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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16149808 No.16149808 [Reply] [Original]

my bank account triggers the crypto cuck

>> No.16149814

Nothing to be proud of. Youre still poor

>> No.16149826

that's the minimum amount of tendies anyone can look at and not feel terrified about xer future

>> No.16149830

Wow a six figure sum something that a middle class non brown person makes in two years. Are those your life savings? Lmao!

>> No.16149844

none of you have actual money in your bank accounts so cry more

>> No.16149851

lmao i have that much in internet funny on a exchange

wew lad gramps go and look for more rental properties or whatever else boomer fuck investment you have going

>> No.16149859

how much did it take you to get that much?

>> No.16149860

You can't even live for a decade without working with that amount. Not in the west, at least. What's the point of this thread?

>> No.16149861

You don’t even have a million. What a poorfag

>> No.16149865

why are you assuming that the current amount in my bank account is going to stay static for a decade lmao you fucking moron

>> No.16149870

>What's the point of this thread?
Op is a Mutt & wants to flex like non white people/3rd worlders

>> No.16149877

Not OP but are burger that disconnected from reality ?
Most normies could live 2 decade in western europe with that. I could even live 3

>> No.16149881

Imagine trying to brag on a Mongolian basket weaving forum about how rich you are only to get BTFO'd by a bunch of NEET autists who have more money than you lmao

>> No.16149884

I would put it all in crypto
, that’s how degenerate I am. What bank account? Seriously, your gains would make you generational
wealth if you were to play your cards right. Would you give a a measly 500 bucks if I were to assure yyiu double your investment within two years maximum?

>> No.16149888


Keeping HODLING that USD bro! To the MOON!

>> No.16149894

Yeah, you have more money than me. Congrats?

>> No.16149912

Congrats for waging for 40 years like a good wagie.

>> No.16149913

no he's just assuming everyone needs a bunch of shit they don't. you could live in a working class area with public transportation for 10-20 years with that

>> No.16149916


>> No.16149927

so what's that actually like 4k USD then?

>> No.16149932

>t. 18 year old living with mommy (daddy left awhile ago)

I'm sick of hearing you dumb shits talk about earning $500k like it's no better than finding $20 on the street

>> No.16149939

There's your problem. Why would anyone move continent to a shithole like Yurope to retire?

>> No.16149941

>keeping over 10k in low interest savings account

HHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA what a fucking retard!!!!!!!

>> No.16149947

Oh, you're gonna lose it all on some boomer investment. Got it moron.

>> No.16149956
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no it doesn't

>> No.16149957

i thought you were smart

>> No.16149959

>live in a working class area with public transportation
just got aids from reading this. thanks.

>> No.16149969

Smarter than you Tyrone. How old are you fag?

>> No.16149970

OP is right. I don't care what you have in crypto,stocks,401k. I only care about what you ACTUALLY HAVE to spend.

>> No.16149975

Cashing out crypto to fiat was easy as fuck. You only need to be in BTC for 4 years to see a whole cycle play out.

You idiots post a bank account and think you're cool?
Id rather own a business or REIT portfolio over a huge savings

>> No.16149977

>not even seven figures
>laughing at cryptocucks who most likely got fucked in 2018
Dont you have something better to do

>> No.16149990

>DUDE just live frugally like a peasant for 20 years
Yeah, I bet you could last for 30 years sitting in your room by yourself playing games all day like the sperg that you are.
I love how you didn't even consider having a family since it's out of the question for you.

>> No.16149993

the point of this thread to point out that my bank account triggers this board and i was proven correct as evidenced by the plethora of butthurt replies

>> No.16150012
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Plenty of people have more Link than what you have in your (((bank))) account.

t. 150k Linklet reporting in

>> No.16150016

The amount cope in this thread is so funny.
t. fellow six figure bank acct but not as much as you

>> No.16150019

What he meant: 1.5K reporting in, the suicide stack is 100 r-right? This is the fuck you stack!

>> No.16150028

Roastie post of the day

>> No.16150032

This, kek.

Fucking link larpers. Get out of here

>> No.16150046
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 1540927191166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 40% of that in crypto as fuck you money lmfao

AND you brag about this

biz 2019 man,,,

>> No.16150055

>my bank account triggers the crypto cuck

Get married..... and.... it's gone....

>> No.16150070

He'll live for 40 years with that money by being an incel basement dweller

>> No.16150095

>none of you have actual money in your bank accounts so cry more

>> No.16150131
File: 5 KB, 193x250, 1567178793409s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking delusional? 125k is in the top 10% income in america, and don't forget half of that is taxes, and you have to live off that too. It would still take years for a middle class man to save up that much. I'm a capitalist, and sometimes, I hope communism happens just so you retards can see just how fucked up things are for the middle class.

>> No.16150135

wake up from your fantasy already you fucking retards
500k is a lot of money

>> No.16150139

They're literally children and need to be banned for underage posting, it's that simple

>> No.16150143

>500k is a lot of money
poor man's money
its nothing

>> No.16150186

Post your bank account then faggot

>> No.16150187

that's not insured you dumb faggot, too dumb for multiple banks?

>> No.16150193

I agree, you should have to be minimum 24 to post here

it is a lot of money. How much do you have? how much do you earn? how long do you think it will take you to save up 500k?
delusional child

>> No.16150196

Start a family and there goes your money.
Oh wait, I forgot this is /biz/ so the majority of posters are underaged faggots from Eastern Europe living with their parents who have like $100 invested in some shitcoin and think they'll get rich.
Grow up morons. 500k goes in an instant in USA if you aren't a manchild.

>> No.16150203

Says the moron salivating over $500k. Underaged fag.

>> No.16150231

>DOOD I have 500k I'm rich
t.evey incel loser calculating how many pizzas he'll be able to order to his basement manchild cave
Holy fuck the absolute state of this cesspool

>> No.16150239

so do you have a family then? how much exactly are you spending on this family, that 500k would be gone in an instant? Even if you did have a family, and you did spend a lot of money to keep them alive, then it would mean that it would take you even longer to save up 500k. In conclusion, 500k is a lot of money and you are delusional

>> No.16150246

larping triggers this board.
Post pics of daddy's bank all you want but don't be surprised that internet strangers don't suck you off

>> No.16150248

If you cannot make $500k last, even with 2 kids, that's a you problem

>> No.16150259
File: 686 KB, 1242x2688, BDDE09F9-948E-4428-957E-35BED04AA6AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My crypto portfolio is bigger. Not counting my 2 kilo gold and 5 kilo silver stack.

>> No.16150262

Imagine holding this much useless fiat that's losing value by the month. Bitcoin can't explode fast enough so dumb fucks like you can get priced out

>> No.16150279

That's what a middle class person makes in 2-3 years. Why are you underaged retatds pretending it's a lot of money?

>> No.16150287

You think a middle class person makes $500k in 2-3 years? Please stop talking and grow up.

>> No.16150303

>dooood 500k means you're rich
Yeah, well I don't live in Mumbai like you do.
>buy a decent house
>buy a car
>have two kids
>have daily expenses
There goes y

>> No.16150315

t.trailer trash
How much do you make in a year fag?

>> No.16150324

In the US, middle class is $40k to $120k a year, and that's before taxes. You're either delusional or underage

>> No.16150343

He is definitely underage. Get the jannies

>> No.16150361

>middle class
You're either retarded or coping really hard. You're not middle class Jamal.
>120k x 3
>almost 400k
Whoa dude, so rich. Add your wife making the same sum and it's basically millionaire tier. Except you don't have a wife and work some dead end job salivating over a measly sum like $500k

>> No.16150376

The underage fag that thinks you're rich with $500k strikes again. Yeah call the jannies to send your ass back to high school kid. How much you making again?

>> No.16150377


I should have fucking gone to college. Fuck my 24k€/year ( Top 40% in my country... )

>> No.16150387

>doesn't take into account taxes
Just stop, dude

>> No.16150390

That's the defined middle class for the US, moron. And if you were over 16 you'd know you don't get to keep the whole 120k earned a year, with all the various income/sales/property/fuel taxes it's almost 50% less

>> No.16150406

This board is so shit, is this what underage faggots mean by making it with crypto? News flash, fags. If you have below 1 mil you didn't make it unless you plan on being an incel forever or live in some third world shithole. I'm out of this cancerous thread filled with neets and salty retail workers.

>> No.16150411

do you know what taxes and expenses are? i bet you couldn't sniff $500K in the next decade.

t. I just hit $440K in investments this week

>> No.16150414

>muh definitions
Lmao COPE of course you are middle class with your 40k entry level job Hector.

>> No.16150433

It's pretty obvious that you're not interested in anything other than tearing others down to feel better about yourself. I hope it works bro. But no matter how much angst you have it doesn't change the fact that $500k is a large sum of money that even a family of 4 can survive multiple years on alone. Now goodbye.

>> No.16150436

Everything you said applies to that $500k sum proving my point that it's not a lot of money and won't last you more than a decade if you have a family and don't live in poverty. Kill yourself.

>> No.16150453

I'm interested in exposing you as a delusional or underaged faggot that thinks $500k is rich tier in USA. It's not, it's enough to be king of the hobos living in a van.

>> No.16150463

because a middle class person doesn't make that much in 2-3 years and you're wrong. especially doesn't save that much. I don't care about the inspect element'd op screen shot, you're just a dumbass spouting misinformation

>> No.16150466
File: 67 KB, 413x395, 1487904106445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to /biz/
>expects standing ovations for having a bit of money
>expectations are not met
>immense butthurt

>> No.16150473

In your rage you didn't notice that nobody claimed $500k makes you rich. It is however a large sum of money, and if you have it, you certainly aren't "poor". I really hope you get some emotional help, fren.

>> No.16150479

yeah yeah we get it you have to spend a lot of money to feed your wife's son. But the point is that 500k in the bank is a lot of money. With a family it is EVEN MORE money, because you will have a harder time saving 500k than if you were single.

>120k x 3
so now you are taking only the uppermost bracket of the middle class in the richest country in the world to make your point. Even then, 120k * 3 is only 360k, and when you remove taxes + living expenses you are probably left with less than 100k. This means it would take not 3 years, but 3x5 = 15 years for someone earning at the uppermost limit of middle class income, to save 500k.

>> No.16150487

nice cope

>> No.16150490

What does it mean by in quickbooks? is that biz year or is it just all your accounts? revenue? etc

I got a business but im self employed and media business so i dont treally use accounting software. thanks in advance im curious

>> No.16150496

How much kool aid have you been drinking recently, retard? You think I give a fuck about your kiked definition of middle class?
>here goy we lowered the standards of course you are middle class
>now there's no reason to be mad over getting paid less
COPE, you're not middle class if you make a 5 figure sum, you're a poorfag a few unfortunate events away from being financially crippled.

>> No.16150508


>> No.16150509

That's why he has money and you don't

>> No.16150511

Normal, well adjusted adult
>$500k is a decent sum of money, but can easily be burned through in 10 years
Incel manchild
>duuuuude I'm literally rich, I made it I literally never have to work again in my life
Spot the difference it might save your life!

>> No.16150524

>it's half a mil duuude what do you mean you didn't buy an yacht bro wtf bro :))?

>> No.16150532

>he keeps all his savings of 430K in fiat instead of gold
>he doesn't keep the 250k in dividends to get an easy $1100 passive income per month

>> No.16150542
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the amount of cope this thread generated is amazing.
good job, OP.

>> No.16150552
File: 124 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-10-20-23-42-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16150557

Bankers rely on retards like OP to keep their 'wealth' in the bank. This is so gay OP, I feel truly sorry for you you don't have 95% of that in Bitcoin, or Gold. What an idiot.

>> No.16150562

my penis triggers your mother's orgasm

>> No.16150566

>bro it's HALF A MIL!!!!1
Lmao at all the seething poorfags ITT that had their dreams ruined hahahahahahaha

>> No.16150571

Trolling /biz/ is very ez when you figure it out

>> No.16150578

t. seething temporarily embarrassed millionaire manchild

you are also changing your tone, first you are calling OP poor, but now suddenly you are saying it is a decent sum of money. Maybe you should try saving up your first 10k first, before you start arguing with adults

>> No.16150595

Back to plebbit with you. Cash is a position and a very smart one in the current environment. Of course, OP should buy short term T-bills instead of keeping it in the bank

>> No.16150604

I didn't change shit I said that it's not enough for a work free decade of living decently at the start and my point still stands after all the angry poorfag replies.
Cope harder

>> No.16150606

Lmao he's using fake dollars and trying to laugh at cryptochads
The absolute state

>> No.16150610


Bumping, can someone answer please? ty

>> No.16150611

It's not so much of the fact that OP has a small amount of money, 678k is not a small amount by any means. It's retarded that he keeps over 678k in fiat sitting in a bank instead of like 50-100k at a time to pay for expenses. There is no reason you should have 678k fiat in a bank unless you are going to buy a sports car or a house in that same year.

>> No.16150615

>Holding that much cash instead of investing

lmao your bank must love you

>> No.16150719

Fucking blockfolio retards. Nice imagination faggot

>> No.16150749

>not even a round 1mil
not even trying

>> No.16150788

whatever cope you need at night shiteed poouhnloo

>> No.16150837

under 1million in assets, life must feel like a joke?

>> No.16150845

yeah you mean the 0.1% interest big (((banks))) pay you? kek, enjoy no growth retard

>> No.16150853

I have more than that in crypto and stocks you stupid faggot.

>> No.16150859

you aren't very bright, are you.

>> No.16150942

I'm a high school dropout. 4chan just told me to buy internet coins so I can buy drugs online. That's how I got moderately wealthy.

>> No.16151547

bull fucking shit

>> No.16151579
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>> No.16151620

I have more money in chainlink alone. GG boomer

>> No.16151678

What do you do for a living

>> No.16151704

moderator on /tv/

>> No.16152464

I have 4$

>> No.16152495

I'm trying to stretch the 30k i have for at least two years and then kill myself tbqh

>> No.16152503

LMAO, that's it?

>> No.16152519

>implying you have even half that

>> No.16152544

the only thing wrong with this is that you have that much liquid in your bank account you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.16152644

You could make 500k in 5 years at a decent normal white collar job.

That means with 500k you can live like a normal white collar worker for 5 years. That's not a long time.
You also have to consider you'd have more free time which means more time you will be spending money on hobbies or such and such.

So congrats. You can retire for 5 years maybe 10 if you live like a peasant, skip meals and bang rocks together for fun.

>> No.16152716

Are you stupid. You're expenses are going to be the same. The only difference is when you get them and when you use them. You could work 5 years abs live a decent life with that money or you could live like a peasant and save up that money over the course of five years.

In a time vs expenses its not very much money. If you have 500k and a job and are investing it then its a lot of money. But only if you are willing to continue the rat race.

>> No.16152731

Cash is smart

>> No.16152748

So all that money is just sitting there collecting dust? Learn how to invest or that will be all the money you'll ever have after you break your back at your construction job.

>> No.16152782

Here’s the thing...

500K is “a lot” of money to how poor we are as peasants, but it’s nothing in the larger picture.

A car dealer with an average size lot doing 50-100 cars a month could easily pull in 500-a mil a year just for showing up.

>> No.16152793

And how much money do you have?

>> No.16152932

He's a retarded underage that has like $250 invested in crypto and thinks he'll make it with $100k let alone $500.

>> No.16153821

you have zero money

>> No.16153995


500k is a lot of liquid assets. It is enough to start two businesses that pull in 500k per year each. Sitting in a bank however...

>> No.16154110


The comment makes me laugh, because my savings are 500 dollars and I have everything in Fantom.
I'm not a retarded child, but at least I hope that shit returns to 2017 and takes me out of this corrupt land full of blacks who love football

>> No.16154510
File: 81 KB, 722x1024, 467DDEFB-14EB-49C9-A23E-0E03617EC111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks fiat is good

>> No.16154549

What are y’all smoking having that much liquid funds available is fairly impressive

>> No.16154565

What do you invest in?
Did you sell off any of the dozens of pump-and-dump scams and cash in?
Post porfolio faggot.

>> No.16154637

>You could make 500k in 5 years at a decent normal white collar job.
500k made is not the same as 500k in the bank, how many times does this have to be repeated
>That means with 500k you can live like a normal white collar worker for 5 years. That's not a long time.
wrong, almost no normal white collar worker spends 100k a year, not even in the US. Not even close. In Europe, a person with a masters degree in Finance or CS will probably spend less than 25k a year.
>You also have to consider you'd have more free time which means more time you will be spending money on hobbies or such and such.
Also wrong. I am currently not working and I spend far less money than I did while working
>So congrats. You can retire for 5 years maybe 10 if you live like a peasant, skip meals and bang rocks together for fun.
the majority of rich people are not retired, so this is irrelevant. If you really wanted to, you could retire for life on 500k.

no, I am mid twenties and am 99% sure I have more money than you

>> No.16154694

Why is this in Quickbooks? Is OP some treasury wagecuck at a small business who is snapping screenshots of the bank accounts?

>> No.16154730

based, I know those feels. but imagine if you kys and btc goes to 1m

>> No.16155518
File: 136 KB, 360x360, 1569972838016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You. could pay my student loans and still have 100k left for yourself!!!

>> No.16155551
