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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16171888 No.16171888 [Reply] [Original]

>be me last night
>binge on large amount of junk food after work; feel fatter than I have for some time
>waste time online
>go to gym in late evening and decide to try heavy squats one day in advance; succeed, so I feel less fat
>waste time online, go to sleep at 1 am
>wake up after only 6.5 hours of sleep
>go to work in a packed underground train
>get to work
>do very little
>mentally scream "I can't be assed" multiple times during meetings
>have almost nothing to do
>now on lunch break, drinking Costa coffee at eets pyoorest

I've started taking slightly longer lunch breaks and staying at work for slightly less. I thought I would be different in this job but my manager and other employees seem to do the same.

I'm going to stop having junk food. And I'll go to the gym after work today and do cardio (I'm too weak for heavy weights because of bad sleep).

I keep imagining how much more fulfilled people in high paying jobs are.

I saw a giant list of companies that my company does business with, ranging from large ones to lesser known ones. Every single one of those was created by entrepreneurs with hard technical skills and initiative and they're all rich now. I sit like a cuck at my desk and switch my brain off and wait to go home.

I watched videos of a guy that squats 300kg and I felt so weak and lazy. I have no passions. Other people start companies or make music or save £500+ a month. I do none of that. My youth is gone (I'm 29).

>> No.16171901

imagine sleeping in to 7:30 and feeling tired. bongs really are the weakest ppl imaginable

>> No.16171911

Take the poo to the loo you twat

>> No.16171944


A guy in another room that I briefly met went to school at Eton. I imagine that he has already invited the highest up manager in our building to meetings where he has marked himself out as someone who will be promoted rapidly. I assume his parents have already bought him a house two minutes away, next to the Queen.

I keep daydreaming what someone with a 180+ IQ would do in my place. When it takes me more than 5 seconds to find an email I imagine this person saying, "I trained a chat bot on all 10,000 emails from our company using advanced neural networks and now my emails are answered for me, while I can go to higher level meetings. I programmed an interpreter in to Visual Basic and created a programming language built in Excel that can be used by 4 year olds to do 40 % of our employees' jobs, under the guise of nursery games, saving the company £2+m."

>> No.16171952

Kek we control banking & the legal system globally. Mutts get used to do our dirty work. Mutts are to brainwashed to see.

>> No.16171991

mods banned me for 1 post in a thread warning anons to not share their wallet adresses for the token drops spammed by data miners here, but this asshole gets to post this every day and nothing happens. Truly makes one think how lucky we are to have such high quality individuals moderating /biz/

>> No.16172012
File: 217 KB, 1092x1023, londonbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16172029

Dude stop posting. I’ve seen your sad sack blogs for literally YEARS on here and pol, given you good advice dozens of times, but you always come back whinging and moaning with your woe is me sad sack bullshit. Read marcus aurelius, quit complaining and feeling sorry for yourself, and come back in a year. Sage.

>> No.16172850

It's over

>> No.16172927

Go see a therapist you morose cunt

>> No.16172929

>great work, your job is answering emails and you built us an advanced email answering neural network for nothing but your hourly wage? excellent, we don't need you anymore.
if you have the skills to build something more valuable than your job, you should be doing that instead of your job. if you can build a neural network, contract yourself out building neural networks.
>I want to be really impressive by doing more work than I'm being paid for

>> No.16172939

This man is part of 4chan culture

>> No.16172949

im 29 too
its not too late anon

>> No.16173218

>tfw I've been browsing 4chan more-or-less daily since 2008
>tfw the only times I've ever felt the need to filter or modify the vanilla site were back when moot used to add autoplay music for Halloween or for the roodypoo episode and stuff like that
>I never even felt the need to wordfilter during the heaviest days of blackedposting, trannyposting, etc.
>I've never felt so irritated at a tripfag that I've wanted to block them
Congrats, looks like you're the exception

>> No.16173715
File: 599 KB, 1436x939, 1572504960172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 29 but it's too late for me.

>> No.16173737
File: 54 KB, 1024x711, 1568875777092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I watched videos of a guy that squats 300kg and I felt so weak and lazy. I have no passions. Other people start companies or make music or save £500+ a month. I do none of that. My youth is gone (I'm 29).

>> No.16174269

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