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16192638 No.16192638 [Reply] [Original]

I have a severe Obsessive compulsive disorder

I am currently using 5htp but I am afraid of the EMS
I have also tried trazodone but it macs me sleepy and doesn't do this much
I don't wanna take the SSRI route (prozac) can you sugges some herb supplement?

>> No.16192656

Why don't just drop his guard and go dance with crowd and have some fun?

>> No.16192662

You need therapy and counselling. My gf had severe ocd as a kid and drugs won't help.

>> No.16192670

Because Apu anxiety

>> No.16192678
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dont microdose. take a full dose. its a one-and-done OCD cure

t. LSD OCD pro

>> No.16192684

that's wojak you cancerous plebbit newfaggot. GET OUT!

>> No.16192791

>You need therapy and counselling. My gf had severe ocd as a kid and drugs won't help.
how did helped her the cognitive therapy?

>> No.16192795

>will taking drugs solve my problems?

>> No.16193286

help please

>> No.16193296

research ayahuasca and do that

>> No.16193371

will it help my OCD? Scientific papers about it?

>> No.16193461

It will help your entire life if you do it the right way but it might show you things about yourself you arent comfortable accepting first

>> No.16193660

>It will help your entire life
explain why. Where it's the science behind this

>> No.16193690

it will not help if you not act upon it, so it's down to you to extract any benefit from it.

>> No.16193724

The science behind it is DMT if done in the right way it will cleanse your mind of your programming and noise and give you a glimpse of reality, after showing you the karmic consequences of your actions. It is not pleasant but there's a reason hardcore drug addicts can be cured by its correct usage.

>> No.16193854

>it will not help if you not act upon it, so it's down to you to extract any benefit from it.
it's a meme isn't it?
>The science behind it is DMT if done in the right way it will cleanse your mind of your programming and noise and give you a glimpse of reality, after showing you the karmic consequences of your actions. It is not pleasant but there's a reason hardcore drug addicts can be cured by its correct usage.
I would need real help not meme answers please... maybe one could say that these drugs almost completley reset your brain... I also suffer of cronic social anxiety

>> No.16193867

it is.

macrodosing is the new shit now - 2 to 3 grams per kilo of body weight

>> No.16194012

It is not a meme answer please do your research the only thing I can tell you is ignore the people who tell you to extract it and do it by yourself, you must respect the process and be guided by someone with the understanding and knowledge to use it correctly. People who have severe depression, drug addiction, and other psychological problems have been cured by it because it both resets your mental programming and shows you the consequences of not changing your current path.

This is not to say you shouldn't explore other options since ayahuasca is very intense and not to be trifled with. You should definitely try mdma first it can do wonders for anxiety and self hatred. Research it and what it was originally intended for. My suggestion is to unironically start lifting weights and find activities that force you to get out of your mind and the constant inner dialogue that leads to anxiety. Anything that gets your adrenaline going and requires effort will be very beneficial as it will quiet your mind and build your self confidence. Join a boxing or mma gym, take up shooting or archery, something along those lines. It will be very hard to do at first because your anxiety will do everything to convince you not to do it and cause you to self sabotage but at one point you must take the first step, there is no way around this because whatever medicine or substance you use can change your mental state but it cannot force you to act.

>> No.16194048

>needs real answers
>comes to /biz/
Curing your ocd will involve a trip to the Yukon, a knife and a tinderbox. 2 weeks anon. Also, buy link.

>> No.16194052

No it won’t it’s literally devil shit. Suppose to give you some enlightenment but that enlightenment is all lies. Open you bible anon simple.

>> No.16194088

I reduced my ocd by 75% eating fish roe. I know this sounds like a meme but its true. It's probably closer to 80%, and climbing. Only started this about 2 months ago, roughly 100 grams a day. Something about highly bionavailable omega 3 in phosphilipid form I think is whats doing the trick.

>> No.16194173


>> No.16194264

>you the consequences of not changing your current path
But I wanna change my path even without drugs... I now that I am depressed because my Karma is shit and if there is pain in my life it's because of somenthing I need to change. Well I am ugly and I can't find a girl. I am wating for crypto to moon so I can have a surgery and find a modest 5/10 to start a family with.
Is it this so degenerate to produce this much of pain?
Obv my Kama is bad this is why I have this path in life. But I am here to fix it. I am a good man after all. I don't deserve to suffer this much

>> No.16194274

Kek. Nice try Cletus.

>> No.16194288

It's not a meme but I'd try smoking CBD first to see if that helps - it should

>> No.16194340

>wahh muh karma
Lift, stop being a cunt, stop being a pussy, take what's yours

>> No.16194401

>But I wanna change my path even without drugs
Have you tried any therapy techniques?

Here's my effective therapy copy pasta.

You can use that info to heal yourself.

>> No.16194430
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>> No.16194457
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>> No.16194467

>ignore the people who tell you to extract it and do it by yourself,
So, what, he should buy it off the darknet instead? Extracting yourslf is the perfect way to get intimate with and build respect for the drug. Or did you just mean don't try to extract it solo because you might end up with lye in your lungs? That's fine, a lab buddy is always better.

>People who have severe depression, drug addiction, and other psychological problems have been cured by it
Just to temper peoples' hopes, I have pursued psychedelics for a long time with the hopes that they could help permanently fix my longstanding dysthymic depression, I have done:
-Dozens of shroom trips, up to 11 dry grams in one sitting
-About a dozen acid trips, up to 800ug in one sitting
-About a dozen ayahuasca journeys
-Probably about 50 full-fledged visits to hyperspace with vaped DMT
-Various microdose experiments with acid, shrooms, and even ibogaine

I am still as depressed as I ever was. Don't get me wrong, every trip I took was worth having, and of course right afterward you feel brand new and open to change. But for me even at the doses I listed, the feeling never lasted and I found myself ineluctably drawn back towards my shitty, low-energy, no-motivation baseline with a day or three.

So anyways it might cure some people for good, I think especially if your depression is rooted in 'issues', like uncomfortable truths about yourself that you are suppressing. Psychedelics are good at airing that laundry out. But if you are broken at a neurochemical level, it is quite possible that psys won't fix you for good. But you won't know unless you try and psychedelics are worth doing for the experience alone, even if they don't (for you) have curative powers.

>> No.16194498

this is how you make it way worse

>> No.16194509


>> No.16194660

Just take an SSRI dude. Microdosing will increase your anxiety. Herbal remedies like st John's wort will do jack shit but cause mania. 5HTP will likely just make you itchy af. If they worked, doctors would prescribe them. Supplements also have like zero regulation so you likely aren't even getting what you pay for anyways.

>> No.16194793

he means go and do it with an experienced shaman, alot of retreats have the guests prepare the brew anyway

>> No.16194798

>If they worked, doctors would prescribe them

>> No.16194863


>open your bible

holy shit i thought we ran you guys off the internet in 2008????????????? are you trolling?

>> No.16194880

No, he should do it with a legitimate shaman that has dedicated his life to learning from the plants and how to use them as medicine and knows how to guide anon towards a healing journey. Avoid new agey hacks. Plants are live beings and some like ayahuasca are very powerful entities and should be treated with respect.
You dont need drugs to change your path only self discipline and love, but certain substances can override your mind programming and pain body and help you. Seek Christ He is the ultimate light even ayahuasca knows this.

Explore these options before seeking clinical psychiatry treatments.

>> No.16194900

he needs some mdma

>> No.16194910

do lsd
no seriously

>> No.16194936

nice to see someone talking sense

have you done ayahuasca yourself sir?

>> No.16195109

mdma is seroroninergic def it will help with OCD disease
but it is a banned substance (ide effects are not worth)

>> No.16195113

>but it is a banned substance

>> No.16195129

Based. One and done, OP. What could go wrong?

>> No.16195142

>Just take an SSRI dude. Microdosing will increase your anxiety. Herbal remedies like st John's wort will do jack shit but cause mania. 5HTP will likely just make you itchy af. If they worked, doctors would prescribe them. Supplements also have like zero regulation so you likely aren't even getting what you pay for anyways.
not true.
I am having benefits with 5htp. It's only that it's not so safe cause of EMS.
Sant. Johns I have never tried it.
SSRI cause libido loss and impotence. I wouldn't wanna deal with that shit.
Also SSRI cause dementia and memory loss

>> No.16195141

Because he left his MDMA at home.

>> No.16195164

>2 to 3 grams per kilo of body weight
>of LSD

Livestream it.

>> No.16195175

>You should definitely try mdma first it can do wonders for anxiety and self hatred
Definitely don't do this. Just because therapists use it in some situations doesn't mean you should just fucking roll and expect to clean your room.

>> No.16195191

One and done.

Don't be a pussy, either - nice big dose, 300mics minimum.

t. cured myself of compulsive, addictive, life-destroying habits and processes after several suicide attempts to stop them.

Psychedelics crew

>> No.16195268

>I would need real help not meme answers please

Just try it, lol. Millions and millions and millions of people have taken LSD before, it's not that scary.

Brain reset is exactly what it does.

>> No.16195400

also if you ski, make sure you try it one lsd

>> No.16195456

I would try microdosing shrooms first but really you should find a higher power and pray to that. There’s a 12 step program called “emotions anonymous” you should check out. It’s free obviously and there’s a group you can talk with about what’s going on. AA saved my life and it can save anyone not just alcoholics and drug addicts. Take it from me meds do help but only after you go through hell finding the right one and do other things as well like meditate exercise eat right, therapy or EA like I said. I’ve been on meds most of my life after I did AA I was able to come off three of them but I’m still on Paxil.

>> No.16195473

Just take 1 or 2 tabs, should help more than microdosing.

>> No.16195590

>He wants to silence his thoughts and be a mindless drone.

Worst cope.

>> No.16195644
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>every single one of the thoughts that come to my mind is important and unique and I must listen to them because Im so smart I can't stop thinking


>> No.16195689

The defining trait of a NPC is to prefer distraction over his own thoughts.

>Wilson et al. (2014) found that American participants much preferred solitary everyday activities, such as reading or watching TV, to thinking for pleasure.
>The results were consistent in every country: Participants randomly assigned to do something reported significantly greater enjoyment than did participants randomly assigned to think for pleasure.
>The preference for doing external activities such as reading, watching TV, or surfing the internet rather than 'just thinking' appears to be strong throughout the world.

>In 11 studies, we found that participants typically did not enjoy spending 6 to 15 minutes in a room by themselves with nothing to do but think, that they enjoyed doing mundane external activities much more, and that many preferred to administer electric shocks to themselves instead of being left alone with their thoughts.

>> No.16195804
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>being this obtuse

Very cute

>> No.16196417

>cartoon poster
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