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[ERROR] No.1611543 [Reply] [Original]

>be sure for Trump to win
>invest majority of your money into gold/silver
>trump wins
>gold goes down (because fuck me that's why)

will gold ever go up above 1200$ again?

>> No.1611544

Just wait until the next world crisis.

>> No.1611552
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>Just wait until the next world crisis

>> No.1611556
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sooo no one here was stupid enough to buy the gold? i am the only one?

i think i am going to keep it even if it goes under 800$

>> No.1611565

How do precious materials lose value? Shit doesn't make sense. Anything else losing value but crap like diamonds and gold are supposed to represent what the silly point of our "video game points" money and value system, is.

You can't say a certain country's gold can go down in value, that should only take effect if ALL gold lost value, and thus would defeat the purpose. If one area somehow attained "all the money", you can't just say all the money, including that which was yours before, is now worth nothing just because you lost. You shouldn't be able to, at least, but fuck my baby's knowledge of economics.

>> No.1611566
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>this thread

kek. Hedges against inflation lose value when the dollar rallies.

>> No.1611567

Wow you're stupid.
You're not failing economics you're failing life

>> No.1611568

ya your pretty much it

>> No.1611569

>thinking Trump will win
>not just taking the overly inflated bookie odds

You deserved it m8

>> No.1611571

Why the hell would you buy gold during election anyway? If your brain would function it would be better to invest in gold months or even a year before the election.

Shit ain't a game nigga.

>> No.1611579

When I look at a GC daily chart I see market structure breaks and it shifted to the bearish side.

As to the consideration of fundamentals, usually I notice it does the opposite of the prognostications making the headlines.

>> No.1611594


This. We have entered bizarro world.

>> No.1611596

>>invest majority of your money into gold/silver
>>trump wins
>>gold goes down (because fuck me that's why)
you got tricked by the kikes.

they had a massive gold position after brexit and have been shilling constantly for normies to buy gold so they can unload.

good job retard

>> No.1611601

>not investing in the swiss franc

>> No.1611614
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it's not only about the kikes and election

why do Russia, China, Belarus, Mexico, Iran, Turkey and many other countries buy gold?

why did it rise so hard on January?

what about growing bubble on american stock market?

what about refugee crisis and war in Syria?

if it was only because of shilling for gold after brexit i wouldn't buy it - i was sure that it will slowly grow towards 1850$ per ounce

and again - gold was in hard bear market for 4 years from 2011 - so again i was sure i would earn some money on it

>> No.1611624

I unloaded 40k worth of gold 3 months ago.
I kinda expected gold to spike for a brief time then drop after election regardless of who won but i didn't expect the spike to be less than a day long.

>> No.1611912

Every time republicans take control we have a surge in short-term profits followed by a depression. Stocks are going to rise in the coming year, Trump will inflate the bubble to new heights with his "trickle-down" tax plans, it will be a good time while it lasts. Their will be rapid growth and healthy dividends. But the impending crash will be devastating. If we play this right we can become millennianaires!

>> No.1611915


>> No.1611937

the people driving gold prices are you paranoid right wingers.

Clinton looks likely to win, gold goes up. Clinton wins and gold skyrockets.

you got your way, so there's not tens of millions of paranoid gold bugs buying.

>> No.1611941

People realized that Trump's policies will benefit the economy, despite all the MSM uproar. This in turn rendered gold not as valuable because the faith in the US economic system remained relatively unchanged. This means the demand for gold didn't skyrocket as anticipated by faggots such as yourself. Basically, were all going to be fine and investors realize that. If we weren't, people would lose faith in the USD and buy gold, thus raising the price of gold. It's simple supply and demand.

>> No.1611943

Hold it and hope Trump makes some sort of stupid statement/decision making the markets panic for oncoming instability, then sell obviously.

>> No.1611947

>People realized that Trump's policies will benefit the economy
Not really. Starting a trade war with China and Mexico for example, would truly be disastrous for the US economy. What's more likely is that people realized Trump's not going to enact half of the promises he made and the 35% China & Mexico trade tax is one of the main ones that is very likely to get scratched once the big money starts whispering in his ears.

>> No.1611955
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How can Trump be blamed for inflating the bubble when that bubble has already been building for nearly a decade?

This how I see things going;

1.) The Federal Reserve will raise interest rates to prevent the economy from overheating, leading to a fall in asset prices and a policy induced recession

2.) If the FED doesn't raise rates, the asset bubble that's currently building will continue getting larger and eventually burst, most likely in the next 2 years, leading to a recession

Either way, Trump will probably be blamed for the natural end of a peak in the business cycle, and subsequently ensuing trough period.

>> No.1611999

I think everything would going to focus on industries so time to stick with shares again

>> No.1612003
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Bought some bars at $1223. It's on sale, boys.

>> No.1612092

Ever since governments stopped backing their currencies with gold precious metals have become a meme. Bitcoin is way more commonly accepted and liquid compared to your shiny metal, it even went up more when Trump won

>> No.1612097
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>Bitcoin is way more commonly accepted
You can't be serious

>> No.1612107

>try buying food, stuff in Amazon/eBay/AliExpress, hardware, hosting, domain names, steam games and anything else with gold
>you can't

Bitcoin debit cards and 3rd party payment processors allow you to spend it pretty much anywhere you want to, on the go

>> No.1612113

It's really just supply and demand dude... Apply yourself.

>> No.1612137

you dont understand how this works.....Trump actually looks dumb because of the media but people trusts in him.Also he is something else in politics...he might be better than the rest in a lot of things.Even though bad in basic things.

>> No.1612147
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it seems that gold didn't get below 1200$... yet

i would expect it to reach 1100$ or even 1050$ with 800$ being the worst case scenario while it can also reach 1850$ or even higher values when something major happens on the market

i think DB collapse is too obvious and won't happen (because le too big to fail meme), but something can happen that no one expects

>> No.1612253


Clearly you don't understand how gold works or why people even buy it.

>> No.1612256


it might hit ~1150 but I just bought a bunch of gold mining stocks right now rather than trying to catch the bottom and potentially missing out

all of trump's policies are good for gold with increasing inflation. Just chill and don't put money in ETFs, grab individual gold mines with solid financials like ABX or even TGD if you want to get risky and wait. Looking like a repeat of last year's spring for gold, expecting 15-1600+ by this time next year

>> No.1612260 [DELETED] 


his freedom will set new standards for international politics, this is important to keep moving forward and making sure the clinton machine and its friends are buried.
this was only possible thanks to julian.
kek works through julian.

>> No.1612263

I bought gold for the Trump win knowing I could cash it out at a premium to the noobs when they panic buy it when the polls start coming in, expecting easy money. You probably bought my gold, thanks OP

>> No.1612322

Yes, Trump will keep inflating the bubble that is already here. I see Trump's policies leading to a temporary boom. Then, seeing the improvements the Fed will raise interest rates, setting a chain reaction sending us into recession. Then the Fed lowers rates back down. That's how I see it playing out.

>> No.1612372


Me too OP. Bought $2,000 physical gold as a hedge against Trump winning @1,320. Turned out I was correct about my prediction, but wrong about its consequence (stock falling, gold rising). I'm not too devastated though as it is only 5% of my networth. I'm actually slightly more worried for my parents who saw me buying gold and bought twice as much themselves, without knowing about my overall strategy.

>> No.1612381

Invest in copper, is going up like there's no tomorrow and is all thanks to trump.

>> No.1612391

I lost $8k on NUGT from the election.

Investors are fickle faggots.

>> No.1612396
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I put 11k on a inverse ETF of the SP500 (TVIX)
I made money but god damn the market recovered so fast, I could've made more.

>> No.1612399

Why are ETF so shit?

>> No.1612409

Trump enters the white house in january. Till then he cant push any buttons.

>> No.1612948

those feels

>> No.1612950

>have a small hoard of gold my grandma gave to me to hold onto a couple years ago
>say to my mom a month or so ago that I think we should liquidate it because after Hillary wins the election the price will probably go down

>> No.1613068 [DELETED] 


Gold is a fucking meme. Crypto is the future.

Listen here:

Buy Golem Network Tokens (GNT). They're the next Ethereum. Crypto subreddits are about to blow up and it's still at only $8mil market cap on it's way to fucking billions. Get rich overnight. Proceed to fuck all the top tier models you want. Literally that easy.

Listen or stay poor and kick yourself like you did after BTC and ETH.


>> No.1613073
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>Not just betting on trump
>Odds were literally 5 times your bet

>> No.1613082

You bought in to the (((liberal media))) message that the world would end if Trump got elected president?

>> No.1613102

Republicans buy gold genius, Democrats don't.

Why would you even???

It's like trying to sell beef to a Hindu.

>> No.1613114

investing in gold ever

as if it can be manipulated, and the gold is not even.


>> No.1613122

Just wait for the inevitable interest rate hike. I'm actually gonna buy some now. Do not sell

>> No.1613133
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>buying assets that don't produce income ever

Hope you learned your lesson, stick to index funds, scrub shitter.