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16191516 No.16191516 [Reply] [Original]

I want to leave this country (USA). I’m tired of all the perversions and every day faggotry. I spent the summer in Alaska on a fisherman’s boat and it was amazing. No internet, I literally didn’t coom a single time, and most of all I just felt great mentally. Me currently? Just got done to fapping to sissy porn for the 5th time today. Are there any jobs abroad that hire Americans? Like kiwi farming in NZ or some labor job in Europe? I want to get out of this Jewish country before I become a hollow men.

>> No.16191556

Why use Alaska as an example, that's an American state. The entire world is Jewish, escaping the jew means 1 of 2 things, either our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, had returned, or you've died.

>> No.16191566

She’s pretty cute for being built like a fridge and somewhat plain feature-wise. Good job doing her makeup I guess

>> No.16191574

Try meditation

>> No.16191579

It was a very isolated village in Alaska, population of 350 so while it was still America it felt like I wasn’t in America at the same time. I wasn’t surrounded by faggotry. I’m a Christian but it’s impossible for me to stay on my path in today’s day and age. Temptation exists all around and the churches(most) have been subverted

>> No.16191580

wtf is "sissy porn?" sounds degenerate af

>> No.16191590

Yeah, I know that feel, bro. I know it all too well. I'm hoping that our faith in Christ and our acceptance of him and acknowledgement of his sacrifice will suffice but deep down, I truly feel it will not be. We're all sinners though, so who knows. Stay strong, bro. See you on the other side.

>> No.16191598

Where do I meet virgin Christian woman who look like this but more modestly dressed?

>> No.16191601
File: 140 KB, 1080x1349, 1572833194923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is on the right track - happiness and sanity come from within. Although nature helps (case in point: Alaska) and a new environment can stimulate the necessary changes needed for happiness; in the end, it's up to you and your consciousness to become happy.

You can't just rely on the outside world to stimulate your pea-brain into happiness. Happiness and content come from within. Become spiritual. Become content. Find a life that makes you happy. Become conscious and live in-the-moment. Now. If you're reading this, the time is now. You can't keep moving from place to place to become happy - eventually you'll need to settle somewhere. It comes from within. Start today, start now. Find yourself and become happy.

>> No.16191645

KYS homo

>> No.16191798

She is sucking her stomach in. Bellies are nice she should not do that.

To answer your question yeah america has become a hellscape. Boomers just talk with their friends from high school and watch reruns of their favorite shows on MeTV so they would not know. Jews have completely taken over America. I am making arrangements to leave as well

>> No.16191805

Built like a fridge is sexy.

>> No.16191835

Yeah bro I hear you

>> No.16191843

>labor job in Europe
The parts of Europe that are not corrupted are either as secluded as Alaska or have really bad living standards compared to what you have now.
That being said you should learn a slavic language. If you are white, Christian and not a sissy they will welcome you.

>> No.16191853
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>> No.16191863

Nice to see you using my braps from the BAT threads. I’ve been catching them all over the board lately.

>> No.16191900

Who is that

>> No.16191917

Imagine going to Alaska and thinking that Canadian province is any less kiked than mutt land stupid as fuck Op

>> No.16191968

>The King of the jews returns
>we are saved

>> No.16192061

I can tell you right now that any country that speaks English has been thoroughly Jewified by the American media. We're all variations of the soul decaying culture that exists on the coasts of the USA.

Sydney, London, Toronto, Paris share more in common with New York and Los Angeles than they do with their own countrymen.

If you want to get away from this culture, you either need to go to a place without civilization or to a civilization that is actually sovereign like Russia or China. People will still be materialistic, but they won't be consuming the same type of media that promotes faggotry.

For me? It's the southern tip of Argentina/Chile. Big concentration of ethnic Europeans there from the time before the Panama Canal.

>> No.16192155

Fucking this. Yeshua Christberg is just another jew agent.

>> No.16192167

oh so your shitty jewed-out country ruined the entire planet with hollywood propaganda and endless wars and now you want to come to europe huh? well guess what were being flooded with syrian shitskins because you faggots cant stop bombing the country so theres no room for fat amerimutts anymore. fuck were full.

>> No.16192222

She's gorgeous you daft cunt, how the fuck is she built like a fridge?!

>> No.16192251

Tranny porn except their dicks are in cages rather than removed.

>> No.16192267

This. Always wanted to live down there.

>> No.16192275

>he's just a jew
>who was killed by jews for subverting jewish power

>> No.16192641

Ah yes (((killed)))
You'll believe any lie so long as a Jew is telling it, won't you.