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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1572158393689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16168899 No.16168899 [Reply] [Original]

What is Haircomb? You may be wondering, but this little gem is like no other.
It does not even use ECDSA which is quantum prone and replaces it with what?
A pure SHA256 that secures Bitcoin mining for more than 10 years. The results
are promising. Remember mimblewimble? It uses pedersen commitments for anonymity
but Natasha invented that pure hashlocks again are sufficient for this purpose.
Did you enjoy learning more about haircombs in today's Wonder of the Day?

What's the price? 10 million sats? Haha, no, we're giving it away nearly for
free to early adopters. Only 546 sats per claim. Mining fees apply.

>> No.16168906

Alright I'm in send me some haircombs goddamnit

>> No.16168915

give me your mail + haircomb address

>> No.16168937

I don't have a haircomb address

>> No.16168951

google haicomb paper wallet generator and use it to create your address.

>> No.16169016



>> No.16169042

I will send you now 4.79832843 COMB

please wait a minute

>> No.16169056

or post your email I will send you the information that are needed to receive the coin

>> No.16169080


>> No.16169087

okay the transfer is in this bitcoin transaction:
we wait until that confirms then I give you the file.

>> No.16169107
File: 7 KB, 226x223, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-ok lad, but I'm confused

>> No.16169218

just store well your private key and coin history
you need both to spend your coin

>> No.16169267

Got it, thanks

>> No.16169355

just reading the bitcointalk, sounds pretty interesting
i'm gonna download the wallet but how do i uh, import the comb?

>> No.16169442

You put the coin history into a text file and. Import that file into wallet.

Same with private key. . you put it into a file and import that. Be careful, there cannot be spaces at the beginning and end of line