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16165696 No.16165696 [Reply] [Original]

Things people that will never get rich say

>"I play videogames"

>> No.16165713

"I hold rlc"

>> No.16165722
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>Debt is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil

>> No.16165724
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>op makes shit bait
>many faggot normies richer than him from playing video games

good thread

>> No.16165833

>"i browse 4chan"

>> No.16166012
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You can get rich playing video games, and even get qt latina gf.

>> No.16166056

>"I have my penis stuck in some midgets"

>> No.16166285
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>> No.16166295

>yea we were friends (Epstein)

>> No.16166326

>OP is straight

>> No.16166342

So how come you're not rich?

>> No.16166377

>"Craig is not Satoshi"

>> No.16166390

>I have this really good app idea

>> No.16166410

I know someone thats very rich and plays video games all the time. He even plays them on twitch with only a few viewers at a time hoping to become the next big popular streamer. He didn't go to college and inherited his entire fortune. So your statement is false.

>> No.16166418

I was almost off them until the new COD can out it literally takes me back to the good o modern warfare 2 days

>> No.16166419

What's Saturday without Malt Liquor and Sega?

>> No.16166420

>"Rise and grind. Get dat paper. On my hustle, feel me?"

>> No.16166426

I play video games and I am rich. Also just look at someone like Pewdiepie or his many copycats.

>> No.16166444
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>Play vidya games all day, stack welfare payment in silver, go to gym, go to range.
It's too easy.

>> No.16166458

>I don't like Jewish people

>> No.16166464

>What's the secret to wealth? KNAWLIDGE

>> No.16166526

Inheriting money puts you out of the equation for whether or not your habits generate wealth.

>> No.16166537

nico wouldnt sully herself with scumstink

>> No.16166552

>I don’t hodl 100k Fantom minimum

>> No.16166562

>its important to pay off your debt as soon as possible

>> No.16166575

>Things people that will never get rich say

>>"I play videogames"

>> No.16166666

>"Wealth taxes are a terrible idea"

>> No.16166681
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>> No.16166682

wasted get

>> No.16166690

He never said anything about generating wealth. All he claimed is that rich people never say "I play videogames".

>> No.16166723

What if you've been playing only one single game going on 20 years now?

>> No.16166732
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"These aren't fake"

>> No.16166740

>knowing the future of others' lives based on what they say
op is a faggot

>> No.16166746

"I'm following my dreams"

>> No.16166753

You ruined it

>> No.16166772

Absolutely pathetic filthy degenerate if you still play video games when youre older than 20, just grow up.

>> No.16166774
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stay poor

>> No.16166792
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ok boomer...

>> No.16167041


>> No.16167093

>fantom is a scam

>> No.16167115
File: 3 KB, 112x112, my-sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. They just think it.

>> No.16167127

fuckin based

eat shit libertarian faggots

>> No.16167138

>who is notch?

>> No.16167241

>"It's such bullshit that..."
>"It's totally unfair that..."
>"I'm never going to be able to..."
>"I can't..."
Victim language is so irritating to listen to

>> No.16167342

say that to fucking ninja and every other cancerous streamer little normie kids like to watch

>> No.16167354

Post feminine benis.