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16141526 No.16141526 [Reply] [Original]

Answer the question. If you buy and sell daily, weekly, whatever, and your btc decreases, but the value of your btc in USD increases, are you making profit or not? Does btc always have to increase as a measure of success/failure at trading? Why/why not?

you have 1.5 btc worth 15k
You buy and sell for a month.
Now you have 1.2 btc worth 18k
You are down .3 btc but up 3000 dollars USD. Did you profit or lose?

This is what I was trying to ask in the previous thread: >>16140900

>> No.16141536

I'm not talking about leverage trading, just trading your own stack.

>> No.16141560

You are a fucking idiot and should probably go jump into traffic for being so stupid. Please, for the love of God, DO NOT REPRODUCE.

>> No.16141577


>> No.16141584

Answer the quesiton. I bet you can't answer it, you're just pretending to troll. Answer it if you're so smart.

>> No.16141694
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>Dumbest question ever.
>Nobody can answer it.
>Nobody even understood so far.
Hint: the 1.2 versus 1.5 btc acts as leverage when selling. 1.5 gets you more profit.

>> No.16141728

btc wise u lose big time
USD wise u win

>> No.16141731

It depends. Do you want more usd or more btc.

>> No.16141749

Means you lost in comparison if you had just hold btc

>> No.16141765

for anyone to answer your question you also need to posts btc prices for that time....when you had 1.5 btc what was price? when you had 1.2btc what was price? this shit is preddy basic honestly. i have a feeling you are a n o n w*ite who went to public school, yes?

>> No.16141768

You are a retard but you seem like you are trying so let me explain:

If you trade and your BTC goes down (1.5 to 1.2) it means that you lost 0.3 BTC while trading.

> But my USD is up? How is this possible?

It means that the value of the BTC you were holding went up in value.

> So I made money!

No, you lost. Because if you werent a retard and you didnt have lost 0.3 you would have made even more money on the increase of value of BTC.

>> No.16141780
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>> No.16141785

So what is the rule? If your btc is decreasing it doesn't matter if you're gaining in USD profit?

>> No.16141810

i think what the tard is trying to say is that btc prices were stagnant, in which case he's up but he's changed his allocation. he's a turbotard tho, so its hard to understand what his question is.

>> No.16141811

You are still in profit.. HOWEVER you failed in your trades, and have decreased your stack. You've missed potential earnings by selling/buying the market incorrectly. You have lost money/btc, but are still in profit.
As well if such a question requires this much research on your part, maybe consider learning more before jumping in with real money if you haven't already.

>> No.16141871

OP may have just have held his BTC rather than sold. He would've kept his BTC and had higher earnings in USD

>> No.16141890

>I don't understand the question but he's stupid for sure.
Thanks. So if you are losing btc, but still making profit, you're failing at trading? Example:

If you make 200 profit after a sell, and btc goes up 1000, did you lose 800 if you bought back at the +1000 price? This is an example of your BTC going down.

>> No.16141924
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holy shit this can't be real, right? nobody is this stupid kek

>> No.16141944

>Doesn't understand question.
>Thinks I'm asking if it's better to have 1 btc or 2 btc.
Wasn't the question. It's always the stupidest people who call you stupid.

>> No.16141974

No you didn't lose the 800, you're not down 800 but you missed it. So some might say you lost 800 as you really should have had it.

>> No.16142024

You profited but could've had better gains.

>> No.16142039

You made 200 profit but bought back LESS btc than you had when you sold for a 200 dollar profit. So you're failing?

>> No.16142190

This, you lost. Plain luck bitcoin went up and saved you

>> No.16142207

Yeah, this is the anwer.

>> No.16142223

It is always better to have usd even if you theoretically lost on BTC gains because BTC always crashes and is unpredictable meanwhile 1usd=1usd all of time

>> No.16142245

You should have had $22,500
(15k x 1.5
If you won you would have more than 1.5bc

>> No.16142453

well desu this is like the most simple rule in trading you are asking about.
If you don't know whether you should trade for usd or btc, you shouldn't trade at all. you're just going to lose your money

>> No.16142475

it was a successful trade as you gained in USD

but it wasn't the most optimal trade because you lost BTC

>> No.16142503

Would you rather have 1 BTC worth 10k or 1,000 link worth $1mill?

>> No.16143448

Yes you are making a profit, but you would have made more profit had you hodled. You can basically still be a very winning trader while still underperforming against a value-investor e.g. make a 5x on your initial starting capital, while BTC does a 100x in a year hypothetically.