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File: 146 KB, 1400x1400, DaveRamsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16188396 No.16188396 [Reply] [Original]

Being out of Debt is very bad for the Goyim
Is there anything else that strikes the financial industry and juden more than a society of people who are debt free ?

>> No.16188411

Ever heard of Jewbuliees?

>> No.16188419

lol dave ramsey is the ben shapiro of wall street

>> No.16188424
File: 87 KB, 900x900, 1572750117570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because his a kike that tells people to put all their savings into fucking ETF's at the height of the stock market bubble.

People that listen to this guy are going to be REKT

>> No.16188435

>Yes goyim put all your savings into the stock market goy...

Not a word on telling people to buy REAL assets, no gold, no silver, no real estate.


>> No.16188436

He shills (((mutual funds))) and tells his listeners not to expect to be a millionaire until 60.

>> No.16188443
File: 67 KB, 1239x800, top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses normalfag newsmedia words like "bubble"

>> No.16188464


Because he's a dumb fucking Boomer who forms the pillars of ZOG.

>> No.16188469

this..,,, real finance wizards are telling you the exact opposite. Take out as much leverage as possible and buy hard assets with them. Ramsey is a dumb cuck and will get JUST'd by the fed

>> No.16188477

Dude just hold stocks for 100 years lamo

>> No.16188514

No wonder you're poor, you can't even read a chart.

>> No.16188538
File: 30 KB, 854x515, Screenshot from 2019-11-08 16-18-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the limit of my gainz as the slope of the dow approaches infinity?

>> No.16188593

OK we get, you're scared of money.
What investments do you recommend that will beat inflation and provide some additional returns?

>> No.16189331

Using leverage properly is much better than just avoiding debt all-together. I don't know why people act like you either need 20k in credit card debt or to have no debt at all. Really, you should only pay off debt aggressively if that debt has an interest rate above 10%, because you could alternatively invest that money and get an average of 10% - meaning you're coming up ahead. The worst are the tards who pay off their house mortgage aggressively, because you get the tax shield on interest payments making your actual expenses even lower. People who are good with money know that leverage is useful. Real Estate is a great way to build wealth, and it is heavily dependent on debt.

>> No.16189564

You do realize there has already been a crash right? Tech stocks are down 10-20% off their highs a few months ago. The federal reserve is literally printing money right now, ALL of which is being used to pump assets. Yeah we are at the all time high, but the ralley is far from over. 70% stock, 20% crypto (and gold I guess if you’re a boomer) and 10% cash is the way to go. Lower the stock % and replace with real estate if you are planning on living in the same area for at least 5 years or you live in an area with a decent rent to value ratio. If not then real estate probably isn’t worth it due to opportunity cost of locking up that much capital.

Neglecting stocks and going all in gold though is retarded.

>> No.16189613
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 1 dx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an index fag
"yeah bro, just DOLLAR COST AVERAGE. just make sure to ignore periods of 30 years of you money going nowhere"

>> No.16189614


you're a moron. everything you said ignores risk and you're going to lose your ass.

everything dave teaches prevents you from losing your ass.

fuck, you college educated kids have been brainwashed into debt. literally slaves and can't see how so. it's painfully obvious to people with positive net worth.

>> No.16189806

If your goal is to increase net worth then what I said makes sense. If you are given the choice to reduce debt at a certain rate, or increase assets at a higher rate, you should choose to increase assets; that will increase your net worth by a larger margin. Keep in mind that you can sell investments to pay your loan payments in an emergency.

>> No.16189824


or you could, you know, save up and buy things in cash.

see the difference in you and me is I have patience, and you don't.

>> No.16190236
File: 99 KB, 800x491, 0 J13YRBDrxFEYiLRk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just make sure to ignore periods of 30 years of you money going nowhere"
only that has literally never happened.
Here's what happens when you only invest at the peaks right before each crash:

>> No.16190491

Hes a fucking kike cocksucker. FUCK DAVE RAMSEY. KILL ALL BABY BOOMERS.

>> No.16190513

Pretty much this, OP it's simple. Controlled opposition. Why try to fight the goyim when you can create puppet figureheads to pacify them with what they want to hear instead? The reality is that they're just polishing another turd and selling it as the alternative.

>> No.16190515

>what is inflation
>what is opportunity cost
>what is cashflow


>> No.16190983

So name some investments that beat inflation and provide a higher return than the stock market.

>> No.16190988

Cause he’s a normie boomer giving out generic advice. Kikes don’t care about that. Schiff on the other hand..

>> No.16191032

The moment the global economy collapses and goes to zero forever, then the NWO comes then Jesus comes

>> No.16191342


What does Dave Ramsey say about negative interest rates?

Or MMT in general

>> No.16191370

>Implying Dave would ever preach anything to undermine the debt system, and not merely teach how to be a good fit under the debt system
>Implying anything Dave says is true except how to cook rice and beans

>> No.16191386

because wage slaving and eating beans to pay your debts off is a jews wet dream

>> No.16191406

>gee the federal reserve is injecting billions of dollars of printed money into the economy every day

loans are like option contracts. dollars will buy less goods and services in the future and debt is as cheap as it'll ever be.

>> No.16192257

the s&p 500 recovered from the gfc in <5 years

the people who lose are those who hold off investing because they fear a crash, or sell at the bottom

>> No.16192260

What is inflation

>> No.16192856

>You do realize there has already been a crash right?
I believe you're right, we're in a recession but the powers that be don't want to admit it until this winter. Some stocks have been hit hard, housing isn't as pretty as they are trying to paint it, other countries are admitting defeat ...
But when they finally go on the news and admit we're in a recession, those stocks will plummet much farther because all the NPC with 401s and mutual funds will panic and pull out, then button up their spending. Frankly, I can't wait for another 2008. Everyone was so shaken up and forced to become humble. Right now, everyone has sold out to companies for pennies (muh 401 is up 30%!!!). They're going to get a smack to the head when it plummets, they lose their job, and they declare bankruptcy for being fucking idiots who spend more than they make. Then they'll walk around in a stupor for years saying 'muh economy' and stealing ketchup packets for dinner.

>> No.16192980

inflation affects everything, and is well outpaced by stocks.
When you need to sell your investments to make loan payments it will most likely happen when the economy is down. That is when you lose your job, and it is also when your stocks will be worth the least.
After you account for capital gains tax, you are taking on a massive amount of risk for basically no improvement on income.

>> No.16193005

>When you need to sell your investments to make loan payments
having a 6 month emergency fund is literally the most basic rule of personal finance

>> No.16193057

this guy is borrowing money at up to %10 to invest. He doesn't have an emergency fund, and if he does then he's literally undoing all his work borrowing by not investing the fund. He's exactly where he started except he's paying interest to schlomo and taxes to the IRS

>> No.16193076

didn't read the rest of his posts, my bad

is interest on a geared portfolio not tax deductible in the US?