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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16114255 No.16114255 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think y'all realize this. BTC is at 9300 and showing strength. This period is ALMOST identical to 2017 when it went from a tad over 3k down to 1800 or whatever it was (i forget)....SAME FUCKIN VIBE, FEELING, "PREDICTIONS", ETC.....Bear season was kinda obvious if you look back
>cnbc bitcoin bug
>Bitcoin mentioned in sitcoms
>"btc is going straight to 100k mindset
Yep, y'all got fucked and roasted. If anyone here really thinks that BTC is going to go back to 3k or whatever nonsense then please GTFO of biz. I don't even understand why some of you idiots are on here if you don't fuck with SMG and crypto threads but talk shit about everything. Enjoy being poor. BTC has officially won over the world, it really is pandoras box...this shit is here to stay.

>> No.16114285

ok panjeet

>> No.16114289

I'm with you. Autist need to just chill and blaze one. Price lags models. get over it. It will be 16k sometime soon so whatevs.

>> No.16114339

>Accepted nowhere
>used by no one
>no use case
>magically has value because reasons
yea. ima head out.jpg

>> No.16114341

mate, i get it. you are sick of the BSV fags and the chainlink. but you dont need to screech about BTC being the best coin because we already know that. so take the time to look at the stock to flow model here https://digitalik.net/btc/..

then when you are done looking at that carefully and quietly delet this and don't go down the level of this shitcoin fags again. have a good one.

>> No.16114351

we're still in 2015

>> No.16114366

>This period is ALMOST identical to 2017
It's nothing like 2017.

>> No.16114376

The only "blackswan" to happen in crypto was mtgox. If it wasn't for those fags the market would've hit 20k by 2015-2016 I do believe, so it's actually not suprising to me were going to hit 100k so soon

>> No.16114387
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friend, I've been here since jan 17. I've done well. I love biz but can't stand the influx of kids with .01 BTC talking how they are whales, btc going to 4k based on.....nothing and other garbage. link i actually like, i bought $600 at $.28 just incase ala antshares. and guess what?

>> No.16114389


>> No.16114425

You only have a few thousand link? Get more. Now.

>> No.16114460

most of my portfolio is btc, some ltc, tiny bit of xrp, eos, dgb, link............coins i have a shit ton but haven't done shit are VTC, VRC, VRM, KMD

>> No.16114500

Take your nigger normie memes with you.

>> No.16114507
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>My portfolio
>crypto only
pick one

>> No.16114558
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>> No.16114582

ill pick up my trezor and smile knowing you are priced out from ever having anything near my stack.

>> No.16114593
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now this is spooky

>> No.16114615


>> No.16114729

>now this is spooky
Algos will be Algos > Bet half you fucks wrote your own. Fuck off. I'm buying.

>> No.16114754

I don't understand, it's a bullish post, what are you sperging about

>> No.16114895

June 2016 was based
bonnaroo headlined by dead and co.
penguins won stanley cup
early July was the halving

>> No.16114925
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5k december

>> No.16114926

I feel it

>> No.16115253

Get off my lawn...errrr... native wild plants and low water irrigation. I was talking about the how yuou autist are smarter than the average meat bag like myself...and I make an Asperger of myself but at least know you are playing 5d chess. So I just sit the fuck out.

>> No.16115289

Quit the BS.

>> No.16115316

I'm from reddit. Came for..................

The Prophecy....you gonna' let me stay?

>> No.16115356

Tfw missed the Bitcoin train and realise it's already so expensive i can never own 1 Bitcoin...

Why wont it crash to like $500 for a few days guys so i can buy one? It has to some day right?

>> No.16116045

>never own 1 Bitcoin...

>> No.16116066

If BTC crashed to $500 you wouldn't have the balls to buy it

>> No.16116074

Yeah. I'm all in at 600. No balls to play with.

>> No.16116121

And you still post in BTC threads. lad, wew.

>> No.16116136

I've been market buying BTC the last couple weeks. Bull market vibes are in the air. Just not many people accept it yet. Exact same tension as the top of the bull market, except inverted.

>> No.16116138

whatever dumb nigger, you dont know. it could correct back down to 5k tomorrow

>> No.16116150
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yeah I really doubt it

>> No.16116153

Yet again, /biz/ is early to the party. First it was Asuka prophecy, then slowly the rest of the board began waking up to the new shift in direction. Now Asuka has filtered out of /biz/ and into the mainstream. Then slowly the realization of the inevitability of the return of a bull market will dawn on them, and finally to all the retail that still hasn't gotten in, but keeps hearing about this Bitcoin thing.

>> No.16116158

why? it was 5k for a minute earlier this year

>> No.16116164

You're the dumb nigger thinking it could randomly correct back down to 5k tomorrow.
>Be on /biz/ January 2018
>OP: Bitcoin topped at $20, we bear now
>You: whatever dumb nigger, you don't know. It could go to $25k tomorrow

>> No.16116182

my point is that the price cannot be predicted (as the failure of asuka demonstrates.) 80% of coin supply is held by whales and you have no idea what their personal finances are and what motivates their decisions

TA and hype in the news/normie media means NOTHING when it comes to the BTC market

>> No.16116190
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too much is going on
retail, institutional, development, education, governments are fucking up, the economy is fucking up, communists are getting elected and crashing economies
bitcoin is about to explode

>> No.16116215

TA means nothing to me. I base my impression solely on feeling for the market, watching price react to certain levels, volume spikes, conversations with normie retail investors, etc.
Bitcoin will never, EVER, dip below $6k again. I've been through this rollercoaster twice since 2013. Odds are you bought your first Bitcoin in 2018.
Maybe it'll kiss $7k again if you're lucky before bouncing off again.

>> No.16116218


>> No.16116233

I and other bulls have conviction because of philosophically-rooted understandings of Bitcoin and years of trial, error, and observation, while you have nothing but uncertainty and confusion. You are GAY!

>> No.16116736

i bought BTC in 2013 and you're probably a NEET zoomerfag. you dont have "philosphically based understanding," you have anime memes. you're stupid

>> No.16117218

This faggot thinks Bitcoin will ever reach $100k LOL

Bitcoin will never even reach 30k. There are thousands of good coins out there that are now better than Bitcoin, and even with bank partnerships. No point in holding this shitcoin.

>> No.16118178
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>and showing strength
...in going down. Bobo is right >>16114925
Only fomo buyers at $9000 because
>waiting for $6000 dip mindset

>> No.16119071
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this kills the bear

>> No.16119091

btc is the only crypto ive ever actually used... yes it was to buy weed but that doesnt matter

>> No.16119118

I hate to burst your bubble on this. Really, I do, but this is essentially the same as 2015. Wait until the end of 2020, spring of 2021 to start getting excited.

>> No.16119192
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do tell us anon, i like to know all possible angles,