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16090554 No.16090554 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the Gold standard end/got abandoned? Why shouldn't currecies be pegged to gold?

>> No.16090576

because increased productivity due to more population and education. If gold were a standard, a limited resource, and it was tied to production, an almost unlimited resource, then we would get hyper inflation. The same you see with bitcoin would happen. Your same 8 hours would only buy .06 of a bitcoin where it used to buy 1 bitcoin as an example.

>> No.16090581

The U.S. didn't have enough gold to back their spending, read about Bretton-Woods.

>> No.16090590


>> No.16090606

But that was US PROBLEM. was it not their mismanagement and over lending?

What was wrong with the gold standard itself?

>> No.16090667
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>> No.16090697

oy vey

>> No.16090723

deflation, dickhead.

>> No.16090742

they should be pegged to it, but gold pegging meant the US couldn't expand their money supply easily, and faggots it Yurop kept demand their gold back which was kept in US reserves, so they decided to 'temporarily' break it in the 70s but never returned to it.

>> No.16090764

theory would be the the gold standard slows the velocity of money, prevents cheap credit and lending, and thereby slows growth. Always prevents governments manipulating the money supply which they love to do in recessions.

Keynesian economics is why the world is such a shit hole now.

>> No.16090794

Thank you! I was confused, isn't it deflation too.

Fuck the US, if they cocked up their monetary policies, why should the rest of the world suffer.

>Always prevents governments manipulating the >money supply which they love to do in recessions.

Why is this a bad thing??? That's GOOD - Why is that a bad thing?

Can you do a TL;DR of Keynesian economics.

You explain things well and direct and simple.

I have read things about Austrian economics and Mises and Ron Paul

>> No.16090805

Ever increasing economic productivity and population and a physically scarce currency leads to deflation.
Deflation is pretty bad for an economy for several reasons.
One of the simplest reasons is that it stops people from investing in things because just keeping hold of your cash is probably a better return on investment than whatever you're going to invest in.
It also causes people to put off purchases for the same reason, your money in the bank will be worth more next year. Which is pretty shit for business too.
It also makes debt a nightmare because the size of your debt increases over time as the currency deflates in addition to the rate of interest.

Google deflationary spiral.

>> No.16090827

That was not just the US's problem.
The US dollar was pegged for exchange for an equivalent amount of gold.
GBP was the currency for gold exchange pre-war.
Post-war, GBP was in the shit like the rest of the world.
Bretton-Woods needed to end to usher in QE. QE doesn't work with a physical currency.
T-bills and their international equivalents are stores of value conducive to QE and repo markets.

>> No.16090841

Delete this thread right now goyim.

>> No.16090852

>people living longer than ever and less starvation and poverty than ever
seems better to me, maybe not to christtards

>> No.16090861

Can't believe this took 3 posts.

>> No.16090905


>> No.16090919

The Keynesian TLDR is this: Velocity of money is the most important aspect of any economy. Money must move through the economy, and it cannot be allowed to sit. It does not matter specifically where that money is going, so long as it is going.

Basically, Keynesianism favors high time preference over rational allocation of money. It's basically why people think that the outsourcing of jobs overseas (USA to China) is somehow a good thing for the economy because consumer prices lower and allow for more spending. However, a Keynesian would not consider the fact that removing production from any economy hollows a country out and leads to significant unemployment and an increase in the necessity to extend debt.

>> No.16090932

If we just outlawed interest the debt wouldn't be a problem with a gold standard. The other problems aren't really problems.

>> No.16090938

because the kikes.

>> No.16090950

Go- ehh.. I mean anons.
Im afraid we have to shit this thread down.
It's for your own good. Great niggerball game tonight, better not miss.

>> No.16091028

That's because of capitalism, not because of good monetary or fiscal policy, if anything, it's occurred in spite of governments fucking about.

Governments think they know better, they never do, see; communisms persistent fuck ups when the state controls resources.

True free market economics with a hard money would allocate resources better.

Keynes basic principle was to the drive economic growth by pushing consumer consumption. Consumption is good according to him. This idea has led to cheap debt driving the world and massive boom and bust cycles. The busts don't fully reset things because governments manipulate their monetary and fiscal policy.

This all leading to one massive collapse of the current financial system. The US is going to temper this as best it can and become like Japan with zombie companies and banks that the government owns rather than allowing them to collapse.

Bitcoin can help all this or become an alternative financial system.

>> No.16091059

>Google deflationary spiral.
Deflationary spirals are created by the extension of credit and fractional reserve banking. They happen because fake "assets" are destroyed when an economy contracts or goes into recession that came after an expansion based on cheap money. If your economy is based on a hard asset, that asset can't simply be destroyed as the result of a downturn. Also, the gold supply increases every year, so thinking that it's somehow going to cause rapid deflation is hilarious.

>It also causes people to put off purchases for the same reason, your money in the bank will be worth more next year. Which is pretty shit for business too.
Oof, the "saving is bad argument." Why does it make more sense for someone who knows nothing about investing to put money in the stock market so they can get some sort of yield? It's a large part of the reason index funds were created, and shit like index funds are causing massive overvaluations of companies. Why not let real investors invest in businesses they think are actually viable? Do you really think things like Venture Capital are good? Do we really need more shitty tech companies? What about WeWork? Do you think that should be a legitimate business model.

TL;DR: Fiat and Keynesian Theory create the problems they claim to solve.

>> No.16091088

Thank you! Which ticker is Bitcoin to you?


Let me ask YOU a question,
The idea People will HOARD money is stupid.

The iPhone 11 costs $900

If you wait 2 years the price will FALL to $700.

Guess what people do? They buy NOW! the saving doesnt matter.

Same thing with deflation. No one cares if the money will be worth more tomorrow. People will still buy food and stuff today.

If money were to deflate at 1% per year. Who cares? Would people suddenly stop buying shit?

>> No.16091100

Deflationary spiral is theoretical. There isn’t demonstrable proof it would happen. People can still choose to hold gold and preserve their wealth, and benefit From holding a scarce asset. If everyone would choose to sell their dollars for gold, we would for all practical purposes still be living in the deflationary spiral voodoo world, and people would still invest in value producing assets like stocks because they pay a dividend and appreciate with human productivity. Letting money be a commodity isn’t some evil way to disincentivize economic activity, it’s just a way to make sure banks and governments don’t have to power to seize wealth through inflation and currency devaluation

>> No.16091109

you've been brainwashed. no, it's not "pretty shit" for business. it just enables clean and thoughtful business with no waste like now.
unless you mean hyper deflation. but slight deflation is in fact the healthiest thing. money has to be worth something long term in order for people to care more about it.

>> No.16091112

>skim through this
>edgy Libertarians, pseuds, and anti-semites all spouting off
>ctrl f Charles De Gaulle
>0 results

This is a pleb board.

>> No.16091120

Yes, the greatest Jewish talking point:
>no, goy you can’t have purchasing power
Meanwhile fucking Bill Gates could buy out the whole NFL Mandingo game and still wouldn’t feel a thing.
Fuck you.

>> No.16091127

>meanwhile this faggot shows up, ruining it for everyone involved in this thread
Get out, schmuck

>> No.16091160

The gold standard was abandoned because none of the world's governments wanted disciplined money supply control. During the Great Depression, countries such as Sweden depegged from gold and avoided a deflationary spiral. The US had already entered a deflationary spiral and rather than just let the deflation burn itself out, the governments repeated efforts to arrest the deflationary spiral just prolonged the suffering. When FDR won the presidency, one of the first things he did was to devalue the USD by changing its peg to gold from $20.67/oz to $35.00/oz.

The only way to avoid a deflationary spiral is to not build up a ton of trash debt in the first place. Barring that, a deflationary spiral is arrested by ripping off people who have saved and were foolish or unlucky enough to have their savings in money without any hedges.

>> No.16091183

Expand and give a example of "deflationary spiral" to a half brainlet.? I still dont fully understand it.Thank you

>> No.16091257

google this, you don't need spoon feeding dipshit, this isn't school.

>> No.16091407

Thanks, but what I dont get is, what is the actual trigger or start or cause - the initial cause?

- Let's assume there was a real gold standard, and there were multiple counties all growing slowly and some very fast and some very slow e.g 4% to 0.7%.

How does the "initial" trigger or cause start off? on a gold standard.


>> No.16091423

Shut up faggot
But this is pretty based, and caused Nixon to do what he did

>> No.16091697

Jews anon.

>> No.16091704

>Why did the Gold standard end/got abandoned?
it was a drag on the economy

>> No.16091737

The initial cause would be a decreased demand for stuff. This may be due to recession, it might be due to interest rates being too low for too long and propping up asset prices and debt levels too high. Once cracks start forming and people start defaulting on their debt, and sell off their assets to pay back, and stop spending, and start losing their jobs, and spending Slows and prices for stuff goes down and you are in the middle of a financial crisis- supposedly the deflation spirals as people are less willing to spend and that causes prices to lower further. Fact is, though, you had unsustainable debt that led to it. It has nothing to do with who controls the money supply. Gold or monopoly Fed money, it’s really a pick your poison kind of situation because really in the beginning there was debt and people can’t hold their shit when it comes to sweet sweet debt

>> No.16091811

> anti semites

Let me tell you about The Rothschilds, The London Gold Fix, The Federal Reserve and World War 2 anon....

>> No.16091863

>You want your wage to be worth something?!?
>it's annuda shoah!

>> No.16092093

Go on..

>> No.16092443

Because all pegs must fail in the end. Why should any sane government waste efforts on trying to maintain a fixed price for gold? Why not fix the price of meat or eggs or something? It's the same stupid operation but big government libertarians resort to all kinds of magical woo woo thinking when it comes to gold for some reason... if you can smell through the bullshit they really want to make it more expensive for governments to operate and decrease aggregate spending. If you have to dig up shiny rocks and pay people to guard them in a vault before you can do anything that's a big hurdle to getting anything done.

This is confused strawman bullshit. Yes Keyensians would insist money "sitting" isn't doing anything. Saving isn't productive, investment is and investment isn't saving. When a company spends buying machinery or employing more people they aren't "saving", they're spending. When you hoard gold under your bed you're "saving". Banks extending loans (and they're not really constrained by depositors in this regard) can be productive if they're doing it wisely.
It's not "statist" Keyensians who talk about the virtues of outsourcing but liberal economists mostly. China is a net saver, they buy American T-Bill's and sit on them. If you want Americans to work more and consume less Trump and the Fed could turn Chinas "saving account" at the Fed so to speak into a checkings account at any moment.

>Letting money be a commodity isn’t some evil way to disincentivize economic activity, it’s just a way to make sure banks and governments don’t have to power to seize wealth through inflation and currency devaluation
If all money but commodity money disappeared tomorrow you would absoultly collapse economic activity.

>> No.16092541

We don't allow the existence of this thread, delete it now goy

>> No.16092749

>Why did the Gold standard end/got abandoned?

1. under the gold standard (((they))) cannot simpy print more gold like they can do with dollars to, for example, fund more wars for Israel or promote gender studies

2. (((they))) don't want you to be able to save money long term and buy hard assets like real estate, land and RE are for them, not for you. You either are a permanent rentKEK, drown in debt for 30 years or get fucked by inflation, perfect (((system)))

3. When (((they))) finally own all the land and housing they'll become the ultimate overlords

4. easy way to keep the society poor by devaluing their savings to make sure they remain debt slaves for life

>Fuck the US, if they cocked up their monetary policies, why should the rest of the world suffer.
All the states are ruled by the same (((people))), doesn't it seam weird to you that all the different countries ruled allegedly by different groups of people implement the exact same parasitic monetary policy? politicians are puppets, they (((ones))) pulling the strings decide the rules for money on the entire planet

TLDR: JEWS, totally unirocnially

>> No.16092768

kill half the world population and this problem would be solved desu

>> No.16092856
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>if the government just fixed the price of gold maybe I would have a girlfriend

>> No.16092878
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>> No.16092885

>Saving isn't productive, investment is and investment isn't saving
then how are people supposed to save for a house according to you? gambling on the stock market ponzi? great system right there, but hey, at least 'the money is moving theough the economy' right?

>> No.16093016

Well firstly the housing market is fucked everywhere because it's over regulated, NIMBY, etc, etc. Lots of issues there. Ideally incomes would be much higher and as much saving wouldn't be necessary to afford such essentials. I'm not saying anyone should stop you from buying and hoarding whatever you want (unless it's nuclear material or something really deserving intervention) but incentivizing hoarding is dumb.

>> No.16093076

>Lots of issues there.
devaluing people's savings is the number one issue, because of inflation rich fucks buy up all the real estate to park their money in something safe, then you end up with rich chinks and kikes owning empty appartaments just to beat inflation, really healthy evonomy right there, keynes would be proud of this fuckery

>but incentivizing hoarding is dumb.
no one incentivizes hoarding, no one even hoard just for the purpose of hoarding, Jesus Christ, in your world view saving for something long or even mid term is bad practive and we should all spend our entire income on stupid shit, just to spend it right away
that new Iphone is sure gonna improve average joe's quality of life while all the rich landlords are laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.16093148

>This is confused strawman bullshit.
A Keynesian absolutely would agree with the "positive" principles of outsourcing.

>Saving isn't productive, investment is
Absolutely retarded. Modern economics and Keynesians have completely lost sight of why you want an economy to grow, and just want to make sure the numbers keep getting bigger. Saving is productive. The whole point of wanting a strong economy is so that you have a strong society, and make sure future generations have it better than you did. Otherwise, what the hell are we doing any of this for? It's hilarious when people try to paint saving as "hoarding," when that person likely worked hard to earn that money and simply doesn't want to get jewed out of it. Saving, for example, allows you to have kids because you are reasonably sure that you can support them in the future. And having kids is a productive thing to do... Economies need people. This is specifically why you are seeing declining birth rates in the western world and the importation of minorities. In fact, pretty much the only place outside of the West where you see this is Japan. And guess what? Japan modeled their economic and banking structure after us. The lack of the ability to save is destroying the western world. Also, to address the idea that all investment is good, please refer to >>16091059 .

>Banks extending loans (and they're not really constrained by depositors in this regard) can be productive if they're doing it wisely.
The fact that they aren't constrained by depositors means they are unfairly benefiting by loaning money that doesn't exist. Seems pretty wrong to me. And they will never do it wisely, as it will never go toward something productive. Check out the housing bubble and the currently forming student loan bubble. Houses can act as collateral, and the gender studies major can't default on xer loan. Neither of these things are productive because they wouldn't need loans without central banks or fiat money.

>> No.16093298

>devaluing people's savings is the number one issue
You obviously realize stocks and real-estate for better or worse aren't being "devalued", gold is freely floating so whatever's going on there isn't the governments fault... so what's being devalued? The dollar? Who's storing USD under their beds? The Chinese? I guess they're just dumb.
You can disincentive people inflating the cost of living by taxing land value and such... all land not being utilized most effectively would be put to use quickly and you'd see some change.
You're not getting to the root of why people need to save (or borrow) so much just to cover what a basic income should purchase easily.

Sorry to tell you but liberal economists really like free trade and are the ones who mostly taught the value of outsourcing.
You realize Japan has an abnormally high savings rate right? You're argument doesn't really work there since people are saving and not even having kids. They hardly consume and that's one of their economic problems.
Also speculative lending isn't the result of fiat, people will always lend and borrow with stupid intentions... it just makes its consequences more controllable. When things go real bad and you have to maintain a peg the illusion justs pops and things go out of control.

>> No.16093368

>so what's being devalued? The dollar?
obviously that's what I was talking about

>Who's storing USD under their beds? The Chinese? I guess they're just dumb.
the average joe from lower or even middle class, instead of being able to save money peacefully people are forced to gamble that money on some BS stock market ponzis just to maybe presrve their purchasing power, and if the stock market goes tits up because it was overvalued or some faggot from the FED deicdes to flip the switch and raise interest rates then the average joe can se bye to his money, really healthy eonomy!

Printing money creates all the problems, all the boom and bust cycles in which every time the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it's not capitalism or free market when the money supply is constantly being manipulated by some greedy banksters

>> No.16093383

You guys are all retards pegging money to a scarce resource keeps the currency stagnate and stable, but the economy will still grew. It actually helps the economy grew since people can be sure their money will be worth the same when they worked for it thus making them more likely to work but not discouraging them from investing. Gdp is more important that the value of a currency.

>> No.16093400

Something something republicans were drafted first and sent to the front.

>> No.16093413
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Say no more.

>> No.16093466
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Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he’s fed.
Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.
Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway!
Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.
Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then tax his tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ***.
Tax all he has Then let him know, That you won’t be done till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers Then tax him more,
Tax him till he’s good and sore.
Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he’s laid.
Put these words Upon his tomb, ‘Taxes drove me to my doom.. . ‘
When he’s gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax.

>> No.16093481
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So you want the government to fix prices and try to guarantee outcomes? Ya, prices go up and down in markets, it's not fair! Like I'm saying most issues aren't the result of monetary policy and could be easily solved but would hurt other vested interests so that's the primary issue. You could drive down the cost of homes but homeowners don't want that.

If you want to define a free market as only when the government says only gold is money and forbids all settlements in anything else and everyone is at the mercy of private gold merchants only then that's even stupider.

>> No.16093530

This post is 98% semitic

>> No.16093599

bc gravel is worth more

>> No.16093724

Yes, liberal economists like free trade... never said they didn't. All I'm saying is that it has allowed Keynesian theory to shine, and undeservedly in many ways. I am aware that Japan has high savings rates. But again, you're simply looking at numbers, and not considering much else. Maybe overall savings is high, but if you break it down by generation, you can see that savings in the 70s and 80s was very high, and so was the birthrate. Both begin to drop off after that time and you really start to see low birthrates and savings after the Lost Decade. That crisis was almost certainly caused by the central bank and fiat currency... read Princes of the Yen. Fiat currencies fuck with societies more than we can fathom. Hard money is the only basis that an economy can be built on. And how does fiat make the "consequences more controllable"? If you own gold and silver instead of fiat, it doesn't matter what anyone else does. Your money can never be messed with or devalued (assuming no giant stockpile of PMs is found) if that's what your economy is based on.

>> No.16093737

because jews enslave people

>> No.16093757

Also, it's really hard to ignore Japan's weird culture where wageslaving is considered to be a virtue. I don't honestly know how you change that, and it makes their desire to reproduce lower because many of them unironically place a higher value on working that starting a family. Jews really took advantage of their desire to be the best and sacrifice themselves for the greater good (of their company in this case). Quite sad, the Japanese are pretty based.

>> No.16093811

The endgame of this should be very interesting. We’re locked into a Keynesian debt trap a generation in the making and if populations actually start dropping in the west I’m expecting the 2030s to be a hell of a decade.

>> No.16093904

Can anyone genuinely refute this? Not bait. I stack silver, one day gold, but I keep myself on my toes with stuff like this video and threads like this.

>> No.16093984
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It's pretty concerning honestly. We should have ripped off the bandaid and figured something out in 08, but we just hope the bleeding stops. The general populace is so overlevered with debt and people are getting wrecked by shitty central bank policy. Something really needs to change because all of this wreaking havoc on society top to bottom. I don't know what happens when your tax paying, law abiding population stops reproducing and starts aging, and they begin to need help from the government they paid into. All while you have people imported in from the third world who are expecting their gibs, and the system starts to fail/has failed. This whole system is completely screwed and younger generations are looking toward socialism to solve their problems, when they should be looking at the central bank and the shitty socialist programs that caused these problems. I can't remember where I saw it, but someone once said the "FDR's New Deal will one day be considered the greatest short term success, and the most catastrophic long term policy in history." And I tend to agree. Things are going to get extremely ugly, and I'm trying to figure out how me and my family will get through it. I think you are right, the 2030s are going to be absolutely crazy, and I think they may be worse than we can even imagine right now.

>> No.16094009

>If we just outlawed interest
yeah good idea just simply don't reward people for taking a risk! i'm sure they will continue to lend. fucking brainlets...

>> No.16094059
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I think it’ll take full scale, like international, debt repudiation and probably a series of sovereign defaults, rebellions and wars unless there’s some magical way to kick the can forever that I’m not aware of. This seems to be the logical conclusion of this system, at least in my view. Debts that can’t be repaid won’t be repaid and that eventual realization on a grand scale should be most entertaining.

>> No.16094124

The answer is literally "the jews changed the rules to benefit themselves" but you get called an ebil racist for telling the truth in 2019.

>> No.16094133
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Yes they have many tricks up their sleeves.

>> No.16094202

Am I too understand that gunz and ammo are literally the safest and smartest investments long term? Thanks /biz/

>> No.16094207

I guess that's really the only way isn't it? All I know is I'll be stacking silver and some gold leading up to this. I'm most interested in when this might happen... It's seeming more likely as time goes on that we're closer to this than we realize.


>> No.16094352

I'll take Islamic Banking for 500, Alex

>> No.16094436

t. actually peter schiff
very high IQ couldnt have typed it out better myself
all you need to make it with elites is gold and silver

>> No.16094450

they have DEWs, mininukes, EMPnukes, other lasers and ultrasonic ultramaneuverable UFO's. guns and ammo wont do shit to their magic technology.
only gold and silver will buy you entrance into the winning team

>> No.16094455

yeah, god forbid people are rewarded for saving their money

>> No.16094468

as a society we don't want to reward people for hoarding money

>> No.16094522

this of course

>> No.16094540

you think retards with attention spans of 10 seconds wont go out and put 6 bucks on coffee or 900 bucks on the newest iphone? most people dont save anything

>> No.16094566

I wasn't insinuating I wanted to be on the "winning team" or any team for that matter.. I want protection from hordes of animals and the likes of you

>> No.16094608

you're 100% right
it can be become a problem but it's such an unlikely one and less likely in modern times with so many options and ways to spend

>> No.16094613

I see people don;t know what deflation is. Pls google it now! Deflation is worst then inflation that is why we have the current monetary system. Both have problems but is the smallest bad out of 2 bad options.

>> No.16094646

I have saved all my life, and most of my income goes in to savings, i live with my parents to save more, 32 year old. I live in a poor country so it's a lot less if some one in the west started to save up even for a few months. It's a complex topic and has multiple socio-economical aspects, blanket statements are just misleading.

>> No.16094726


For gold standard to flourish you need de-regulation, the limited supply of gold negates bad investments/shitty loans.

Deregulation + Gold Standard = good
Regulation + Fiat = good

Arguably we have a de-regulated fiat economy world wide and thats why retarded for profit bankers ruin the economy every 10 years.

>> No.16094747

Do you really think people will never spend money? Like, they're just going to starve, be homeless, never drive a car, or seek entertainment? This is such a shit argument. Use your brain. Sure, people might think twice about spending their money on things they don't strictly need, but why is that a bad thing? I genuinely don't understand the "hoarding" argument. It's their money, they earned it. Someone had to pay them, and that person certainly wasn't hoarding it. Why is it a better alternative to devalue currency to force them to spend or invest it? This is how you get bubbles, shit companies, and bloated economies. Sounds strangely like the world we live in today.

>> No.16094772

The one who controls the currency has total power. No one can stop him. And he will use it to undermine the population via economic suffering. Low interest rates creates a society without savings.

Remember that interest rates are created by the free market according to the amounts of savings a society has. If there are almost no savings there must be almost no people lending money therefore interest rates should skyrocket, If there are a ton of savings, interest rates plummets as there are a lot of people lending money. No savings with an artificially low interest rate gives the wrong incentives to the economic agents, making them prone to invest in whatever market comes out as money is losing purchasing power via inflation (the only way to lower interest rates artificially). This is called capital's structure. What should we be building, hospitals or bakery shops? Economic agents start investing in pharaonic enterprises when the economy lack savings. The lack of savings mean the vast mayority of those enterprises will fail. Wrong investments destroy the economy in the long run. Resources are destined to fields not needed and fields largely needed of resources lack them.

It all comes down the the economic calculation problem.

>> No.16095088

kikes couldn't create money to lend out of nothing
they had to make sure you had collateral otherwise you could fuck them in the ass
now they don't care since it's not real money, but made up lala fairy dust money

>> No.16095116

Bretton Woods was an international agreement you dullard, it’s failure was a direct demonstration of why the gold standard can’t work for a globalized economy. Wanting to return to it is just retarded

>> No.16095129

christ neo-nazis are so cringe when they talk about economics. nothing is stopping the proud white man from leveraging debt and fiat to promote rapid economic growth, it’s literally what the Nazis did through the 1930s. Read about the fiscal policy of Hjalmar Schacht instead of regurgitating the same idiotic bullshit about gold being “real money”

>> No.16095190
File: 36 KB, 297x365, 1571861551444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t.

>> No.16095202

refusing to recognize what makes an economy work isn’t very smart anon, you’re literally ceding control to people who do understand and take advantage of it

>> No.16095248

It doesn't matter if these retards can change the rules on the spot, it's like when a kid is losing at a game he made up, he starts making up/changing rules so the game will always be in his favor, but these spoiled kids have control of missiles and militaries now.

>> No.16095287

>not just charging a flat amount for a loan and abolishing jewsury

>> No.16095290

w j e

>> No.16095313

Because it limits the amount of money a government can print. Governments are no different than banks, and gold-backed currencies are based on fractional reserves. At some point a country doesn't have enough gold to back up all the money and thus has to stop printing. That turns the currency deflationary and gets rid of the hidden inflation tax and wrecks havoc on national balance sheets. There is nothing innately wrong about inflationary currencies. The only people who suffer are greedy politicians and central bankers. But that same reason is why the gold pegging has to be removed.

>> No.16095348

>Your same 8 hours would only buy .06 of a bitcoin where it used to buy 1 bitcoin as an example.

But wouldn't the goods you buy also cost less? You make less money and you spend less money, but your buying power is the same. So what's the problem?

>> No.16095413
File: 38 KB, 680x551, 9obr8xnt9op21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If gold were a standard, a limited resource, and it was tied to production, an almost unlimited resource, then we would get hyper inflation.
The absolute fucking state.

>> No.16095425
File: 42 KB, 645x729, 1567776462199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont like how responsible that sounds
>hmm... what should i-
HOARDING! mother fucking hoarders!

>> No.16095457

He's just showing the history of how governments cannot be trusted to maintain a gold standard. That's a failure of government, not the commodity.

>> No.16095465

And now they've backed us into a corner by enabling third worlders each have 20 kids. This wouldn't have been possible on a sound money system.

>> No.16095643

because they switched to petrol. Before the inflation in the last couple decades, the dollar was 1:1 with crude oil. Now it's like 1.5:1

>> No.16095668

What is the problem with hoarding? If someone hoards money and never uses it, doesn't he just increase the buying power of those that do use money? Isn't he just acting for other people's benefit?

>> No.16095687

Yes a gold standard (or bitcoin standard) would slow the movement of money because money would be a good store of value.

For poor people this would be fantastic, currently they live hand to mouth, can’t ‘invest’ because of lack of time, and their purchasing power drops, trapping them in poverty. If they could save they could improve their lives easier.

Secondly, it means people would only invest/consume useful things. Modern society encourages consumption of total worthless throwaway garbage. ‘Investments’ mean buying ETFs and incredibly overvalued equities because; what else you gonna do with your worthless money? Cheap debt has pushed the stock market to all time highs with stock buy backs, yet the companies are producing the same/less than a few years ago, with lower profits.


>> No.16095882


How do you incentivize investors for providing their capital in growing businesses any other way?

>> No.16095927

But that's in theory, not in practice.

>> No.16096173

yeah no it's much better having money that is basically worthless and barely being able to afford to live