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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 294 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20191030-065252_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16086068 No.16086068 [Reply] [Original]

Why is no one talking about Ethereum 2.0 on this board? Will it go to $1000? I should have around 50 by March 2020. Will that be a comfy stack?

>> No.16086080

>Retarded question
go fuck yourself cryptotard

>> No.16086083


>> No.16086084

It's dead in the water. BitCoin (bsv) can already do everything ethererum 2.0 dream of. Why should devs wait for some distant promise of a pipe dream when they can start building on BitCoin today which actually scales and fulfill all their needs

>> No.16086093

I just want to make a quick buck. Dont really care about bitcoin. Ethereum has a lot of retarded fanboys with deep pockets

>> No.16086110
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How much does Calvin pay to be an sv shill

>> No.16086121

>I just want to make a quick buck
I get that and I have the same mindset. I'm in it for the money, not the tech. Just saying that I think BSV has more upside than any other coin by far

>> No.16086132


>> No.16086135

What don't you understand about go fuck yourself cryptotard. Fuck off with your first level marketing shit and stay in your circle jerks.

>> No.16086144

See this

>> No.16086167

>go back to xy
you are on lost post pajeet, crypto is done, you had 10 years and all you managed are offshore gambling services. No amount of marketing will save this space

>> No.16086168
File: 247 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20191030-073343_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also not a shill. Just curious. Or is everyone too poor to buy any? Or is biz just for placing longs and holds and shilling their shitty coins?

>> No.16086180

>just curious
>provide some market sentiment
here is something for you, fuck off, never come back and take all your first level marketing street shitters with you

>> No.16086181

I live in a tent in the woods. I see you dont remember my thread sometime back about moving into the woods.

>> No.16086195

everybody can run around and take pictures. That story was a s believable as the 9:00 news

>> No.16086201

Whatever you say

>> No.16086212

>Ben Edgington
>Been Edgington
>Been Edging

Is he going to COOOOOOOOOMMMM?

>> No.16086216
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>> No.16086222

he's not a shill, just smarter than you

>> No.16086237

Well, it's obviously gonna have volume and use-case. Hopefully, it won't clog like 1.0 but it'll be difficult to match the speed (and staking ROIs) of ALGO, NEO, XTZ, etc

>> No.16086325

Cause Ethereum 2.0 is nowhere nearby. There will be hundreds of shill threads when Serenity will start to materialize, I promise

Listen here, you '$5/hour Social Media promotion specialist', no one here will ever buy your shitcoin OR change their opinion of faketoshi or pedophayre, why don't you move on to reddit instead?

pls no, chinese scam coin
This one actually matters, please don't put it into same sentence with NEO ever again, thank you

>> No.16086336

Bro, they were supposed to release Casper in 2017.

>> No.16086351

they slow
50 should be good come 2021

>> No.16086360

hey open source and crowd power
who needs to pay for r&d or marketing when you can hire pajeets from the street for 5 cents an hour and profit from the free knowledge of the crowd. That is how business is done sir, those companies relying on it will be around for centuries AND IT IS FOR FREE

>> No.16086433

>This one actually matters, please don't put it into same sentence with NEO ever again, thank you

I mean i agree on msot of you ad but why ALGO matters?

>> No.16086543

1) they put a lot of efforts to hunt developers, basically they were doing 1-2 hackathons per week last month, moving from one Uni to another
2) Silvio Micali looks and sounds like the person who really understand how cryptography and blockchain works, still not so common in the field, look at JS or RV bullshit.
3) I've seen the FUD it's been through, they literally ignored this shit and just continued building/business development. They are very resilient to negative externalities.

Impresses me a lot

>> No.16086618
File: 307 KB, 455x467, algovision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes to show that it's not all gonna be about Ethereum on the building/dev space.
Community is thriving too!

>> No.16086663

Algo makes me splitted opinioned and rearly anything in crypto does...
My wiev:
>literally best of the best in cryptographic field
>everyone in industry who matters recognises them as legit
>really fucking late start and we saw how much network effects matter in space, there is 30 "next eth" paltforms and 99% development is on eth
>shit tokenomics
>vc bags
>vc bags
>vc bags
>vc bags

>> No.16086752

Yeah I guess at this point we are all aware on the VC and shitty token metrics.
But I don't really think it's a big deal in long run. VC dumping is the problem of 99% crypto, look what FBG did to their coins. And they were considered "top investor" at some point, lol.

And token metrics, I feel, will be somehow changed. They already suspended the vesting for relay node, they will probably figure out how to make their coin more appealing to retail, if they feel the need.

Right now they seem to be merely focused on the project itself, not the price. Many pajeets thinks that it's a sign of shit project, but with the state of the market, I think it's actually a sign of quality and devotion: instead of spending hundreds of thousands on MM that can't do shit anyway during "market corrections", they concentrate on things that are adding real value to their project.

>> No.16086798

So... will it be a separate chain or just an upgrade?

>> No.16086801

Protect your investment with the next generation Crowfunding platform Pledgecamp (PLG), with accountability built into the model and the platform being open to everyone there will be no need to lick any VC's ass/ Take back the control

>> No.16086816

Phase 0 is a nothingburger, Phase 2 is still too far off to merit serious discussion at this point.

>> No.16086851

Boomer detected. Go fuck the economy some more.

>> No.16086872

/biz/ is dead. 80% of the threads are discord Pajeets shiliing their pumps and dumps.
/b/ and /pol/ have unironically more quality crypto and finance discussions nowadays.

>> No.16086881

VC dumping is not a widespread problem in crypto, venture capital represents a sizeable but small part of Bitcoin and Ethereum
shitcoins of course are completely fucked. this is why you should never "invest" in a shitcoin. use the product on the 1 in 1000 chance it achieves market fit, but stop believing you'll get rich by buying VC bags
no developer has any interest in VC platforms, save for the few devs paid to join (and even then... once the grant money runs out and there's no more hackathon prizes, they'll look elsewhere)
for hobbyists and idealists, there is no point in picking a VC platform over one with higher degree of decentralization. it's not like we're bound by eth 1.0 infra, using xDai is painless, Loom requires a little more work but still not so hard, basically there's a whole array of solutions for your appetance to decentralization and thoroughput
for commercial devs, building on a VC platform is an unreasonably huge liability compared to picking Ethereum. even Eos and Tron make more sense (to the gullible or high time preference types with an exit strategy in months not years)
protip: nobody is asking you to understand blockchain technology, but you ought to read "0 to 1" by peter thiel. it's a short book, and it evidences every reason VC "platform blockchains" will all inevitably fail. in a nutshell, you can't make people jump ship with a marginally better value proposition (which is what all these VC blockchains sacrificing decentralization for thoroughput end up doing), you need to invent something from nothing (bitcoin was p2p cash => ethereum was world computer)

>> No.16086900

Nobody is talking about it because it is a fantasy at this point. Go watch the recent Vitalik interviews, it's a long way off in his own words. He isn't even sure at this point if they can get all the bugs worked out.

>> No.16086911

>Rollout of upgrades expected next year
>at the latest 2021
A year isn't that long retard

>> No.16086940

VC dumping is super widespread in crypto, please check what was happening with EOS for instance, since you mentioned it.

Algorand is not a VC platform, it has lots of VCs as early investors and they were allegedly dumping, now it stopped, that's all.

>> No.16087080

Eth has failed
> Promised World supercomputer and decentralized banking
> Delivered wallet hack, currycoins and nonfunctional cat game
> smart contracts nowhere in sight
> centralized adJUSTment of token emission. Paper fiat 2.0
> 1000 devs, 800 daily dapp users
> money skelly is a classic INTP, he will talk smart all year long while not delivering a single working product

I can imagine few institutions being desperate for shill campaign in order to sell dump at least at partial loss

>> No.16087088

because it isn't happening until 2021

>> No.16087695

do you know when PC are releasing their beta?

>> No.16087764

You're looking at Q4 2019
Current Demo/MVP demo.pledgecamp.com

>> No.16088116

Is there another platform right now that is big like BTC or ETH was?

>> No.16088154

>Why is no one talking about Ethereum 2.0 on this board?
Oldfags have convinced the newfags its shit (it is)
>Will it go to $1000?
I wonder what $1000 will buy when mETH makes it this high again
>I should have around 50 by March 2020. Will that be a comfy stack?

>> No.16088289

ETH is finished. Ethereum will just be the Chainlink ledger and that’s about it.

>> No.16088312

Because it's over, Charles won.
>The Incentivized Testnet is the beginning of Shelley’s rollout, which will culminate in the release of the codebase to the mainnet early next year

>> No.16088424

Remember when ETH 2.0 comes out, most projects will migrate to ETC to avoid the clusterfuck and remain on something stable.

>> No.16088474

most of us stopped giving a shit bout badger dancing vitshits coin a long time ago and moved to other things.

>> No.16088822

So true I would be less butthurt if you slapped my gfs ass in front of me

>> No.16088856

So in your best case scenario where eth goes to $1000 (which will never happen btw) you only make $50k. Literally the best possible timeline for you and you make less than some people make in half a year fucking LMAO
ETH and BTC maximalists, everyone.

>> No.16089378

ALGO has one of the more simpler platforms to build on. Now being Sharia-Law Certified, a lot of devs are going to switch .

>> No.16089395

your going to loose all your money idiot WAKE UP

>> No.16089400

It went up to 3k one time retard. Also I just need enough money to buy land. I'm not a greedy fuck

>> No.16089458
File: 355 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191030-183217_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your comfy stack nigger

>> No.16089474

Yeah, I doubt 2017 gains are ever happening again, but keep coping.

>> No.16089476

how much does staking give you? i can get 32 eth but whats the point if the return is 2% a year? not trying to wait 50 years...

>> No.16089602
File: 32 KB, 600x600, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason ETH pumped in the first place is because of ICOs, now government killed the concept with regulation there is ZERO usecase driving the demand for ETH.
It has no real world adoption either and the rate of update is slow as shit, always delayed 6 months away.

Right now all serious projects are moving away to their own chain because of that and it will continue.
Ultimately a general purpose chain is useless with PoS (unlike PoW where using the strongest chain is always the best), it's a better strategy to try to fill a niche and answer actual needs in a timely manner instead of trying to do everything and be shit at it.
Once you have a good hold of a service and actual use then you can expand the protocol to do other things.

>> No.16089634

Have people already forgotten about the DAO hack? Ethereum is not a blockchain, it's just a fancy database, Vitalik doesn't care about immutability or censorship