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File: 521 KB, 1337x1728, FC9A435A-74F9-4307-B0CD-590B46603CD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16075027 No.16075027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how cringe is asking an escort out for coffee?
they seem like interesting people with a lot of stories

>> No.16075035


>> No.16075038

lol. do it and report back.

>> No.16075041

just do whatever you want to do. who cares

>> No.16075066

The only right answer for anything
Just do what you feel

>> No.16075085

they love that type of shit but they'd rather you take them out for food. hookers are pushy ass fuck too.

>> No.16075088

Invite her for a coffee enema.

>> No.16075090

Btw this bitch is the israeli minister of law

>> No.16075226

she didn't tell me this wtf

>> No.16075242
File: 3 KB, 549x580, DCC08C48-7549-4607-BC41-7383D801ADE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey!
She should charge extra

>> No.16075269

that is an interesting story for sure.. perhaps OP is on to something?

>> No.16075303

It's not cringe at all, just treat them like normal people and they will be pleased.

>> No.16075316

>sell your body for money
>they're just normal people

Oh come on

>> No.16075367

Everyone sells something

>> No.16075385

Yes anon but a teacher selling her knowledge and a mechanic selling his services are not the same as licking someone's asshole for money

>> No.16075395

Don't know much about escorts but as long as you pay them I don't think they'll give a shit

>> No.16075397
File: 105 KB, 301x301, 1570752200807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she looka lika man

>> No.16075412

How do find clean escorts in Burgerland?

>> No.16075470

Licking someone's asshole for no money is probably worse. Think about it.

>> No.16075480

wtf op stop posting ayelet
she's my mommy waifu

>> No.16075503

You can keep trying mental gymnastics all you want you will never convince society that whores are just normal people and not spiritually and mentally broken creatures who sell their bodies to strangers. In all of history a man would take offense if someone hinted that his mother was a whore think about why for a second.

>> No.16075571

>t.beta orbiting cuck

>> No.16075573

Bring a friend and as you order the coffee and are briefly distracted have them pull the trigger of the merciful gun they've placed right at the base of your skull.

>> No.16075593

Because all women are whores and it hurts to think about your mom taking the d. I’m thinking about giving the d to your mom right now.

>> No.16075613

She’d be alright for a fuck buddy and probably does have great stories but you can’t make a ho a housewife. Gotta know what you want and know your position going in and constantly reevaluate what’s going on between you and her objectively.

Can’t save her, she don’t want to be saved so put away your captain save a ho cape. Watch for the baby eyes and touching displays of vulnerability as she tries to hook you in emotionally before she attempts to extort your bitch ass.

>t dated strippers

>> No.16075622

Thats not the same as your mother being literally employed in a brothel my low iq friend

>> No.16075635

>asking people for their opinion
I agree with this >>16075041

>> No.16075687

Not beta at all, I'm actually married with kids. I never paid for sex and never will. If you guys think escorts are so disgusting and inhumane, why do you even pay to be with them?

>> No.16075737

I took one out to Cracker Barrel once. Saw this hottie in daylight and immediately thought “WTF am I doing?” Took her back to her room and nutted on her face and never took another hoe to lunch again.

>> No.16075770
File: 577 KB, 1036x1036, 44B6EB8C-F694-4C07-986C-09D1D852B43A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have taken multiple high end escorts on dates to nice restaurants before going back to their place or the hotel to fuck

Not sure if cringe or not but, flirting over dinner makes the sex so much better desu.

>> No.16075801

Tell us some stripper stories.

>> No.16075818

>never paid for sex
literally an oxymoron and you are delusional if you think you arent paying for sex

>> No.16075826

Yup. Never paid my wife for sex, never had to buy her anything. She's extremely frugal.

>> No.16075841

One ghosted me for a while when she was getting an abortion (not mine, I was always rubbered up). Her friend dimed her ass out and tried to fuck me (I did).

She texted me years later talking about how I was ‘the one that got away’ (yeah right bet you use that on all the guys)

Another tried the ‘you and him fight’ trick with an ex who was a felon - everybody loses in a fight and pussy isn’t worth it

They make you wise to womens ways though - the mind games and mental fortitude they require are 10/10

>> No.16075857
File: 168 KB, 542x520, 1563196307937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not beta at all, I'm actually married
>40 year old Stacy jumped off the clock carousel when she realized she had lost her looks and I was the one who scooped up her cum soaked, emotionally damaged ass
>Sure she has the thousand cock stare and never gives me blow jobs And I just using me for my money but I'm still better than you haha

>> No.16075941

why are her eyes blue? I thought edomites weren't white?

>> No.16075942

>a desu poster fucking bitches
Ill believe it when I see it

>> No.16075969

jesus christ you’re an absolute cuck

>> No.16075976

not cringy at all. haven't you ever seen "Taxi Driver"?

>> No.16076005

I've had these same thoughts myself OP. I plan on doing this when I make it. Buy an hour of their time and get their life stories. They'd probably too self conscious to open up on their feelings as opposed to their bodies.

>> No.16076008

Stop making assumptions about me, retard, my wife was 22 when we began dating and she had only had one boyfriend before me.

>> No.16076014

1 coffee = 1 link
that's pretty cringe, trading your future for coffee

>> No.16076025
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This tbqh

>> No.16076101
File: 56 KB, 600x480, 1553209428257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and she had only had one boyfriend before me.

I'm sure she told that to every guy

>> No.16076110

Based and redpilled.

>> No.16076151

Keep making assumptions, whatever. I find it hilarious how the average /biz/tard uses this sort of assumption (learned here on 4chan) to judge others. It shows a complete lack of experience with real people and explains why the mood of posts here tends to be depressive/suicidal most of the time.

>> No.16076394
File: 31 KB, 391x470, science shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The powers that be hate this guy!

Do as thou wilt!

Laughing out loud!