200936

Don't you dare! Don't you dare tug at my heartstrings you fucking larp!!! I am fucking broke and I need this to get out of a desparate situation so bad or else I am FUCKED. I put what little money I have into link this year and this is make it or break it SO DON'T YOU FUCKING LARP!!!!!

>> No.16201018

>Unironically replying to pasta
This board needs a purging

>> No.16201059

Yeah goys lets market order 1000 links now

>> No.16201226

Just bought 200 worth

>> No.16201718

Yeah but its about to P hard

>> No.16201940


>> No.16201951
File: 38 KB, 625x125, Screen Shot 2019-11-10 at 5.45.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with half a brain such as cryptojuice knows that this shit is gonna tank

>> No.16202010

Didn't this retard say we were going below $1.50 last week? And then come here pretending to not be himself and saying "HE NEVER LOST A TRADE. LISTEN TO HIM DERRRRRR."


>> No.16202023

By that reasoning BTC was on a parabolic trend for like 7 years. It's not true. Link has only been parabolic since May. The fact that it rode the parabola down and has since gone back to like 75% ATH and sat there mostly flat is pretty good looking to me.

>> No.16202073


Check em.

>> No.16202152

I'd trust that man with my life.

>> No.16202177

Absolutely not, right shoulder nearly done. We'll crash hard.