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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 304x166, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16191959 No.16191959 [Reply] [Original]

When are the jannies and mods going to do something about the BSV shill campaign spamming? It's ruining the board.

It's clear that the BSV faggots have paid pajeets to spam all day.

>> No.16191962

Same jeets are on links payroll too

>> No.16191965
File: 38 KB, 350x400, Greg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greg, I think it's time to take your meds.

>> No.16191972

Terrible forced meme

>> No.16191995
File: 244 KB, 600x900, 1573291673224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The party has just begun.

>> No.16192233

they have no escalated into directly offering to pay ppl to help them with their spamming. clear violation of board rules. jannies need to crackdown.

>> No.16192248

There are literally 4-5 paid shills spamming the catalog with duplicate threads and replying to themselves

>> No.16192264
File: 166 KB, 644x659, 1573295427181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prove it

>> No.16192294

Thank you for posting this. Everyone should bump for some kind of a BSV ban. At least the XRP army takes breaks. Fuck me

>> No.16192306

Also, don't bump their spam threads. Use sage when replying (options -> sage).

>> No.16192319
File: 63 KB, 1136x640, 1424769331182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you 1st

>> No.16192334

better to just hide...they are paid per response. ignoring bankrupts.

>> No.16192352
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>> No.16192423
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>> No.16192443

Agreed, it's gone from relative silence to full on bsv spam. No one here is dumb enough to buy Sanjays vision

>> No.16192453
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I'm constantly accumulating anon

>> No.16192478

It's just several people spamming the catalog. You can create 5 threads from a single IP, if you change your IP at least a few times, you can create a dozen of threads, single-handedly.

The way the BSV spam brigade works resembles comment spam.

>> No.16192488

I'd rather have BSV shill threads over pajeets shilling low marketcap shitcoins.

>> No.16192499
File: 17 KB, 394x450, 1573041751477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can create 5 threads from a single IP
> if you change your IP at least a few times
> you can create a dozen of threads
>2x5 = 12
Blockstream trannies are unironically this dumb. It's getting kind of sad desu

>> No.16192506
File: 35 KB, 696x449, csw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is IQ test coin. You must be retarded holding anything else then BSV and LINK

>> No.16192522

You must be retarded holding anything else than LINK.

>> No.16192529

Link is more shilled and its an shitty token not the new ecosystem.

>> No.16192537
File: 102 KB, 557x514, LINKvsBSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tide is turning

>> No.16192547

Thanks for outing yourself as a paid nervous thirld worlder who can't into English

>> No.16192550

My bsv folder is 174MB now. I don't know what will happen when it surpass my link folder, but I imagine it will be a big happening that will affect a lot more than just my ssd

>> No.16192584

BSV and LINK both need to be confined to a general

>> No.16192591

So, we're not talking about a HUGE number of spammers. We're talking about a tiny pack of shills (literally a few people) who always repeat themselves, use the same phrases etc. and try to spam the catalog as much as possible.

LINK looks organic in comparison, BSV is plain forced.

>> No.16192807 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 214x236, 1572174299674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shabat Shalom fellow bizraelis , share this facts about BSV in another post and green wojaks and fortunes will come to you

1_BSV Hashrate is so low that a small mining pool can 51% attack it


2_ 96% BSV transactions come from a fucking weather app


3_If you don't believe the thing in point 2 all you need to do is look the average transaction size of every crypto.


even dogecoin moves more money

4_BSV mining is centralized massively and dominated by coingeek





Worse nodes are even more centralized

Only 468 nodes using the same client vs btc having more than 10k nodes using different clients.


5_BSV HAS 1GB size blocks if full , this mean 52tb per year blockchain growth and an ever decrease ammount of nodes hosting it for free(only pools need to be nodes and there are 8 pools on bsv so 8 nodes will receive monetary incentives to host it).
8 nodes hosting CP basically.

6_BSV allows people to upload shit like videos and illegal stuff like cp will be uploaded there 100% knowing it's open.

7_Combine point 4, 5 and 6 and eventually you will end with a centralized blockchain with a few nodes sharing child porn that will be taken down by governments.

8_The fact that SV shills constantly attack other cryptocurrencies and threaten their destruction and even support capital controls show they are not just attacking btc but want to destroy crypto and the recent shilling campaign shows they are paid to do this.
With love , Greg Maxwell.

>> No.16192815 [DELETED] 

Doubt , link shills actually make fun memes , this retards post crap all day.

>> No.16192819


>> No.16192829


>> No.16192834 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 224x225, fuckjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shabat Shalom fellow bizraelis , share this facts about BSV in another post and green wojaks and fortunes will come to you

1_BSV Hashrate is so low that a small mining pool can 51% attack it


2_ 96% BSV transactions come from a fucking weather app


3_If you don't believe the thing in point 2 all you need to do is look the average transaction size of every crypto.


even dogecoin moves more money

4_BSV mining is centralized massively and dominated by coingeek





Worse nodes are even more centralized

Only 468 nodes using the same client vs btc having more than 10k nodes using different clients.


5_BSV HAS 1GB size blocks if full , this mean 52tb per year blockchain growth and an ever decrease ammount of nodes hosting it for free(only pools need to be nodes and there are 8 pools on bsv so 8 nodes will receive monetary incentives to host it).
8 nodes hosting CP basically.

6_BSV allows people to upload shit like videos and illegal stuff like cp will be uploaded there 100% knowing it's open.

7_Combine point 4, 5 and 6 and eventually you will end with a centralized blockchain with a few nodes sharing child porn that will be taken down by governments.

8_The fact that SV shills constantly attack other cryptocurrencies and threaten their destruction and even support capital controls show they are not just attacking btc but want to destroy crypto and the recent shilling campaign shows they are paid to do this.
With love , Greg Maxwell.

>> No.16192879

Their broken English curryposting won't be a thing for much longer. Watching the liar / fraud flee from the stage when Heart started roasting him was hilarious.

>> No.16192892

I never thought I'd see the day that BSV was winning the Proof of Social Media battle.

>> No.16192911

How to get paid for shilling BSV?

>> No.16192921

>How to get paid for shilling BSV?
Post a screenshot of your shill threads on twetch. I've unironically made $38 doing this about once a day the last two weeks

>> No.16193101

It's not easy to compete with armies of paid shilling teams paid by the central banking cartel.

>> No.16193183

Nah, linkers are genuinely autistic and believe. BSVers are retards/immoral who know for a fact creg isn't satoshi but shill it anyway. All of their arguments are stupid mental gymnastics that anyone with a brain can spot whereas linkers might actually be delusional which is way better than being evil. For example, BSVers will say something like "Posting a signed message from block-0 wouldn't convince a court of law because technically anyone could posses those keys" when in reality, there is a very small chance that anyone but satoshi would posses them since satoshi has been silent since 2014. Also if you claim to be satoshi, why not shut everyone up? Probably because you actually aren't.

>> No.16193305

Jannys are nazi sympathizers BSV appeals to the low iq conspiracy theorists tards that think there is some big anti Semitic conspiracy by the bankers to take over bitcoin. Yet these morons want to centralize nodes in a few hands. Sorry Nazis you will not take my right to validate my own blocks from me, bitcoin is a democracy not fascism

>> No.16194060

>bitcoin is a democracy not fascism

It's capitalism you retard. There is no equality in Bitcoin, there is only competition driven by profit incentives. This ensures that the people with the most power is also the people with the most to lose because they invested hundreds of millions, if not billions in the system.


>> No.16194084
File: 1.21 MB, 1324x1700, 1572616385761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post the smoking gun

>> No.16194110

>BSVers are retards/immoral who know for a fact creg isn't satoshi but shill it anyway
This 10x

>> No.16194320


edit: thanks for the gold