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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 500x484, 44DC93E4-4B39-406E-9C9C-02270A34A47F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16070238 No.16070238 [Reply] [Original]

Graduated in May, mech e degree. Can’t find a job, hundreds of resumes sent out. Don’t know what the fuck to do.

Who else /unemployedloser/?

>> No.16070268

23 years old feel like a 80 year old my lower back is constantly sore from manual labor jobs my ankles hurt and my hands are always calloused all this pain and nothing to show for it financially flunked out of college my life has just become working shit posting on 4chan and sleeping i see the world through a bleak lens never had a relationship my sanity is going downhill there's no hope future is bleak

>> No.16070315

if you live near any of their warehouses Amazon will hire you off the internet (just pass a web test to prove that you aren't illiterate and can count), and a drug test and you can be working in a week or so
"peak" retail season is coming up, so they are hiring loads of seasonal workers on top of their usual churn
part time jobs, but $15/hour and you don't have to deal with customers just pack/sort/move boxes
also when you're searching for other jobs you can at least say that you're currently employed

>> No.16070420

I’m sorry to hear that brother, if it makes you feel any better I’m miserable with a degree

Will they make them think less of me in an interview if I do such a job?

>> No.16070443

fuck that

Maybe consider a security guard job. Idk if it will hurt you with finding engineering jobs in the future. It might since employers are assholes. At least with a aecurity job, you get paid to do jackshit. They will hire you if you have a pulse and can pass a drug test. Just dont do jobs where they check recipes. Those suck

>> No.16070449

>less of me in an interview

no because "currently employed" is better than "unemployed", especially since you just graduated this year

>> No.16070499
File: 244 KB, 2048x1365, fake asians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Laid off Aug 22, Doctor took away my adderall around the same time. My life has been a horrible waste of a depressed Lethargic waste ever since. Don't know what to do, but I do know bsv will flip btc.

>> No.16070507

why would bsv flip btc? Keep coping. Btc is going to the moon

>> No.16070516


>> No.16070572

I feel your pain. 27 here but I was about where you we're at 23. Just started to learn my life around at that time. I have plenty of money now but the low back pain still fucking kills me. I've read a few studies linking low back pain and depression. I've noticed that I have under developed glutes from sitting at a computer all the time and my lower back has essentially become my hinge for bending over. I have been working to intentionally change my posture to relive the pain in my back and hopefully cure some of my depression.

>> No.16070574

Literal drought of engineers of all types in Straya. Move over here anon. Engineering is listed as top critical profession in terms of our immigration/ visa policies. You will get in no worries. Get a job in mining industy $120k a year as a shitty graduate.

>> No.16070579
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagies are the real losers.

>> No.16070601
File: 649 KB, 750x975, Wagecage - Detail View.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you score really well, they'll put you among the robots and give you your own cage to keep you safe.

Just don't ask why the lock is on the outside.

>> No.16070607
File: 49 KB, 622x652, IMG_20191014_231029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amazon (especially during peak season) is literal hell and shame on you for even suggesting it (assuming that you're not a paid Amazon shill).

T ex-Amazon employee (now government contractor)

>> No.16070632

>At least with a aecurity job, you get paid to do jackshit.

most security jobs you have to constantly interact with people

>> No.16070636

The "gig economy". This is the american dream in 2019, working for Amazon, seasonally I might add.

>> No.16070645


>> No.16070683

>mech e degree
op, have you set foot in a shop before?
have you spent at least a year deburring parts, cutting stock, operating a mill/milling/turning center, did any types of first articles on any parts, understand gd&t, inspection, drafting, spec chasing, etc
or did you spend 4 years looking at books and not get any actual experience?

>> No.16070696

Does anyone have the picture of the dude kneeling on the floor with head in his hands in a dark room with 4chan on a monitor in the background?

>> No.16070703
File: 802 KB, 1728x2592, IV005_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this shit with BCH, this isn't some cartoon fantasy literally a better fork has just as much credibility as btc since the segwit.

>> No.16070923

I only learned about machining operations from a textbook

>> No.16070998


>> No.16071002

Lol you dont know shit. Ive been doing security for half a year. I dont talk to anyone

>> No.16071006

Based and coompilled

>> No.16071010

good luck!

>> No.16071023
File: 980 KB, 1103x590, 1572199552309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are the people that make the "OOOO WAGIES!" threads
Although, I was one of you for quite a while at one point so whatever

>> No.16071028

>Amazon would advertise employment on 4chan

>> No.16071071

Way, can I have backpain for sitting too much? really?

>> No.16071145

then go apply at a machine shop and start on the floor at the very bottom
like real engineers have done

>> No.16071167

Anyone know how to find a remote job?

>> No.16071169


>> No.16071235

supposedly with a tesol cert you can teach from home to chinese students.

>> No.16071248

All of my classmates had jobs lined up for them and they’ve never set foot in a machine shop

>> No.16071434

>multiple debilitating health problems
>live in bum fuck rural middle of nowhere
>shitty internet
>no jobs near me but health problems make it hard to stay hired anyway
>can't get better health wise because I can't get insurance because I can't get a job because I can't get healthy again because I can't get insurance because I can't get a job
>>no friends, family is a bunch of greedy, selfish self, absorbed self centered normies
>can't get disability
>socially stunted form a lifetime of isolation
>shitty past
>just waiting for something to happen since not really any other options

>> No.16071448

you fell for the engineering meme. that shit is only for pajeets needing visa