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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1618334 No.1618334 [Reply] [Original]

whats the point on doing ur hole life doing money, even to get a wife or family??
you just lose it all when your die?
everyone dies.
is money just a pain med on the assisted suicide ride of life?

are there other ways ppl dull the impending doom, like sex or religion or apathy?

>> No.1618343

This is a bigger topic than just finance. We all strive for meaning in this small ball of dirt we call home.

Ultimately, do what makes you happy.

>> No.1618356

what if what makes me happy hurts someone else? even someone i never see. does it matter
? who cares in the end right?

>> No.1618366

I raped your sister and offered her a $20 after. she wouldn't take it she's poor

>> No.1618379
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what do you mean ?

>> No.1618407

Shes a good receiver of cock just not money

>> No.1618441

If you're going to be nihilistic about it, what's the point of anything? One day you'll be dead and relatively soon after you'll be forgotten.

You can choose to find this knowledge liberating or paralyzing. Up to you.

Life will have purpose and direction when you find something you love. If you haven't found that, keep searching. As for money, it's not so much the hoarding of wealth that's important but the doors it opens. Want to travel? Want the time and resources to create art? Want a comfortable home in a good area for yourself and your family? Want the ability to start a business? Want to give your kids the best start in life? Want to do humanitarian or philanthropic activities? Money will enable you.

>> No.1618463
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whats the point of romanticizing and projecting delusional value onto all that stuff?
to dull, mask and deny the fact that you and all you know and love is dying at every moment?

>> No.1618577

This really makes me thing when I'm driving my Ferrari around.

>> No.1618581

well played sir, well played

>> No.1618586

Idk man why don't you kill yourself then?

I do it because I enjoy it

>> No.1618938

Meh. Like I said, if you want to view the glass as half empty, nobody's going to stop you.

>> No.1619229
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thats you're cope.
feeling superior to someone who has awoken.

>> No.1619365

>thats you're cope
I know English may not be your first language, but you should really make more of an effort.
You can do it.
I have faith in you.

>> No.1619400
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nice deflection

>> No.1619407


Try cryonics OP, its no guarantee of living to see the post scarcity future, but its a chance. Take a gamble, it might pay off ultimately. Alternatively, get a big life insurance policy and set up a trust, so when you die, your insurance leftovers after you are suspended get invested and earn interest while you are suspended, that way, you are ultra wealthy in the future when you awaken, without ever having to do any work.

>> No.1619409

Thank you.
That's some nice coping you've got there.

>> No.1619436
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>> No.1619457
File: 37 KB, 300x380, it-sharp39-s-always-someone-else-sharp39-s-fault.-pity-party-for-one-please..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you get the hang of making money it starts to get easier.
Almost to the point where it starts to feel like a game.
Making money is my hobby and is quite fun in my opinion.
Plus since I'm only in my 20's I have plenty of time to do whatever I want with the rest of my life.
Money (financial and location independence) gives you that freedom my man.
Just because you suck at life doesn't mean you need to bring other people down.
What's with the crab mentality?