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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 252 KB, 1200x1200, DFt5Q_sU0AMoiyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16193685 No.16193685 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do?

>> No.16193693

Those eyes...

>> No.16193699
File: 61 KB, 747x686, 1564987868606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are blonde white girls so hot?

>> No.16193712

Nice photoshop ngl

>> No.16193752

“I do love you baby, I wouldn’t let you sit on my face the way love so much if I didn’t. But listen, if you turn into a psycho ass bitch and fuck Tyrone, I can’t have you taking half my shit, do you understand love?”

>> No.16193758

How is that not a man?

>> No.16193790

>trusting prenups
You are going to get fucked anyways. A judge can't touch crypto or gold, my dude.

>> No.16193814

this. just keep a bunch of xmr in secret

>> No.16193832

>color contact lenses
Disgusting whore. Prenup is a requirement.

>> No.16193840

Anon, I have to tell you something...

>> No.16193856

does this girl have diarrhea? pls tell me

>> No.16193863

>Getting married by the state

Imagine. Fuck the government.

>> No.16193884

It is.

>> No.16193898
File: 14 KB, 206x196, crazy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to strangle her and leave her in my basement

>> No.16193946


>> No.16193956

Look at the breasts you mentally ill fuckup, it’s a woman

>> No.16193957

you guys joke about it but when you believe you're in love you do some incredibly stupid shit

>> No.16193981
File: 885 KB, 2829x2019, pirate-treasure-chest-decorative-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a small chest of gold coins buried in your yard

>> No.16193983

nnn november is hard

>> No.16193999

oh, so you only "love" me for my money? if you love me for who i am, the prenup shouldnt be an issue

>> No.16194001


>> No.16194232

I'll give everything I own for this 10/10 girl

>> No.16194255

Buy honey, how else will the judge get his toilet paper?

>> No.16194272

It reminds me of creamy chicken maruchan ramen, something I really liked as a kid. It was really tasty, but for some reason they changed the flavor such that it’s no longer as tasty or savory.

>> No.16194295

its easy
always be better than your wife. marrying down is not a meme.
should get even easier over time. if youre fit and rich youll have your pick if she leaves

if you are a wagecuck you have no business interacting with women; you cant afford the naysaying and risk adversity

>> No.16194334

I forgot what the paper's name is, but someone researched the origin of blonde hair. Apparently at one point there was a severe shortage of men in white areas, so the competition among white women was fierce to the point where all these mutations happened for the sole purpose of being more attractive. First came brown hair, then red hair, and finally blond hair in the northern parts of Europe, at which point you basically had women that were optimized for getting pregnant as fast as possible.

>> No.16194347

also his hair looks dyed so he's prolly not blonde

>> No.16194375

I will say "Sorry I don't want to get married right now, If that's what you want I think we should end our relationship."

>> No.16194395

is this b8? she has a jew nose

>> No.16194414


27 post for someone to say it. The Jew is strong in that bitch.

>> No.16194446

Getting married and using a pre-nub is the definition of cognitive dissonance.

Just don't get married. Why is this so complex?

>> No.16194475


>> No.16194500

can you try and fine the paper name or source? I'd like to read that.

>> No.16194523

s/he would be hot if they hadn't turned their benis inside out

>> No.16194537

I can't find it anymore because the Jews paywalled it, the closest I can find is http://cogweb.ucla.edu/ep/Frost_06.html

>> No.16194540

Master race, fren

>> No.16194553

she's not blonde, its hairdye. she's a literal jewess

>> No.16194638

In all seriousness, we all now about her pasts cosplays that ressemble a man.
But do you really really think she is not female?

>> No.16194652

Don't need a prenup. Just putting it on monero and my partner is richer.
Because every other race is inferior.

>> No.16194684

that's a man


at least pick better traps

>> No.16194731

because you are old pretending to be young and your fingers are skinny, which indicated a soft pampered lifestyle

>> No.16194753

Why get married in the first place in this day and age? Half of all mothers are unmarried nowdays, so it's not even the norm. Save yourself pain and never get married.

>> No.16194762

BSV holders assemble

>> No.16194847

These are the people that browse 4chan

>> No.16194850

can you find the doi number, you can get it for free through scihub

>> No.16194857

he said while browsing 4chan(nel)

>> No.16194898


>> No.16194902

Dump her.

>> No.16194926
File: 41 KB, 622x423, 1565713123163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't want to go to hell :(

>> No.16194976

Bible says it is better to get married than not, but doesn't make it a requirement.

>> No.16195048

Welcome to the internets faggot.

>> No.16195183

This is bullshit, blonde hair evolved to get more vitamin D from the sun during winter

>> No.16195198

Interssting, this is actually what I always thought. would like to see a paper on this

>> No.16195214

This ewhore isn’t even that good looking. I don’t understand why betas flock over her.

>> No.16195235

Leafland has common law:(

>> No.16195253


>> No.16195301

I don't date trannies. So that conversation wouldn't even be happening.

>> No.16195338

we are not in 2050 yet, trannies do not look like pic yet. look at those shoulders and hands. this is just another photoshopped woman

>> No.16195357

That sure is a masculine chin and jawline

>> No.16195376


I know trannies get all kinds of hormone treatments but this would be another level no??? cmon guys wtf... whats up with all this reverse tranny propaganda?

>> No.16195384


>> No.16195407

amonuranth twitch post op trans

if the jaw, fake boobs, hands and feet don't give it away scroll to the bottom of her tumblr above back when they were first transitioning

>> No.16195487

AHAHA, ffs. you actually got me there you fucking degenerates. that guy must have tried a thousand angles from which to shoot the photo because from that angle... why is there so much of this on 4chan? who is pushing this scam? where are the jannies? are there trannie jannies or something here? jesus fucking christ.... I will have to train a neural network soon to detect these...

>> No.16195494

Stacy, you love me right? So why would a prenup even matter ?
>if she continues to push it
Stacy I am going to be honest with you I don't know if I feel confident about starting a family with someone who can not stop talking about such trivial matters as money. This is something that is important to me and I expect my future wife to honor that, and if you can't then I will be very sad to have so misjudged you and withdraw my proposal.
>if she pushes it again
Stare her dead in the eyes, take ring of finger, put it onto table, I expect you to be out of my house in two days time, leave house while she has her temper tantrum

>> No.16195516

shes a twitch thot thats married but never told her white knight beta orbiters and one ended up demanding his thousands of dollars in donations back after he found out. shes also a closet tranny but for reason no one wants to call her out on it.

>> No.16195517

>post op

>> No.16195579

If you ever do get married, be smart about it. Run your life like a business and consider your options without the attached stigmas. Bankruptcy is a business decision that is sometimes in your best interest. So is marriage.

Marriage needs to be thought of as a legal and financial decision, not an emotional decision or as a way of showing someone you love them.

How does she live her life? Is she a go getter with a good job, appreciating assets, a perfect credit score, good health and ambitions? Or is she none of the above who just wants a house in the suburbs, 2 cars, a dog and an expensive wedding?

Marriage can allow you to file taxes jointly, become eligible for certain benefits, include each other on health plans and insurance policies. It also means you will have an easier time cosigning financing which can be beneficial for investment property, starting or improving a business or make decisions when you aren't available (assuming she makes good financial decisions).

It can also mean she has the power to make medical decisions for you in certain situations.

Have children, a wedding and anniversaries? Sure, there's nothing wrong with that as long as you both make ethical, mutually beneficial decisions.

A prenuptial agreement needs to be made to protect both you and the person you are marrying. It is no different than any business contract. You can use it to split assets and debts in the event of a divorce or to make sure that in cases of proven infidelity, the cheating partner assumes a greater percentage of the debt and receives fewer assets while keeping such things as gifts and family heirlooms.

Just like how you would never make someone the co-owner of your business without a contract, you should never make someone your partner in marriage without a prenuptial agreement.

>> No.16195625
File: 133 KB, 767x906, 75315963_2404747659792441_3975799776493961216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the trap fad on /biz/ lately but I don't like the ones that cut off their penis and try to trick people into helping them dilate (without realizing) that's just gross

>> No.16195639
File: 111 KB, 1080x1191, 69075233_2220803684897316_8017274932092159922_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16195640
File: 62 KB, 434x500, 01f9c511dcfd998a149df1af33171d13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a trap without a penis is like an angel without wings

>> No.16195661

She instabanned me for asking why she cut her benis off. Does everyone know and just pretend they don't?

>> No.16195667

assuming people are fucking stupid in general and do not show signs of agency over their own lives like sensible human beings, those doctors should not be allowed to practice this shit in the first place.. wtf...

>> No.16195713
File: 889 KB, 756x825, 1568889615808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like asking the doctor to cut off arm or foot because you identify as paraplegic

>> No.16195717

please, somebody, tell me this is not a tranny.
I will stop looking at thots on the internet soon. too many traps.
i am not a nazi. I am just old fashioned and I feel sorry for the kids that go through this and later regret it...

>> No.16195721

That sounds like bullshit

>> No.16195724

>Um, i think you mean "our" yard sweetie

>> No.16195733
File: 1.98 MB, 4200x3500, samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's because they look like "angels" from art I think. And they're just hot. Smell good, hardly any body hair, cute

>> No.16195769
File: 2.19 MB, 320x320, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. it's a regular female, Victoria secret model. Pictures don't give the whole image anyway, they take 100 pictures and pick 1 or take 2 hours of video and save a few good screenshots

>> No.16195777
File: 120 KB, 874x1024, 1553386240346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your financial insecurity will force you to be a better wife since you have no leverage over me.

>> No.16195787
File: 27 KB, 640x348, Srz7Bji_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16196286

It makes it a requirement for intercourse.
You are free to choose lifelong celibacy as an alternative.

"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" - Proverbs 9:10

>> No.16196542

Not how evolution works

>> No.16196584

We all know that deep down this individual will feel really bad about themselves and probably will commit suicide due to this.

>> No.16196690

idk, its not "confirmed" but its so obvious i dont get it.

>> No.16196713

Because only whites are human

>> No.16196819
File: 119 KB, 728x670, dead-or-alive-5-last-round-helena-douglas-doa-dead-or-alive-kasumi-others.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polar bears om nom nom

>> No.16196985

>giant penis under skirt
only one of these options is true, guess which!

>> No.16196995

Trips of truth

>> No.16197003

That’s a man with a penis

>> No.16197011


>> No.16197012

Dump her.

>> No.16197026

it's both you retards

evolution through natural selection and sexual selection due to non-evolutionary factors are different forces that could work toward the same or different traits

>> No.16197075
File: 149 KB, 383x341, Selection_310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those goosebumps on them tits
>those goosebumps like galaxies in a young, quickly expanding universe
>those goosebumps showing that the skin is barely able to follow the needs of suddenly expanding mammary tissue, tightly enveloping them with an desperate hug.
Prime Pussy/Titteys or fucking bust. There are no substitutes.

>> No.16197087

Sure, anyone with the sense imparted by a semester of pre-law knows that 95% of prenups aren't worth the paper they're printed on anyways.

>> No.16197159

that is a male to female transexual with fake tits.

>> No.16197251
File: 538 KB, 892x1264, muh prenup though.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting prenups in the first place

>> No.16197252
File: 169 KB, 1200x1265, Amouranth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much tranny, many grilldick

>> No.16197917

Marriage was defined in ancient times much differently than today. In Egypt, marriage was basically just cohabitation. You just moved in with each other and you were considered married.

>> No.16199024

No need for prenup. Worst case scenario you can always pay jamal $20k for a 'robbery gone wrong'

>> No.16199618

>sexual selection due to non-evolutionary factors
>sexual selection
>non-evolutionary factor

>> No.16199625


I have some bad news for you guys...

>> No.16199639
File: 66 KB, 1080x1350, 49287559_231030984466179_919893632922224310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16199658
File: 66 KB, 420x420, 7b585e3e1bf0506de2ab911108e6f7c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay jamal $20k for a 'robbery gone wrong'
>who at the first moment available tells the police on your dumb ass for 1 year off his 200-year sentence

7/10 bretty good idea

>> No.16199681


Please senpai. I am on no fap and only on day 4. I am weak. Think before you post.

>> No.16199770


>> No.16199799

Yea this is a dude, Look at the jawline and ears.

>> No.16199806

shes not young anymore. go watch her stream. shes def over 30

>> No.16200026

marriage is a financial and emotional scam. do not get married. Unless you and external parties truly believe she is a gem. Otherwise just do it.

>> No.16200039

dont do it**

>> No.16200125

>Otherwise just do it
alright fuck it, I'm gonna do it

>> No.16200935

You failed NNN already, what's the point?

>> No.16201195

http://fascistiverdi.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/European_hair_and_eye_color_A_case_of_frequency-de.pdf First result oon google. he is correct

T. Evolutionary biologist

>> No.16201199

that's a tranny

>> No.16201210


>> No.16201293

it's a wig, next you'll be saying she dyed her eyes.

>> No.16201467

Vitamin D is absorbed by the skin, retard.

>> No.16202154

....are fake

there you go kid
no need to thank me

>> No.16202501

Stupidest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.16202529

I literally just got dumber from reading this.

>> No.16203448

this is the boss redpill

>> No.16203729

Yes, but think about it again dummy.

>> No.16203746

>What will you do?
Never have this issue

>> No.16204131

t. brown people

>> No.16204143

I'm asking myself the same thing. Why do we need one if we're never getting married? Why did you even bring this up in the first place? Go back to the kitchen.

>> No.16204154

>when you believe you're in love
You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.16204368


Pale/Blonde women's genes were highly desirable. Some women still as valuable, but that depends on their qualities. However, OP is right. Blonde women are impregnated (or at the very least preyed upon by many men for the sole purpose of impregnating) far quicker than other races. It's because of their visual difference from other, much more common, females. Most humans have dark hair and brown eyes or brown skin, so pale skin and light hair stands out.

Why do you think directors have been using white women in their films for over a century? You can see white women better on film, especially in dark settings. In the mind of males, they appreciate the fact that they can see a female in the dark. You can't say the same about darker skin tones. The desire to be with a lighter woman is higher because of all these factors. Race mixing is frown upon, especially with conscientious Caucasoids, specifically because of all the qualities the white female will not pass on to her offspring. This reduces the offspring's desirability at the point of maturity.

The minutia of these issues are so small and misunderstood by the masses, that it's easy to get offended when someone says that white or blonde women get impregnated faster because of their looks. Hopefully most of the time it's to preserve her likeness, but clearly that doesn't work because many white women in the USA for example have pudgy features (wide nose and no defined jaw line) at maturity. Sure, white women in the USA can accumulate fat, but that is only desirable for the sole purpose of having sex, not for the sole purpose of passing genes. When most naive women mix with other races, it's because they want whatever status is attached to the shitskin.

>> No.16204414


>> No.16204557
File: 29 KB, 480x599, 58994697_318412275505260_6739560295947492538_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contact lenses that she wears while her Chinese husband pumps his 3 inches of nippon steel into her hpv infested onee hole.
have a real woman

>> No.16204647
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, 1572610626816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kalindrachan best trap

>> No.16205359
