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16139773 No.16139773 [Reply] [Original]

>He still didn't buy DAG


>> No.16139800
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I'd hate to be hatin' right now.

>> No.16139847

2000 sats EOY, 30k sats end of 2020.

>> No.16140047

Why is satsgang not taking any profits after a 10x ?

>> No.16140093

I wanted to buy it when they partnered with link but it’s only listed on shady ass exchanges

>> No.16140111

kucoin isn't that shady.

>> No.16140119


>> No.16140128

It’s past 2000 sat now...

>> No.16140224

imagine buy a suicide stack of SNTVT instead of DAG

thats me. im that guy

>> No.16140242
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>> No.16140261
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Anyone remember this anon? He convinced me to keep following this project and buying the dips. I did sell half my stack at 115 sat but I still have 500k for mainnet.

>> No.16140265
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>> No.16140273

so sell on mainnet?

>> No.16140279
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feels good to have +100% gains

>> No.16140297

Main nets historically dump, I'm just gonna ride it out though. I have a plan to sell an additional 250k if it hits 10 cents and save the other 250k until it hits $1.

>> No.16140794

Dagtards can't make an original graphic design to save their life


>> No.16141359
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>The fud has stooped this low

>> No.16141368

The next satsgang pnd

>> No.16141395
File: 1.18 MB, 1184x789, A53D9220-5BB5-4DDF-BA5E-3B3163FDEE3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't read, not selling
Pic related original meme. Fuck you.

>> No.16141467
File: 71 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191104-205504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new and retarded. Please help

>> No.16141537

Imagine being around biz for three years and falling for the degenerate dag pump and dump that happens every other week. Thanks for the 21 grand on the last pump that came to an abrupt halt, not complaining.

>> No.16141552

Shut up faggot

>> No.16141773

Try looking at the chart, retard

>> No.16141801

Kill yourself pajeet go shit in the street and rape an orphaned child it's all you are good for. Oh and then kill yourself

>> No.16141850

You remind me of the genderqueers who called Raiblocks a pajeet tier project for months before it blew up 1000x.

>> No.16142409
File: 79 KB, 750x750, fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where in are the fudders now?

>> No.16142473

Because they cant exit, nobody is buying. $3M per day in wash trading isnt real volume. They cant get out until enough brainlets buy their bags. That is what this thread is for, and that is why they have 5 threads going right now and twitter campaigns spamming the internet.
This. Everyone who has been on biz long enough knows what a Satsgang pump and dump is. This one is even easier to spot, Satsgang installed their own members as admins in their telegram.
You ask this every day, and the fudders repeatedly tell you to stop scamming people on biz. And everyday you come back and post 100 times to yourself pretending to have a conversation. Have fun being poor. You faggots will never dump this shitcoin, everyone knows your scheme now.

>> No.16142542
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Stay mad Fudder. I'm 20x you're not.

>> No.16142974

20x on 150 rupees.

>> No.16143165

I love how a Satagang scammer is dumping on people, then bragging about his dumping on people and telling us to stay mad.
Or we could take his advice, get dumped on and actually be mad.
Fuck this scam and fuck Satsgang for ruining biz

>> No.16143214

i'm dumping literally every second of every day, you'll never stop me. As the CEO of Satsgang I'll continue dumping every single day and you'll just be stuck here fudding while I continue to get rich.

>> No.16143266

You did it to FTM, SENT, RSR, BTT, ONE, HOT, VIDT, QNT, BOLT, and many others. Every single one hit all time lows after you and your dirtbag cronies dumped on everyone.

>> No.16143414
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oh yeah and im gonna do it to DAG too, over and over, every day forever, you can't stop me. Not matter what you say, i'm making money you're just crying. Now cry for me. I wanna DM the rest of Satsgang HQ with your salty posts and protests against our powers.

>> No.16143756

I know your trying to turn Satsgang into a larp, thats what Satsgang does. But as you faggots always say, the charts dont lie. Every chart of every thinly traded shitcoin you pajeets back has hit ATL and not recovered.
Fuck you, Fuck Dag, Fuck Satsgang, and fuck anyone stupid enough to buy based on your low effort low IQ shill threads.

>> No.16143808
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You can't fuck us, you can't touch us. Satsgang wins and you lose fudder. Now watch these people fall for my low effort low IQ shills.

But I appreciate you congratulating us on all our successes and advertising our greatness. If you want I can let you in to satsgang. We'll let you in on all our scams and show you the secret to our 100% success rate.

>> No.16143818

kek the arrogance. quality stuff keep it up

>> No.16143854
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Do you actually believe that guy is satsgang? You are thick as pig shit if you can't tell he's fucking with you. You don't deserve this project you bean brained mongoloid retard.

>> No.16143858
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Its not arrogance, its success, and the fudder is jealous of it.

>> No.16143862

Whoop I responded to the wrong guy, but the point still stands.

>> No.16143927
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Did someone say bean?
interesting you keep calling him fudder.

>> No.16144030
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He tries to spread Fear and Doubt, but it doesn't matter, we've already tricked the masses into our plan, and its over now. We have all the chips and will continue dumping until we are satisfied. He tried to warn everyone but he has failed and now we'll get rich off all these DAG suckers.

>> No.16144153

What do bros. I bought 40 eth on presale of this shitcoim and am even in eth value now though still down siiigggnnniiificantly in btc and Fiat. What would you guys do

>> No.16144183
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welp good thing I dont buy alot of coins shilled on here. avoids this kind of mess. welp see you and the other guy passing by your next shill thread. later gator

>> No.16144389

The people ITT

1 autistic Satsgang pajeet trying anything possible to promote a scam and make Satsgang look like its a larp.

3 random posters telling him to fuck off

Dag only has low IQ shilling, because they are not trying to attract intelligent investors. Its like how the Nigerian prince scam emails purposefully misspell words to avoid intelligent people and prey on the sucker.

>> No.16144397
File: 8 KB, 280x180, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're one of the lucky ones. Our Satsgang empire already controls this coin completely and will manipulate as we see fit, so watch yourself.
If you cross our path again, you will be dumped without mercy and lose everything when we trick you.

>> No.16144458

I know your trying to larp, unfortunately that is exactly what happened to every single project Satsgang has had involvement. Name one project Satsgang shilled that isnt currently at ATL and I will give you a cookie. Go ahead faggot, I will wait.

>> No.16144479

am I really one of the lucky ones? I hold digibyte and cant find my lost patrols of marines.
And if we cross paths and you mouth off again i'll use my massive resources to crush your rinky dink operation and have you serving drinks on your knees

>> No.16144500
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Sounds like success to me. We win every single time. All our projects work, and all the losers are stuck at the ATL. I appreciate your admiration by denoting our record, but no matter what you say, we've already pumped and we are constantly dumping. DAG is our coin you can't do anything to save them. Satsgang wins 100% of the time. You know our record, FTM, SENT, RSR, BTT, ONE, HOT, VIDT, QNT, BOLT, and you know we always win.

But your flattery bores me now. Consider my beneficent offer to join Satsgang retracted. You're not worthy to win like we do.

>> No.16144757

What the fuck math are you doing?