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File: 2.19 MB, 1242x2688, 040D6A2B-FB26-4564-BDE3-42BA6333FEF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16137857 No.16137857 [Reply] [Original]


I wonder what kind of oracle they are going to be using... hmmmm......

>> No.16137864

probably the superior doracle oracle moracle and data oil gold and platinum RLC IeXeC

>> No.16137880

You don't need oracles for what they want to do here

>> No.16137885


>Control + F Oracle
>0 results

op is a fucking retard

>> No.16137886

RLC Shitting Street Tokens.

>> No.16137897
File: 260 KB, 742x865, 1572336786514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally use case that iExec presented with microsoft and other eea members:


real life chads gonna make it

>> No.16137919
File: 668 KB, 2045x1505, devcon 5 eea trusted compute workshop chainlink nodes integration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolmao, pic related happened at that very event.

>> No.16137924
File: 242 KB, 1200x800, rlcsheikh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravel niggers on suicide watch

>> No.16137928

kek. linkies presented how they are going to use tcf. eea literally stated: chainlink os presenting tcf usecase

>> No.16137963
File: 451 KB, 615x715, EEA tweets chainlink devcon 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eea literally stated: chainlink os presenting tcf usecase
Other way around brainlet: TCF is a Chainlink use case. See the actual tweet.

>bring up event to claim they're using iexec not Chainlink
>the event you brought up literally had heavy Chainlink involvement
Self-ownage to the max.

>> No.16137976


>> No.16137998
File: 183 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-10-10-15-47-18-653_com.Slack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, chainlink is use case. chainlink also is not needed for tcf or minting tokens.

now please kindly fuck off reddit tier low iq subhuman

>> No.16138036

I actually saw a dream where chainlink x Microsoft happen.
>1k eoy

>> No.16138043

Based on the broken English, you're the same guy from your pic lmao.

>Chainlink just built their applications based on this framework
Weird, the actual Hyperledger Avalon documentation is talking about TCF integrating Chainlink for decentralized and attested oracles:
"Chainlink: 3 contributors that will contribute to the TCF's plans for how to integrate with decentralized oracles and attested oracles, which will be able to provide both TCF computations and various on-chain computations enabled by them with secure access to various key API inputs and enterprise/payment event outputs."

Cute how iexec devs are going out of their way to fud Chainlink though, lmao.

>> No.16138066

>article literally about ethereum

>hurrrrrr fatlink is needed too!!111

kys op

>> No.16138077
File: 19 KB, 554x496, 1560939437093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will contribute
they haven't yet and the token was already minted. this is my last post pajeet.

>700k dumps are a good thing
>link merch
>unironically 1k eoy

pic is you

>> No.16138092
File: 292 KB, 334x506, 1569335855086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they haven't yet
The ultimate cope lmao
Protip: the entire TCF thing hasn't actually gone anywhere yet.
It's a project geared towards enterprise clients, so external data connectivity (i.e. Chainlink) is absolutely essential to the whole thing.

>> No.16138105

Dumb street shitting pajeets think trading magic cards for other magic cards is peak usage

>> No.16138108

STFU marslander. RLC idiots gonna get dumped on by this asshole just like the FLOtards

>> No.16138114


>> No.16138124

except that there are dozen alternatives to link and no alternatives to iExec

>> No.16138129

>there are dozen alternatives to link
Is that why Link is the solution chosen by the EEA for the TCF/Hyperledger Avalon?

>> No.16138139

lmao seeth faggot. it's obvious by your response that you actually are the same guy from the post

>> No.16138141

Also, everyone welcome broken-English Francois No. 2.

>> No.16138148

not chosen, anyone can contribute, but if your contributions suck it will not be involved in specification, hence they still have to prove themselves

>> No.16138154

>not chosen, anyone can contribute
... cried the stable boy as the Chainlink is literally chosen for the TCF/Hyperledger Avalon.

>> No.16138155

You can literally see the rlc streetshitter cowering in the background while the Chad (albeit frog) full on cucks the majority of their 2 hour Microsoft presentation.

Explain this you fags.

>> No.16138178

nice cope boys. see you when 1 rlc = 1 link

>> No.16138213

>nice cope
Says the frog who can't cope with the fact that Chainlink rocked the Devcon TCF meetup that was supposed to be all about iexec lmao.

Months of iexec hype for Devcon, and then Chainlink just shows up unannounced lmao. That's gotta sting.