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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16156589 No.16156589 [Reply] [Original]

/bst/ business station thread! Post you /biz/ness station!

I'll start.

>> No.16156602

Looks great for a third worlder.

>> No.16156609
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>> No.16156615

>no other images found
Why the fuck is your lock on the outside? What kind of fucked up fuckery do you do that makes the people around you go we need to be able to lock this fucker in there?
And its not some lightweight babyshit either. Looks like heavy duty shit so they expect you to struggle lmfao

>> No.16156629

Thanks, took years to get it together ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

>> No.16156642

◉◉ The lock only buys them time

>> No.16156754

the mouse room bugs me

>> No.16156768
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>> No.16156782

why are you black?

>> No.16156805

Because my parents are black. Why are you involuntary celibate?

>> No.16156816

That mouse space. You use 20k DPI or something?

>> No.16156822


>> No.16156836


>> No.16156847

Why are you a faggot?

>> No.16156851
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Based black ninja technologist.

>> No.16156855
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It's enough for me lol, I even play warframe and it never seems congested. Maybe the angle made it look cramped

>> No.16156863

Does that keyboard tire your hands out? Do you suffer from carpel tunnel

>> No.16156864

Why not put the monitor on top of that riser and use the laptop normally? Don't you have to constantly look to the side? Clean setup tho

>> No.16156867
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hi fren

>> No.16156888

Hi (≧▽≦)
I got this keyboard specifically because I had arthritis in my fingers, I use the colmak layout of I have to type a lot too so it's fine.

>> No.16156951

>covering a ventilation hole of his case
never gonna make it

>> No.16156975

The wires aren't long enough and I don't have anywhere else to.put the dongles ಥಥ ༎ຶ༎ຶ

>> No.16156974
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u from brazil fren?

>> No.16156987

why is the tower on the desk?
why only 1 monitor?
you live in a place that gets often flooded? rats?

>> No.16156997

No, I'm from India fren (﹏)

>> No.16157023

cheers based hindu fren

>> No.16157024
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>> No.16157033
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>> No.16157041


>> No.16157043
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This is my comfy /biz/ station

>> No.16157052

I giggled

>> No.16157054

very comfy sir

>> No.16157056

>router right next to you and in your room.
Enjoy cancer and heart failure in your late 20’s

>> No.16157060


What the fuck is this?

>> No.16157063

u have ugly taste in music

>> No.16157088

based and nazi pilled

>> No.16157092

Now that is a battlestation.

>> No.16157097

Thanks anon. Bless u were all gonna.make it

>> No.16157101
File: 98 KB, 477x768, nintchdbpict0002705231652[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically got 88 dubs

>> No.16157172

why do you keep the monitors so far back??

>> No.16157193

That’s pretty colorful homo

>> No.16157203

Helps with keeping the laptops from over heating which affects speed

>> No.16157220


>> No.16157240

lmao dude ergodox and a full keyboard? made my day!
im an atheist but thanks
does that chair dig into your butt? otherwise comfy
where to put it sir?
oh, didn't think about that. never used a lappy myself
if colours make you question your sexuality you will never make it fren. idgaf about what others think
i just like looking at it and no space on the floor to keep it, since theres the door and the washing machine.

>> No.16157242


>> No.16157254
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>> No.16157258

are you not afraid it might fall down from the desk?

>> No.16157269

i'm not that clumsy lol

>> No.16157278

mirin the view
the monitors look like cheap crap though. Don't skimp on monitors, get something nice

>> No.16157353
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31 years old and live with a single mother desu

>> No.16157398

my god that view

>> No.16157416

>tabletop is bowing from a macbook's weight
lol wut

>> No.16157419

The view is based and redpilled

>> No.16157424

No it's the most comfortable chair I've ever sat in desu. Had it for like 10 years now

>> No.16157428

Is that a Norwegian prison cell?

>> No.16157434

Why's the laptop put so far away?

>> No.16157452

LG 38WK95C
15" MBP
Ergodox + Apple trackpad (god mode)
RME BabyFace Pro + NAD C320 + Energy Audissey A5+2 towers + 12" active sub

the other keyboard will go soon, don't worry.

>> No.16157458
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Why's there a laundry machine there?

>> No.16157473

fuck you take a lot of meds

>> No.16157541

oh cool
i wish i was Norwegian lol
to do laundry

>> No.16157561

can somebody lock you in from the outside with a padlock on that thing???

>> No.16157584


>> No.16157672

State mandated marshall law to keep you in doors?

>> No.16157737

lol, its just pretty common in india to have bolts on bedroom doors so you can put all your stuff in a room and lock it and rent out the rest of the house. we don't have storage garages here like you have in usa so its necessary

>> No.16157755

what if rakeesh from down the hall locks you in?

>> No.16157797

I lib with my mommy so no issue desu

>> No.16157801

what if your mom locks you in?

>> No.16157863

comfy af

>> No.16157871

ayy lmao, i will break the door i guess, its not that solid. and she is a cancer patient so i doubt she will lock me in given that im the only one who can help her move around

>> No.16157883

what if one of your other 16 brothers lock you in?

>> No.16157903

Lemme guess you’re not a virgin

>> No.16157912

Based and pillpilled

>> No.16157953

hahahaha idk, as i said i cant just break the door

>> No.16157966

i pay for hookers and massages. its legal where i am.

>> No.16157995

I came here to say this

>> No.16158276

why not

>> No.16158320


>> No.16158346

Makes sense still find it weird cause this can happen >>16157755.

Sounds like a Seinfeld reference from that episode with the others.
"Who is it?"
"From across the hall"

>> No.16158372
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>> No.16158395


>> No.16158404
