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File: 1.42 MB, 1238x1298, Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 9.28.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16087047 No.16087047 [Reply] [Original]

Fernando is usually so responsive on Twitter but he's ignoring everyone now. What is going on?

>> No.16087069

Contractual obligations have ended. He doesn’t give a fuck anymore

>> No.16087093

You retards are harassing him. If you think Oracle didn't do their due diligence on this you're fucking braindead.

>> No.16087103
File: 97 KB, 548x495, BB8DD83E-5B4D-4465-9097-040F16AA8AB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What motivates you to do this OP? Do you think it’s funny? Are you bitter? Do you really have nothing better to do then make unoriginal unfunny shitposts?

At least come up with some quality fucking OC instead of being a boring unoriginal faggot. At least if you would’ve waited until night it could’ve helped someone fall asleep because it’s so BORING and tiring

>> No.16087104

It's a scam
Chainlink is a scam


>> No.16087115

Gravel mafia blackmailed him. Don't look into it though, he might get hurt.

>> No.16087116


How'd they do their due diligence and partner with a brazilian scam ICO from 2017?

>> No.16087141

Here's the double edged sword about crypto, it allows low iq and teenage normies who know nothing about investing and enterprise etiquette to think they are like real investors and traders. No surprise no one takes this shit seriously when you have to deal with immature, insecure and agressive mouth breathers harassing you with stupid shit the moment you show interest towards adoption.

>> No.16087162

>That one anon from Oracle that said Fernando was up to something shady
Fuck, should have paid more atention tô that

>> No.16087184



>> No.16087211

this is too damn funny. i can't wait for all the pink wojak threads in the coming days

>> No.16087247
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> G R A V E L

>> No.16087271

Imagine trusting anyone south of the U.S. border

>> No.16087302

Because he finally dumped everything he had

>> No.16087327
File: 162 KB, 1023x679, 1526434361976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're about to get dunked on by a fucking Brazilian mystery meat shit stain. Buckle up boys. We're all going to be eating leftover boiled monkey down in the favelas after this next dump.

>> No.16087336

Seriously, this guy played on links emotions. Let's look at some facts:

-This guy is Brazilian (and thus is limited in thinking capacity)

-He does not give a single, solitary fuck about chainlink, he is not an employee there.

-He needed to promote the company he DOES work for, as well as the project he's working on (a wageslave clamoring for his master's attention)

-He built up anticipation for the startup announcement, knowing it would provide little benefit to link, or anyone really.

-Now that many more people know about Oracle, Oracle for startups, and Fernando and his projects.

This is how business is conducted. To me, this oracle for startups was always a B-grade possibility and is hardly a blip on the CL radar. Just sucks getting collectively played by a hue-nigger.

>> No.16087354

AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA it's another butthurt iexectard who bet on the wrong horse and got jealous Oracle isn't hooking up iexec.


That includes fucking gravel.

>> No.16087363


>> No.16087415

Exited... And he probably made millions and retired.


>> No.16087428

simmer down ramasamy, have a barfi

>> No.16087432

Site works for me lmao.

Keep trying so very very hard.

>> No.16087458
File: 725 KB, 900x755, 1540907975862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody see if Blockhead Joe is available to do a write up.

Tell him SHyde is now involved with a white supremacist Brazilian mafia gravel money laundering scheme (which is problematic)

>> No.16087469

They really do not want chainlink to moon

>> No.16087507

No shit, they're literal insExects who can't get over the fact that they bet on the wrong horse.

>> No.16087517

iExec pajeets ruining /biz/ with their spam brigade is one thing but going on twitter and harassing real people with their fud brigade is whole other level of cancer. Eyes on you, keep it up.

>> No.16087528


Linkers get stinky on twitter, but at least nobody's pulling this kind of desperate harassment (unless they ask for it, like Joey Krug).

>> No.16087561
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>> No.16087562

I hope Pakistan nukes India

>> No.16087579

we must build a big, beautiful wall of gravel to protect our man Fernando from the iexec scourge

>> No.16087594

Wonder if this can be traced back to Gilles

>> No.16087614
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Dude probably doesn't know who Oracle is lmao.

>> No.16087618


>> No.16087621
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Back to digging gravel you filthy stinkies.

>> No.16087655

He and his cousin made a killing with the start up shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone dark on oracle.

>> No.16087670
File: 270 KB, 605x941, chainlink insolar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention Quant.
Insolar is neat too, see pic. They've been at this since 2015.

That's three pretty heavy hitters for "startups". Honestly wasn't expecting that.

>> No.16087768

>Don't look into it though, he might get hurt.
>he might get hurt.
i'll look into it just for this alone.

>> No.16087796

> "what did you expect they're unestablished start ups!"
> "this one's pretty good, they've been going for 4 years!"
Pick one and only one.

>> No.16087810

>>That one anon from Oracle that said Fernando was up to something shady

and mouthbreathers on here claimed he was a 'paid fud' pajeet when he said that fernando is going to do more harm than good.

>> No.16087816

>Not to mention Quant.

quant is shit. all hype and no substance.

>> No.16087822

>Brazil is shady
>water is wet

Look. We told you not to trust that fat monkey faggot and lo n behold turns out he's untrustworthy

>> No.16087828

Look up what a startup is, dumbass.
They range wildly in revenue, age, etc.

Here's a "startup" that was founded before 2010 and has 80 million in annual sales:

>> No.16087853
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It doesnt fucking retard

>> No.16087870
File: 59 KB, 720x960, 536517F5-96F1-4E7E-9539-ED4DB49ABEE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen this post and thread before.....

>> No.16087873

Why would you lie about something that is refuted with a single click?

>> No.16087879

Any first world person knows to leave 4chan on 4chan. He thought he was special. Wrong

>> No.16087887

This is the end of Fernando. He made millions off LINK so he won't fucking care that its over now

>> No.16087902
File: 11 KB, 251x201, 1566801283564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory but it kind of falls apart if the actual chainlink team has been in good standing with Oracle. Basically, what if Fernando isn't trying to help chainlink at all but rather Oracle is using him because they know he's a fucking weirdo? Oracle historically has been the go to company for newer backend middleware tech and usually develops what would otherwise be the standards for these technologies.

What better company to create the shadowfork than Oracle themselves? Why would Oracle bend the knee when what LINK is doing is right up their alley? They're probably working on their own as we speak

>> No.16087921

The other thing that seems suspicious to me is that for the size of Oracle and how important you would think something like 50 startups using Link would be, the only real contact I've seen between sir gay and the LINK team with Oracle has been a couple blogposts

>> No.16087933
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Tgis fucker works for the Gravel Mafia !

>> No.16087934

>the only real contact I've seen between sir gay and the LINK team with Oracle has been a couple blogposts
Don't forget about the 50 startups.

>> No.16087972
File: 22 KB, 466x493, 1523559499664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I'd be glad to shit on chainlink anytime
why the fuck would an ERC20 shitcoin backed by gravel need github updates?
Why is there even a github?
It's a centralized authority that mints/burns shitcoins based on mining/selling gravel
it's like asking where's tether's github

I guess the other points are valid but I don't care just came here to rant about this bye

>> No.16087987


>> No.16087989
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Fernando was a paid marketer. Just like CREAM was paid to shill for VeChinks.

>> No.16088024

That's what I mean, we've only been given 20 startups many of which frankly look like shit. No news so far about the other 30. Maybe this isn't anything to worry about but it seems pretty incompetent of Oracle and the way Fernando interacts on twitter (now lack thereof) is kind of strange. He responds to basically everyone even actual shitposters, but suddenly stopped doing so?

This whole thing stinks but not in a memetic way

>> No.16088060
File: 1.30 MB, 1238x1298, iexec gravelcoin fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what I mean, we've only been given 20 startups many of which frankly look like shit. No news so far about the other 30.
They don't look like shit, they look like startups.
And there are a number of heavy hitters in there already.

>He responds to basically everyone even actual shitposters, but suddenly stopped doing so?
Check the tweets on this topic.
People (mostly jealous faggots from competing projects) are actively harassing him.
Pic very related.

>> No.16088100

>And there are a number of heavy hitters in there already.
are you referring to the one that doesn't know how to host it's own website? or the tech startups that haven't figured out SSL yet? or the couple ERC20 shitcoins? or the ones that sell brazilian fertilizer?

>> No.16088126

Shadowfork theories become less plausible as time progresses due to LINK's first mover network effect. They were more of a threat pre-mainnet like the original Shadowlink or the Accord fud. Oracle is just using Fernando's startup program as a way to trial and suss out the LINK technology before dipping their toes in any further. This is how adoption can happen. To Chainlink it is just a bunch of literal who customers. There's not much reason to harp on about them at this stage of their relationship.

This too, the iExec raiding fucks are overtly pushing the muh gravel strawman yet not a peep about the Barclays funded startup or Quant lmao

>> No.16088153
File: 234 KB, 1774x1274, Screen Shot 2019-10-30 at 15.13.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you lie about something that is refuted with a single click?

clear your cache. i just went on there and it's down for me too. pic related.

>> No.16088171


Ah I see, I guess the iExec shills are in full force even outside of /biz/ lately. I guess that makes sense as for the startups though I'm still not convinced. Not brainlet enough to think we were going to get anything other than literally who's I am just personally disappointing with the fact that only 20 were announced and quite a few of them look like they'll wind up being dead ends.

The fact that the LINK team keeps almost no contact with oracle is a blessing right now IMO.

>> No.16088176

I checked with various browsers and on my phone.
The website is up.

Now shoo shoo.

>> No.16088187

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.16088190


i cant remember how this iexec vs link thing started but either way it's not anywhere near a rivalry and the points this twitterfag makes in your pic are still valid nonetheless.

>> No.16088212
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The source and motives of the user asking the questions don't matter.

They bring up a very troubling complicity between spammers and LINK pump and dump cycles.

>> No.16088219
File: 62 KB, 1040x541, us-border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine trusting anyone south of the U.S. border
I agree

>> No.16088227


Unironically this

>> No.16088232
File: 49 KB, 1204x799, iexec vs chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant remember how this iexec vs link thing started
It started when iexec made pic related.

>the points this twitterfag makes in your pic are still valid nonetheless
No they aren't.
I imagine they're minting coins based on personal inputs (much like Fizzy so far).
Once they start integrating oracles there would be an uptick in code, but before that the code is irrelevant, only the minting smart contract.

>> No.16088245
File: 32 KB, 612x358, john wolpert chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The points themselves make no sense either.
See >>16088232

You mean like John Wolpert, co-founder of IBM blockchain and Hyperledger?

>> No.16088261

I meant maxcentive you dumbfuck
they're hosted on netlify and didn't even bother getting a real domain
fucking embarrassing for a tech startup (or a huge fucking red flag to anyone who isn't cripplingly retarded)

>> No.16088286

>The points themselves make no sense either.

Absolutely incorrect.

Who the fuck is Fernando Ribiero and why are him and a good number of Brazilian proxies for LINK entirely empty shells seemingly used for marketing and spam purposes.

>> No.16088336

lmao I dare you to shit out weaker fud.

I speak 5 languages fluently and I can't get myself to drag my eyes across that abomination of a sentence.

>> No.16088347

>16 posts by this ID

>> No.16088371
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And it's 17, learn numbers.

>> No.16088420


Maybe you should start by learning English and forget the other shit skin dialects.

>> No.16088427
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Intensive damage control/cope implies the iExec fags have struck some very sensitive and embarrassing facts about STINK.

>> No.16088432

(You) me some more

>> No.16088843

>18 posts by this ID
Have sex

>> No.16089097

Why isn’t anyone discussing Insolar on here? DYOR