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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 328 KB, 904x832, NimiKON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16106996 No.16106996 [Reply] [Original]

Nimiq is ultra cheap right now anon, get a stack before the next bullrun.

It's a payment crypto revolving around user friendliness, you can run a node directly in your browser thanks to WebRTC/Websocket and a NiPoPoW consensus method, you can create a wallet in 15sc by just visiting a website, the private key is stored locally in the browser.
Huge potential for sites/webapp integration.

Can send NIM to people who don't have an account yet with cashlinks (great for onboarding), they click the link and hop they pocket NIM.

They are partnered with WEG Bank and are developing a framework called OASIS to allow atomic swap between fiat in your bank account and crypto (will support NIM, BTC and ETH).
Integration in point of sales through Europe with Salamantex soon.

They will move to PoS next year with a consensus algo named Albatross, Nimiq will be doing between 1000-10 000 tps onchain.
NIM is available on Kucoin.

>> No.16107168

Shitcoin made by junkies and hippies. They should return drawing Unicorn and Rainbow. It's going no where, they dont have any business sense. But they are pro at saying : " MORNING ".

>> No.16107182

>They are partnered with WEG Bank and are developing a framework called OASIS to allow atomic swap between fiat in your bank account and crypto (will support NIM, BTC and ETH).
Was good until this. Banks do not and will not partner with crypto. Banking-to-crypto conversion violates AML laws.

>> No.16107185

SHUT THE FUCK UP TALLEYRAND. Just take the loss and go.

>> No.16107196

This. Nimiq are fucked. They are perfectionnist and over-analyzing. Its deadful in business. Right now they should focus on the hype and exchanges. The project is dying slowly but surely.

>> No.16107299

>Was good until this. Banks do not and will not partner with crypto. Banking-to-crypto conversion violates AML laws.

>> No.16107387
File: 39 KB, 320x257, 855-8550729_-pepe-the-frog-smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talley is ok, at least he isnt like some uppity faggots in the tg semen slurping the team at every critic with arms long walls of text

cant build hype like in 2017, see the ten31 thing didn't move shit, too many bagholders, exchange part is true though, just put the money to list on binance you stingy fucks
last chance is oasis and inflation change with move to pos

>> No.16107528

I could find and post the necessary links, but I'll leave it as an exercise for you. Think about this instead: why are banks in most countries keen on blocking credit card purchases of cryptocurrency and transfers to crypto exchanges like Coinbase? Because they're eager to integrate fiat-to-crypto conversion? Or the opposite?

>> No.16107556


>> No.16107718
File: 14 KB, 619x162, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek close, he's one of my buddies and a bizfag too, who're you?

WEG won't touch a crypto on OASIS tx, they're a regulated API provider meant to be used by DEX as a bridge.
Euro banks will have to shut the fuck up about who can process your payment with PSD2 now anycase.

We don't have details on how it works yet, it is the big downside, the other is having the cancerous tokenpay tards in the TEN31 shit

>> No.16107800

I was holding nimiq for like half a year but opportunity cost is wayyyy too much.
It will be trading for mining cost in a year as well.