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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16120969 No.16120969 [Reply] [Original]

someone redpill me on Costco. is a membership worth it if you're a single guy with a gf?

>> No.16120984

Do both of you use an excess amount of resources daily?

>> No.16120988

Stuff there is super cheap and great value but the quality is average and you’ll turn into a boomer if you shop there

>> No.16120989

>a single guy with a gf?
is this supposed to be fuckin funny you retard?

>> No.16120995


single means unmarried ya doofus

>> No.16121000

The only thing you should purchase at cosco is toilet paper, and paper towels...and stock in the company.

>> No.16121004


>> No.16121011


I don't think I even spend $60 a year on TP/paper towels (I take my shits at work... literally paid to shit).

>> No.16121019


>> No.16121020

>if you're a fake epicurean pussy like this anon, the answer is no
It takes a couple of years to break even on the appliances and extra electricity it takes to make it worthwhile. You'll need a vacuum sealer and deep freezer to make it work.

>> No.16121040
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I think it is worth it going once a month, but their fresh meat and fish section is very expensive and avoid it. Stick with the boneless skinless chicken breast in the freezer section.

>> No.16121064
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literally within a fucking single shop, costco is the ultimate chad baste concept because you will buy in bulk because you cook your food and shit
and you can then throw parties and shit because you are now the anon with the costco membership
.t bought a costco membership with gf years ago and are a part of the financial elite
literally though, look up how many rich people use costco vs poor people


>> No.16121067

Fuck Costco. I used to work there and everything is so fucking mediocre, that's why you get a lot for so cheap. Also just everything about it, the cold ugly warehouse, the pallets of soda, the Walmart-esque "we have everything" shit. I find it to all go against my fundamentals of being connected to nature and taking a little extra time to make things of good quality that last.

>> No.16121097
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Costco is a better company than a lot of them out there. The way you describe things you would be better off shopping at your local farmers market. In any case you still are going to have to get imports from far away or greatly decrease the variety of your diet.

For example what do you feel about vanilla? Would you get the good stuff (likely with vanilla bean from Madagascar) or the artificial stuff made from a large number of factories with one likely near your house). In any case vanilla is critical for a large number of homemade baked goods.

>> No.16121124

If you have Aldi nearby better go there.

>> No.16121141


>> No.16121145
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>> No.16121202 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait for the process complete
6 - receive your free BTC

>> No.16121325

You're my favorite scammer on /biz/

>> No.16121354

As long as you go there once a month, it could be worth it. Nuts are like half price compared to a regular grocery store. So three pound bags a month, save $5 each time x 12 = $60.

>> No.16121642
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>> No.16121671
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Technically he’s right.

>> No.16121678
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It’s probably worth it for the amount of TP women use.

>> No.16121814

how do i invest in vanilla

>> No.16122015

And gas for vehicle. Its always 20 cents cheaper than anyone else.

>> No.16122046

tell your girlfriend you're single
better yet tell her friends you're single

>> No.16122083

it's awesome, I started going when I found out they have organic shit. organic eggs, chicken, beef, produce, snacks, etc. legit 80% of my shopping is there now as opposed to whole foods/trader joes

>> No.16122090

i like their clothes, meat, and bakery. If you have someone to split the membership cost so you each pay 30 its worth it, but the full 60 probably isnt worth it. Also a top tier food court, but you dont need a membership for that

>> No.16122134

i live in an overpriced hell hole city and it's the cheapest for cleaning supplies, food, and random other shit. i often buy the choice grade steaks there but had a prime one recently and it was real good

>> No.16122140

>with a gf

>> No.16122164

Chinese index funds given their takeover of Africa.

>> No.16122176
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>being so retarded that you pay membership fees so you can buy bulk ass paper and shitty hot dogs

>> No.16122196

What do they use all that all that toilet paper? I dont understand woman...do they use it to plug their pussys?

>> No.16122207


they poop alot anon

>> No.16122234

It’s good if your a ketosexual like me

>> No.16122240

Thats fucking nasty

>> No.16122364
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Keto women poop once a day or every two days

>> No.16122425


and what percentage of women fall into that diet? 0.0001%?

>> No.16122505

I'm really jealous. I wish I could get a gf. You must be really outgoing and muscular.

>> No.16122517

The based $4.99 roasted whole chicken is completely worth the price of membership alone. They have specials and also promo codes online for slashing a bit off of the $60 yrly membership

>> No.16123480

They use it to clean up makeup.

>> No.16123763

Yeah it's great. 25 bucks a year if you share the membership. 4.99 rotisserie chicken is goat. Steel rolled oats are cheap. Steak is cheap. Love it

>> No.16123776

How many linkies do I need for her to leglock my head and make me call her mommy?

>> No.16123777

>it if you're a single guy with a gf?
Are you a mutt or something? God you fuckers are dumb

>> No.16123788

>not enjoying beaver anal gland vanilla
Plus Mexico has real vanilla if that's your thing.

>> No.16124072
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This alone is the reason to shop there.

The one and only Chad tier peanut butter.

All other sugar based shit is for niggers.

I'd pay double a year for this shit. It's truly the best on planet Earth.

I love peanut butter.

>> No.16124185

I am the walrus

>> No.16124228

>slam the fridge closed
>whoops, forgot there were 200 eggs in the door

>> No.16124348


If you have a business and you need supplies at a bulk price. Gas? Cleaning supplies? foodstuffs? Even a phone-plan or some tires for your work vehicle? Yes, its worth it.

But if you're a soccer mom with 3+ kids and you go there every week just to buy groceries and your usual nonsense crap. Or the dumb boomer couple who comes in to pay for meds and buy the latest supplement for their diet? No its not worth it. You'd waste more money and time on useless crap you don't need in the long run.

IF you really want the shopping experience. Just go to the food court. It doesn't cost you much to go in and you can get a decent meal for less than 5 dollars.

>> No.16124376

It's completely worth it. the food they have is top quality without the jew markups. You don't have to buy a crate of anything. There are small quantity items as well. 10% off pretty much everything outside of the store. From rental cars to insurance plans. You're an idiot if you live near one and don't use it.

>> No.16124417

No just go to Walmart when you feel like it

>> No.16124422

You should only bother with the good vanilla for dishes that don't get too hot (custards, ice cream, less common treats). Might as well go with the anal gland stuff for typical baking like cookies and cakes, most of the subtleties of the real extract cook out/evaporate in the oven anyway.

>> No.16124490

real answer, they wipe their snatches after they piss to dry them off.

>> No.16124756

>turn in to a boomer
That's the best part though.

>> No.16124769

Smart man.

I also buy milk, rice, flour, butter, cheese, cat litter, and other basic stuff there. The more basic and long term store-able it is, usually the better deal it is.

OP, stay away from the produce unless you know you're going to cook/consume all of it soon. It always goes bad or you get sick of eating it before its finished.

>> No.16124784

What are you talking about, the products they select are almost always better quality or at least cheaper than the standard stuff you find in stores.

>> No.16124797

he’s right though, not married, you’re single.

>> No.16124901

Haven't gone to a Costco yet but I've been to BJ instead, what's the fucking different?

>> No.16124944
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>> No.16124948

Not unless you buy contact lenses. My gf and I had it til she got a real job with health insurance. You're better off getting amazon prime.

>> No.16124954

I fantasize blowing up your work buildings

>> No.16124979

Costco keeps out all the riff raff and single mothers you find at other grocers

>> No.16125012

No need because the agency is already dead from chronic underfunding

>> No.16125577

How can you cope with stealing from others?
look up the The Grace Commission

>> No.16125482

This too. I see so many full families in there, moms and dads with three or four kids. The mom is pregnant with another most of the time.

Hardly ever any niggers, lots of asian families and desert people too.

>> No.16126151

And you get 4% back on the gas with their Visa.