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16107691 No.16107691 [Reply] [Original]

Why release Bitcoin under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto only to reveal that you are Craig Wright, the inventor of Bitcoin, several years later?

>> No.16107705
File: 56 KB, 621x702, corecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're going to 16k boys! Asuka! Strap in!

>> No.16107717

Except he was doxed in 2015 you moron

>> No.16107719
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>We're going to flip bitcoin! Strap in boys!

>> No.16107723

Please, do elaborate...

>> No.16107736
File: 1011 KB, 982x731, 23048sdf324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean when he back edited his blog in 2014 to claim he wrote the whitepaper?
god you dudes are dumb.

>> No.16107739

Tulip Trust
Feb. 2020
Black swan event, BTC to $0.
See you there Greg.

>> No.16107756

Wow seriously? What a piece of shit

>> No.16107763

This. All this fud is fantastic B-BUT HE CAN'T BE SATOSHI B-BECAUSE..

>> No.16107768
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BSV => immutable child pornography

>> No.16107777

Bitcoin (BTC) will hit $77,777.77 in 2020

>> No.16107783

moving the date already....so lame.

>> No.16107831
File: 80 KB, 750x498, 1566409517708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Tulip trust" is astroturfing by glowniggers, literally a fearmongering chutzpah campaign

>> No.16107832


>> No.16107856

The power of seven's has created reality

>> No.16107870

He's given plausible explanations why.

Look them up, cuntfuck.

>> No.16107882
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holy quads!

>> No.16107903

he gave explanations. they were far from plausible though. he just talks and talks and talks and talks and...nothing actually happens, what a loser

>> No.16107939

nononono you said january lmao

>> No.16107959
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>> No.16107966


>> No.16107976

In descending order of magnitude:

1) Legally by inventing Bitcoin CSW became a money issuer. He broke the law and could still face prison time. That's good enough of a reason to use a pseudonym as long as possible, until the project is big enough or 8,000 shitcoins sprout up diffusing responsibility.
2) He thought he couldn't patent it because it is built on existing free technology. You need a real name to patent something, so by not patenting you only need a pseudonym.
3) He was doxxed by Wire in 2015. Look up what doxxing means; it's involuntary.
4) When he proposed Bitcoin to his mailing list he was mocked. Also he was unsure if Bitcoin would even work, so he didn't use his real name.

If you do even ten minutes of research literally all of Core cuck talking points disintegrate. Meanwhile they prop up muh NiCK SzabO = NS = SN = SatoSHi NakAmoTo shit-tier "evidence." Brainlets.

>> No.16107993

Include me in the history

>> No.16108009

Oh ya fuggin chegged

>> No.16108082
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Holy Mother of God

>> No.16108109
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It's quite obvious that BSV has a paid online shilling campaign, there's just no way that there are this many stupid people who actually believe Craig is Satoshi even after all of the lies he's been caught in. Supporting his coin is one thing, but the turbo-egomaniac is paying Pajeets to post here boasting about him having a huge dick and other cringe ass shit, its fucking pathetic and it doesn't make anyone want to buy his shitcoin.

>> No.16108120
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1555468548993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your input, totally regular anon-kun.

>> No.16108125
File: 385 KB, 517x515, 1572597360682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made this thread just to grab that get with a script, a day after the failed Asuka prediction.
Cringe & yikes.

>> No.16108133

I'm not wrong though

>> No.16108212


>> No.16108255
File: 142 KB, 360x346, pepelaugh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2:33 - It's fucking Bitcoin!
Every time.

>> No.16108435

Didn't watch, not buying