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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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[ERROR] No.1611527 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/ red pill me on this

Is it really happening? Is this the next big thing?

I'm personally going in, stocks aren't paying off and I believe this is where it's at. Trumpcoin's gonna get rekt when they get the cease and desist letter from the man himself

>> No.1611612

Can you explain it and how it works to someone who has no idea what it is?

If the answer is no, then why are you buying it?

>> No.1611930

Lurk moar

>> No.1612122

I've been on a hiatus from /biz/ for about a year now, last I was here some guy shilled his headphone stock and it's shot up nearly double over the year

I mostly trust /biz which is why I asked here about wave

>> No.1612165


>> No.1612213

Fuck, /biz/ was actually right. I'm making gains at this very moment

Waves 10$ when?

>> No.1612214

in 2 months time

>> No.1612234

See you on Ibiza..

>> No.1612243

see you guys on the seychelles

>> No.1612768

>trust /biz/
The absolute madman

>> No.1612775

fuck you goys im going to phuket

>> No.1613037 [DELETED] 


Fuck stocks, fuck waves. What are you supposed to do with +20% returns lol. Listen here:

Buy Golem Network Tokens (GNT). They're the next Ethereum. Crypto subreddits are about to blow up and it's still at only $8mil market cap on it's way to fucking billions. Get rich overnight. Proceed to fuck all the top tier models you want. Literally that easy.

You heard it here first.

>> No.1613132

where do i buy it

>> No.1613422

If you cant mine the coin then its going to fail. You cant mine Wave.

>> No.1613523

lol try again

>> No.1613555

You have to trade into wave.

>> No.1613574


>> No.1613671

Is scam

>> No.1613688

Not one person in any waves threads has been give a solid reason why its is so great
So many shills trying to pump it yet it goes no were meanwhile Monero has made me 50%+ gains and jaxx gui is not even out yet scheduled to release monday
I'm sure all the waves cucks that were laughing when I told them to buy at $5 have already killed themselves

>> No.1613691

The same happened with Ethereum.
A shitload of gains happend a few months later.

Keep poor no coiner

>> No.1613700

I bought Ethereum at $2.4 it shot up because it was the first turning complete blockhain allowing people to run decentralized applications
I doubt any of you even read the waves whitepaper, I did during the ico and make the smart choice not to invest

>> No.1613707

>smart choice
>missed out on 80%+ of profit
Guys, stop coping for not beeing in the hottest 'boat' there is

>> No.1613716

Unless you cashed out on this garbage already don't be bragging about gambling pump and dumps just yet as you are most likely going to be the one bag holding

>> No.1613779

Don't believe the hype, waves is a platform for cryptos to be KYC (know your customer) and AML (anti money laundering) compliant... Basically it's a tool to take what makes crypto great (anonimity) away which is the some reason for many people to use crypto.

Also it's developed from guys that used to develop a coin that really flopped (NXT). It's taking major concepts from that coin and integrating it as a foundation for waves. So the technology is nothing new, it has proved to fail once and will probably fail a second time

>> No.1614273
File: 46 KB, 794x527, buy_high_sell_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Waves in the ICO but just sold them all after watching this vid:


>> No.1614286

>make the smart choice not to invest
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. I can already smell you're full of shit. Tell me exactly what you didn't like about the white paper

>> No.1614297

Meanwhile ARCH, PPC, TIT, SWING, Have made anywhere between 300% to 3000% gains.

Tell me, shills... why should we dump all our cash into a slow-moving 170 volume coin... when most of us don't even have 1 bitcoin to bet with... and we already have our own shitcoins to predict and get our starting /biz/ cash from.

>> No.1614299


Wow, that video was one of the shittiest interview I ever saw. So unprofessional, and you really want to take this as your major "Anti-Wave" comment?

>> No.1614310
File: 47 KB, 295x500, Analgesic Shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well these guys had some very good answers that those two scammers could not answer.

The fact he took of his shirt and started drawing on his body shows how serious they take the Waves scam project.

>Everybody knows you are Karl Karlson who is shilling here on bizz.

TLDR; Waves is a scam

>> No.1614319

Treat it just like any other crypto

I.e. lurk more

>> No.1614324

Thanks a lot!
So happy I didn't invest in this scam.

>> No.1614325

You are welcome, spread the word.

>> No.1614333
File: 14 KB, 289x292, 663f7300b007c0597dc52ae11cafec56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obv. you are just one of the fat shills from the video to push your shit video

>> No.1614343

So tell me wich of the Waves teamscam members you are... Brandon?

>Fullnodes lol

>> No.1614347
File: 25 KB, 274x274, 1454553936905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


None actually. But I'm pretty sure you are one of these fat shills in the video.

It's like you are the Derek Smart of WAVES.

>> No.1614357
File: 10 KB, 300x168, Are you retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non of those guys. But I am pretty sure you are one of the Wavescam teammembers.

It's like Paycoin all over again.

>> No.1614358


I'm still holding and already made 1000€ out of it. While you still shill your fat ass on bad interviews

>> No.1614362

This is going to drop like a bombshell when people find out about the YouTube video.

Best to take your profit and go to a coin that is not a scam.
Paycoin looks a lot like Waves

>> No.1614366
File: 973 KB, 300x196, 1475137736656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video released 04.09.2016