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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 87 KB, 500x334, 1478673760577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1607630 No.1607630 [Reply] [Original]

Had $20,000 on Trump to win.

Got $85,000 back
Feels good, man

>> No.1607636

was considering going all in but only went 10% of my total money because havent had a stable safety net of funds for years

still worth it and ive got money in trumpcoin ;)

>> No.1607647

Didn't bet big, just put $100 on, pulled out $900. Pretty stoked.

>> No.1607674

where do you gamble?

>> No.1607677

good work lad.
i put 9k down for a 27k return.

i want to know where to put the money now?
any ideas?

>> No.1607679

Proof or bullshit

>> No.1607686
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>Get a load of this guy

>> No.1607721


Bet 3000 Danish Crowns (about 500 dollars)

Got 8250 Crowns in winnings

Pussied out when I should have bet when the odds were 1-5

Oh well, still enough winning for my New Years trip to the Canary Islands :)

>> No.1607727

Mutual fund with a history of at least 12% average rate of return per year.

>> No.1607858
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I put £1 on it and got £1.67 back. I'm hoping to start my investment fund sometime within the next 10000 years.

>> No.1607863
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Was 60k in debt (credit cards), 28 y/o, no sizable assets, was considering bankruptcy as a 'solution, thought if I go bankrupt, doesn't matter if it's 60k or 140k, so maxed out my credit (borrowed another 80k ish), Put it on Trump at a variety of odds like a week ago, got 330k back, will jump to 350k if he wins the popular vote (unlikely).

Who knew spending a few weeks lurking pol would pay off finanically haha.

>> No.1607864

mirin ausbro

>> No.1607873


Nice brochacho, glad for you

>> No.1607882

Where's the guy on here who put $5000 on him when he was at 500/1 odds last year? Congrats on your $2.5m buddy!

>> No.1607903

Couldn't bet from norway so I'm salty

>> No.1607905


i want the screencap of the fucking german who put 30000 $ on Hillary at 1.07!

>> No.1607907

Shit. I want this to be real

>> No.1607908

Trumpcoin could moon today bro

>> No.1607912

that happened? good lord!

>> No.1607917

and this is why I don't gamble, kek.

>> No.1607941

thats not called gambling anon, thats called being a fuckin misinformed idiot

>1.07 odds
thats just fuckin dumb

>> No.1607949

I was about to drop 6 BTC on hillary win and I have 13.5... glad I didnt.

>> No.1607952

>average grandpa investment
Enjoy being poor. Time to go all in on Bitcoin or stay rotting as a mediocrefag.

>> No.1607972


creating OC of the bets, check out tomorrow in this bread

>> No.1607987
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nice mate, glad it paid off for you and put you out of your misery

>> No.1607995

How? I researched back before the primaries how to bet on Trump and all I got was that it was illegal unless you live in nevada. I guess I should just be happy Trump won, not bitter I missed an opportunity to steal money from shitlibs.

>> No.1608015
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perfectly legal in britbong-land

>> No.1608035
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Could non-NV resident bet on shit anyway through bet sites??

What are some good and discrete sites for betting on anything??

>> No.1608061
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welp, i finished it way too soon

Thoughts anon?

>> No.1608068


The downside being you have to live in the caliphate of britain.

>Could non-NV resident bet on shit anyway

Not that I could find. I guess there are illegal rings always, but I couldn't find a legal place.

>> No.1608073

Depends on the site. For example ladbrokes in the UK does not allow registration for USA residents, but if you put a fake UK address in and logged in through a UK-based IP they'd probably be none the wiser, unless they decided to look you up (e.g. if you won something big perhaps). I'd imagine this would be similar in other countries with online gambling.

I couldn't recommend anything specific. Most sites have a restricted set of categories of things you can bet on... usually sports, politics, tv, that sort of thing. If you wanted to do something arbitrary you might be able to negotiate something with the business directly.

Don't forget you could always just ask some rich asshole to honour a bet. Good luck with that though.

>> No.1608141
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>> No.1608153

why would it?

>> No.1608161

But Hillary can lose! It's free money no matter how bad the odds!

>> No.1608174

Did any Canadian fags bet? Was it possible? I regret not putting at least 500 on it

>> No.1608288


No you didn't faggot.

ROI on trump was 300%.

6000000 is what you should've made.


>> No.1608296
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+4% due to BTC rise, $332.73.

>> No.1608300

Nice, had $2,500 on Trump, got around 12 grand now.

>> No.1608304

and this is how people get rich

hard working is a scam. it's all about having balls + luck

>> No.1608307

>misinformed idiot
>literally all polls aiming at 99% Hillary win
>julian assagne says Trump will not be allowed to win
Hillary was the safe bet

>> No.1608311

But those odds are so shit, its not worth it.

>> No.1608312

>still betting with cuckerment money
Bet with bitcoin for unlimited money anywhere in the world and anonymously. Get with the program you dumb cucks.

>> No.1608313


Hillary lost it with the FBI reopening her case.

Surprised, really surprised, people didn't see this coming.

What's even more funny is she had the President of the United States campaigning for her and still lost.

>> No.1608314

What site is that? I was considering Onehash
Well the odds where shit on Trump to win too

>> No.1608315
File: 26 KB, 364x195, Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 1.28.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to cash out in Bitcoins, I think I'll try trading cryptocurrencies, when should I cash out lads, I need the money before the end of the year, because I need to max out my Roth IRA, but I'd prefer to cash out when Bitcoin is low. Wat do buds?

Got some money in predict it too.

>> No.1608316



>> No.1608317

I would have placed a bet for Trump if the case was not closed, but the damn case was closed before the elections day. This made me think the whole thing was rigged, which it probably is, but the win was so big that it was impossible to rig.

>> No.1608319

Never have 0 BTC. I would always have 2 figure BTC in my portfolio, so keep at least 10 for long term.

>> No.1608323


I thought Hilliary was going to win too, don't get me wrong. I literally waited till the last 10 mins to place my bet. I was watching the live map that Google had and talking to my /pol/ friend. He wanted Hillary too, but he was like "Dude, if he wins Pen, it's over." That's when I placed my bet.

I was surprised at this, just as much as everyone else.

Another friend of mine tossed a coin and won $2.5k. Dude literally tossed a coin, head/tails that shit. I laughed hard af.

>> No.1608325
File: 16 KB, 948x43, Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 1.33.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually not that surprising if you followed Brexit. The media created the narrative, and it was an illusion.

Do you think Bitcoin will be going down any time soon? When should I cash out?

>> No.1608330


You're correct anon about Brexit.

It's interesting the way the media works.

Grats on your winnings.

>> No.1608336
File: 216 KB, 980x1470, milioti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, what's the best exchange?

Thanks, I'm actually happier about the election than I am about the money. Congrats on getting in last minute.

>> No.1608340


Exchange for what Anon?

>> No.1608349


>> No.1608357

>It's actually not that surprising if you followed Brexit
>You're correct anon about Brexit.

Not really since for brexit all that at least during the day of the vote polls wise everything was withing the margin of error and really was a 50/50 chance on the final day if you actually followed the media, They media hoped remain vote would win but it was actually neck in neck.

Trumps win threw everything out the window since essentially all previous methods of gathering data were invalidate at his win. Trumps win is even more surprising since again even brexit was within the margin of error in the media predictions.

>> No.1608359



>> No.1608360

I'd agree, Brexit was just a foretaste of what lengths the media would go to. They went all out with Trump.


>> No.1608469

Congrats bro

>> No.1608482

I think I want to start a business, selling little vials of Hillary supporter tears online, people could use them as keychains, necklaces! even the Chinese will start making fake copy's.

>> No.1608484


because trump

>> No.1608540

Holy crap people are selling Today's newspapers for 10-15 bucks with trump on front page.

>> No.1608643
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>> No.1608645


Can someone tell me how to read this piece of shit? Is the number in the red square my total payout (including what I invested)? Or is it just my profit?

>> No.1608647

I think its your total

>> No.1608686


That's fucking amazing if true.

>> No.1608694

Bet £1200. Total pay out £6400.

Disappointed I didn't put down more but a win is a win.

>> No.1608699

put $130,000 on trump

440,000 payout

I put down my first house deposit and planned on killing myself if he lost

going to go buy a very nice first house now senpai

>> No.1608703

Is the amount of stress you went through worth it in the end?

>> No.1608705

guys, seriously, don't take risks like this again, if you keep risking everything you'll lose everything eventually

>> No.1608750

I reckon it woulda been. Just imagine the sweet release after seeing he won

>> No.1608773

how can you be sure these sites will pay you?

>> No.1608824


With betfair the money is put in escrow so you can't get stiffed, and if you use a larger site you just make sure they're a big company, besides, bookies base their odds not on polls but where people put their money.

>> No.1609067

it doesn't really matter. really, it's just money. losing 1 grand, 10, 300 or even a million doesn't change that. you had nothing to begin with, nothing to lose, the worst possible thing that can happen is you will end up back there again

>> No.1609077

>of 20,000

>> No.1609081


Took forever for someone to relies that.

>> No.1609151

Land of the free, folks.

>> No.1609225
File: 17 KB, 128x128, 0005c393-f4c0-4cf6-8a88-6e97bb1290531061924084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I'm so surprised to see this many retards on /biz/.
This is basically high risk gambling, why would anyone be proud to make money this way.

>> No.1609235

Pussied out only chucked $700 on, 3.5k return so can't be too upset, though you lot aren't helping.
Sitting at 17k now, what do?

>> No.1609249

Perfectly legal in Australia.

>> No.1609255

because he can afford to lose it, unlike you.. the gamble money means nothing to him

>> No.1609262

not accessible by Canadians, is there an alternative

>> No.1609265


> Buy stock in anticipation of it gaining in value
> Buy a wager in anticipation of it returning value

It's not the same, I know, but it comes pretty fucking close

>> No.1609386
File: 388 KB, 2100x954, madman winnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's the winnings bro, shit feels good. Real fucking good haha. Now I need to lurk biz and find out how to grow the fuck out of this.

>> No.1609583

£1000 down, 5000 return.

There was also some shill who put 18,000$ on Clinton, then tried to cancel and couldn't. Anyone have it?

>> No.1609595

A friend of mine put EUR 5 on Trump a year and a half back when he announced. Won 50,000. I'm kicking myself right now.

>> No.1609602

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.1609607
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>> No.1609613


>> No.1609614

fucking well played mate

>> No.1609615

I'm just sitting here thinking of all the problems that would be solved if I had this idea myself too

>> No.1609619
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yeah this was me. I lose faith in the God Emperor a few months ago and bet it on Biden.

Currently setting up my helium tank as we speak

>> No.1609660


>> No.1609671


Next time anon. There's always next time. I missed brexit, was caught up in the /pol hysteria, thought I should put money on it, didn't. Learn from it. Heck even this time, if I didn't hesitate, and went in when I had the capital when he was at 6.4 - 1, would have cleared an extra 200k :O.

You win or you learn.

>> No.1609677

Just £2k this time. What's next? Frexit? Gexit? Merkel losing? Le Pen win?

>> No.1609682


Italy voting No on their constitional amendment thing in Dec, but the odds aren't crazy (1.57 - 1)

>> No.1610494

Holy shit

>> No.1610611

Poorfag here, I bet all the money I had down to my last $50 on Trump. I will have gained about 4.5k. Which is the most money I've ever had in my bank account.

Feels good man.

>> No.1610623

Where the fuck did you all bet. I wanted in on this. I literally predicted trumps victory the moment he ran. I was willing to put my life savings on it.

>> No.1610629

balls of steel

>> No.1610637
File: 66 KB, 662x634, ElectionBets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know enough math from working my PhD to know there was systemic error in the polling models used that showed Hillary was ahead. I knew that the odds were driven by these polls. I created my own similar model but tweaked the latent variable of a "likely voter". My model gave Trump a 50-50 shot, with most of the uncertainty coming from Florida. The odds at the time were between +300 and +450. I knew I was probably never going to get an EV this good for a very long time. I put in a little over 2 grand and came out with 10k. Would've put more but I'm a poor college student and was gun shy about dipping into my emergency savings.

>> No.1611146

Congrats Jack

>> No.1611160

Keep your hands off my stack

>> No.1611215

Where did you get the data to tweak your model?

>> No.1611246

and if he lost you would not have really killed yourself

>tfw salty didn't bet anything besides 5$ with coworker

>> No.1611289

>this is how people get rich
No, no it isn't, this is how people go broke from gambling.
>hard working is a scam.
No it really isn't.

>> No.1611293

JIDF detected xDDDD

>> No.1611546


Wow congrats man. I was considering betting on him, but in the end I didn't. Wouldn't have dropped as much as you, maybe only a few hundred bucks. But it still would have made the victory that much sweeter.

>> No.1611766


Be careful with that. The IRS is going to shit itself

>> No.1611858

You're my fucking hero

>> No.1611882


You are clueless. That's all I'm gonna say on the topic.

>> No.1611883


Yes you can.