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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 437 KB, 963x604, sloggett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16114815 No.16114815 [Reply] [Original]

HELLO FELLOW PAJEETS! I'm Michael Sloggett!


Let's talk AusCoin ICO for a sec! I guarantee this ICO will 10x in one year.

Auscoin's Vision is to integrate bitcoin and cryptocurrency into daily life. We are providing a cryptocurrency that is accessible to the mainstream and partnering that up with Bitcoin.
- Nation-Wide Roll Out of 1200 ATMs
- International Roll Out of 300 ATMs
- 1% of all transactions through the ATM Network will be re-invested back into the Auscoin network which will grow the value of the coin
- Exclusive Rights for over 500 ATM Locations in every city in Australia already confirmed
- Over 100 Retailers already confirmed to accept AUSCOIN as a payment method
- Partnerships made with 3 large companies which we will announce when we can
After a 4 week trial with our first ATM. We have seen an average of $182,000 transacted per week. As we reach the public eye, this number will increase.
Based on the results of this ATM, with very little marketing and no mainstream adoption, we are averaging $26,000 per day.
Let's wind that down to $10,000 per ATM transacted per day.
$10,000 x 1200 ATM's x 7 days = $84,000,000 per week
1% of that is $840,000, this is the amount that will get put back in to the Auscoin Network EVERY WEEK. This will grow the value of the token exponentially.

- The cost to roll-out, fit, install, and operate 1500 ATM's is over $30,000,000.
- By us doing this, Australia will potentially become the first country in the world to reach mass adoption
- We are giving back to everyone involved - 1% of all transactions - not profit - transactions! We are doing this by putting that percentage back in to the Auscoin Network!

Now's the time to buy Auscoin!

>> No.16114837

Didn't the main Turk cunt behind this coin get busted for drug dealing? I remember him pretending to be some big shot trader but he was really selling coke

>> No.16114844





>> No.16114857

That's already the perception from the media (which I seem to have) This project has already failed bro. I didn't mean to spread FUD. Just a PR nightmare for you

>> No.16114867


We are partnered with Bitcoin though

you can't buy that kind of publicity

come join my fb group it's called Crypto Calls Australia

>> No.16114872

Is he 15? Is he 45? Fuck knows.
Reminder every single aussie crypto project has been a complete fucking scam.

>> No.16114891
File: 160 KB, 1235x1413, 1572655612388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I guarantee this ICO will 10x in one year.

>> No.16114913


did you have the same TA mentor I did?

>> No.16114933


all you need to do is review my fb group and you will see that only the smartest of un-scammable followers are with me