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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16179669 No.16179669 [Reply] [Original]

Oh dear... The post at the bottom really destroys us

>> No.16179673

anyone posting on /pol/ in current year is low iq

>> No.16179724

this, but nicer

>> No.16179768

Being obsessed with finance is unironically a chink roach their pursuit. Higher education and understanding the greatest minds of man is leagues above.

>> No.16179789

way to cherrypick a thread.

Over half the people in that thread were in support of MakerDao and DEFI

>> No.16179796

depends why you are interested in finance imo
if you're trying to make money for the sake of it or to buy lambos then yeah its retarded

>> No.16179810

christ, its full of bitshitvisionshills
them AIDS-ridden fucking plague monkeys get everywhere - maybe, somebody better tell /pol/. wouldn't want them losing money and upset

>> No.16179821

/pol/: the board where impotent zoomers opine about subjects they have no temerity and/or capacity to physically act on

>> No.16179829

Oh no!!! The pol boomers are calling us larpers(has some merit to it tbf)!!!!!!! Who gives a shite.

>> No.16179837


yo nigger
those "low iq posters" are simply kike shills

>> No.16179849

The bottom poster is one of the high iq anons

>> No.16179857

we need to elect a biz ambassador to go over there and tell those boomers to stfu and buy bitcoin

>> No.16179858

/pol/ is the lowest iq board on this site. imagine attributing all your personal failures to Jews.

>> No.16179868

The most useful board I have ever browsed is biz. This place has the best memes and highest iq posts. Well this place also STINKS of pajeets, but thats the biz thing.
I'm young and have a nice stack of link, I would not know anything about this without you guys.
LINK is like a brotherhood to me, no one in my irl is even interested in cryptocurrency/have ambition/want to "make it" so this is the only place actually where I can read and talk about things I'm interested.
I know none of you, but biz will always have a special place in my heart I love you anons.

>maby its not the gains we made, but the friends we gained all along
>also link 1k eyo

>> No.16179882

NO FUCKIN WAY! I don't want those tards here, (((we))) already have a huge Zoomer problem.

>> No.16179894

Oh no, pol is talking shit about us.
It's not like we ever talk shit about pol.
Whatever shall we do.

>> No.16179940

/x/ and /pol/ are tied for lowest iq so if they’re making fun of us we must be doing something right

>> No.16179975

/biz/ has a low average iq...but the highest iq posters on 4chan are basically all on /biz, myself included

>> No.16179980

t. seething poorfag
t. wagecuck

>> No.16180012

Says the board that blames everything on pajeets

>> No.16180020

>4 threads in one day about 4chan vs 4chan
Jews at it again.

>> No.16180026

/biz/ is still low on the IQ scale. /lit/ and /sci/ have the highest IQs

>> No.16180036

international the best board they love girls

>> No.16180052

Whenever someone posts something "anti-pol" its painfully obvious that it's a shitskin and/or leftist

>> No.16180054

>left vs right
>zoomer vs boomer
>cryptofags vs stock cucks
and the goys keep eating it up

>> No.16180057

shut the fuck up sycophant.
>high iq
kys faggot.

>> No.16180080

The pajeets bring the average down. We should proselytize scifags and make them do our research

>> No.16180084


>> No.16180121


>> No.16180129
File: 2.70 MB, 2000x839, coom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ here. I agree with pol. Look around. This board is 90% threads of people shilling shitcoins. You people don't know anything about making money.

>> No.16180141
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1559571795525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ here

>> No.16180156


After all this time shills still can’t blend in

>> No.16180163

Fuck you nigger

>> No.16180165

>pic of a fat basedboi fucking tranny looking sjw
go back sooner

>> No.16180174

when was was onion fucking filtered? this website has gone to shit

>> No.16180182

Anyone posting on 4/pol/ in current year is a newfag all the original posters and anyone with a brain cell went to 8c han

>> No.16180183
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>now /v/ is making fun of us
Are my parents just humoring me?

>> No.16180201


>> No.16180203


>> No.16180206

8c got shutdown though

>> No.16180217

>low on the IQ scale
It's not. Biz is decently high. 114 I think the average was? Lit and Sci are higher tho, yes.

>> No.16180221
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>tfw made 100k thanks to /biz/
>tfw fugged a thick bitch thanks to /soc/
>tfw found an international gf thanks to /int/

normie boards are so fucking based. virgin incels meanwhile cry on /pol/ and /r9k/ on the same fucking website kek

>> No.16180223
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>/v/ here

>> No.16180232
File: 28 KB, 136x279, Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 5.56.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped going on /pol/ after trump got elected

started coming on /biz/ just in time for the last bull run

100k link stack all in



thanks guys

>> No.16180346
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guys i gotta be honest, it's killing me that plebbit are in the news as the big financial trolls instead of us. we look like dweebs right now. i think we need to pull some kind of stunt to upstage r/wsb

>> No.16180373

Yeah it feels like getting cucked

>> No.16180394
File: 332 KB, 1000x766, 1573132661321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they the less people know about us the better. Always give ledditfags credits, so one day they get shut down.

>> No.16180409
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 2018-06-06-15-50-56-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feels like
we ARE getting cucked! even their motto "like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal" is a slap in our faces

>> No.16180420


>> No.16180433

Agreed , that said the larper shit is real , we need to create a pasta to scare bsv larping shills.

Even the hashrate chart scares them and they leave a thread to pray to vishnu that it's archived fast.
But it's out of control we need an anti bsv shill pasta fast.

>> No.16180435

We’ll see when LINK moons who cucked who.

>> No.16180465


>> No.16180484

/sci/ is pretty retarded desu. Whole threads go by with wild claims and without any hard math or science being posted. Not that most threads here are better, but at least we have fun

>> No.16180533

Keep up the fud we need absolute minimum overlap between leddit and /biz/

>> No.16180540
File: 749 KB, 1242x766, 1D1F2119-E91D-4CAA-9A6B-306D5AC2AB71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping if I ever make it to buy a Lamborghini Countach.
I don’t think that’s the same as buying a Hurracan or a Gallardo or something just to “flex” on people.
More for a historical purpose for me

>> No.16180553

I dont want to fud anymore its retarded as fuck and not fun. Most are even priced out of owning suicide stacks.

>> No.16180554
File: 142 KB, 1024x1024, 6E0638FB-92C9-4E1A-BC42-9CCEB52DA7D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16180715

/pol/ is the containment board for all the r*ddit tourists. We don't want anyone new to come here.
Let them feel like they're right.

>> No.16180719

Lol that whole thread was a straight shot of pure hopium into the chest. Those retards still don't understand why bitcoin had value in the first place, fuck they still dont understand why it even went to 20k. They probably dont understand why banks are taking it seriously, why its gone back up. We're still so fucking early, 20k is a fucking tiny bump in the road where we are heading. Fuck they even use the fact they are too stupid to understand it as FUD, as if because their retarded ass cant figure it out means it's worthless. And these are people browsing the same website as us, a site where just because posting requires a captcha sets a higher ground floor for intelligence then the rest of the internet.

Holy fuck we're gonna be so rich guys. This is like being in on sunlight before god made it you cheap fucks.

>> No.16180747

This and based.

>> No.16180750

someone is a wsb guy
the real /biz/ is wsb discord

>> No.16180801

Listen nigger, on the backs of giants we meme'd a fat russian into relevancy. Do you really think LINK would be where its at right now without us? Do you really think anyone would give an absolute flying fuck about obscure banking documents that showed a potential marketcap higher then what your brain can reasonbly comprehend without us? Do you think some off the cuff twitter post would've catapulted it to $4 without us? The fact there has been 1 Link post everyday on this board since ICO is a direct reason link is top 20 right now and not hanging out god knows where on CMC with mobius and muh digital oil. You don't see that shit in the news though. Shut the fuck up and get a faggot meme nametag or some shit if you want people to pretend to care.

>> No.16180817

they also larp on /biz/

>> No.16180833

I post on pol and I participated in LINK ICO


>> No.16180843

Imagine blasting vapor wave in that thing while you cruise along the waterfront. Gay fantasy, I know, but kinda comfy

>> No.16180895
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 1511715721486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet that knows nothing about bitcoins here.
should i save up some money and buy 0.2btc?

>> No.16180953

Yes. Where we are going .2 btc is a comfy stack because corporations will be in the game. 21 club assumes only people hold bitcoin, .2 will be more then most maxis even think when the true flippening happens.

>> No.16181114

>Do you really think LINK would be where its at right now without us?
no and that's why i dont own any. its value is based entirely on memes. its the new dogecoin

>> No.16181175
File: 7 KB, 286x176, 5158C4B6-78B5-4A3E-9F23-2A4079EAC788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ here. I disagree with pol. You guys are based and the mods don’t even look at you. All the good threads (porn and otherwise) on /tv/ get flagged to hell by j*nnies. Biz is like a paradise.

>> No.16181249

>being this delusional
86% of BTC is held by the winklevoss twins and they can crash it into irrelevancy whenever they want

>> No.16181352

>Higher education and understanding the greatest minds of man

Ah yes, truly what I associate with /pol/