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16146561 No.16146561 [Reply] [Original]

I got liquidated. I was stupid enough to lost everything. Wanted to cry but I have no feelings, I really tried. Lessons come hard in this game, very hard. I woke up this morning and I care less about it. All I'm thinking where to get more money to start trading again. I'm a junkie.

>> No.16146710


happened to me on 11-Sept 2018. I will never forget that day. It financially ruined me. Got a minimum wage job two months later. Spend the next 7 months paying off my debts. Then the rest on Crypto, every single month. Due to the bear market extending longer than I expected it did, I am quite close to the amount I'd have if I didn't gamble it all away.

Good luck,
time to put in some real work now.

>> No.16146718

Why are you putting it all on crypto retard, do you not learn?

>> No.16146734

Stop, let him do it. Double justd stories are my favorite.

>> No.16146747

Feel ya, i lost it all on a 25x short on bitmex 2018 april 20-ish, 52000 dollars flushed down the toilet. It happened because i got greedy and wanted to get rich quick.
Learn from your mistake, and never give up
Godspeed anon

>> No.16146778

Why the fuck you niggers pay off your bitmex loans? What are they gonna do? Go after you in thailand?

>> No.16146799

Liquidated for 5btc last summer. Dark times.

Got a loan, bought back in a small amount, found great success with shitcoining.

Please stop margin trading, op.

>> No.16146833

Thanks guys. Never give up. We have walked on this path for too long to quit. Those lessons are needed to become a successful trader.
Time to read more books, find more tools and learn more lessons.

>> No.16146926

What do you think about going on bitmax and 3x shorting any shitcoin that pumps 20-30%?

>> No.16146955
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I'm way too chicken shit to use leverage, so I don't know this feel.

>> No.16146979

I started margin trading around 2 years ago. I had like 3 moments when I lost more than 50% in a single trade, went from 200k to around 60k in mid 2018, made it all back though.
I learned how to manage my risk. You only trade with a third or half of your stack, always keep at least half in your trezor. Don't go high leverage like a retard and cut losses. You should never have to deposit more into your trading account, only withdraw wins into your wallet.
I survived 2 years of margin trading crypto like that and I'm better and richer than every before.

>> No.16147004
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Ya win some. Ya lose some. Learn from the shortcomings. It's only capital at the end of the day.

>> No.16147034

this is why you niggers lost. you can leverage without going 25x balls deep moonboy fomo.
3x is like the literal max anyone should bother with, even that is high.

>> No.16147337


Because minimum wage ain't shit. I could work for the next 10 years and my economic quality of live would continue to drop next to those of all my peers. I could save up for a mortgage; which would take me another 5-7 years. Or I could try my luck in Crypto, where I could potentially get a 1000x return. I am not trading, just hodling, and up enough to justify it. I could stand losing it all again, what I couldn't stand is not being in Crypto and seeing others make it beyond their wildest dreams while I let it all go like a retard.

>> No.16147567
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>> No.16147584

Scraping up my leftover shitcoins and putting everything into BTC to start again. I'm not mad, rather excited to see how it goes. Years of grinding ahead.
Can you guys recommend any books or YouTubers?

>> No.16147650

>Because minimum wage ain't shit
have you tried.. you know.. not working low end shit jobs?

>> No.16147662

I've been through this too. Best of luck on your path.