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16068900 No.16068900 [Reply] [Original]

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.16068913

Read Aldous Huxley dubsanon

>> No.16068916

This 3-D reality we reside in right now? Literally the school of hard knocks till you learn to git gud and level up.

>> No.16068985
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level up for what?
learn what?

>> No.16069015
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>> No.16069017

Once you start doing psychedelics you think you’ve figured it out
Only later u realize jut how fucked up everything is
How life is literally just suffering in the grand scheme of things
Fuck this reality

>> No.16069033
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it really is

>genetically engineered humans through chemicals (fluoride, glyphosate, vaccines)

>open pedophilia

>drugs "soma" to numb the pain, alcohol, opiods, pharmas

>ostractization of people who uphold trad values, such as no drugs/alcohol, monogamy.

>> No.16069050

im not falling for the whole psychedelics meme. leftists love them too much, so therefore i hate it. leftys tend to be mischievous and always want to harm you.

>> No.16069059

U should at least do it once in ur life
It makes you see things for what they really are
Makes you see humans for what they really are
And it’s not pretty at all anon

>> No.16069063

Unironically it's what you make of it

>> No.16069080
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i dont need drugs to learn any of that.
my mind has been under enough trauma and mind control to learn all that without drugs

>> No.16069084


>> No.16069131

To become a Demi god/co-create and help keep the whole show running/ add special features.

>> No.16069141

anon humans have been doing psychedelics for thousands of years, our ancestors did them, don't let leftists take what is 100% your birthright

>> No.16069153

I'll tell you
infinity exists in nature
reality is infinite
reality is everything that can ever be with no beginning and no end
you never die because given enough time your real self ends up built again by the fabric of reality in an infinite amount of time, sometimes with memories, sometimes without, and the nature of reality makes the concept of uniqueness at a given instant possible, sadly there's an infinite amount of chance that you exist in an infinite amount of other states at the same time, with an infinite amount of those are states that you can never imagine due to lack of required senses
you don't need drugs to realize this, but it helps those who aren't born with the right mind and it blows their mind because they didn't expected the concept truly, no realization
meaning of life for another time

>> No.16069202
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all the ancients said, all the religions said this, doesn't make it true. all these platonic ideas just make people miserable and keep people from the pursuing the only things that make us happy.

the normies had it right all along, money, sex, relationships, health, are the only things that make you happy in the end.

>> No.16069225
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Anon gets it.

>> No.16069272

Where may I purchase the product depicted in your logo? I like electrolytes

>> No.16069286

Are you a plant?

>> No.16069301
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all of life is sex
you are an ego trying to exert yourself on your surroundings in order to propagate
what higher reason there is beyond this nobody knows

>> No.16069375

People who say shit like this will never know what the fuck psychedelic anons are really on about. The experience is not something that can be imagined. It is unironically the stuff of magic, and that’s a rare fucking thing.

>> No.16069439
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sex is the meaning of life i knew it

>> No.16069460

Do plants also like electrolytes?

>> No.16069465
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it's basically just visualizing things in your head, except at 4k resolution. like when i close my eyes i can visualize things, just not in HD.

it's weird, i had a dream about this room (pic related), as a kid, but found out only recently, it's some dmt dimension.

>> No.16069540
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You all really need to stop pushing this Gnostic bullshit though. It fucks people up. I had this shit taught to me as a kid by parents and peers. It's not good teaching a child false ideas about reality. I was obsessed with this stuff as a kid, and as a result I missed out on a lot of things in my youth. I missed out on sex and relationships. I could have been making money. (this one, although I got a late start, I was able to self correct later, through smarts, and luck) I didn't take care of my health (because who the fuck cares about that, if everything is an illusion, right?) Long story short, I'm still trying to fix my life now. But all you are doing is fucking up more youth's lives, by teaching them lies, when instead they could be bettering themselves. I won't stand for that.

>> No.16069624

this is the only thing that needs to be taught to children.

there's more to existence than meets the eye but it doesn't fucking matter

>> No.16069801

Goober I have more money and have had more sex and did more drugs than 99% of /biz/ trust me it will not make you happy if you haven’t first improved yourself and have a mission. Unironically meditating, unplugging from society and spirituality have made me far happier than any of the material things I’ve ever had besides maybe being in love but that ended in flames and still has left me scarred.
This is an 18 and up board, there shouldn’t be kids here. Sorry you missed out on socializing anon but that’s your own fault for not finding a balance in things and yes your parents probably should have eased you into things so you didn’t get carried away. You have free will you chose not to create relationships or earn money. You can literally do all of those things while still having a spiritual practice. Go to reddit if you don’t want to be exposed to things outside the box this is a place for free thinking.

>> No.16069829

Want to swallow the biggest redpill and understand everything from a grounded perspective? Read the Wes Penre papers

>> No.16069879


You don't need drugs to do any of that. Shut the fuck up and listen to people without interjecting your own thoughts verbally or mentally, then the it all becomes clear.

>> No.16069895
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I never tried them, but I think I will be soon and view myself as a very traditional person. Then again most people have their lives sorted out and I'm looking at it from a self improvement perspective, not a druggie looking for casual or recreational use. I just want discipline and hear DMT can help an individual reach deep into his subconscious

>> No.16069905
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who here beta tester?

>> No.16069921

Ok Freud

>> No.16070008

what? no. its so much more than a visually interesting experience.

>> No.16070406

its holographic, like your pokemon cards

>> No.16070433

Okay well none of that is Gnosticism based retard

>> No.16070455

k bro. Just did a quick google search and he sounds like a fucking retard

>> No.16071289

In your own bosom you bear your heaven and earth, And all you behold, though it appears without, It is within, in your imagination, Of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.

>> No.16071310

sadist reality. god is a bitch

>> No.16071327

prime numbers

>> No.16071333

Coom harder.