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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16145628 No.16145628 [Reply] [Original]

It’s happening

>> No.16145632
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>> No.16145649



>> No.16145738


>> No.16145773
File: 61 KB, 620x576, FTM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am hodling a modest stack of this coin. not an all-in bull, but i am in and not selling. we're in this together, fantom marines

>> No.16146005

Vahalla awaits

>> No.16146277


>> No.16146351

This is the next XRP for the coming bullrun, 100x top 10 project when the banks come onboard. We're going to make it

>> No.16146999
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>> No.16147671
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>> No.16147876

Only got a 33k stack, guess I'll wave at you guys while you have fun on the moon

>> No.16148154

33k isnt so bad. imagine if you had a 33k stack of link only WITHOUT the hard cap that none of them will admit. today has been a big day for FTM. mainnet test video and decrypted proof of stake released plus we pumped 12%

>> No.16148209
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mfw 18k stack
I waged so hard for this bros

>> No.16148258

41k checking in

>> No.16148269

35k checking in, please i want a farm and live free so bad

>> No.16148283
File: 229 KB, 790x837, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will all make it, friend. This is going to go to $ 3-5 or it might even reach $ 10 !!

100k of profits that can be multiplied by x2 when buying in May and selling by June-July should be enough.

>> No.16148834
File: 149 KB, 320x192, 2_5474418585960973371_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watcha gonna do when FANTOMANIA runs wild over you... BROTHER?!!!

>> No.16148835

We will all ascend to Valhalla. The poorfags, the whales, the fomotards who come in later. See you all there

>> No.16148893
File: 181 KB, 727x314, 3915BD90-B05B-4A6A-B176-8385E7700BE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can one of you wizards use the gif of Nux spraying with chrome and make it say Fantom? It’s the meme we need to ascend to Valhalla

>> No.16148929

and while you're doing that, shoop andre cronje's head onto thor's body

>> No.16148944

Kek, in for this also

>> No.16148946

AMA + go Lachesis video demo + 2 community contests (1 writing 1 technical) + SSTORE paper being done (andre shared, will make an announcement tommorow as well) + Technical Accomplishments of Go-Lachesis on Medium coming out on Wednesday + a bunch of other stuff

Apparently, on top of the consensus improvements brought by stairdag, Andre has recently found a way to improve EVM performance by 90%.

>> No.16148971

i can't wait to make it with you guys and dab on the linkfags

>> No.16148977


and still no mainnet, the state of you fantom marines, it's delusional

>> No.16149003

It's almost as if things must follow a chronological order of events before an end result can be achieved.

>> No.16149059

>and still no mainnet
Q4 bitch. cant wait to laugh when it goes live with 300k tps and you fomo in at $0.50 or whatever

>> No.16150213
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>> No.16150226

This is exactly the time to buy retard, before mainnet, before all the plebbitors have fomod in

Stay poor low risk pussy

>> No.16150264

no no anon, you dont get it. he knows that we're just shilling to offload our bags of this obviously failed project that started less than two years ago. the jig is up, he caught us. let's go get some curry and take a street shit

>> No.16150290
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>> No.16150373


>> No.16150389
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>> No.16150397

50% FTM, 50% RSR here boys, all-in on the biz meme

>> No.16150737

Stop copying LINK marines. Try something else like Fantom Faggots.

>> No.16150901

>he think chainlink made up the marines title in crypto
Are you new?

>> No.16150926

Same except 50% ftm 50% One Here

>> No.16150961

Link marines are a copy of Digibyte marines you fucking newfag get the fuck back to plebbit immediately

>> No.16150972


>> No.16151019

sad that im in fantom with people who buy retarded shit coins

>> No.16151366
File: 420 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191105-125341_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop copying LINK marines. Try something else like Fantom Faggots.
our official telegram group is called "fantom marines." umad?

>> No.16151478

Imagine being this fucking new, go back

>> No.16151604

nobody's new here, bucko. i was posting in crypto threads before this shit board was added

>> No.16151618

is 2M ftm enough to make 100M in 2021?

>> No.16151619


>> No.16151710

Cool I started mining on my desktop 3 months into Bitcoin being released. You’re still new

>> No.16151726

Fuck off faggot, anything before the 2017 bull run isn’t new

>> No.16151833

i don't believe you

>> No.16151874
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 1540927191166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of bitcoins early OGS 2009
>10 years alter peddling absolute shitcoins like ftm on biz

Breaths in:


>> No.16151940

> calling FTM a shitcoin

I can tell you have terrible jusgement

>> No.16152027
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Sorry good coin sir you are righ same as one of early whales sir

>> No.16152047

You should be done accumulating by now