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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 277x182, 553B6BE3-F937-492F-B505-856E7243EFF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16138089 No.16138089 [Reply] [Original]

tfw no /biz/ bf

>> No.16138096


>> No.16138098

Post feet

>> No.16138100

i'll be your bf if you want. but it'll cost you a life time of loyalty. i mate for life unlike these fucking degens.

>> No.16138110


>> No.16138131


>> No.16138132

Lol faggot kys

>> No.16138135

dicksize, boys?

>> No.16138167

3 meters

>> No.16138170

kys degenerates

>> No.16138173

Normal here
Do I have a chance?

>> No.16138182

i'm actually 8 foot 10, 16 inch dick, 3 inch girth, virgin by choice b/c fuck thots.

>> No.16138192

That is because a gf is a bad investment, real cost effective people rent pros.

>> No.16138204

X.75 inches
Post feet to unlock X

>> No.16138223

>dicksize, boys?
It will take some time getting used to
You virgin? Age?

>> No.16138226


>> No.16138297
File: 482 KB, 573x692, Batman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u have feminine benis

>> No.16138317

humans mate for 10-20 years tops to raise kids then want something different

>> No.16138320

7.5 in length
3.5 in girth

Come at me

>> No.16138345

Whoa. This actually makes perfect sense

>> No.16138353

8 inch dick. 6 inch girth. i also have abs

>> No.16138392

9 inches with 15 kilos of SILVER in reserve

>> No.16138397

>used up woman in her 40-50ties
>wanting something else
Marriage was created to shied an older woman for being discarded in this fashion

>> No.16138405
File: 152 KB, 990x1076, 932438BC-1681-4E6D-A9FB-4B1ADAD6D166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but unironically AND on the soft

>> No.16138426

I already unironically have a persian fwb sucking me off any time she sees me so keep looking

>> No.16138442

Fuck off ya queer.
Post tits then fuck off.

>> No.16138443

but she goes to another school

>> No.16138444

shouldn't you be asking for portfolio size you ugly thot?

>> No.16138500

nay, in fact she is going to my school. she also wants to sneak in tonight after my roommates pass out

>> No.16138550

>this thread again
Post face

>> No.16138566

really makes me think.

>> No.16138647
File: 769 KB, 2436x1827, 46C56479-A693-419D-80D0-3F2A1D976C9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any woman who browses 4chan is fat, pale, and def stinks like toejam

>> No.16138657
File: 50 KB, 640x920, wDmHRhr_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or is cute with feminine benis

>> No.16138671

also pale is best wtf bruh

>> No.16138676

I unironically know a few cute girls IRL that post on 4chan. They're all autistic.