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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16156124 No.16156124 [Reply] [Original]


The normies finally figured out epstein's suicide was a cover up. But new info has been released that ABC news had multiple sources, stories, etc., to report on Epstein's pedophilia back in 2016 and the top execs basically covered it up. They had ties to the royal family and got heat from the UK about suing the fuck outta ABC if they went forward. This got me thinking, right, i mean the blatant fuck ups by the deep state is becoming more obvious each and every time that we're all controlled sheep in this system and that there's literally nothing we can do to change without a full blown revolution.

It also got me thinking about business and the current economy and global systems. Basically i dont think were in for a recession anytime soon, im fully convinced at this point that they will just prop it up, until it runs away in the next ~20 years or so when a total collapse will imminently occur after not only currency collapse, but entire ecosystems. By 2050 they're saying entire coastline cities will be flooded causing mass population movement. We're killing entire ecosystems of fish, agriculture is becoming unsustainable with irregular weather forecasts to feed the masses, health pandemics are on the rise, it's becoming more and more clear that in the next 20-30 years we will see potentially a catastrophic change in humanity.

>> No.16156140
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Normies didn't need this to know it was probably a cover up. But then this happened.

>> No.16156154
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I want to know who has his based af white jacket. I'd kill for that thing.

>> No.16156156

Man is anyone else feeling real sleepy right now?
Imma head off to bed

>> No.16156158

the hashtag #EpsteinCoverUp has had over 500k+ mentions and yet its disappeared from the top 20 trending. Id bet my left nut that the US govt came down hard on Twitter to get it away from the trending list.

>> No.16156177

Stone Island?

>> No.16156183

It's fake news from a far right organization that has been caught numerous times editing footage to fit their narrative. That is why it was removed.

>> No.16156190
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>> No.16156194

>They had ties to the royal family and got heat from the UK about suing the fuck outta ABC if they went forward.
Fucking throw them all in jail or on the street

>> No.16156222

Really tired. Perfect time for a nap.

>> No.16156234

Google "Alex Jones", then search for "Alex Jones" on DuckDuckGo. Do you not realise how you are being controlled and manipulated?

>> No.16156237
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>Editing footage
Imagine being this delusional

>> No.16156238

Thats the problem though, not many are willing to act. People will only act once they feel threatened or their lives are at risk.

>> No.16156246

Even if it is edited, let's say it is. You're saying to me that everything that Epstein was tied to, is also false? Clinton? Trump? Royal Family?

>> No.16156251

Talking about it is a good start, but obviously nowhere near enough.

>> No.16156296

>there are no free markets except the black market
>every single billionaire is allowed to be only after they fuck a kid on Islands like the one Epstein owned
Basic fucking "Ruling Class 101" shit

>> No.16156301

Holy shit, that's sad

>> No.16156359

heh such a sad pathetic cope. guess she realized nobody wants her aging ass and wont put up with her im oppressed cuz vagina bullshit. oh well she like so many other feminists that drank the kool-aid are not realizing they will be "self-partnered" in their older age. not that the rich cunt needs it but still you reap what you sow and she did alot of that with her male hate speeches and listen and beleive and boys bad girls good trash. Tho as usual some sucker ass simp will come in she'll settle for him and he'll think he won the prize. I'd laugh if it wasn't so pathetic... oh what the hell i'll laugh anyways HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA what a dumb bitch

>> No.16156363

Seeing as Hillary Clinton isnt the president of the United States, it wasn't the US government that came down hard on Twitter.

>> No.16156397

Kys yourself my man

>> No.16156432

would love and protekt/10

>> No.16156470

It was obviously fucking Twitter. Hence the problem with these Silicon Valley cancer companies.

>> No.16156578
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>> No.16157671

you’re correct there won’t be a recession any time soon. as for the climate predictions, we shall see. we’ve been hearing for decades that apocalypse is right around the corner, only for those predictions to fall well short of reality. If there’s one thing you can believe in anon, it’s technology. Humanity is developing many things to mitigate these problems

>> No.16157691

Ive found her attractive for a long time but the short hair was a turn off. Literally looks like a wig she's wearing. Surprised she's single.

>> No.16157889

nobody believes you, i hope the airforce base your working at fires you for incompetence. go get a real fucking job you stain on humanity

>> No.16157939


>would love and protekt/10

no need, you can see she's transforming into xena warrior princess

>> No.16158059
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>> No.16158153
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They want you to think that he was "strangled" instead of suicide. Hes laughing right now, getting exactly what he wants, mainstream media/audiences to think hes dead.

Niggas chilling in cuba still with thousands of connections to powerful people all around the earth